
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantaisie
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66 Chs

Chapter 4: My Savior

Nathan's POV: Uh-oh! One of my brothers, Daniel, ran up behind Jade and said, "Yes, you will be taking it to the grave!" Then he grabbed her. I figured she'd be dead by now, or being taken somewhere far from here. I wanted to go after them, I wanted to save Jade, but Daniel is my eldest brother and is stronger than me. Going up against him would be deadly for me and Jade. I decided to go to the only person in this house I truly trust...Elizabeth, my sister! She's always been loyal to me, my brother Daniel is rebellious sometimes like now. I ran up into Elizabeth's room and said Daniel has gone mad. She looked very frightened and said, "What do you need me to do Nathaniel?" I told her about Jade and how she promised not to tell anyone about us, and how right after that Daniel grabbed her and took her away from me. She looked disappointed in me for this so I said, "Elizabeth, please! I can't let her die. I just promised her I wouldn't let anything bad happen to her and now she could very well be dead. So please, help me, your twin brother, out!" She looked at me in the eye and said, "As I said before Nathaniel...what do you need me to do?"

Jade's POV: I woke up in a car. I figured someone from Nathan's family took me because I remember them grabbing me, a very strong set of arms, and they threw me into this car. I must've passed out or something, but I recognize his face, the same face of the man who was watching me and Nathan talking. Whoever he was probably didn't like that I knew of them, I figured I'd be dead the minute I felt him grab me. He's not going to kill me I know that much at least, because if he wanted to then he would've already. I was in the front seat next to him, he didn't know I was awake yet so I tried to reach for the pepper spray in my bag and I realized that my bag wasn't here. It was at Nathan's house! I started to panic again, this time it was big. I had no idea where I was, no way of contacting anyone for help, and no way to protect myself from whoever this monster is and what he's going to do to me. I was breathing heavily, my pulse was racing, I felt like I could've had a heart attack. Everything started getting fuzzy and I was dizzy. I looked at that man and he didn't notice what was happening until he looked over and saw me having a panic attack. I noticed him pull over and then I passed out...

I woke up in a bed. I thought I'd be back at Nathan's house where he could keep me safe, but instead I realized we were in a motel. I tried to get up and leave but I nearly fell until that same pair of strong arms caught me. He said, "Hey...hey look at me Jade." How does he know my name? "Are you okay? Here lay down, I'll get you some water." He said it in such a calming voice, I wanted to sit down but every nerve in my body was telling me to get out of there now. "I can get my own water. But thank you so much for being such a gentleman. You know, kidnapping me and taking me to a motel. Such an act of kindness!" I said sarcastically. He gave me a look that was gesturing me to once again sit down. His eyes were kind and soothing, he ended up getting me water anyway. I drank it but it tasted weird, like something was in it. I asked him and he said with a smile, "It's just a little something for your headache, a homemade recipe from my mother, you'll feel better in minutes, I promise." "Okay, well if you suppose you're taking me somewhere you're mistaken. I know you won't kill me otherwise you would've done it by now, so why am I here. And, what's your name?" I said in a moody tone. He replied, "Well, I probably shouldn't reveal my plans to you just yet, at least not until I know you won't go run back to Boston. And as far as my name, it's Daniel." "What the-. Go back to Boston? Aren't we in Boston right now?" I said shocked. He said back, "Jade, you're going to want to sit down for this one sweetheart." "DON'T call me that!" I interrupted rudely. He continued, "Okay fine. But we're actually in New York City. The town with millions of people, so nobody will find us here." I was so confused, I said, "Well who would want to find us besides Nathan? And tell me what you want with me!" He replied, "Me in particular? I don't want anything with you, but my brother does. I'm saving your life, you can thank me later! And my brother Nathaniel is the one who I'm worried about finding us. You see, our family possesses very rare powers..." I interrupted again, "Yeah I get it, you're all badass vampires!" "As I was saying, yes we all are vampires, however, my sister Elizabeth, the one who answered the door for you when you arrived here this afternoon, she possesses both vampirism and the gift of witchcraft. And my brother Nathaniel, he was the first of us all that was turned, he has the most power because the spell my mother put on us was only supposed to be a curse on Nathaniel. I know he told you this part of the story..." "Wait there's more? He said that was all!" I said. He began again, "Well yes, that is all, of that story anyway. I'm going to tell you a different story. One that involves you. Do you want to take my advise and sit down now?" I replied, "Sure." "Okay then...My mother realized she had messed up her spell when all of us started feeding on human blood. We had no humanity, it was a crisis. Nathaniel was the worst of them all. He'd rip people apart as the werewolves did on a full moon-" "Woah woah woah! Werewolves? Seriously? What's next, ninja turtles?" I spoke rudely. He answered, "You know this story would go by a lot quicker if you'd stop interrupting me. Anyway, no, these are all the supernaturals that I'm aware of, some hybrids out there but that's it. Now, can I get back to the story?" "Yes. O-of course." I stuttered. "Nathaniel would rip people apart as the wolves did. He had no remorse either. Dead bodies were scattered throughout all of western Europe. He was to powerful to live, so my mother tried fixing her mistake by putting a sealing spell on Nathaniel that kept him locked away in a place my family called 'The Garden' we'd leave people's bodies down there as if they were buried. Like I said, we were monsters. Our mother sealed Nathaniel in there hoping he'd never get out, however, my mother had lost access to almost all of her power when she performed the spell turning us into vampires so when she thought her spell worked, it didn't. The spell called for to much magic, more than she had left, and that only made Nathaniel angrier at our mother for trying to get rid of him. He went after her and tried to kill her. However, he did not succeed. I warned my mother about Nathaniel coming to kill her and how her spell failed, she created a ritual instead. A blood sacrifice. Everything was simple back then so she used a simple blood ritual. It called for the blood of 6 people. First, her blood, then my blood, my sister Elizabeth's blood, my youngest sister, Audrey, my other brother, Charles, and finally...the blood that sealed the entire spell, a young woman by the name of Amelia Eddington. Before I move forward with the story, I want to ask you Jade, do you recognize that name." I replied frightened, "Yes. The name Eddington is my mother's last name..."