
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantaisie
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66 Chs

Chapter 33: Mothers Funeral

Charles' POV: I arrived at my house and found Audrey sitting there with a sad look on her face. I asked, "What's wrong?" She looked up at me and said, "It's Nathaniel. He left me here. He said that he could not stay in this town for a couple weeks. I have no idea why!" I put my arm over my sisters shoulder and said, "It's okay. You have me and Elizabeth and Daniel here! You'll be fine without Nathaniel for a few weeks. I promise!" Audrey smiled and then said, "Do you know why he left?" I held my breath trying not to say anything and then I let out, "Jade called me tonight, she said that someone fixed her on her travels and that when she got home someone had killed her mother! Staked her against the wall. I went over there to see if they were doing okay, Jade was fine-ish, but her sister was a mess. So we decided to cover it up and call the cops to report their mothers death as a murder by a human, not a vampire. That vampire was Nathaniel. I wasn't sure until you just told me he left, that's why he left. To avoid the aftermath of his gruesome killing!" Tears ran deon Audreys face. She thinks of Nathaniel as a guardian angel, that whenever he puts us to sleep it's for a good reason, but it's not. Audrey expects the beast out of him and only sees his best side, deep down she knows he's terrible and a monster, but she won't admit it. Audrey then said back, "I don't understand. I know Nathaniels a terrible person, but why would he continue to torture poor Jade like that? Hasn't she been through enough horror to last a lifetime?" I nodded my head in agreement and I said, "We don't know why Nathaniel is still torturing Jade, maybe just out of spite because I'm happy with her and he doesn't like it, or just because he's a hateful monster!" Audrey replied, "You're right Charles. Nathaniel is a monster. I wish someone could put him in his sleep for a long time!" I smiled and said, "Do you think you can sell that speech to Elizabeth and Daniel. We need them to hate Nathaniel as much as we do. Can you do that for me little sister?" Sweet, innocent Audrey smiled and went upstairs to tell our brother and sister of Nathaniels recent activities. We're sibling, we fight like dogs, but in the end Daniel and Elizabeth would die for Nathaniel, I'm trying to make sure that they don't feel that way anymore. That way when me and Jade kill him for good, our siblings will be relieved and finally free to be happy for once! That's all I want for my family!


Jade's POV: I stayed at Ashtons house last night to rest after everything that happened yesterday. Today is my moms funeral. It's amazing what you can get done in less than 24 hours in order to create a beautiful service. Talia and I finished getting ready and then I heard a knock on the door. I expected it to be Charles and sure enough, it was, he said, "I know this is hard for you, I'm sorry for what happened so I brought someone who might cheer you up a bit..." Charles moved out of the way and I saw Audrey appear. A smile plastered on my face. I loved Audrey so much! I only spent a short amount of time with her, but she was so nice and kind to me when she barely knew me that I couldn't help but love her. She could literally be my second sister! I smiled and hugged Audrey. She said, "I'm so sorry for the part Nathaniel played in your mother's death, but I'm hoping it doesn't change anything between us! I don't have many friends so I consider you my best!" I smiled even bigger and nearly started crying and replied, "Audrey, nothing any of your family does will ever change the fact that you're one of my best friends too! I love you like a sister!" I held out my pinky and Audrey linked hers in mine. We created this the first day we met, I didn't think she'd remember. We link our pinkies and kiss the ends to signify how much we care for one another. After our reunion, Audrey, Charles, Talia, and I all left for the funeral. Once we got there I noticed Elizabeth and Daniel standing at the end. I was slightly mad at them for trying to spell me, but they had good reasons. I walked over to them and hugged both of them at the same time. I knew Elizabeth liked me, but she probably didn't enough for a hug. I then said, "I'm so sorry for what I did. Can you guys please forgive me?" They both smiled and Elizabeth said, "I forgive you Jade. You didn't know any better." Then Daniel said, "I could never stay mad at you Jade!" I smiled at their responses and turned to go sit down at the church seats. There was singing and memorials and soon enough it was time to share our favorite memories of my mother. Many of the towns people went up there to say a few words, then Talia went up there and told about a time when we were skiing when I was 6 and she was 7 and Talia broke her arm trying to do a flip. Then it was my turn. I had no idea what I was going to say so I went up there and said, "My mother was a very amazing woman, she loved her children and this town more than anything else in the world. She was respected and always will be respected. I even remember about a time before I left nearly 12 years ago when my mom actually took me to my first museum, it's where I fell in love with art and I can remember how much we bonded that day and how after the exhibit we went for ice cream and she shoved hers in her face on purpose just to make me laugh some more. I-I just wish she was here right now and she was taken much too soon from all of us here today! Thank you." I walked off the stage and started crying, Charles grabbed my arm and said, "Where are you going?" He sounded concerned so I said, "Don't worry, I'm j-just going to go home and take a shower and get some sleep. I'm already worn out from today." He then said, "Well I can come with you if you want-" I cut him off, "No. Will you just stay here with Talia until the entire thing is over. I want to make sure she's getting through this okay. Will you do that?" Charles nodded his head and I left. I immediately rushed to my house to grab something from my suitcase I haven't unpacked yet, and then I took a trip up to the Suliman house. Nobody was home since they're all at the funeral, and Charles said that Nathan was going to be gone for a few weeks, so I have all the time in the world for this. They left their door unlocked so I easily got in, then I went to the one place in this house I've never been to. The basement. I walked down there and saw 5 coffins. All with names etched into the front of them. Daniel; Elizabeth; Charles; and Audrey. However, the last name stood out to me, 'Ariana' now who is Ariana...