
I'll love you tomorrow so sweet dreams for now.

Can you lose your emotions? Because I’ve lost mine. When I was a child, I dreamt about my parents' death. I didn't know anything about dreams or anything else for that matter. I was just a kid who wanted to play outside. My Aunt became my guardian after that. She told me not to share my dreams with others, and without questioning, I obediently followed her command. As a child, all I wanted was to play with kids my own age, so I would sneak out whenever I could. I played outside with my friends—running, laughing, crying, and sometimes even fighting. But in the end, we were always happy to go home, and we remained friends. As a child, I didn't think about anything complicated. I simply thought about school, eating, playing, and sleeping—a normal child's life. But then, one day, everything changed because of a single dream—a dream that I can't forget. -Flashback- Astra's POV "HAHAHA" "What are you, a kid?" "Why won't you believe me? Guys, I'm telling the truth. I saw in my dream that you would lose your father," I said, trying to convince them. We were in a park near Lucy's home. I shared what I had seen, but they all just laughed at me. "No! You're lying," Lucy said. Cassandra stood in front of me, her face serious. "Just stop, Astra. Don't lie. No one will believe you," Cass commented. "You're just trying to scare us," she added. "But-" "Enough! You're crazy," Luke said, looking disgusted. "We don't want to talk to you anymore. Weirdo. Let's go, guys. I have new toys we can play with," Max said. Lucy and the others left me all alone. I dreamt about Lucy's father's death. In my dream, I could see a masked man shooting him. I was terrified when I had that dream. It felt so real that it still scares me when I think about it. Afterwards, I shared my dream with them, hoping they would believe me, but I made a mistake. None of them believed me. "Why?" I cried my heart out. I felt like a monster that everyone feared. -End of Flashback- Haunted by the memory of that fateful dream, it's as if my heart has become corrupted, like a damaged file. All the emotions within me have disappeared. I forced myself to forget my past because I didn't want to feel the pain. As I delve deeper into the search for truth, I encounter someone who has the potential to rekindle my buried emotions. Can someone who's lost their emotions feel love again? Am I allowed to feel this, even if I'm not like others? But even as I search for answers, death is chasing me. Can I find the truth before death catches up to me? Reminder: This story alternates between first-person and third-person perspectives. Smooth transitions between these viewpoints are essential to maintain coherence and reader engagement.

GrasyangManunulat · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Chapter 17: The Truth

Third Person's POV

Avoiding Morph's gaze, Astra gathered her courage to reveal her troubling thoughts. "Well, I... I think... I think I might be one of the superhumans," she confessed quietly.

As the words left her lips, a sense of relief washed over Astra. She hoped that Morph would understand and offer her support. However, moments passed in silence, and Astra's anxiety mounted when Morph didn't respond. Slowly, she turned her head to gauge Morph's reaction, only to be met with a look of unease that sent a shiver down her spine.

"No! You can't be one of them!" Morph exclaimed, her voice firm and resolute. 

Astra was taken aback by her aunt's vehement denial. The unexpected reaction left her feeling disheartened and saddened.

"B-but why?" Astra stammered, her confusion evident. "If I am truly one of them, I could help others. I could find the truth and assist you with your project. Besides, I'm only considering the possibility; I'm not certain."

Morph remained steadfast. "I refuse to entertain this idea. You're too young, and you don't fully understand what you're suggesting," she asserted, her tone softer but no less firm. "This conversation is over," she declared before walking away, leaving Astra alone with her tumultuous thoughts.

As Astra sat alone, the weight of Morph's rejection bore down on her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had somehow disappointed her aunt. Maybe she had been too impulsive in sharing her suspicions, too eager to uncover the truth without considering Morph's feelings.

With a heavy heart, Astra decided to give Morph some time to cool off before attempting to apologize. She made her way to her aunt's room, rehearsing the words of remorse in her mind. However, as she approached the door, a flicker of light caught her eye from beneath the crack. Curiosity piqued, Astra pushed the door open slightly, peering inside.

To her surprise, the room was empty, but the soft glow emanated from Morph's desk where the binder lay open. Astra's heart quickened with anticipation as she approached, intending to read the content only. Yet, as her fingers brushed against the pages, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her, accompanied by a sharp pain in her temples. It was the same sensation she had felt earlier when she stumbled upon the old notebook in her room. 

Caught off guard by sudden dizziness, Astra made a life-changing choice. Holding the binder close, she embraced uncertainty, driven by a thirst for truth. With one last look around, she slipped away, leaving her aunt's room behind to find hidden answers.

Driven by curiosity about her past, Astra took the binder Morph had left behind. "I need to know where I come from," she whispered to herself, driven by a longing to uncover her true identity.

Astra returned to the dining table and took a sip of water. As the headache gradually faded, she resolved to tidy up the table. While cleaning, thoughts of Morph crossed her mind, prompting Astra to leave some food for her aunt as a gesture of care, despite her own inner turmoil. 

