
I know you

Olivia pov

"What was that ".I thought to myself.my colleague rushed to me as soon as he left.

"Do you know who was that ?".she asked with a fearful voice.

"I know who he is".I replied back 

"Then what is he doing here,are you in any kind of trouble?".she asked with concerned.

I hissed and took a order from a customer .

"You can talk to me ".she pleeeded

"Don't worry ,I'm fine".I told her .

She gave me a doubtful look before walking away .I picked up my phone and called derick.the phone kept on ringing but there was no response.

I hissed and dropped my phone .since Derick father left I wasn't able to concentrate at work .I felt distracted and only wish for the day to end .

I closed from work and saw Derick standing outside the confee shop .I angrily walk up to him.

"Your dad was here ".I spoke in anger ,not minding who I was talking to .he hissed and walk closer to me 

"I'm sorry ",.the words was calm and sincere

"You told him about me ".I asked

"It was unintentionally,he just noticed it ".he replied back .I stare at him before walking away .

"Let me take you home " he requested

"No ,I can walk ".I told him and kept on Walking.he left his car and followed me .the walk from the coffee shop to my house wasn't a long one .

"Did he say anything to you " .that was Derick voice. 

"Nothing I should be scared of ".I replied back .

"He won't hurt you ,I promise"

"I don't care, my life is already in danger ".I replied back .he gave me a sad look before looking away .

The walk to my place was quiet till I got home .when we got to my apartment I was about to go in when Derick held me back .

"You won't be working tomorrow right?"he asked 


"Can we go out".he asked .I look at him and noticed he was literally begging me .


He smilled at me before walking away .I hissed a sign of relief before going in.when I got in ,the house was empty because aunt was on a night shift .

I skip dinner and went straight to my room .I took my bath and changed my cloths.i was about to sleep off when my phone started ringing . I checked the caller and noticed it was a strange number.i pick up the call 

"Hello?" .

"Hello little bird".came the voice 

Imediately I knew it was Rona 

"Rona".I asked 

"Yes baby ".he replied .

"Why are you calling me ".I asked with an annoyed voice .

"Aren't you missing me already".he asked in a teasing voice .

"I can never miss you".I replied back.

He chuckled over the phone before replying me. 

"I miss you little bird".

"I'm not your little bird".I replied back .

He hissed playfully before replying back.

"How are you ?".he asked 

"I'm fine now that you are not here ".I told him with a serious voice .he was silent for a moment before speaking up.

"Do you hate me this much ".he asked with a serious voice .

"Yes".I spoke those words without realizing it.

He hissed over the phone and was quiet for sometime.i became uncomfortable with the silence and decided to speak up 

"How was your flight".I asked in a calm voice .

"I thought you  wouldn't ask".he replied back .I rolled my eyes at him over the phone 

"Stop rolling your eyes ".he spoke up 

"How did you know I was doing that".I asked him

He chuckled over the phone before replying me

"Because I know you so well little bird".