
Chapter 20: venomous

In the locker room, Jackson is doing a stupid amount of weights and getting mad at Danny for stopping him.

"I said don't help me," Jackson said breathing heavily.

"don't help you as in don't spot you or don't help you as in let the bar crush your throat," Danny says.

"I should be able to do twice that"

"on the moon maybe," Danny tells him before he takes some of the weights off, "I'm hitting the shower if I come back and your dead underneath a ton of weight I'm taking the Porsche"

Danny then heads to the shower as Jackson starts to calm down his breathing when his breath is even his hearing is dialled to 11 as he starts hearing everything around him even the dripping of one of the showerheads in the shower room. Excited by his new ability, he tries to do another set of weights and is nearly crushed by it. Someone reaches down with one hand and takes the weights away.

"Thanks," He says

"Any time," says Erica making him open his eyes in surprise only for Erica to grab his neck and drag him out.

She takes Jackson down to the abandoned subway where Derek is waiting for him with a small glass container filled with a slimy clear liquid. Derek wants to know what happened to Jackson on the night of the full moon and Jackson tells him that nothing happened but Derek hears a slit jump in his heartbeat so he knows he's hiding something.

"you're lying," Derek said as put on a glove and stands up.

"wait, wait, I can prove it," Jackson says and Derek gestures for him to continue, "I taped myself," he says making Isaac laugh.

"you taped yourself," Isaac asks amused.

"yes, it was the full moon and maybe while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster I was preparing for the so-called gift your big bad alpha promised me and what did I get? nothing. You want proof let me get the video"

"No, no I have a better idea," Derek says as opens the glass container.

"What is that," Jackson asked but Isaac and Erica pushed him to his knees and held him down as Isaac forcefully open his mouth.

"You know, Jackson, you've always been kind of a snake. And everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned with its own venom." Derek said as dropped a bit of the kanima venom in Jackson's mouth and it paralysed him within seconds.

"You're still a snake, Jackson. Just not the one we're looking for." Derek tells him as he and Erica walk away leaving him with Isaac.

"you're still going to do one more thing for us, well, for me," Isaac tells him.


Jackson goes to the Sheriff and says he actually didn't see Isaac and Mr Lahey arguing before the murder.

"So now you're telling me you didn't see Isaac and his father arguing before the murder" stilinski asks frustrated with Jackson.

"Not exactly," Jackson says annoying him even more.

"not exactly or no because when it comes to the law there is a fairly large difference between not exactly and no, like if not exactly we're sitting in this chair then no would be somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean drowning next to my career." stilinski says in anger before calming down, "so what's it gonna be not exactly or no"

"No," Jackson says.

"oh, crap" stilinski says now questioning his life choices.


Stiles runs into class and sits behind Scott before saying, "I just talked to my dad who talked to Jackson and I've got really terrible horrible very very bad news"

"I think I already know," Scott says pointing to Isaac who's back in school.

After class Stiles tells Scott that he has done some research about the Kanima and come up with, a werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers, but nothing about a giant lizard monster. Scott thinks the Kanima is only after Stiles because he saw it kill someone, which means it probably won't stop until Stiles is dead. 

They pass by Danny, who tells Jackson he found a program that can recover the missing two hours of footage. He'll run the program in his free period this afternoon. Jackson's super hearing kicks in again and he overhears Erica and Isaac talking about Lydia and Chemistry class.

Allison who was standing by her locker on the other side of the hallway also hears their conversation she frowns as she didn't hear anything about testing Lydia or killing her. she contacts Astrid through their mind link.

'hey baby what's up' Astrid asks as she stands in front of a house that she bought not too far ago she was only here to see if everything was in order.

'hey did you know about Derek testing Lydia' Allison asked

'No, but if I had to guess he tested Jackson who passed and now she's next but in all honesty, Lydia's gonna fail' Astrid says calmly.

'what do you mean '

'what I'm saying is Lydia is a banshee and she's immune to almost anything supernatural so the venom will not affect her' Astrid said.

'How do you know that? how are you so sure' Allison asked

'Because when I heard about her having an allergic reaction to peter's bite I did a little digging on her family and found that her grandmother was admitted to Eichen house after she predicted her friend's death, sound familiar'

'she was a banshee I have to tell Derek'

'Tell him but let him continue with the plan and only remove the killing part and don't tell Scott' Astrid says surprising Allison.


