
Husband's lovely wife

On their wedding night, Zhi Ruo was scared and nervous. It had been hours that she was sitting on the bed awaiting her husband thinking, "This is the first time I will be meeting him...Shall I run away?" Looking around warily with her bright eyes Zhi Ruo thought again to convince herself, "Anyway he will not be able to find me, after all who marries without meeting even once" Convincing herself Zhi Ruo had just stood up from the bed when she heard the sound of door opening completely startling her. Quickly going back to her original position she sat down with rapidly beating heart. The door opened and a handsome man entered: Qing Shan moved towards the bed with a steady pace that was neither hurried nor slow. Zhi Ruo: What are you doing? Qing Shan: What a husband should do... ..................................... "What are you doing?" asked Qing Shan who had woken up hearing voices from the kitchen. Fighting with the steak on the pan Zhi Ruo answered with a smile, "Cooking for my husband." "Is it good, husband?"asked Zhi Ruo with coquetry Shoving the black, completely burned steak inside his mouth Qing Shan answered with a subtle smile, "Yes wife. It is the best steak I ever had. It is amazing. No chef can make it better than you. My wife is the best." Grabbing her bowl of cereals Zhi Ruo proudly said with a sarcastic smile,"Ofcourse, I had to make it best. After all my husband should remember to keep his distance from other women. Eat...eat...Shall I fry another one?..." "Y..yes wife"saying Qing Shan started eating the completely burnt, tasteless steak without wasting anything. ............................ Since getting married, the almighty boss became a wife slave and everyone was filled with limitless dog food. ............................. Join the author on- Discord- https://discord.gg/mkgRky6 Instagram- author_sally112425 Facebook- Sally Author https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/Sally112425 https://ko-fi.com/sally112425 You can talk to me about any thing, if you have suggestions about the novel I would be happy to listen them. Apart from being an author I am a motivator and a psychologist as well. So if there is anything I can help you with, go ahead.

Sally112425 · Fantaisie
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259 Chs

returning home

The car reached Tianyi garden, one of the most prestigious area where all wealthy people lived. Each house had a garden, swimming pool and definitely the prices were sky-high.

Qing Shan was wondering about the family background of Zhi Ruo when he realized that she did not tell him which house she lived in. He thought of asking her so he could drop her to the house. Looking towards the passenger seat, he noticed Zhi Ruo curled up in the seat protecting her head and covering her face with both palms. He felt her shoulders shaking and hands trembling. He thought she was scared

"Hey, Miss ?

I know I look handsome and its very easy to have a crush on me. Right now, probably you would be wondering, how can you show your face to me after I have seen you in such a horrible situation... right.

I know I am absolutely right...

But you don't need to worry, I have a girl I love so You absolutely don't stand a chance.

So can you please not cry... You know it freaks me out and makes me think I am the bad guy..." This were the only words which Qing Shan was able to speak in order to lighten the situation and not make things between them awkward.

*Mumbling : How narcissist can a person be?*

Giving a sarcastic laugh, Zhi Ruo felt absolute pity for the girl who this guy loved. Sighing Zhi Ruo simply made a low sound of saying yes, "Hmm"

"Miss if you don't tell me your exact house number, I guess we will have to park the car in front of the entrance the whole night. Not that I mind but, You know it could create problem for both of us if any resident complained.." It had been quite some time that Qing Shan had parked in front of the entrance. Tiyani garden being the most prestigious area had security cameras and he was sure if he waits there for any more he would surely be in trouble.

Looking around Zhi Ruo noticed that she was almost at the entrance of the complex, she decided to take a walk till her house. She needed to sort out her thoughts, she cannot trouble her family members due to her own affairs. After Zhi Ruo left the car she started walking into the community slowly and steadily with light footsteps. On the other hand Qing Shan parked his car at another place, got down his car, locked it and went towards the small park just besides the complex.


Wondering why his sister was taking too much time, Zhi Xin, who was unable to wait, decided of going towards the community entrance to check. Quickly grabbing the keys he left his house and started briskly walking towards the entrance. While walking he noticed a petite figure sitting besides a tree in a squatting position and crying. It was definitely his sister. He was three years older than her and was with her since she was born. No one knew Zhi Ruo better than Zhi Xin. She matured early and always thought of others before herself. He has seen her suffering and crying all alone in her room many times and then getting up on next day as if nothing happened. Zhi Xin always wondered how can she bear everything on her own, How much strength the little petite sister of his hide?. Shaking his head mildly he got out of his thoughts.

Running towards Zhi Ruo he noticed her dress stained with blood, her hairs in a mess, bare foot. Thinking what have happened he rushed towards her squatted down, embraced her shoulders and took her into his arms, "ruoruo, brother Xin is here, stop crying"

Zhi Xin waited while caressing her for quite some time before she quietened down before, he quickly picked her up in his arms and took her in the house. Putting her on the bed in her room he was about to call mom and dad when his hand was caught and a small voice meekily said, " Brother Xin, I am fine. Lets not tell mom and dad about this. We already have soo many problems in the company and dad is tired, I don't want to burden them. "

Zhi Xin felt bad for his sister and thought of knowing what happened and who sent her home first. Nodding to her request Zhi Xin asked her to change while he grabbed the medicine chest. After Zhi Ruo got fresh her brother was helping her disinfect her wounds on the feet and arms and bandage them.

" Ruoruo, when I came by the entrance there was a car standing there. Was it of the person who sent you back" When Zhi ruo nodded, Zhi Xin thought he had seen someone familiar and wanted to ask ruoruo but decided otherwise.

" Ruoruo what happened to you, I remember mom saying you went on a date then this ?" asked Zhi Xin while bandaging her feet.

Zhi Ruo had never hidden anything from Zhi Xin except a few things. Once he had asked she would tell him everything. This time also she narrated everything that she had faced along with all the grievances.

After hearing what his sister said, Zhi Xin felt his blood boiling. His eyes became red and a killing intention flashed through his eyes. Zhi ruo failed to notice the changes in her brother while she was sobbing mildly.

Looking at his sister who he cherished more than anything he decided that he will make that bastard pay the price for his deeds.

Sitting besides her he wiped her tears and helped her to lie down and started patting her head

" Ruoruo, don't worry, Your brother will pat your head like he used to do when ruoruo had bad dreams as a child. Take some rest and sleep for now. We will talk on this topic tomorrow. "

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