
Hunting Down the Last Elf

[Mature content. No rape] ____________________ "Mr. Archer!" She hurried her footsteps after the cop, who seemed to have already memorized the way out of the small two-story house. "It's Adrien, not Archer," he said, not bothering to turn around and look at her as he turned the door knob. "Fine." She rolled her eyes. "We need to talk, " she said, following him out of the house and closing the door behind her. "I had enough time to spend with a dunderhead like you," she heard him say, and she fumed. "How dare you?!" She fisted her palm furiously as she saw him walk past the little gate. "You son of a chameleon!".... ________ In a world where mythical creatures like werewolves, vampires, and elves exist alongside humans, a long-standing war has left humans living in fear and captivity. Elves, once thriving, have become extinct due to the ongoing conflict. Alicia, the last surviving elf, is raised by Mrs. Anderson, whom she believes to be her biological mother. However, when Alicia confronts a man named Adrien, whom she calls Mr. Archer, tensions rise. Adrien's apparent disdain for Alicia triggers a fiery exchange. Unbeknownst to Alicia, her unique heritage as the last elf will soon become a central focus in a world where mythical beings and humans clash. This story promises intrigue, conflict, and a journey of self-discovery for Alicia as she grapples with her identity and the ongoing strife between mythical creatures and humans.

OSM_1015 · Fantaisie
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219 Chs

Discoloring foot

Adrien watched Christon's retreating figure with a stoic expression, his thoughts veiled behind a mask of indifference. As the door closed behind the bewildered Christon, he turned his attention back to Alicia, his gaze softening ever so slightly.

With practiced ease born of centuries of experience, he reached for the medical supplies, his movements precise and methodical as he prepared to tend to Alicia's injuries. Each action was executed with a meticulous care, a testament to his unwavering commitment to her well-being.

As he worked, a myriad of emotions flickered across his features, fleeting glimpses of vulnerability and concern that he quickly buried beneath his usual facade of icy composure. Though his actions spoke of care and attentiveness, there was a tension in the air, a palpable sense of unease that lingered like a shadow in the room.