
Catch Me If You Can

She ran. Wild like a deer trying to evade her hunter, she ran. He followed her through the forest smiling. This was his favorite part of the hunt; the chase. He knew these woods like the back of his hand. Every nook and cranny, every hiding spot, he knew. Pretty soon the girl would grow tired, pretty soon her heart would become his.

"Little girl, where are you going? You can't outrun me. Stop running and I'll be sure to end it real quick, promise." goaded the huntsman. The girl ran faster.

He was herding her, she could feel it. Still she ran. Her surroundings began to morph around her. Less and less trees appeared as she sped through the wilderness, The ground became more rocky. Still she ran. Her vision began to blur, still she ran. She ran until she felt no more ground around her.

A pair of muscular arms enveloped her. "Now, now my pet," his breath tickled her ear, "If you're that ready to give your life away at least let take that precious little heart of yours first." he held her there, dangling in his arms, for a second or two longer. A bit of fear to keep her in check he thought.

The girl, with as much bravery as she could muster called out loud enough for only him to hear, "If I'm going to die it won't be by the likes of you beast!" She kicked him hard on the shin. He howled dropping her to her doom