
Dark Clouds

Yuga and Shadowsong could both see that Emperor Vante was very angry. Then, Groudon opened its mouth, and a Solar Beam shot towards the Arus army.

Seeing the massive beam of light approaching, the entire Arus army began to stir.

But they soon saw that Gardevoir and Gallade, who were next to Emperor Rode, used Teleport to appear right in front of the army.

Together, they erected a huge Light Screen that blocked the golden beam of light.

The golden beam of light collided with the Light Screen, creating a brilliant display of fiery light that almost painted half the sky in gold.

The temperature in the air rose several notches, and of course, Groudon's ability, Drought, contributed to this.

Groudon's Solar Beam was long-lasting, and just when the Light Screen was about to crack, Solrock, took action.

It flew above Gardevoir and Gallade, its body emitting a blue glow. The swaying barrier instantly stabilized.

Before long, Groudon's Solar Beam slowly dissipated, and the Light Screen turned into energy points that disappeared into the air.

Although they successfully blocked Groudon's first wave of attacks, Emperor Rode's expression became even more serious.

Blocking the first wave of attacks was already a challenge. When the second and third waves of attacks arrived, it would be even more terrifying.

Knowing that they were no match for Groudon, Emperor Rode unexpectedly launched a counterattack.

Suddenly, from his army, thousands of Flygon took flight.

The Flygon formed a densely packed and orderly formation, their emerald bodies nearly covering half the sky. They then tilted their heads upward and released red dots of light into the sky.

As the dots of light ascended, the sky rumbled with thunderous noises, and countless meteorites with fiery tails descended from the heavens, heading straight for Groudon.

Yuga had never witnessed such a breathtaking scene. Only Emperor Rode, with the Guardian Orb, could muster a force like this, with thousands of Flygon who capable using Draco Meteor creating a meteor shower.

It took a full twenty years to cultivate and organize these Flygon formations.

Emperor Vante was also astonished by Emperor Rode's actions. Even if it were Groudon being hit by such a massive meteor shower, it would likely suffer.

Faced with this scale of Draco Meteor, not only did Groudon intervene, but Vante's own Guardian Pokémon, Heatran, had to take action as well.

Groudon used its Solar Beam once again. Its ability, Drought, allowed it to produce the beam without charging, and a thicker, more powerful golden beam of light formed in an instant, rushing toward the meteorites in the sky.

Heatran, on the other hand, used its signature move, Magma Storm.

Bright orange-red spots appeared all over its body, emitting flames. Then, one by one, torrents of molten lava erupted from these spots, forming a fiery tornado that swept toward the meteorites in the sky.

The combination of Solar Beam and Magma Storm overwhelmed the meteorites, and not a single one successfully landed.

If it weren't for Groudon and Heatran's intervention just now, the army of the Vante Empire would have suffered heavy casualties from the meteor shower.

Thinking about this, Emperor Vante broke out in a cold sweat. If they hadn't found a way to control the Ultra Ancient Pokémon, it might have been the end of the Vante Empire.

Emperor Vante gave a cold glance at the Flygon that were still fighting Groudon and called out to his army behind him, "Attack!"

With Emperor Vante's command, the army of the Vante Empire charged toward the Arus army.

Emperor Vante himself rode on a Salamence and rushed toward Emperor Rode.

As the battle unfolded, the Flygon formations that had blocked Groudon's attacks now swarmed toward Groudon like mosquitoes.

Although the Draco Meteor was powerful, it couldn't be used frequently, and Flygon weren't known for their special attack capabilities.

Otherwise, even if Groudon and Heatran had acted simultaneously, it would have been extremely difficult to stop thousands of Pokémon from using the Draco Meteor at the same time.

The Flygon flew above Groudon in a circular formation, launching another attack on Groudon.

This time, Heatran didn't assist Groudon but quickly followed Emperor Vante, attacking Emperor Rode.

This is the plan to capture the thief first and then the king.

In addition to the Legendary Pokémon Heatran and the Salamence beneath his feet, Emperor Vante was accompanied by a Blaziken and a Camerupt.

The Salamence, Blaziken, and Camerupt were also Champion level Pokémon.

The Vante royal family make good use of it Fire-type Pokémon, and under Groudon's Drought, Fire-types Pokémon thrived.

Blaziken and Camerupt quickly engaged in battle with Gardevoir and Gallade. Emperor Vante, on the other hand, confronted Emperor Rode alongside Salamence and Heatran.

Because the armies of Vante and Arus clashed, there were no longer any allies under Groudon's feet, and it no longer needed to hold back.

It raised its foot and stomped on the ground, causing countless rifts to appear, with molten lava flowing within. These rifts transformed into countless sharp swords, engulfing the desert Flygon flying erratically in the sky.

This was the first time Groudon had used its exclusive move, "Precipice Blades," since arriving here. It hadn't used it before because this move had a wide destructive range and could easily harm allies. (Groudon's awareness was no longer its own; it was under the control of Emperor Vante.)

The swords formed from the fiery lava struck down the Flygon one by one, and in the face of Groudon's onslaught, the number advantage of the Flygon was no longer significant.

Countless soldiers and Pokémon fought each other, and the area outside the Arus capital quickly turned into a battlefield.

Despite having experienced many battles over the past two years, both Yuga and Shadowsong felt a bit queasy at this sight.

However, they couldn't leave because the matter of Emperor Rode had not been resolved yet.

If the people of the Vante Empire couldn't defeat Emperor Rode in the end, then the two of them would have to take action.

Emperor Rode was the embodiment of Celebi's evil thoughts, and if left unchecked, he would surely cause great calamity in the future.

However, Emperor Rode was indeed not a match for Emperor Vante.

While Gardevoir and Gallade together were stronger than Emperor Vante's Blaziken and Camerupt, Emperor Rode and his Metagross and Solrock were a formidable force, even with the psychic amplification provided by Emperor Rode.

Soon, under the relentless assault of Heatran, Emperor Rode's Solrock fell.

Without Solrock, Emperor Rode and his Metagross appeared somewhat isolated.

Just when Yuga and Shadowsong thought that Emperor Rode was about to be defeated, a dark cloud suddenly appeared above Emperor Vante's head.

Seeing this dark cloud, Yuga realized that Emperor Rode was hiding an even greater trump card.

This was why, even before Groudon appeared, Emperor Rode could still stand undefeated against Emperor Vante's Gardevoir.