
Chapter 9: Peter Hale (Edited)

Harris the chemistry teacher sighs as he cleans the board, he puts down the board eraser when he's done. He takes his jacket from the chair and puts it on as he walks around his desk.

He sees a crumpled letter on his desk as he puts his books in his bag. He picks it up and uncrumpled it and sees a list of names the last name Harris being cancelled out except for the last name which is his name, Adrian R. Harris. He puts the letter in his pocket and tries to grab his bag in a hurry but he stops when he hears something behind him.

"Please don't kill me," Harris says

"Do you know who wrote that list?" A deep voice says from the other side of the class behind Harris.

"Laura, Laura Hale" he answers quickly his heartbeat and breathing picking up in fear.

"Do you know why she was looking for you?" the voice asks but Harris shakes his head in denial.

"I know why turn around Adrian," the voice says but Harris doesn't turn around, " Turn around and I'll show you"

"No, please"

"look at me, look at what you've done," the voice says as he throws a chair at the wall in front of Harris scaring him.

"ok, okay," Harris says but before he could turn around Derek and Astrid ran into the classroom.

"Get down" Derek shouts as he grabs Harris and pulls him down just in time to miss a desk that was thrown at him. Derek and Astrid look at where the alpha was standing only to find him gone. Before they could go after him lights shine through the classroom window and they hear a voice and police sirens.

"This is the police you're surrounded no one leaves the building"

"Derek let's go," Astrid says as she pulls up her hood so she wouldn't be recognised. A few minutes later Derek and Astrid turn a corner being chased by cop cars.

"Repeat suspect is on foot we're pursuit heading North West and it seems he has an accomplice," Sheriff Stilinski says into the radio

Derek and Astrid slid to a stop as Chris's car cut them off and they turn left into a factory.

"His on foot he just went into the ironworks and it looks like someones with him," Chris says into his phone.

"Wait, wait did you say on foot," Late asks from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah heading into the ironworks"


"Yes running," Chris says as he hangs up watching the police get out of their cars.

"Come on get the dogs" Stilinski orders as he gets out of his car. Two dogs are brought out and released. The dogs run after Derek and Astrid barking loudly but before they can get to them, Astrid and Derek turn around and roar at the dogs with their eyes glowing and fangs out. The dogs run back to the police whining and their tails between their legs.

"What the hell," Stilinski says as he looks at the frightened dogs.


Stiles looks back and sees that Kate is gaining in on them. He turns to Scott who's driving and says.

"Hey Scott I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here"

"If I go faster I'll kill us"

"Well, if you don't go faster they're gonna kill us" stiles retorts and Scott steps on the accelerator pedal hard. Stiles looks back again after a few minutes to find that they are not being followed.

"They're gone," He says, he picks up the walkie talky and turns it on.

"All units suspect is on foot heading into the ironworks and it looks like he has an accomplice" he hears his dad say. He turns to Scott and they turn the car and head to the ironworks.

Astrid and Derek walk behind a carrier before Astrid covers her eyes while doing the same for Derek with her hand just as Chris released a flash arrow. She pulls him to the other side as Chris is reloading and a few seconds later stiles and Scott pull up in Derek's car.

"Get in," Scott says as stiles open the door and moves to the back seat. Derek and Astrid run to the car while Chris opens fire on them but they get in before any of the bullets hit them and Scott drives off.

"What part of laying low don't you understand" Scott yells at Derek.

"Damn it, we had him"

"Who the Alpha?" Stiles asks.

"Yes, he was right in front of us and the freaking police showed up" Derek shouts in frustration.

"Woah, hey they're just doing their jobs" stiles defends and Derek turns and gives him a look.

"Yeah? thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state"

"Can we seriously get past that, I made a dumb ass mistake I get it?" Scott says

"it's more than a dumb ass mistake if you ask me," Astrid says from the back.

"Alright" Stiles shouts before adding, "How did you find him" Derek looks at him before facing ahead.

"Can you try and trust us for at least half a second"

"Yeah, both of us" stiles adds before Derek glares at him, "or just him, I'll be back here" Astrid chuckled.

"what are you laughing at," stiles says. Astrid turns to him with a sweet smile but her glowing red eyes made it sinister.

