

'Yeah, Dave's ability isn't absolute either.'

The power he possesses is an ability awakened through the blood of a witch.

Its origin comes from the demon's ability to bind humans who accept blood, but in the end, as long as we are human, we cannot freely accept the power of the demon.

That's what Ymir, who purified the witch's blood, knows best.

In fact, the most important thing to do when refining medicine was to remove unnecessary parts for humans, and that in itself strengthens the individuality but weakens the effect.

'The ability to blow away the consciousness of a target with no hostility is just a slight increase in the number and an increase in the parts that can be controlled.'

In the end, what he can pretend to be an absolute is a story limited to the sphere of influence of my ability.

You have no choice but to always pay attention to the outside gaze, so you should avoid leaving traces that were in hypnosis even after the hypnosis is released.

Injuries or physical changes caused by excessive violence…

In particular, things like 'pregnancy', where physical changes and restrictions occur over several months, would be fatal to his activities.

'Even if you exclude that, it's not normal for humans to join the Demon King's army in the first place.'

Obviously, that route would not be normal either.

He probably lost his mother in a witch hunt, was left alone, and went through a lot while wandering from place to place.

His unique acting and tricks toward people's hearts were all learned in the process, and he would have had to risk his life at every moment.

Thinking that if the identity is revealed even a little bit, everything will be over.


I understand.

I can fully understand.

'You seem to have started just like me.'

A coward who was just afraid of the world and averted his eyes.

Although he himself has had the experience of escaping from the eyes of the world, isn't there anything he can't understand about this arrogant man who is simply gifted with special powers?

"Let go now! Get out of here right now!!"

-Pudu deuk, deuk!

The first time such a man angered me.

Beyond him, he ran wild in terror, repeating the instructions directed at him.

Of course, you can't go against that order as long as your mind is taken over, but releasing your interlocking fingers is something that requires a bit of effort even with sober mind.

-Pudu deuk, deuk!

When I tried to forcibly release it, I heard the sound of my joints snapping, but even so, Ymir did not stop the movement of his waist.

Because there was no word to stop sexual activity in the current instructions.


Not even noticing the stain, he eventually removed his hand with force and threw the body onto the bed.

The moment when the situation that I had barely endured was belatedly released. The place where the liquid spread was not on his body, but on the top of the bed sheet.

"…It's a shame, I was confident in my body."

If I had a little more skill, I could have squeezed it out properly.

Just when he realized that his immaturity about sex had blown his one-time chance, he began to glare at him with bitter contempt.

"You… Are you insane?"

Is it just because you're tired of breathing hard?

No, he was genuinely afraid. A woman who was about to commit an act that a human being like her could never understand, even if she did not expect it.

"You're insane, what the hell do you mean by that?"

But Ymir was confident.


"Did you decide to be considerate of a child of a human who would bully you out of vengeance? Or did you deny reality and try to stretch your hands to the point of crossing the line by being absorbed in pleasure?"

The margin drawn on that mouth.

She was teaching me that no matter how much she resigned herself, she never let go of her reason.

"Dave, I'm serious."

With such a face, Ymir said.

"What I did now was clearly done on my own volition. I seriously want to accept your seeds into my body…"

"Crazy sounds!!"

Dave vehemently denies that statement.

Even so, in the way he hesitated to attack, Ymir faced that he had blossomed fear towards him.

"Stop the nonsense. Are you telling me to believe it now? What the hell, if you have such a mind, you want to conceive a child of a man who enslaves you…"

"Yes, because I resent you."

She spoke candidly to him.

Because he hates him so much for ruining her first experience, which should have been beautiful, in this way, and for violating her sincerity while hiding her true heart.

He had made the bold decision to do what he was most reluctant to do.

After that, even though she may feel regret for having embraced her enemy's child…

"And just as much, because I didn't want to forget the first experience you gave me."

Regret that.

I believe that I can neutralize it with my love for him that has not disappeared yet.

Even though it was a lie, I still can't forget the man who gave me the memories of my first intense experience.

She was even prepared to carve his mark on her body.

"… A cheeky sound."

He will know that it is true.

He demanded the truth from himself, and he himself could not disobey that order.

Neither love nor hate.

Neither side's feelings are clear, but he will have no choice but to accept that they coexisted and created the current result.

"If you are a slave, like a slave… Castrate your own emotions, and do what you are told to do… !!"

"That's right. I am your slave A foolish woman who was tricked by a bad bully and gave her virginity and human rights."

Even so, she spoke confidently toward him who denied the reality.

"So you can do anything. Because this body and mind are all yours."

