
Hunter x Hunter: Six Paths of Nen

A middle aged man dies and find himself in the world of hunters! He will do all that needs to be done to live his best Life.

JustAMan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

The Exam Begins

There was a knock at the door.

Lee left the comfort of the room's king-size bed and went to answer it, before realizing he was naked. He hastily covered himself with his bathrobe, which was lying on the floor, and then opened the door.

The man in the corridor was one of the hotel staff. "Good morning, sir," greeted the clerk. "We have brought you your serving as ordered. If you wish, we can set the table on the terrace, so you may break your fast with the morning air and the cityscape."

"Thank you, Sebastian. Don't bother, I can do it myself." Lee took the tray carts inside and returned with a wad of cash in his hand.

The waiter tucked the (very) generous tip into his waistcoat and couldn't help but smile. "I'm glad to know that Chataya was to your taste, my good sir. I hope you had a great time with her."

"More than great!" The teenager shared his smile. "A little nervous early on because, you know, it was a first, but I did right by listening to your recommendation, Sebastian."

"Another satisfied customer then. Well, if nothing else, I'll excuse myself. I believe I'm being a nuisance now." The man gave his patron a knowing look before walking down the hallway.

Lee closed the door and sat down on the bed, where he turned off the air conditioning and drew the curtains using the suite's remote control. As he helped himself to a croissant, the boy felt a shifting, heard a rustling, then found himself being hugged by a pair of arms that emerged from under the covers.

"You brought food." The voice was sensual and calm. He had heard it many times before, but he couldn't help but be enchanted. Again. Lee turned his head to see long curly hair, full lips and brown irises the same shade as the woman's skin.

The premature boy broke off a square of chocolate and his date's sleepy eyes lit up as he put it in her mouth. "Let's go to the terrace. We'll have a... better time... there..." He barely finished, his mind confused by the slippery tongue that had mistaken his finger for another sweet.

"Mhmm, later." She said, after giving him back his index finger, "See, we were not finished," then she took hold of his manhood before dragging him back under the duvet,

Where many bad things happened.

"You don't get tired, do you?" The brown-skinned beauty giggled as she watched the boy try and fail to cover his borner by crossing one leg over the other.

Chataya and Lee were having their early meal on the terrace after a steamy coitus. The table was full of dishes and delicacies. There were eggs, bacon, sausage, ham and herring for starters; bread, toast, hash browns and pancakes for main courses; pastries, yoghurt, muesli, oatmeal with fresh fruit for dessert. And let's not forget the drinks - coffee, tea, orange juice, plus, of course, alcohol.

The brunch was a great way to start the day and would have satisfied the hungriest of appetites. The escort filled her glass with champagne, then let out a satisfied sigh as she enjoyed the sweet burning sensation in her gullet. She liked it, the morning kiss, the gorgeous view, the luxury.

Chataya glanced at her young client, who was looking everywhere but where she was sitting, across from him, in all her glory, covered only by a sinfull black lingerie. She shifted, he shifted. She bent, he retreated. She moaned, he swallowed.

"You're such a sweetheart Lee-nou," she teased. "After all you've done to me, you're still shy. You're a romantic, aren't you?"

No, he was a simp.

Chang-Lee might be an accomplished martial artist, a survivalist, a Nen prodigy, but at heart he was still Takeda Tatsuo. A man whose experience with the other gender could be summed up by a peck on the cheek in ninth grade and a popsicle at forty.

It was not only his mind that had transmigrated, but also his frustration, fed by years of unsatisfied desire and chastity, which had turned into boundless admiration for these exquisite creatures when they finally graced him with their embraces.

Chang-Lee loved women.

It wasn't just simple lust or some kind of perverse infatuation. He was infatuated, yes, but the feelings he had for them were purer, even childlike, they were feelings bordering on fanaticism.

A woman's body was a sanctuary to be respected; her smile, a gift to be grateful for; her sorrows, an evil to be vanquished; and her love, even in flesh, a blessing to be answered with a fiery passion.

Chang-Lee was mad about them.

So much so that the reincarnated man wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice everything he had, apart from his life, to preserve their happiness. He hadn't batted an eye when he gave the seven girls, he had rescued from his last raid half a million Jenny each. (Stealing from thieves was that lucrative.)

After that night at the bandits' base, the eight had gone with old Yang to Shizen, where Lee opened their bank accounts and deposited the money. Overnight, the abducted village girls found themselves with the kind of capital that three generations of their family wouldn't have been able to amass.

Realizing this could be a problem, as their relatives could take the money for themselves, Lee hired an accountant who would only allow them to withdraw five thousand jenny a month with their explicit signature.

Another bell rang in his head after Old Yang remarked that their misfortune was a blessing in disguise, with 20 years of luxury awaiting them. Five thousand jenny a month for a pumpkin was a lot, and to stop the girls from becoming lazy, he began to consider a trade, a career, or a life path they could take.

At this, the old man put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "There's only so much you can do, young'un. And you have done more than enough."

Only when the elder took the girls as his goddaughters and promised to look after them did Lee allow himself to continue his journey.

This was the extent of his simping. The comelier they were, the more biased he was. If one were to be objective, she would have labeled him a creep, but hey, he was good-looking now, so they called him romantic.

