
Husband's lovely wife

On their wedding night, Zhi Ruo was scared and nervous. It had been hours that she was sitting on the bed awaiting her husband thinking, "This is the first time I will be meeting him...Shall I run away?" Looking around warily with her bright eyes Zhi Ruo thought again to convince herself, "Anyway he will not be able to find me, after all who marries without meeting even once" Convincing herself Zhi Ruo had just stood up from the bed when she heard the sound of door opening completely startling her. Quickly going back to her original position she sat down with rapidly beating heart. The door opened and a handsome man entered: Qing Shan moved towards the bed with a steady pace that was neither hurried nor slow. Zhi Ruo: What are you doing? Qing Shan: What a husband should do... ..................................... "What are you doing?" asked Qing Shan who had woken up hearing voices from the kitchen. Fighting with the steak on the pan Zhi Ruo answered with a smile, "Cooking for my husband." "Is it good, husband?"asked Zhi Ruo with coquetry Shoving the black, completely burned steak inside his mouth Qing Shan answered with a subtle smile, "Yes wife. It is the best steak I ever had. It is amazing. No chef can make it better than you. My wife is the best." Grabbing her bowl of cereals Zhi Ruo proudly said with a sarcastic smile,"Ofcourse, I had to make it best. After all my husband should remember to keep his distance from other women. Eat...eat...Shall I fry another one?..." "Y..yes wife"saying Qing Shan started eating the completely burnt, tasteless steak without wasting anything. ............................ Since getting married, the almighty boss became a wife slave and everyone was filled with limitless dog food. ............................. Join the author on- Discord- https://discord.gg/mkgRky6 Instagram- author_sally112425 Facebook- Sally Author https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/Sally112425 https://ko-fi.com/sally112425 You can talk to me about any thing, if you have suggestions about the novel I would be happy to listen them. Apart from being an author I am a motivator and a psychologist as well. So if there is anything I can help you with, go ahead.

Sally112425 · Fantaisie
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259 Chs

Zhi ruo's misery- II

After some days Su Ye noticed that he was getting lot more attention after he had started dating Zhi Ruo and also many girls started to get close to him. Looking at things developing in this way the Zhi and the Su family were also happy. When Zhi Ruo was 16 years old both families decided to get the children's engaged after Zhi Ruo turned 18 and soon after Zhi Ruo's graduation they would be married.

Zhi Ruo was a obedient child and Su Ye was always kind to her. Thinking it would be good for everyone, she accepted the decision made by elders. But soon, she started regretting her choice as Su ye started excising his rights as a potential husband and started harassing her. At first Zhi Ruo thought it would be just out of curiosity and tried to talk to Su Ye but, when things started developing to the point of no return she threatened to disclose his behavior to her parents making her earn an unexpectable answer, "My dear ruoruo, what do you think ? Is our marriage as simple as you think?

Don't you know its like a business deal, even if you tell your parents there's nothing that can be changed.

But if my family decides to withdraw investment in your company projects then the Zhi family will crumble into pieces." Su Ye had always been proud and arrogant but he was in check. This was the first time that he had ever spoke to Zhi Ruo in this proud tone.

Hearing what Su Ye said Zhi Ruo was scared, she knew about marriages like this which happened to keep business strong and going. But never in her wildest dreams she expected that her marriage with Su Ye was one of them. She had always thought about her marriage as simple affair where her family decided to get her wedded to their friends.

Unfortunately when Zhi Ruo arrived home, she saw her father and brother discussing about a project which was very important for their company and was funded by the Su family. Zhi Ruo went towards them and asked," Father, is this project very important? "

When her father nodded she continued, " What would happen if Su family pulls out its investment?"

Looking at his daughter asking this questions, father Zhi was amazed as she never showed her interest in business. Thinking this was a good opportunity to polish her interest he told her what a company faces when an important and a long time investor withdraws his capital. The questions that a share holders ask and how the share prices drop with the probability of a company unable to handle the situation and ultimately declaring bankruptcy.

Zhi Ruo didn',t knew what her father told her was about what happens to an ordinary company with loose foundation and under-qualified leader instead of Zhi company. Hearing her fathers answer Zhi Ruo percieved what Su Ye told her was truth and decided not to share Su Ye's advances with anyone for the time being.

In order to avoid Su Ye, Zhi Ruo kept herself busy and started distancing herself from him which was obviously disliked by Su Ye. Though he kept finding chances to pester Zhi Ruo,but she was smarter than him except the dinner date.

On her 18 th birthday it was decided that the engagement would be done after 6 months and it was still a month away when their dinner date was decided. Su ye knew that their engagement rings were not yet chosen and he and Zhi Ruo had to personally go and select them, so he asked her to come for dinner and then they can go and choose the engagement ring.

Please add the book to your library and tell me how you feel about the story.

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