'because this is another challenge he's gonna have to overcome' Astrid says

'ok I'm gonna ask why do you keep pushing what do you gain from it'

'Nothing, but Scott has a lot of potential and I'm just making sure he awakens it fully by pushing him in the right direction' Astrid told her making Allison realise what she means.

'you don't mean.'

'yes, Scott has the potential to be a true alpha.'

'Alright, I'll tell Derek what you told me.' Allison says before saying goodbye to Astrid and heading to class where she proceeds to tell Derek everything through the mind link and he informs Erica and Isaac about the slight change in plan.


Scott and Stiles arrive in Chemistry to find Lydia sitting by herself at a table and Isaac and Erica walking towards her. The boys sit on either side of Lydia to block their access. Allison walks into the room and looks over to Isaac and Erica who give her a nod which is seen by Scott.

Mr Harris has decided to ruin Scott and Stiles's attempts to keep Lydia safe by getting students to work in pairs, rotating through stations.

"Erica, take the first section. Start—" Mr Harris says but is interrupted by Almost every male hand in the classroom goes up, and a couple of female ones.

" I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr McCall." He says.

Erica avoids questions about Derek's plan and instead runs her hand up Scott's leg to make him uncomfortable. Lydia asks Allison, who she's currently partnered with if she knows about Scott and Erica being a thing since Erica's running her hand up Scott's leg but Allison says no. 

Scott tells Erica she's not his type and before things can get all wolfy, Mr Harris signals to switch stations. Scott rushes to Lydia's desk and Stiles finds himself partnered with Isaac.

"If you harm one perfect strawberry-blonde hair on her head, I'm gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present," Stiles says

"Really? I've never actually been to one of her big invite-only birthday parties. Did ask her out once, though." Isaac replied

"Sounds like the beginning to a heartfelt story. I'm gonna pass. Thanks."

"It was the first day of freshman year," Isaac says

"You thought everything was going to be different for you in high school but she said no," Stiles says

"Yeah, she even laughed. Told me to come back when the bike I rode to school had an engine, not a chain."

"Unrequited love's a bitch. Maybe you should write about it in English class. You know, channel all that negative energy." Stiles tells him

"Nah. I was thinking I'd channel it into killing her. I'm not very good at writing." Isaac says before they Change stations. Scott and Stiles end up together. Isaac is with Lydia.

Erica ends up with Allison as Allison asks, " did you get Derek's message"

"yes, so don't worry about it too much," Erica says making Allison nod as Mr Harris rings the bell for the last time. Apparently, if they catalysed the reaction properly, they should be looking at a crystal. Stiles and Scott are looking at something like putty. Lydia has a perfect crystal as do Erica and Allison.

The crystal is supposed to be edible. Isaac offers it to Lydia. Scott sees that it has Kanima venom on it just as it touches her tongue. He calls out but it's too late; Erica and Isaac have seen that she's obviously not paralysed by the venom. Lydia takes a bite out of the crystal. Scott sees that Derek is standing ominously in the parking lot and looking through the window.


Scott and Stiles use Coach's office as a meeting room. Derek is probably going to kill Lydia since she didn't pass the test. Stiles is still adamant that she's not the Kanima. Derek won't do anything while they're at school so they need to prove that Lydia isn't the Kanima by the end of the school day.

"There could be something in the bestiary," Scott says

"Oh, you mean the 900-page book written in Archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that" Stiles reminds him

"Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it," Allison says startling them as they turn around and see her leaning on the door.

"Why are you helping us," Scott asked her.

"Who said I'm helping you I'm just trying to get more information about the kanima which indirectly helps you see if Lydia is not the kanima," Allison tells them making Scott sigh before handing her the tablet.

"Are sure about this Scott" stiles asked.

"We need all the help we can get," Scott says before adding, "I'm gonna go try and talk to Derek and you take Lydia to my house after school and stay there"


In the guidance office, Ms Whatsherface Counsellor is giving Lydia the Rorschach test and Lydia is maintaining that she sees a butterfly in all of them. In one of the pictures, Lydia sees the burned face of Peter Hale (which she never actually saw). She shrugs it off and answers with the scientific name for a butterfly.