"You say something, Stiles"

"No nothing"

"Look the last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out. She found two things the first was a guy named Harris" Derek tells them

"our chemistry teacher?" Stiles asks surprised

"Why him?" Scott asks.

"I don't know yet"

"What's the second" Scott says

"Some kind of symbol," Derek says as he takes out paper with a drawing on it. Astrid looks over his shoulder and sighs.

"What, you know what this is," Derek asks her

"Yeah, I've seen it on Allison's necklace "

"well, what is it"

"it's just a flat necklace with that symbol on it and no it doesn't open," Astrid said and added the last part when she saw stiles open his mouth.

"Great a dead-end" Derek sighs in frustration.

"I wouldn't say that," Astrid said.

"what do you mean"

"I mean that it's not so much as what's on the necklace but a clue as to the person who wore it, Allison did say that she got it from her Aunt Kate Argent" a look of realization crossed Derek's eyes that none saw except Astrid.


Jackson dreams about the doctor removing a rope of wolfsbane from his neck but at the end of the dream the doctor turns to Derek and Jackson jolts from the hospital bed he was lying on.

"Alright you can put your shirt back on the scarves on your neck are nothing to worry about," the doctor tells him

"So am ok for my game tonight"

"oh yeah absolutely but I do wanna give you an antibiotic, have you been eating any strange herbs lately"

"like what"

"well you have aconite poisoning"

"What the hell is Aconite"

"well, it's a purple flower also known as monkshood or..."

"wolfsbane" Jackson finishes.

"so you are familiar with it"

"No, I have no idea how I knew that," Jackson says as rubs his neck. After he left the room he walked to the front desk where Scott's mother was setting.

"Hi" she greets him.

"Hey, would you mind if I looked something up on your computer real quick"

"I bet that a handsome face like that doesn't hear no very often," Melissa says making Jackson chuckle.

"Aren't you one of Scott's friends "

"yeah, good friends actually " he lies

"Yeah, just be quick okay," she says as gets up. Jackson sits down and searches for wolfsbane and chuckles in the realisation that he figured out Scott's secret before leaving.

when he gets to school he walks straight to Scott and slams shut his locker.

"I know what you are McCall"

"What," Scott asks confused.

"I know what you are"

"I'm sorry I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Yeah, you do and here's the thing however it is you came to be what you are, you're gonna get it for me too"

"Get what for you?"

"Whatever it is a scratch, a bite, sniffing magic fairy dust under the moonlight I don't care you're gonna get it for me or uhh she's gonna find out about it too," Jackson says turning Scott to Maya's direction before leaving with a smug look on his face.

"How the hell did he find out," Stiles asks after Scott told him what happened

"I have no idea," Scott said freaking out.

"Alright, did he say it out loud, the word"

"what word" Scott said confused. (AN: sigh,  Scott's always a confused puppy 🐶)

"werewolf did he say I know you're a werewolf"

"No, but he implied it pretty freakin' clearly"

"okay maybe it's not as bad as it seems, I mean he doesn't have any proof right and if he wanted to tell someone who's gonna believe him anyway," Stiles says trying to lighten the situation.

"How about the Argents"

"Okay it's bad"

"I need a cure like right now," Scott says

"Does he know about the Argents?" Stiles asks

"sigh, I don't know"

"Okay, where's Derek and Astrid"

"He's hiding like we told him to and Astrid's around here somewhere, why"

"I have another idea it's gonna take a little time and finesse though"

"We have that game tonight its quarter-finals and it's your first game"

"I know, I know," Stiles says as he leaves.


"So when is your birthday again," Allison asked me.

"The day after the formal dance why, are you planning something? " I asked with a raised eyebrow. We were at the cafeteria since it was lunch break.

"Hmm, something like that," she said smiling.

"You do know that I can compel you to tell me right"

"Yes, but I also know you won't do it," she said

"You're playing a dangerous game, Allison Argent," I say with a playful glare.

"I'll take my chances"

" And what if I did this," I said as I leaned forward and kissed her softly, "will you tell me what you're planning"


"How about now" I kissed her again but this time deeply.

"you're playing dirty but no I'm not telling," said with blushing cheeks remembering that we were still in the cafeteria.

