
Chapter 8: Night School (Edited)

Astrid sat down on Allison's bed as Allison straddled her in a heated make out. Astrid's hands settle on her waist before picking her up and putting her on the bed.

Astrid takes off her jacket and gets on top of Allison resuming the kiss. Allison moans into the kiss as she grinds on Astrid's thigh which was pressing against her.

"Can take this off?" Astrid asked as she grabbed the helm of Allison's shirt.

"yes, yes please," Allison says breathlessly.

But before things can escalate there was a knock on the door. Astrid growled lowly before getting off of Allison.

"just a second" Allison said as she stands up and opens her closet and pushes Astrid in.

"Allison?" kate's voice says from the door.

"Coming, coming," Allison says as she goes to open the door.

"Hey, what's up," Kate asks

"Nothing just doing homework and sending some emails" Allison answers.

"Emailing the girlfriend"

"No, I'm emailing PETA about how my wingnut father gunned down an innocent mountain lion in the school parking lot"

"And that wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you're grounded"

"I'm not gonna be one of those whining teenagers who looks at her father and says 'I hate you, I wish you're dead "


"But I hate him and I wish he was dead," Allison says sassily, ever since Astrid showed her what her aunt did she wasn't comfortable with them being in the same room but Astrid's presence made it easy for her to tolerate it.

"See now you're starting to sound like a normal angry teenager," Kate says with a chuckle. "What are you working on can I help"

"uhh, history project and I just want to be left alone actually," Allison says wanting her to leave.

"Come on, what kind of history project" Kate insisted. Allison sighs before answering.

"I have to come up with a report that has some relevance to my own, family history"

"Specific to your family?"

"Why do you have any ideas?"

"Type this in La Bete du gevaudan"

"The beast of Gevaudan," Allison says as she types It in, "oh what is this," she asks since she didn't know her family had such a history.

"It's an old French legend that, believe it or not, has something to do with your family"

"In 1766, the province of lavear la bete killed over a hundred people," Allison says reading the article.

"Mysterious animal attacks just like a curtain town called Beacon Hills,"

"So, what was it, the animal?" Allison asks fakely as she already knew what the animal was.

"Nobody knows for sure but I can tell you one thing it, definitely wasn't a mountain lion," Kate tells her, "what does it look like to you"

"it looks like a wolf," Allison says, after that Kate left. Allison got up and opened her closet.

"This is the second time I'm coming out of the closet," Astrid says smirking as she walks out making Allison giggle. "You know that she was giving you a clue as to what your family does, right"

"Yeah, I got that much but I don't get why, I mean if my parents don't want me to know"

"she believes that if she's the one to tell you the truth then you'll trust her more than your parents, then she'll make you believe that all werewolves are animals that deserve to die. Essentially turning you...."

"Turning me into her" Allison finishes.


The lunch bell rang and students started heading to the cafeteria. After taking their lunch Allison and I sat at a table.

"What are you reading?" I asked her.

"A book about the Beast of Gevaudan," she said as Lydia sat with us and asked.

"The what of who"

"The Beast of Gevaudan" Allison repeated as she flipped through the book stopping at a page and starts reading out loud, " A quadrupled Wolf-like monster prowling the overn in south dordoin in areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bete killed over a hundred people becoming so infamous that King Louis XV sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it"

"boring" Lydia said but Allison continued.

"Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of satan"

"hmmm, still boring"

"cryptozoologist believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator possibly a mesonychid"

"slipping into a coma bored"

"while others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shapeshift into a man-eating monster"

"any of this, have anything to do with your family," Lydia asks.

"This, it is believed that La Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renowned hunter who claimed, his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature his name was Argent"

"Your ancestors killed a big wolf so what"

"Not just a big wolf," Allison says as she flips to a page with a picture, "Take a look at this picture, what does it look like to you,"

Lydia looks at the picture and enters a sort of trance. she snaps out of it after Allison and I call her name a few times.

" it looks like a big wolf," Lydia says before leaving.

"What was that," Allison asks still looking at Lydia who was making her way out of the cafeteria.

"I think she saw the alpha when the video store incident happened"

"I hope she's okay"


(3rd pov)

"Okay, now put this on," stiles told Scott as they walked into the lacrosse field.

