
I'll show you a Villain

Daniel Slade is what you would call a successful serial killer. He lived until 90 having murdered hundreds and never being caught for it. When he died peacefully in his sleep next to his wife, Daniel expected to wake up burning in hell, but instead, he woke up reincarnated as a rich South Korean chaebol. This wasn't just any ordinary reincarnation, the world he had been reborn into was the world from a novel that one of his victims had written, and the Chaebol he had reincarnated as was a third-rate Villain used to encourage the hero of this story. Finding this new world, Daniel smiles to himself and thinks, "Let's show them a true Villain"

M_Lexi2 · Urbain
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56 Chs

Bonding (2)

Kang Seung sneered at Joon-ki as he proceeded to pick me up and walk past him.

I thought he was going to leave without another word, but after climbing into the car, Seung glanced back, "It just so happens that the Kang family fundraiser event starts at six today. Although, I'm sure you already knew that since my secretary sends you an invite every year. Since you've returned you should show your face and try to rebuild your reputation."

Joon-ki's complex expression turned calculative and smug, he gave an understanding smirk and bowed towards the car, "I'll be there and I will greet the family and our guests with you, I won't let you down, Dad." He made a small heart sign with his fingers.

In response, Seung simply squinted at him, rolled up his window and signalled the driver, and we drove off leaving Joon-ki standing at an empty bay.

In the car, Kang Seung turned to me with a knowing look; "You're a once in a lifetime genius with an eidetic memory and you don't recognise your own Father?"

The corner of my lip curled up and I laughed cutely, "You caught me."

Seung cackled loudly and patted me fondly on the head, "Exactly, treat him that way. If he can pick and choose when to act like a Father, you can pick and choose when to act as his son."

His palm rested on my shoulder and he gave a weary sigh, "You probably think I'm too soft on Joon-ki...and you're right...t's a bad habit. I spoiled him a lot as a child and I really failed when it came to raising him. I wish he had even half the brain that you do. "

He gazed out the window with a distant expression, "You've never met your Uncle before, but he was my first son and the previous heir. He was a brilliant child, everyone loved him. He wanted to pursue medicine instead of business, and outwardly that looked great to the press, so I didn't stop him from studying. I assumed after some years of being a Doctor he would go back to his place by my side as the next family Head...But then he went on to marry the daughter of the Song Medical group, which normally I would welcome, but he married into her family and threw away his surname and the Kang family along with it.

On his wedding day, he shamed me in front of everyone there, saying he didn't want anything to do with KangMung and called me a 'pitiable, ugly and evil little man'. He cursed me saying that my sins would catch up to me. I realised then that I had misjudged him, he didn't have the ruthlessness or tenacity to lead the family. I disowned him that day."

I nodded at Seung's words, pretending I didn't already know bits of this story already.

"At that point, Joon-ki was the only eligible heir but I had pampered him because I pinned all my hoped on his brother, and as a result he grew up foolishly. However Joon-ki had ambition; unlike his brother he had the balls to try to be the heir. I thought it wouldn't be too hard to shape him into the perfect family head. At least that's what I thought until he ran away just because of Yong Myeong's accident. Proving to the whole family that he was pathetic trash. Now you're my only hope. If you weren't around those vultures would have snapped up all the power I'd spent decades building and forced me into early retirement, leaving our Nam faction in the dust. You have not only cemented yourself as heir you have elevated our reputation and prestige to new heights at only the age of eight. "

"You're a good boy. Grandpa is depending on you." he looked at me with a tender and expectant gaze.

It made a complex sensation well up inside my gut. I didn't know how I felt about all this responsibility. I had fond feelings towards Kang Seung, Perhaps because I had never had a real parental figure in my previous life. I liked Seung, he was like a pet I could keep around but all his expectations were burdensome.

I disliked it for two reasons. Firstly, I felt like a puppet, I was doing what I wanted to do, but by abiding by Kang Seung's whims I had become a dog on a leash. I didn't like living by someone else's rules and it made me want to get rid of him, but I knew that would bring about all kinds of problems that I didn't need.

Secondly, just as I had feared, due to my position as heir and Seung's expectations, I was being heavily monitored by everyone. The press, competitors, family.. Everyone was watching me. It made enjoying my hobbies so much harder. At some point, I had become a lion in a zoo; a predator in a cage made into simple entertainment.

I needed to take the heat off of me. I needed to break out of the cage and... I had a few ideas on how I could do this...


Arriving back at the estate was an interesting event.

Despite being so early that the sun had yet to rise, there were crowds of servants surrounding the gates and even family members, including Madame Kang, awaiting us at the entrance.

Our car rolled in, ushered by deafening cheers.

"Welcome back Young Master!"

"We're glad you had a safe trip, Young Master!"

"We love you, Young Master, you have to tell us all about the Princess!"

"Welcome back!"

I could see signs that read 'We love you Kang Ho!" and "Thank you for coming back safely". This greeting was far more impressive than the one we had gotten at the airport. It felt good to see the results of my hard work, despite my absence, the affection that members of the Kang Estate held for me was stronger than ever.

The moment I climbed out of the car I was whisked into the embrace of Madame Kang, she held me in her arms as she spun around, "I missed you little one, the trip this time was too long."

I laughed and said in my sweetest voice, "I missed you too Grandma!"

After Yong Myeong's accident, I had become the 'golden child' of the Kang family and the only possible heir for the Nam faction. Quickly this caused Madame Kang's attitude towards me to change immensely. I was now her 'sweet cherub', and she openly showered me with affection and treated me preciously. She was desperate to stay in my good graces and probably thought I didn't remember her previous hatred.

One day, later in her life, Madame Kang would experience the consequences of her previous rudeness, but that was further into the future, at this moment I enjoyed her pandering towards me.

"Look at you, you've gotten more handsome. You have to tell me all the details of your latest trip and how you met the princess" she cooed.

"A-Yeong" Seung called to Madame Kang as he climbed out of the car, "We've had a long flight and it's early, let's have the servants put Kang Ho to bed. He'll need the rest and energy for the fundraising event this evening."

"Of course" Madame Kang smiled sheepishly and put me down, "My sweet cherub" she pinched me softly on the cheek, "we will catch up later, your Grandpa is right, you should go and get some sleep."

I gave her a beaming smile, "Okay hal-meo-ni[1]"

This caused an expected amount of 'aww so cute' to come from the onlookers.

Immediately Min Ho was beside me, "I will escort the Young Master to his room" he said plainly before picking me up and walking swiftly away. As we left several servants waved, 'sleep well Young Master!'.

I greeted them back, making sure to say each of their names, "Good night Mae-Ri, sleep well Chae Ryong...." as I said this, I heard the servants squeal louder, "I can't believe he remembers me after so long!"

"Of course he remembers all of us, he's a genius and a kind young master."

Hearing these compliments made me smile at them charmingly. I continued to wave my good byes as Min Ho turned a corner, and that's when I noticed movement at a few windows belonging to the Guest buildings. My eyes met with one of the silent onlookers at the window, and I gave them a warm smile while they sneered at me.

[1] hal-meo-ni means Grandma/Granny in Korean

Hi, all sorry for being gone. I've finally got back to writing now. Happy New Year.

M_Lexi2creators' thoughts