
Chapter 51: Experiment Successful.

Turles teleported to next to Bon's side just as Android 18 was about to whip her ghost tail at him. Bon was struggling to get up as all of the bones and muscles in her body were torn to shreds from overusing Kaio-ken and the Wrathful form together. A forty-times boost to her power wasn't enough to compete with mechanical masterpieces like Android 18 and Android 17. The anger and rage radiating off of her was potent to the point that Turles could hear her grinding her teeth.

"Focus that anger," Turles advised his eldest daughter as he patted a certain spot on her back.

"My body won't respond…" She barely managed to spit out.

"So, you've lost?" Turles stated while rubbing her upper back.

"N-No… I haven't lost yet… I'm not finished!" Bon's efforts to get back to her feet rejuvenated as she forced herself to rise.

"You look finished to me." Turles stood up, arms crossed, looking down on Bon.

"Sister is finished!" Kress repeated.

"No, no, no! I still got more in me! I'm not a loser!" Bon fiercely struggled to get to her feet despite the pain and ache raging through her body. 'I can't let Daddy down. I need more power! I can't fall before Basil, of all people. I'm not weaker than him! I'm not weak at all! I'm the eldest daughter of Turles! Emperor of the Universe!'

Princess Bon refused to lose to some dumb ghost as she made it to her feet. She let out a scream as she forcefully pulled from deep inside of herself. Her latent potential that had yet to be pulled out of her was revealing itself through sheer stubbornness and and rage. "I haven't lost yet!!!" Bon focused her glare on the blonde ghost, rolling her eyes at her.

The ground started to shake all over as pieces of debris began to rise. Mostly, everyone's eyes focused on the young child shaking and trembling as massive amounts of energy began to surge around her. The wind wildly whipped, slashed, and blew all across Heaven as she was unknowingly taking her father's advice. By focusing her anger in response to the need for more power, she was undergoing a legendary transformation. 

Letting down her father was unacceptable to Bon. She was going to rule as Empress of the Universe when he got old to rule it or when she got strong enough to beat him. What kind of future Empress of the Universe can't even beat a stupid ghost? What kind of Saiyan would she be if she just lied down and accepted defeat!? The only acceptable defeat is death! Bon had too much to accomplish before she could die in battle just yet. "AHHHHH!!!" Her hair frequently shifted between yellow and black.


Turles couldn't help but maniacally laugh as his plan was coming together. There was no better feeling than things falling into place as he planned them. With a very satisfied smile on his face, he watched as his two super saiyan halflings faced off against the androids. He wasn't surprised that they still lost. As strong as his children were, they were not on the level that could handle the androids just yet. It was surprisingly close, though.

"Well, well, well. It appears you have soundly defeated my children. Congratulations." Turles slowly clapped for the androids as he made a clone that vanished soon after.

"What the hell are you feeding those brats?" Android 17 struggled to catch his breath, moderately injured.

"A more accurate question would be to ask what am I not feeding them," Turles replied.

"You don't mind if we team up, do you? After all, we're both planning to be revived." Android 18 was in a similar state to her brother.

"Feel free. You two are the only ones who managed to complete the first condition."

"Hey! I'm getting in on this, too!" Kakarot jumped next to the androids.

"That's acceptable, I suppose. You did manage to defeat Stella." Turles remembered.

Turles placed Kress next to his unconscious brother and sisters as he began stretching. He had no worries about anything happening to them. This was Heaven! The graveyard of all the good souls that died on Earth. There shouldn't be a single soul willing to use his children as leverage against him. As smart of an idea as it would be, unfortunately, it wouldn't work against someone like Turles. So many techniques and all this power at his disposal… He was getting excited as he stared the three down.

His tail whipped through the air as he allowed them the privilege of the first move. "You may begin….." Turles stared at the two androids. 

In an instant, the two were granted their normal bodies, just like Kakarot and some of his friends. "Now." Turles lived up to his promise with that clone he sent to the new King of Hell he had replace King Yemma. "Son Goku, leave this to us." Android 17 told him without hesitation. "You'll just get in our way." Android 18 added.