Haven't you already accepted it?

Having been tricked and hypnotized by him, he has already lost.

So, as long as this body and mind were all his, and even the desperate counterattack had failed, it wouldn't be strange if he was treated more severely than before.

"Come on, Dave. Tell me anything I will do whatever you ask."

But can I?

He was just elated, thinking he was invincible.

A man who is afraid of his true identity being exposed, who is always eager to hide it, will he have the guts to keep the woman by his side who has caught my eye by revealing the facts he overlooked?

"… Right now."

Yes, you only get one chance.

As long as it fails, there will be no future for itself.

"Get out of my sight right now."

A decision made after a long silence.

My fingers snapped along with him, and the waves that spread from it permeated my body and began to oppress my mind.

The moment you feel your mind gradually become a blank page.

'…Haha, is this the end?'

It's different from when it's just covered with pleasure.

As if sinking down to the bottom of the surface of the water, or buried deep underground under countless grains of sand…

'It's pointless, really.'

Ymir could sense it.

I don't think there will ever be any memories of the present.

He's the only one who can bring back memories during hypnosis, and he's a coward, so he won't even look at the woman who fucked him.


Neither love nor hate.

The moment when the emotions that made me so immersed in the person in front of me evaporate so insignificantly.

"Can you listen to me one last time?"

However, because it was so intense, I felt the lingering feeling intensifying at this moment when I faced the end.

Whether it's a good memory or a painful memory, the past doesn't come back, so now she knew that the first moment should be given more value.

Even if I lose my memory afterwards, it will be impossible to embody the intensity of what I have already experienced through my body once again in my life.

"What are you saying…"

"Thanks Dave."

She hated him for letting him know, but she felt grateful to him.

"For letting me know the value of the beginning."

The affection I felt from false favors.

The sense of betrayal felt from true desire.

"I, too, sincerely… For letting me know that I am a person who can dream of a future by being connected with someone."

Than the emptiness where all of it felt nothing.

When she felt joy and pain, she finally confessed her sincerity toward him who made her realize that she was a human being who knew how to love someone.

"… Hi."

I hope that such sincerity will be engraved in his heart.

"Hello, Dave."

She quietly closed her eyes, leaving only her final goodbye.

She sets her foot on a journey into an abyss from which there will never be a return…



The moment when hypnosis is lifted and consciousness is lost.

Only then did I retrieve her raised finger towards her and try to open her breath again, which had stopped her.

Her hypnosis was lifted, leaving her unconscious on her bed.

But even if you wake up again, you won't remember this moment.

Even though I know who I am, it's better to get rid of those I can't freely control.

Yes, so I will be the only one who remembers this moment.

Remembering the true face of the crazy woman who sincerely thanked me.

"… Thank you, did you?"

When I think of her face like that, my nausea soars.

"Don't say nonsense. I… You're talking like that when you know what I've done to you… !"

He mocked her heart, took away her virginity, and even tried to crush and destroy her dignity.

I even thought of making it a puppet that would be next to me for the rest of my life, rather than a toy to be simply thrown away.

Even so, she vomited out her sincerity enough to suppress her hatred for me…

'I love you, Dave.'

It's nonsense.

There was only one person in the world who truly said that to me.

That person no longer exists.

The only thing left is one idiot who has been busy taking care of my own comfort since that day.


It couldn't be the truth to say such things even after seeing the true face while the ego was maintained.

"Me, Mia…"

Words cut off to subconsciously deny such thoughts.

Blood began to seep out of his cracked lips.

"…A crazy bitch's bullshit."

Okay. You don't have to think long.

Isn't the story already over?

Now I can't bring him out again.

In order to completely prevent this from happening, we'll have to be careful about reviving her memories in the future.

To go further than this is a reckless act intoxicated with pride.

Therefore, you should bury the present in the past and avoid being intoxicated with your own power to prevent this from happening in the future.

On the contrary, even though I made such a mistake, I should consider it fortunate that it ended like this.

"… Still. I have to admit what I have to admit."

When I realized that the strong woman who had taught me such mistakes was right in front of me.

I felt the feelings she had for her all along disappear one by one.

Is it fear or something else…

Whatever it was, it was a feeling that I would never have to face again.

"It's my loss. Lady Archmage."

Thinking that it must be so, I stroked her head as if she was dead and whispered in her ear.

"… Hi."

Maybe the person I cherished might have suffered a rough thing in front of me.

Remembering the existence of a woman with the same scars as mine.

"Hello, Ymir."

Maybe she is the only one in this world.

To hold a funeral for someone who can understand me.