"Alright fine I'll wait and see what you have planned," I said in defeat until my ears picked up Jackson talking to Scott from the other side of the cafeteria.

"It looks like Jackson figured out that Scott is a werewolf," I told her

"What how"

"don't know but from the looks of it he also wants to be a werewolf"

"Are you gonna bite him if he asks?" she asked.

"What, no, I don't want jackass in my pack even if he was the last option," I said with a displeased look on my face.

"You hate him that much huh?"

"He's a spoiled, narcissistic jerk who cares about no one but himself what do you think," I told her.

"Yeah you're right but aren't you gonna help Scott"

"No, if we help him every time he's not gonna be able to think for himself in the future, I'll let him handle this one," I told her.


Stiles enters his room and immediately sits in front of his laptop not seeing me sitting on his bed or Derek that's standing in the corner behind the door.

"Hey stiles" his dad calls from the hallway.

"yo, da-Derek" he says as he tries to respond to his dad but sees Derek and then finally me as I wave at him. Derek signals for him to be quiet and get rid of Stilinski. stiles run to the door so his dad doesn't come in.

"who were you talking to," he asks stiles as I got up and walked to the door.

"He was talking to me sheriff sorry for dropping by unannounced," I said

"Astrid, no it's fine your welcome to come over anytime"

"Thank you"

"So are you and stiles," he said but I knew what he was gonna ask.

"What no we're just friends" stiles shouted.

"He's right, and trust me Stiles is a great guy but I'm as straight as a circle," I said chuckling at the end, " plus I already have a beautiful girlfriend"

"Ohh, I'm sorry I just....."

"it's alright, I'm gonna leave you two to talk," I say as I go back and sit on the bed.

"uhh, listen I've got something I gotta take care of but umm, I'ma be there tonight I mean your first game"

"On my first game that's great awesome uhh good," stiles says not knowing what to say.

"I'm very happy for you and I'm, really proud of you," Stilinski says with a big happy and proud smile on his face.

"Thanks, me too I'm happy and proud of myself"

"So they're really letting you play right," he asks not really believing that this is happening.

"Yeah, dad I'm first-line"

"I'm very proud"

"Me too, again" stiles before his dad hugs him before he leaves. Stiles enters the room again but Derek grabs his collar and slams him not hard on the door.

"If you say one word"

"Or what, you mean like hey dad Derek Hale's in my room bring your gun," he says making me laugh and Derek speechless. "Yeah that's right if I'm harbouring your fugitive ass it's my house my rules buddy" he adds as hits Derek's shoulder which he looks at.

Derek lets him go and straightens his jacket Stiles doing the same thing with a smug look until Derek scares him that being the final push for Astrid as she laughs loudly.

"Gods that made my day," Astrid says as she calms down. "So Stiles what was the plan you were talking about"

"The night we were trapped in the school Scott sent a text to Maya asking her to meet him there," stiles tells us

"So?" Derek and I ask

"So it wasn't Scott"

"Well can you find out who sent it"

"No not me but I think I know someone who can," Stiles says as he calls Danny. Half an hour later Danny came.

"You want me to do what," Danny asked.

"Trace a text" stiles tells him.

"I came here to do lab work that's what lab partners do"

"And we will once you trace the text"

"What makes you think I know how?" Danny asks curiously.

"I read your arrest file" stiles admits.

"I was 13 they dropped the charges, no we're doing lab work," Danny said as he pulled himself a chair. Danny looks at Derek and Astrid who are reading before he asks.

"Who are they again?"

"Uhh, That's Astrid I'm sure you've seen her at school and he's my cousin, Miguel," Stiles says.

"Is that blood on his shirt?" Danny asks

"Yeah, he gets these horrible nose bleeds, Hey Miguel" Derek looks up from his book not pleased with the name, " I thought I told you you can borrow one of my shirts."

Derek gets up and takes off his shirt and starts looking for a new one.

"So okay we both know that you have the skills to trace that text so," stiles says but gets interrupted by Derek.

"umm, Stiles"


"This, no fit"

"Then try something else," he tells him as Derek goes back to looking, Danny starting at Derek's bare chest and stiles catches him and gets an idea. He looks back at Derek seeing him putting on an orange shirt with blue stripes.

