
Hunter x Hunter swordsman

Buck was a poor boy who dreamed of greatness but when his father was murdered he sought out revenge and ended up dying he was then transmigrated into the world of Hunter x hunter with a new world and fresh start will he be able to achieve his dream of becoming the world's best swordsman in a world filled with people with nen and magical beasts that have special abilities where he can die at anytime? Follow Buck on his journey in finding out he's in Hunter x Hunter and becoming the best swordsman while overcoming the obstacles in his way to achieve his dream.

Hunter931 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 Help

Soon he is heading straight for a black wormhole and he is drawn into its darkness. The experience is intense and disorienting as Buck feels as though he is being stretched and distorted. He feels as though he is being pulled apart, but somehow he remains intact.

As Buck approaches the other end of the wormhole, he begins to slow down, and he finally comes to a stop above a single planet. The planet is breathtaking, with its vivid colours and unique landscapes.

He then feels a hard tug and the next thing he knows is that he's standing on top of a hill overlooking a city along with a large expanse of water and a dock far of in the distance

It looked just like an ordinary city but one thing Buck noticed that was wrong was the architecture, it wasn't like anything he's seen before

It was like nothing he knew of before there was a lot of houses with plain red or blue roofs and he could see people walking around below with weirdly coloured and shaped hair, some people had their hair in spikes on their head that were died blue

He also couldn't help but notice the weird style of clothes, being more medieval style where they were plain with minimal design and had simple plain colours.

Buck didn't know what to think about his situation, 'I just died and was reborn? I think I was any way I don't know where in which universe I'm in or if I'm on a parallel earth, but my body doesn't seem any different it still has my old scars from being punctured along with my toned Abs and muscle I put a lot of work in developing to wield the sword as efficiently as I can, my height seems the same at 6ft' buck then yanked a piece of his hair out 'and my hair colour is the same dirty blond it was before, so my body is the same'

Buck then started walking down the hill stepping on the green vibrant grass, he then looked down and saw that he was barefoot and bare everywhere else he then realised he's been naked this whole time.

He quickly ran over to where some bushes were and hid there just in time to avoid the site of two old men walking up the hill

Buck shouted out to them "Hello sirs, could I perhaps borrow some clothes from you."

The two men looked over and saw a strange young man standing naked in the bush, there was a visible flinch upon them seeing the unexpected scene but they quickly got past their suspicions of this stranger and lost to the good nature in them

"Here son where this," one of the men said while handing the boy a blue jacket "This isn't much but it can at least help to cover you"

Buck then grabbed the jacket "Thank you sir" he then wrapped it around his waist and stepped out from the bushes a bit shyly at being naked

"What are you doing like this on top of the mountain exposed like this, not a lot of folks come up here," the other man said staring into the eyes of the young man still not over his suspicions that he might be robbed or worse killed by a surprise bandit attack, it was a pretty common occurrence once you leave the city but he didn't know there were bandits on the mountain as he has never encountered any on his walks up here all his life

"I ran into some money problems then when I was sleeping I got robbed and left on the mountain, thanks for the help, do you have any food that I might be able to have, I'm starving, I haven't eaten in a while," Buck said while rubbing his stomach as it growled in protest about not having anything inside.

The men both looked at each other and then with their tacit understanding from being together for so long decided to compromise with their suspicions and decided to feed the young man

They took him to the farm they both owned and gave him some steak and a nice glass of milk to drink

"That milk is the best in the region, you won't be able to get fresher from anywhere else and plus it's the best thing for you a growing boy, but you do seem mostly grown your already so tall and muscular I could help but notice your six-pack, how old are you anyway to be this tall and strong?" The older man talked to Buck while the other went to attend to the farm

"I'm 19 years old, I do train regularly," Buck said rubbing the back of his head while smiling feeling the calm atmosphere the older man is trying to create to make him feel at ease

"Although we can't offer much to you we hope with the food and clothes you can start living a good life, you may have suffered much your life but I see hope in you young man, it's not the first time I've found someone trying to run away from their life on this mountain, though they weren't naked, each has eventually found their way in life like the butcher I send my meat to he too tried to run away from his abusive father but found his calling as a butcher and has lived a good life ever since." the old man said trying to depart some wisdom on this young boy thinking he tried to throw away his life on the mountain


Buck coughed awkwardly clearly seeing the old man's attention, "Don't worry sir ill definitely live well from now on thank you for the help"

Buck began to rest at the farm after this otherworldly experience he received thinking about what had happened to him, he previously experienced some anime and books that have similar plots of traversing across space to fulfill some kings' demands or to become a slime and live freely

He began to wonder what his purpose is going to be here, will he have to fight a demon lord or will he get to experience a life he never did?