
I'd travel back in time without knowing to met my elf wife by incident

The Transmigration Portal With their hearts intertwined and their souls aligned, Ethan and Lerith embarked on a new chapter of their journey. They sought a way to transcend the boundaries of time and explore the realms of past lives together. Their quest led them to an ancient legend—a tale of a mystical portal known as the Transmigration Portal. Legends spoke of a hidden temple nestled deep within the heart of a lush, verdant forest. It was said that the temple housed the Transmigration Portal, a gateway that allowed souls to traverse through time and inhabit different bodies in various worlds. Filled with hope and anticipation, Ethan and Lerith set out to find this sacred place. Their search led them through treacherous terrains and uncharted territories. They braved dense jungles, climbed towering mountains, and crossed treacherous rivers. Their determination fueled their journey, and their love for each other served as their guiding light. Finally, after weeks of tireless exploration, they stumbled upon the hidden temple, its ornate façade revealing centuries of untold stories. As they stepped inside, a sense of reverence washed over them. The air was thick with ancient energy, and the faint whispers of forgotten souls echoed through the corridors. At the heart of the temple, they discovered the Transmigration Portal—a shimmering, ethereal gateway that pulsed with an otherworldly light. Its power was both awe-inspiring and humbling. Ethan and Lerith knew that crossing through it would take them on a wondrous journey through different worlds and lifetimes. With unwavering trust in each other and the adventure that lay ahead, Ethan and Lerith stepped into the portal, their hands tightly clasped. Instantly, they were transported to a new realm—a world reminiscent of medieval times, filled with castles, knights, and mystical creatures. They embraced their new identities, immersing themselves in the wonders and challenges of this medieval realm and lastly the egyptian realm that's what called other world.

writerfirstborn · Histoire
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3 Chs

vol.1 Chapter 3: A Miracle in Egypt

In the mystical land of ancient Egypt, Ethan and Lerith found themselves captivated by the grandeur of the pyramids, the beauty of the Nile, and the secret stories whispered by the sands. As they continued their journey, a deep desire grew within them—an unspoken longing to create a life that would be a testament to their love and the timeless bond they shared.

One fateful day, as they explored the bustling city of Thebes, they encountered a wise Egyptian woman named Amara. She was a priestess of the goddess Hathor, renowned for her wisdom and connection to the divine. Sensing the couple's yearning, Amara approached them with a knowing smile.

Amara revealed that she possessed ancient knowledge and sacred rituals that could help fulfill their deepest desires. She spoke of a sacred ceremony that, when performed in the ancient castle of Thebes, would bless them with the miracle of life. Ethan and Lerith's hearts leapt with joy at the possibility, and they agreed without hesitation.

Guided by Amara, they ventured to the ancient castle, a majestic structure that stood as a testament to the glory of Egypt's past. The castle exuded an air of enchantment, its walls adorned with hieroglyphs and paintings that depicted stories of gods, pharaohs, and the cycle of life itself.

Inside the castle, Amara led them to a chamber filled with soft candlelight and the fragrance of exotic incense. The atmosphere was charged with an energy that spoke of ancient rituals and the sacredness of creation. Ethan and Lerith felt a sense of reverence and anticipation as they prepared for the ceremony.

Amara began the ceremony by invoking the blessings of the goddess Hathor, protector of love, fertility, and motherhood. She led Ethan and Lerith through ancient chants and rituals, their voices blending in perfect harmony with the ethereal melodies that filled the chamber. Their souls intertwined, their intentions clear—they were ready to welcome a new life into the world.

With each step of the ceremony, the couple felt a profound connection to the ancient wisdom of Egypt and the power that coursed through their beings. They surrendered themselves to the sacred energy, their love serving as the foundation upon which their dreams would manifest.

As the ceremony reached its culmination, Amara placed a golden amulet around Lerith's neck—a symbol of the goddess's protection and blessing. She whispered words of encouragement and hope, assuring them that their journey towards parenthood would be guided by divine forces.

Weeks turned into months, and Lerith's belly grew round with the miracle of life. Ethan and Lerith reveled in the joy of preparing for their child's arrival. They adorned the nursery with symbols of Egypt's rich heritage and filled it with love and anticipation.

The day of their child's birth arrived, and the castle was filled with an air of celebration. Amara, the wise priestess, stood by their side, offering her support and guidance. Ethan held Lerith's hand, their love serving as an anchor in the midst of the miracle unfolding before them.

With each precious breath, the cries of their newborn child filled the room. It was a moment of pure bliss—a testament to their love and the power of their journey. Ethan and Lerith gazed upon their baby, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude. Their child, a symbol of their eternal bond and the wonders of ancient Egypt, would forever be a cherished reminder of their extraordinary journey.

In the days that followed, Ethan and Lerith reveled in the joys and challenges of parenthood. They marveled at the unique spirit that their child possessed, a blending of their own essences and the ancient wisdom that flowed through their veins.

Together, as a family, they continued their exploration of ancient Egypt, this time with their child in tow. They shared stories and legends, instilling a deep sense of connection to their roots and the rich tapestry of history. And in the years that followed, they nurtured their child's curiosity and encouraged their own sense of adventure, knowing that their family's bond would forever be intertwined with the wonders of Egypt.