"Isn't this one of the heart rate monitors for the track team"

"Yeah, I borrowed it"

"stole it"

"Temporarily misappropriated, the coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogg's, you are gonna wear it for the rest of the day" stiles tells him as he takes out a phone from the bag.

"Isn't that coach's phone"

"That I stole"


"Alright, your heart rate goes up when you go wolf, right," Stiles asks and Scott nodes. "when your playing lacrosse, whenever you get angry maybe learning to control it is tied to learning to control your heart rate"

"like the incredible Hulk"

"Kinda like the incredible Hulk yeah"

"No, I'm like the Incredible Hulk"

"Would you shut up and put the strap on"

"That's what she said," Astrid said from behind Stiles scaring them both.

"Would you and Derek stop doing that," Scott says annoyed.

"So what are you, idiots up to," She asks ignoring Scott.

"I'm trying to help Scott control his heart rate so he can control his shifting" Stiles answers.

"You could have come to me for help but let's see how this goes," Astrid says making their eyes go wide in the realisation that Derek isn't the only one they could ask for help.

They tried to ask now but Astrid didn't budge at wanting to see stiles plan so they continued as she sat at the stands. Stiles tied Scott's hands behind his back with duct tape.

"This isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my free period," Scott says

"Alright, ready"


"Remember, don't get angry," Stiles says as he takes out a few lacrosse balls and a lacrosse stick.

"I'm starting to think this is a bad idea," Scott says as stiles starts to throw balls at him. One of the balls hits him in the jaw.

"Okay that one kinda hurt"

"quiet, remember you're supposed to be thinking about your heart rate alright, about staying calm," Stiles says before throwing another ball.

"stay calm, staying calm, staying, totally calm it's not like no balls are flying my face," Scott says just as one hits him in the shoulder making him groan. Jackson who was passing by sees stiles throwing balls at Scott so he stays to watch.

"ugh, son of a b***h" Scott curses as a ball hits him in the stomach.

"You know what Stiles I think your aim is getting better," Astrid says from the stands as she laughs.

"I know right" Stiles replies.

"I wonder why," Scott mumbles getting a bit angry as the monitor shows 129 and rising.

"apapa, don't get angry"

"Not getting angry," Scott says as stiles throws with a bit of force behind them.

"Stop, okay just hold on," Scott says but stiles ignores him and continues which makes Scott's anger rise at a rapid pace, the monitor showing 157 and rising to 161.

Scott breaks the duct tape trying his hands as he breathes hard struggling but in the end, successfully decreasing his heart rate.

"Scott you started to change"

"The anger, it was more than that, it's like the Angrier I got the stronger I felt," Scott says breathlessly.

"So it is anger then Derek's right," Stiles said.

"Yes, Derek is right but he's also wrong," Astrid told them as walked towards them.

"what do you mean," Stiles asked her.

"Yes anger is a trigger but it can also be your doom because if get too angry then your wolf will take over and attack anything that moves," Astrid tells them

"Then what do I do Derek said I need to get in touch with my animal side and be angry," Scott said.

"I'll tell you what to do you need something or someone to pull you back when you go too far, to be your Anchor and to keep you human. It has to be something or someone you hold dear" Astrid tells him.

"That's better advice than Derek's why didn't I think of that" Stiles says.

"What's your Anchor" Scott asks

"It used to be the fear of becoming like the monster my father became but now it's Allison," she says with a smile.


Derek pulls up to the animal clinic, the sign at the door reading closed but he enters the bell on the door rang a parting Dr Deaton who thinks it was Scott.

"Scott you're late again I hope this isn't becoming a habit" he looks up from his papers only to Derek instead of Scott.

"Can I help you?" he asks.

"I hope so, I want to know about the animal you found with the spiral on its side," Derek asks.

"Excuse me, what animal"

"Three months ago the deer," Derek says before taking out a paper from his pocket and shows it to Deaton, it was a picture of a dead deer with a spiral drawn on its side. "You remember this"

"Oh, yes, it's just a deer and I didn't find it they called me because they wanted to know if I'd seen anything like it"

"What did you tell them"

"I told them no"

"Did you hear that?" Derek asks as walks towards Deaton.

