
I! Summon Legendary Pokémons in Marvel.

Synopsis: Asher traveled to the Marvel world, and awakened a ''Summoning System for Mythical and Legendary Pokémon''. He can summon all Mythical and Legendary Pokémon, and in the process obtain a random ability. Do you have "The Space Stone? I have Palkia - Lord of Space!" "Do you control Time? So survive the "Roar of Time" of My Dialga! ” .... Walking to Battle, riding Arceus, followed by Mega Rayquaza and with Celebi sitting on his shoulders. Ho-oh, Lugia, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Giratina and many more, who could stop an army of Pokémon Gods. Translate chinese fanfiction: https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/i-summon-the-mythical-beast-pokemon-in-marvel.html

Marcelo_Ferreira · Anime et bandes dessinées
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104 Chs

The Guardian of the Sky

Location unknown, S.H.I.E.L.D. Triskelion base.

Inside the office, a bald black man was leafing through documents by hand.

He is none other than the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick J. Fury, known as ''The Mothefucker''.


At this time, a knock on the door was also heard.

"In between."

Nick Fury looked up, a single eye staring at the newcomer, who entered the room: "Coulson, is something wrong?"

"Yes, Director Fury."

Level 7 agent Phil Coulson nodded, "It's about our advisor."


Then Nick Fury placed the documents brought by Coulson on the table, checking the information in his hand, a frown formed: "Is your palladium poisoning serious again?"

After officially declaring himself Iron Man, Tony's existence naturally attracted the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D., the watchdog of hell, the darkest side of the world.

As one of the world's greatest tycoons, Tony's own influence in politics and business circles doomed him to be uncontrollable, so he did not want to join S.H.I.E.L.D, but became a scientific advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D. on behalf.

But even so, Tony is still one of the future ''Avengers'' candidates in Nick Fury's mind.

Nick Fury also knows the hidden dangers Tony is currently facing, so he asked this question.

"On the contrary, the boss, according to the agents who monitored him, appears to have recovered from palladium poisoning."


Nick Fury's eyebrows furrowed deeper, "Did he find a solution?"

He knew about Tony, and there was nothing he could do, even the best researchers at S.H.I.E.L.D, didn't have a solution to the problem.

"Not necessarily, Boss."

Coulson, on the other hand, shook his head, "According to the agents' information, his health suddenly improved about a month ago."

"Over the past month, he appears to fly his battle suit to a pet store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan periodically."

"Pet Shop?"

And after hearing this, Nick Fury felt that the situation was very strange.

He doesn't think the playboy has found it in his heart to suddenly love pets - like the agent, being skeptical of unusual situations is second nature to Fury, which has kept him alive over the years.

"Symptoms of palladium poisoning disappear, pet store in Manhattan..."

His eyebrows furrowed: "Is there anything special in that pet store?"

"Not on the surface, Boss."

Coulson responded, and then also presented the information that had been resolved long ago.

"Asher Oak's? Young adult? Parents died in a car accident 2 years ago?"

Looking at the information that at first glance didn't seem to have any special point, Nick Fury didn't believe it for a second.

"Coulson, you know it can't be that simple - I want more detailed information, including everything that's happened in Manhattan lately."

Of course, he wouldn't do anything to the pet store, but his instinct as an agent was to find out what was going on.


Then Coulson nodded, and then turned to something else: "By the way, Director – one more thing."

"Yes ?"

"General Ross of the military appears to have found Dr. Banner."

After hearing the news from Coulson, Nick Fury's expression wasn't very good.

General Ross, who represents the military, and S.H.I.E.L.D., which holds power over matters of a supernatural nature, are quite antipathetic to each other, Fury and Ross can be said to be old rivals.

Dr. Banner was originally one of the options for Nick Fury's ''Avengers'' plan.

The world-renowned scientist in physics and biology was exposed to extremely lethal gamma rays during an experiment, but instead of dying, he transformed into a terrifying, virtually unstoppable monster, driven by an uncontrolled rage that increases by the second - The Incredible Hulk.

"Where did Ross corner Dr. Banner, did he manage to capture him?"

He also asked immediately.

"I don't know, boss - you know the military has always been very strict about secrecy in this regard."

After hearing Coulson's response, Nick Fury had a bad feeling and felt even worse.


At this time, Asher had no idea that he had been noticed by the world's greatest spy.

In fact, he is busy preparing.

"Almighty TOAA, don't give me all failures for these 10 draws."

In the store's backyard, Asher, who couldn't wait, looked longingly at the dark silhouettes flashing in front of him.

Yes, he is now planning to make his second grand summon after crossing over.... I summon you!

Due to Tony's existence, Asher's points were obtained continuously.

And this month, after 10 treatments, he saved 1,000 system points!

With the system summon opportunity costing 100 system points, Asher now has an opportunity to carry out ten consecutive draws!

[Start summoning...].

[Failed, please keep up the good work.] ]

The failed summoning was nothing new, so he also continued to watch nervously.

And what surprised him was that it was only on the third attempt that something was summoned....

"Congratulations to the host for extracting a special item, Palkia's Jewel."

As the system's words fell, a strange purple stone also appeared in front of Asher.

[Jewel of Palkia - Lord of Space].

[Introduction: A gemstone condensed by the power of the Space Lord, ''Palkia''].

[Effect: You can manipulate the space where the Jewel is located, creating a dimensional pocket, belonging to the host].

[The host can observe the situation outside the dimensional pocket, can manipulate the space itself, to enter and exit, as well as allow outsiders to visit, any time with their own will].

[Special Effect: Increases the chance of summoning Palkia].

At the exact moment the jewel materialized, the grass where it was originally located was absorbed into a Pocket Dimension, as far as Asher could see. With his Psionic Power, everything turned into a huge grassland with strange trees forming small flowers in the distance. even a lake surrounded by soft sand!

" Holy crap!"

Asher couldn't help but blurt out an insult - his house's backyard had suddenly turned into a grassland, who wouldn't be surprised?

However, when he was imagining the consequences of such changes by going to check what happened closely, he discovered that from the outside, there seemed to be no change in the pet store.

"Isn't this like the Sorcerers' Sanctuns?"

Understanding that his entire yard was now in a separate space, and there were no abnormalities visible from the outside.

Just like the three shrines created by the Ancient One, there is no abnormality outside, and normal people cannot enter and exit, but in fact, there is a different space.

It's just that the Ancient One used mystical powers, and Asher used the power of the incarnation of space - Palkia.

"Very good."

Looking at the suddenly larger space around him and Celebi playing happily in the grassland, Asher's eyes lit up.

The existence of the separate space was like a fortress to him, and the benefit of doubling the chance of extracting Palkia was even more valuable to him.

Although he also knows that even if the probability of extraction by the system doubles, an estimated 0.00001% becomes 0.00002% incredibly unlikely to happen, but this is also a hope.

"System, continue invoking."

So he quickly put this matter aside and continued his calling.

However, after getting the gem, Asher had no hope in his luck – according to the system's extraction probability, he was already very lucky if he could summon something in 10 consecutive draws.

How many successful draws can be carried out successively?

It's like buying a lottery ticket and winning the jackpot, or my mom and dad suddenly telling me we're related to royalty...'

And that was precisely when Asher thought so...

He won the jackpot!

[Congratulations to the host, the summoning is successful! ] ]

[Host obtains Shiny Legendary Pokémon - Rayquaza! ] ]