
Chapter 47 – YAMmy Cups (Finale part 1)


"Congratulations professor! We made it!", Danny is very happy after we finally defended our dissertation. "We need to celebrate. Where should we go? After everything we had been through, we have to celebrate this accomplishment!"

"Congratulations to us! Yeah let's do that! What do you have in mind?" I, myself, is still in shock that finally we finish this.

"Well, I don't have a plan yet but I am sure we will think of something. All of them have plans for sure but most of them will probably celebrate with their families. Video call for sure. We're here in Singapore for a while now and finally tomorrow, we are coming home.", says Danny.

"How long has it been again, Dan?", I ask.

"Almost four years. We spent four years of our lives here in Singapore for this doctorate program.", Danny narrates as he reminisces our hardships in finishing our studies. I laugh at his statement because I share his sentiments.