"Hear what," Deaton says as he takes some steps back.

"The sound of your heartbeat rising"

"Excuse me?"

"It's the sound of you lying," Derek says before he slams Deaton on the table knocking him out. Deaton wakes up sometime later tied to a chair he tries to get out but he couldn't.

"Are you protecting someone?" Derek asks.

"Alright the keys to the drug lock is in my pocket"

"I don't want drugs I want to know why your lying"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Deaton says before Derek lifts him and the chair he's setting on.

"what do you want"

"I want to know who you are or who you're protecting"

"What are you doing," Scott asks as he enters

"Scott, get out of here" Deaton shouts before Derek puts him down and knocks him out with a punch.

"Stop stop"

"look when he's conscious he can keep himself from healing but unconscious he can't"

"Are you out of your mind what are you talking about"

"You wanna know what the spiral means Scott, it's our sign for a vendetta for revenge it means he won't stop killing until he's satisfied," Derek tells him.

"what, you think he's the alpha"

"we're about to find out," Derek says before he goes to slash Deaton with his claws but Scott's clawed hand stops him, shocking him for a moment as he sees a shifted Scott who's still in control.

"Hit him again and you'll see me angry," Scott says as he turns back.

"Do you have a plan?" Derek asks after a long silence.

"Just give me an hour"

"Then what"

"Meet me at the school in the parking lot" After that Derek leaves.


(Astrid's pov)

I was in my car, on my way to pick up Allison so we can do a chemistry project at my house. I checked my watch to see it was 9:00 pm 'it looks like Allison is staying over tonight' I thought. She was standing outside when I got to her house.

"Are you ready to....." but I was cut off when I heard a howl coming from the direction of the school.

"Did you hear that?" Allison asked.

"yes, that idiot what is he doing calling the alpha," I said.

"Can I come with you?" she asked me knowing that I'm going to go to the school.

"Sure you could use some experience anyway, go get the bow and arrows I got for you on your birthday," I told her. She runs back to the house to get them, she takes a bit of time before she comes back.

"I'm sorry I thought I put it in my room but I forgot them in my car," she says apologetically

"It's alright we all make mistakes now let's go" After that, I drove us to the school as we drove I gave her a few flash arrowheads to use.

When we got to the school we found Derek's car, Stiles Jeep and Jackson's porch ' what are Jackson and Lydia doing here in the series they came here with Allison but she's with me' I thought until it hit me since I've seen Lydia with Maya Scott's girlfriend.

using my hearing I found all 5 of them on the second floor and the growls of the alpha in the auditorium I also found a faint heartbeat next to our location. I turned to it and found a bleeding Derek.

"Derek" I shouted as I ran to him.

"OMG, is he okay"

"He lost a lot of blood and since the wound was inflicted by the alpha it's gonna take time to heal if I wasn't here," I said as I turned him around and bit my wrist and fed him my blood. A few seconds later he opened his eyes and sat up.

"The alpha he's here" was the first thing he said.

"we'll take care of him you get out here," I told him

"what why"

"Because I've been keeping my ears on Scott and his friends, sigh from what I'm hearing he decided to blame you for all the killing the alpha did"

"what," Derek said in disbelief.

"Go, you'll get your chance another time" after that he left.

"let's go," I said to Allison. we entered the auditorium just as the alpha roared at Scott to change.

Allison released a flash arrow as he was heading back to the school building blinding him for a second. Using the chance she released another arrow hitting him in the shoulder making him roar in pain. He was going to attack us but when he saw me he jumped through a window and left.

I turned to Scott who was shifted and out of control, he growled at us before attacking.

"Allison" I calmly said as released another arrow hitting Scott in his forearm, he roared as the pain brought him back.

"what happened," he asked

"The alpha happened," I told him as I pulled out the arrow from his arm making him groan.

"But why the arrow couldn't you change me back as he did"

"Yes, but where's the fun in that, you should get to them it seems that they're freaking out," I told him before using my speed to pick up the used arrow and the flash pieces.

"let's go, Allison" After that we left before the police showed up.