Determined to focus on the binder, she went to her room and was ready to search for answers.


Back in her room, she placed the binder in front of her. Sitting heavily on her bed, Astra couldn't shake off the memory of Aunt Morph's strange reaction, her thoughts consumed by a myriad of unanswered questions. She reached for the binder and began skimming through its pages, coming across a section labeled 'False Awakening'. The words sent a chill down her spine, as she struggled to comprehend how she could have experienced such a rare phenomenon.

Lost in thought, Astra began to speculate about the possibilities of her newfound knowledge. Could she possess the ability to control others' dreams, as she had seen on her own? The idea seemed both intriguing and daunting, stirring a mix of excitement and apprehension within her. However, her musings soon gave way to boredom, and she found herself growing restless.

The pain of boredom sets in as Astra gazes up at the ceiling, prompting a headache to emerge. Her eyes wander around the room, and she decides to place the binder on her bedside table before sleep takes over. As she moves to do so, she notices a notebook resting there, catching her attention.

At first, Astra doesn't recognize the notebook, prompting her to approach it for a closer look. To her surprise, she accidentally drops the notebook to the floor. As she gazes down at it, she covers her mouth in astonishment. The sight before her shocks her—it's the same notebook she had seen in her dreams, placed in the exact spot she had imagined. Questions swirl in her mind as she ponders the significance of this discovery.

Feeling scared, Astra stays cool and picks up the stuff. The old book is kinda worn but readable. She puts the binder away and checks out the notebook. No words on the cover, but when she opens it, she's puzzled. "Is this mine?" she wonders. The first page has a drawing of a girl with two people, like a kid's family picture. "Why's my name here?" she asks herself, flipping through the pages. Turns out, it's her own notebook where she writes about her dreams and stuff when she was young.

"It only confirms that I am not normal," Astra whispered to herself as she found lots of information in the notebook. The weight of her newfound identity settling upon her shoulders.

As Astra delved deeper into the notebook, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease creeping over her. Lost in her thoughts, Astra was startled by a knock at her bedroom door. She hastily tucked the notebook and binder under her pillow, her heart racing as Aunt Morph entered the room without her answering.

"Astra, are you alright, dear?" Aunt Morph's voice was tinged with concern as she noticed how surprised Astra was when she approached the bed.

Astra forced a smile, trying to hide her inner turmoil. "I'm okay, Aunt Morph," she replied, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "I'm sorry for not thinking about the outcomes of my own actions."

"It's alright. I'm sorry too for raising my voice earlier," Morph responded, her tone softening. "I noticed the food you left for me on the table. Thank you, my dear."

As Morph embraced Astra, she returned the hug, but Morph could tell something was still bothering her. After they parted, Morph's eyes softened as she studied Astra's troubled expression. "You seem troubled, dear. Is there still something on your mind?" she asked gently.

Astra hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the tumult of emotions swirling within her. "I... I found something," she began tentatively, her words faltering.

Aunt Morph's brow furrowed in concern. "What did you find, Astra?"

Taking a deep breath, Astra retrieved the notebook from beneath her pillow, her hands trembling slightly. "This," she murmured, handing it to Aunt Morph.

Aunt Morph's eyes widened in recognition as she flipped through the pages, her expression shifting from surprise to understanding. "This is your dream journal from when you were eight. Where did you find this?," she remarked softly, her voice tinged with sadness.

Morph's heart sank as memories flooded back, recalling the difficult time when Astra received her diagnosis of Dissociative Disorder. Witnessing Astra's emotional outburst and tears, Morph couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. Astra's frustration was palpable as she grappled with the realization that her mind was compelled to forget in order to shield itself from pain.

Exhausted from her emotional confusion before, Astra eventually calmed down and began to contemplate a solution. Recognizing the importance of preserving her memories, especially those cherished moments with her parents, she decided to document them in writing. The fear of losing herself to the void of forgotten memories haunted her, driving her to take action.

Astra nodded solemnly, her voice barely audible as she confessed to Morph, indicating the unsettled boxes nearby where she found the means to record her memories.Moved by Astra's vulnerability, Morph's gaze softened with empathy, her heart aching for her niece's turmoil. Taking Astra's hand gently in hers, Morph knew it was time for a crucial conversation. 

"Astra, we need to talk," she began gently. "There are things about your past, about who you are, that you need to understand."

Astra's eyes widened in anticipation as she noticed the shift in her aunt's expression, her heart quickening its pace within her chest. "Tell me," she whispered, her voice tinged with longing.

After the heated argument the night before, Astra had assumed certain truths would remain buried, but Aunt Morph's solemn demeanor hinted otherwise.

And so, enveloped by the comforting embrace of her bedroom, Astra hung onto every word as Aunt Morph began to unravel the mysteries of her past. With each revelation, the veil shrouding her dreams lifted, revealing the essence of her identity as an Alviva. As Astra absorbed the revelations, her world expanded, her understanding deepened, and a newfound purpose stirred within her soul.

~ To be Continued ~

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