

"They went that way! Come quick!"




"Quickly! Don't let them run away!"

Five people was seen on a forest running after two people. They wore black clothes donned head to toe; only eyes can be seen.

"Run faster… they're gonna catch up to us," said a man to his wife while holding a child on his embrace. "We're near the city, just a little bit more."

"Y-yes," replied the woman while panting. One can clearly see that they're both exhausted.


The child on the man's hands suddenly chuckled, he didn't know the calamity that his family was facing.

"Don't worry dear," said the woman gently. A tear glistens on the side of her eyes. "We wont let any harm be done to you."

"Hurry. They're catching up to us."

Not far away they heard someone shout, "They're here! Catch them especially the kid!"

The couple run faster when they heard the shout. Not long after, they reached a city. In front of them was a walled city, about eight meters tall and three meters wide, with a ginormous enchanted steel gate. The gate, in jus a few minutes, will close.

"Don't close the gate yet!" The man shouted.

"Just hurry up!" shouted the gatekeeper back.

Meanwhile, a man went out of the city. He is about twenty five years old. He and the couple meet near at the gate. When they passed each other, the couple looked at him with a pleading eye. This make the man confused, but sets the thought aside. 'Maybe just my imagination,' he thought.

The couple run as fast as they could but since they were exhausted due to full day nonstop running, their pursuers caught up to them in a deserted alley.

"Restrain them!" said the leader.

"Yes sir!"

Since the couple was so tired, they can't do anything than to succumb to their fates. Two men held each of them. The leader walk slowly towards them then said, "I see… you tricked us. We have not realized that the kid is no longer with you."

"Hahaha," the man laughed. "You won't find our child. Even if you killed us, at least our child is alive. Someone will continue our bloodline."

"Where did you hide him?" asked the leader.

"Do you think we will tell you, you piece of trash!" growled the man.


The leader slapped the man causing him to spit blood and a tooth.

"Jason!" the woman screamed. The woman struggled to get free from the grip of her capturer to help her husband, but the two men were too strong; she can't free herself. Then they also hit her.

"Lea!" shouted Jason.

"Hahaha! It's useless to struggle. Just tell us where you hid your child and maybe I will consider sparing you two."


Jason spat a mouthful of spit on the leader's face.

"You trash! I know that even if we tell you, you'll still kill us like what you did to the rest of our family. Then you'll kill our child too."

"Haha," the leader wipes his face then gives Jason a roundhouse kick on his stomach.


"Jason!" Lea is now crying.

"Since you know that, then die." Said the leader to Jason then said to the other four, "kill them!"

"Yes sir!"

After that, a blinding light followed mixed with the screams of the couple. The leader was leisurely walking out of the alley. Then the other four quickly caught up to him.

"Finished?" he asked.

"Yes sir. No traces will be found."

"Good. Lets go."

"Sir how about the boy?" one of the four asked.

"Don't worry about him. They're still holding the boy at the forest then when they entered they no longer have the boy. So they probably left him at the forest, let the beasts take care of him."

"Okay sir."

"Don't worry about him. Let's go."

"Yes sir."

Them they suddenly disappears leaving only a blur.

Regan, the man whom the couple met before was walking at the forest. He will now resumes his journey. He is one of those exalted hunters.

It is easy to become a hunter, you just need strength then you can hunt but to become a member of the Hunters' Guild is hard. You need to pass the examination to be a proper member. Yearly, only a few individuals passed the exam. This proves how hard the exam is.

While walking, Regan suddenly heard a faint noise.

"Huh? What's that?"

He followed the noise. The faint noise becomes louder.

"Baby's cry?"

Later on, he saw a baby lying under a bush.

"Who the heck will leave a baby in this forest? Do they know that there are beasts here?! Hmm?..." he suddenly stopped his rumbling. "What's this?" he said then focused on the thing pinned in the baby's clothes and used [Inspect].

[Charm – Common

Type: Accessory

Wards off beasts within 5 meter radius.

Highly effective to level 0 beasts and seldom effective to level 1 beasts

Can last up to 24 hours of continuous use.

Time remaining: 20 hrs, 12 mins]

In the earth after the solar flare apocalypse, beasts are categorized in levels according to the level of their mutation. Level 0 are those that are slightly mutated and level one are those that are slightly stronger than level 0 and can use weak magical attacks.

"So they don't left you to die here."

Then he suddenly remembered those couple with pleading eyes.

"Are you their child?" he asked. "Are they running from something? So… did they want me to take you in? If I am correct then that look is not my imagination."

"Since I am a good person, ahem," clears his throat, "I guess I have no choice."

After his monologue, he take a closer look on the baby. He has a silvery blue eyes and midnight black hair. He looks about 10 months old.

Regan then searched the baby. "A necklace, maybe you can find your parents through this. Better to keep it... That's it? Just a necklace? Not even a note or something? They did not even give your name. Are their situation that dire that they want to erase your identity.

"You need a name.. Hmm…" he pondered. "Your eyes is very unique… Silvery blue…Should I call you Silver? Yin? Gin? Argh! I have no naming sense. Even yin and gin means silver. Okay, I'll just call you Argen, from argentum which also means silver. Ha-ha from now on you are Argen."