"Hey, that one looks pretty good huh, What do you think Danny"

"it's not really his colour," Danny says after getting out of his daze with Astrid chuckling in the background enjoying one of her favourite scenes in the series in person.

"You swing for a different team but you still play ball don't you Danny boy"

"you're a horrible person"

"I know it keeps me awake at night anyway about that text"

"Stiles, none of these fit"

"you can use one of my t-shirts in my bag we wear the same size anyway," I told Derek as he glares at me.

"You say that now," he said irritated.

"seeing you suffer just brings me a different kind of joy," I tell him smiling as he takes a blue t-shirt from my bag.

"I hate you" he mumbled lowly knowing I can hear him.

"Love you too, brother," I whispered knowing that he heard if the smile was an indicator. I and Derek may not be blood-related but I see him as a brother plus I always wanted to have a brother in my last life since I was an only child.

"I'll need the ISP the phone number, and the exact time of the text," Danny says making stiles throw his hands in the air as a celebration.

"There, the text was sent from a computer this one" Danny tells us as Derek and I look over their shoulders.

"Registered to that account name," Derek asks.

"No no no, that can't be right," Stiles says as he reads the name which is Melissa McCall.


"You know you're not gonna make it right," I told stiles as he hangs up the phone with Scott since we were in his Jeep in front of the hospital.

"I know," he says.

"And you didn't tell him about his mom either" Derek adds.

"not till we find out the truth"

"By the way one more thing," Derek says before slamming stiles head on the steering wheel.

"ugh, God, what the hell was that for"

"you know what that was, go, GO," Derek says as Stiles leaves the car.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh?" I asked him

"No" Is the response I got so I kept quiet. A few minutes later Stiles calls saying that Melissa wasn't in the hospital.

"Then ask for Jennifer she's been looking after my uncle," Derek says

"Yeah well he's not here either," Stiles says


"He's not here" Stiles repeats. Derek's eyes widen as he realizes that his uncle is the alpha.

"Stiles get out of there right now it's him he's the alpha get out," He tells Stiles. Stiles tries to leave but is met with Peter.

"You must be Stiles," Peter says. Stiles backs away but peter's nurse blocks his way.

"What are you doing here visiting hours are over"

"you and him, you're the one who- oh my god and his the-, oh my god I'm gonna die," Stiles says not knowing what to say just then, Derek slides in and elbows Jennifer in the face, breaking her nose.

"That's not nice she's my nurse," Peter says

"she's a psychotic b***h helping you kill people, get out of the way," Derek said telling the last part to Stiles runs out of the way leaving the two together.

"You think I killed Laura on purpose one of my own family," Peter says but before any of them could react Astrid appeared in front of Peter.

"Don't move or make a sound" she compelled him.

"What are you doing," Derek asked.

"well, I'm gonna get the truth my way," she says as Derek relaxes and nodes. Astrid turns around and heads for the unconscious nurse.

"wow you did a number on her," she said before slapping the nurse who regains consciousness.

"you will tell the truth when I or Derek ask you a question"

"Now, on to the first question was Laura being in Beacon Hills and being killed by Peter a coincidence," Astrid asked knowing that the answer will decide if Peter lives or dies in Derek's book.

"No, it was all planned when we heard of the dead deer with the spiral on its side we knew it was an opportunity to bring Laura Hale here so that Peter can steal her alpha's spark," she said and from the corner of my eye I could see Derek's eyes burning with rage but he didn't move to kill Peter.

I was confused at first, but then I felt the alpha and Beta bond Derek and I share strengthen 'He fully accepted me as his alpha ' I thought.

"What should we do with him," Derek asked me looking at Peter with a deep glare that could kill.

"I'll let him finish his revenge its least I can do for the family you both lost to Kate but the moment he kills her you kill him for what he did to your sister," I tell him

"Gladly, but what about Scott, peters gonna go after him when you erase this talk from his mind," Derek asked knowing that I can't let Peter remember this talk and he's right.

"This will be an obstacle he's gonna have to clear on his own. Since you're gonna look like you joined Peter but if things go out of hand you intervene" I told him as I made Peter and Stiles who was listening In, forget about the plans Derek and I just made.