"Lydia, what's it going to take to get you to open up?" The Counsellor asks

"I don't know what you're talking about. I am as honest and open as a person can be." Lydia says.

Ms Counsellor looks at the last picture and says, "Huh. I would've said wolf."

After Lydia left Allison enters asks the counsellor to translate Archaic Latin. Guidance Counsellor says she's familiar with most romance languages but this one might be a little out of her reach, but she'll give it a shot. Ms Guidance Counsellor wants to know if she could have some time to translate it but Allison needs the translation now. This is the translation they get:

Like the wolf, its power is greatest at the wolf's peak. Like the wolf, the Kanima is a social creature. But where the wolf seeks a pack, the Kanima seeks a friend.

"A friend? What does that mean?" Allison asks

"Maybe it's lonely." The counsellor tells her.

"Like a teenager," Allison says.


Scott goes to the lacrosse field for a meeting with Derek and finds Boyd there instead. Scott doesn't want to fight because Boyd's twice the size of him. But Scott's twice as fast. He tackles Boyd to the ground and Derek appears beside him.

"She failed the test," he says

"Yeah, which doesn't prove anything. Lydia's different." Scott tells him

"I know. At night she turns into a homicidal walking snake." Derek replies.

"I'm not going to let you kill her," Scott says.

"Who said I was going to do it?" Derek says.

Scott tries to run, but Boyd takes him out. Derek tells Scott to stop protecting Lydia; she's a killer and next time she kills, it'll be one of them.

"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are. Even Stiles calls her coldblooded." Derek tells Scott

Scott suggests that Lydia's immune and Derek makes it look like he doesn't buy it for a second.

"I've never seen or heard of anyone being immune before. It's never happened." Derek says

"What about Jackson? Peter said the bite either kills you or turns you. You were probably hoping that he would die. But nothing happened, right? And you have no idea why do you? " Scott asks.


Team Save Lydia arrives at Scott's house for a 'study group'. Stiles thanks Jackson for helping out. Jackson says (creepily) that he needed to talk to Lydia anyway.

Stiles bolts and barricades the door. Everyone stares.

"There's been a few break-ins around the neighbourhood. And a murder. Yeah, it was bad." Stiles says.

Jackson leads Lydia into Scott's room to talk and seems to be suffering from another attack of super hearing. He rubs at his neck and then rounds on Lydia, wanting to know why she hasn't given him back his key.

"Are you kidding? I'm attacked by some lunatic who bites me—a lunatic who, by the way, still hasn't been caught. I spent two days freaked out of my mind, walking around the woods naked. All of my friends are acting like total nutcases and you expect me to be worried about some stupid key?" Lydia says

"So do you have the key or not?" Jackson asks

"Not." Lydia lies and Jackson's hears her heartbeat rise and he's not happy about Lydia being less than truthful.

Scott gets home a lot sooner than he did on the show and Isaac who was trying to attack stiles and throws him out to Derek as he and stiles stand side by side facing Derek and his pack.

"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an Omega. You're already an Alpha of your own pack. But you know you can't beat me." Derek says this time hinting to Scott having the potential to be a true alpha.

"Don't bother Derek I can already hear the sirens from here he called the cops" Astrid says as she and Allison walk and stands beside Derek. There's a thumping sound from the roof and everyone looks up to see the Kanima on the roof.

Lydia runs out of the house, demanding to know what the hell is going on as she just saw Jackson turn into a lizard monster and Scott and stiles realise that Jackson's the Kanima, not Lydia.


Over on some deserted road, the Kanima approaches a car with a bumper sticker saying Imagination is more important than knowledge (a quote from Einstein).

The Kanima and the driver lay their hands on either side of the window in a gesture of friendship. Then the Kanima screeches and runs off. The driver floors it.

(AN: You guys decided so I'm gonna continue this one with out crossovers and make Astrids pack ones who were in her pack before she was sealed she told them to run since she knew they wouldn't survive if they faced the witches with her so now they are somewhere around the world and she's gonna go look for them in the 4 months between the ending of season 2 and the beginning of season 3)