
I’m Going to Live a Peaceful Life

A young boy with no aspirations or goals in life suddenly dies, only to wake up again in a new body. Moreover, he is now the son of one of the richest and most influential people in the world. What is his plan with his newfound life?

Immortal_Cookie · Politique et sciences sociales
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

A young man no older than fifteen sat in the back of his classroom staring absently out the window with nothing on his mind except to forget the splitting headache and cold he's had having for the past few days. His dark brown chestnut hair wafted slowly from the draft coming from the window and his average-looking face somewhat squinted from the sunlight pouring throughout the autumn trees.

"Heyton James!" The teacher slammed the DNA model onto the desk and furrowed his eyebrows at Heyton.

"If you don't appreciate my class enough to pay attention today , maybe you should leave until you do!"

"Okay sir, I will take you up on your offer" He swiftly slung his worn out bag over his shoulder and walked straight out of the classroom inciting a few giggles from his classmates, but the teacher was surprised at his actions. Heyton was always a well behaved child and never really did anything as spontaneous and as rude as this before.


Heyton opened the fridge of his modest apartment and to his expectations, there wasn't anything in it. It was more of a ritual if anything that he would just check the fridge to see if anything magically appeared there or something.

He slopped onto his bed and laid on his back staring at the mouldy ceiling that was getting blurrier by the second. "What the heck, am I getting a cold or something? I can't be, I don't have enough to pay for that." He took a pill to help him get some peaceful rest and quickly fell asleep.

When Heyton woke up, it was three in the morning and as he looked out the window, the bright lights of the city brought the headache back worse than before.

'There's still two hours until I have work, and I feel like an ice coffee'

While checking how much he could spend without skipping meals this week, he slipped his thongs and a jumper on and locked the door of his apartment. There was a petrol station nearby and it probably fit the budget range for Heyton's drink.

He swiped the triple espresso and headache relieving medication past the counter and started making his way home. As he made is way across the road, he felt a sharp pain in his head and his eyes completely blurred as he quickly stumbled over his own footsteps. He heard a long honk and saw two lights coming towards him until nothing.


Heyton couldn't see a thing, it wasn't like his eyes were closed per se, but it was as if he never had anything that could see in the first place.

"Hit by a delivery van..."

"Poor guy..."

His whole body was in extreme pain, but he couldn't scream. He couldn't even move.

"Looks like he's okay..."

"Vitals are stabilized for now"

It seemed like he was still alive at least.

"Put him in the ICU for tonight"

"But he won't be able to pay anyway..."

Suddenly, Heyton felt what was left of his consciousness fade and he couldn't even feel the pain anymore.

'They can't kill me just because I'm poor, right?'

"Just turn it off then..."

'Nonononono, this can't be happening! I never even got have that ice coffee...'

Heyton James

Age : 15

Time of Death : 0436 26th of August 2016

Yo what's up? The author here. I'm from Australia so I apologise if I spell differently. Sorry for the short chapter; I’ll try to make them longer!

Immortal_Cookiecreators' thoughts