The two twins appeared in front and behind Turles before running at him. A pincer maneuver. Android 18 raised her palm and slashed toward his neck, while Android 17 was rushing with his elbow. Turles stayed still with his arms crossed as they got closer and closer. Just as their attacks were mere inches away from his face, Turles swayed out of the way.

This did little to dissuade the twin androids from attacking. They attacked with combined ferocity. Turles's feet didn't move an inch as his head and upper body barely moved and avoided their attacks just narrowly. "Dodge this, you punk!" Android 17 and 18 split apart, both gathering ki orbs within their hands before tossing them at Turles. As Turles was engulfed in smoke from the explosion of their dual ki attack, they rushed back in.

Turles greeted them with attacks of his own. Ki sense was mostly useless in a fight against androids. But they could be sensed in other ways. Thanks to Mepple and keeping up with his daily training regime, Turles has honed his senses beyond the average being in the universe. He's been training his senses since he arrived here in that attack ball on that desert planet. After all, ki sense was not infallible. 

Android 17 was kicked across the face, launching him across the flowery plains of Heaven, while Android 18 was elbowed in the face. Android 18 held her face in pain, giving Turles the perfect opportunity to bury his fist in her gut. When he was about to follow up with his gut punch, Android 17 returned behind him with a violent gust of wind in his wake.

Turles ducked underneath Android 17's sneak attack. Chuckling as he launched his sister away with that punch. Android 17 growled in frustration just as Turles spun and kicked the young teen in the waist, sending him flying just like his sister. But unlike before, Turles didn't just let him fly away. 

Finally moving from his initial spot, Turles punched Android 17 across the face as they flew over the surface of Heaven. The young delinquent bounced across the ground from the punch, allowing Turles to dribble him up and down with punches and kicks as they flew. Until Android 18 arrived, kicking Turles away from her brother and firing a yellow energy wave after sending him flying.

"Thanks…" Android 17 said while holding his head.

"Get up so we can put this loser in the ground and get revived already." Android 18 tossed her ruined jacket to the ground.

"Don't have to tell me twice. This guy is irritatingly strong." Android 17 hopped to his feet and wiped the blood across his lips.

"Nothing like Son Goku at all…" Android 18 gritted her teeth.

"I hope you have more to show me. This is actually pretty fun. Don't forget, this is your only chance of returning to the living world." Turles grimly reminded them.

"Shut it!" Android 18 told him.

"We know!" Android 17 added.

The siblings started to fight in sync with each other. They fought together with very few flaws at all. Turles had to use both hands just to block both of their attacks. Even he was being forced backward. A smile was present on his face, a sharp contrast to the frustrated androids. This was the first time in their lives that they'd been overpowered like this.

It would be one thing if he were stronger than just one of them, but this monkey freak could take them both on at the same time without even breaking a sweat! What was wrong with this guy?! They even had their regular android bodies back! Infinite energy, built to kill Son Goku, and no stupid remote control to force them into behaving a way they didn't want to.

"Why won't you just stay down?!" Android 17 slugged him across the face.

"You're really getting on my nerves!" Android 18 kicked him in his gut.

"Are you two getting stronger? That's rather amazing. I knew you androids had crazy potential, but growth in the middle of battle? Few can do that outside of Saiyans." Turles wiped the blood from his lip with the back of his hand. "However, you still have much room to grow."

The androids and Z-Fighters watched as the small wounds Turles suffered over the course of this battle were being healed in seconds. Now, his mug looked no different from when he first arrived in Heaven! "I'll be back to visit in seven or ten years. If you manage to beat any of my children at that time, then you will get the opportunity to be fully revived with the dragon balls." Turles told them.

"We're not finished yet!" Android 18 shouted.

"Yeah, we can still kick your butt, monkey man!" Android 17 agreed.

"Oh?" Turles charged up to his full power.

The power earned by him through daily training, devouring fruits from the Tree of Might for more than ten years, and all of the alternative means he used to gain power. His hair extended past its normal length as a blackish-red sinister energy surged from his body. In an instant, he knocked out both androids with a tap to the back of their necks before deforming back to his base form and appearing next to his children.

"Train hard, slaves. Freedom can only be acquired through your own hands. But have hope. You'll only have to face this one." Turles pointed at Kress before leaving Heaven with his family as the entire Dragon Team was given their original bodies to train in for the next few years.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Zaki

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