Lee hummed at Chataya's words and put more bacon on his plate, all the while, he sneaked glances at her shapely curves. She caught some of them and sat in such a way to give him a better view of her tights.

"You know, Lee-nou, I love spending time with you. We can carry on with the day like this, lazing on the bed and watching a film while trying to actually finish this breakfast. What do you think?"

He sighed deeply. "I'd love to, but I have to go."

"Are you sure?" She shook her chocolate milk breasts out of her loose bra. " We'll have so much fun, like last night. You remember, right?"

He didn't forget in the first place. As his gaze was drawn to her knockers, he remembered how they bounced when he took her in a standing doggy over the bathroom sink, how they pressed against him when he rocked his hips between her legs, and how sweaty they became when she rode him like there was no tomorrow.

The images made it harder to loosen his tongue, but he did, reluctantly. "I... need to, leave today."

It was Chataya who sighed this time. It wasn't just the professional who had talked. Despite her patron age, she really had a good Fuck. In fact, the kid had put to shame any other man she had ever met.

She won't tell him this, though. It hurt her pride that she had been moaning like a barren housewife while under a boy half her age.

Surrendering to Lee's resoluteness, she pouted. "You want to leave Chaty all alone! And Chaty just knows you will rush into another girl's arms!"

"No! It's not that!"

"Then what!" Demanded Chaty.

Lee hesitated for a second, then relented. Chaty was just too cute. "Today, I'm going to take the... Hunter Exam."

"What?" Chataya was back. "Are you kidding me?"

He shook his head.

"Seriously?... Why? I heard the com; riches, glory and fame. But you already have the money! Do you know how many acquaintances have not returned? Dammit! They are reaching the hundred! Why would you risk your life?"

"Well, let's say it's a family thing."

She was surprised. "Your parents are Hunters?"

"My grandfather is. He had been training me since young."

The hooker gave him a second look. The classy tang suit he was wearing had already told her he came from a traditional Zhongguo family, and remembering the chiseled body underneath, she could now feel the martial artist vibe.

She sighed again. "And here I thought you were a rich second generation."

Lee smiled. "I'm still a young master." He took out his smartphone and checked the time. Seven past ten. It was hard, but he really needed to get moving.

He accessed his e-account and wired the rest of Chataya's payment. Her device buzzed, and a smile spread across her lips.

"Oh! Thank you, Lee-nou; you're such a Lov—" her voice broke off when she saw the digits. "Lee? I think you made a mistake."

"Hm? I put in a little tip."

"A... little?" Her gaze had a hard time tearing away from the five figures. Lee was playing the no-big-deal card, but Chataya could feel the gargantuan ego hidden behind it.

She giggled. "You truly are a young master, Lee-nou. Geez, now I want to keep you for myself." She got up, sauntered towards him, and kneeled between his legs, still bare-chested.

"You have been so good to me, Lee-nou, I need to properly thank you and at the same time give you encouragement for your exam, right?"

She nibbled at the stiff member through the trouser and then... other bad things happened.

It was ten to eight when Lee rushed out of the room with his briefcase.

"Good luck, Lee! Come see me again!"

"I will!"

He won't

At the end of the exam, he will get back his Nen and his Waifus. While his cute Han might pardon him out of love, she would definitely kill the hooker out of jealousy if he happened to meet Chataya again. What happened in that room will stay in that room.

Lee chuckled as he envisioned the Amazon tanning herself after the kill to get herself a darker complexion. The lass had too many insecurities.

Getting to the end of the corridor, he went for the stairwell on the left, believing it would be faster than the elevator. He bent over the railing and could hardly see the bottom. He was, after all, on the 20th floor.

Lee shifted to the other side of the banister and let himself be pulled by gravity. He descended three floors before reaching for the rail and stopping himself short of his death fall. He went on like this, and a dozen seconds later, he made it to the ground floor.

He winked at the shell-shocked maid five floors above and left through the exit door. He arrived at the main lobby, transferred his reservation to Chataya, and nodded to Sebastian, who was whispering to another guest, before finally leaving the five-star hotel.

There were only seven minutes before the official start of the exam, but Lee was not worried. He knew himself too well, which is why he chose the hotel closest to the agency.

After a light jog in the bustling streets of Hanzi, Lee arrived at his destination. The Hunter angency was located in the heart of the city's downtown district. The building was a modern and sleek glass-clad structure with the iconic double X on its facade.

Inside, the office space was open and bright, with views of the surrounding cityscape. The Hanzi headquarters features a range of amenities, including a rooftop terrace, a large lounge, and even a bar. The office also included several art installations, reflecting the organization's values and ideals.

The sixteen-year-old was a little submerged by the crowding mass and the increasing nervousness. He took a deep, calming breath and approached the receptionist, who motioned to him.

"Welcome, sir!" said the blue-haired woman, with a smile brighter than the day. "How can I be of help?"

He breathed out, "I'm here to," and steeled his nerves. "Take the exam."

"The exam?"

Lee's witnessed the clerk's smile disappear behind a grave and graver expression. Gone was the day and its place, a grim look that managed to put him on edge. He was looking too much into thing but understanding from his meta-Knowledge how devious the Exam was and with the warning posted on the official website – The exam may come in any forms at any time – the teen couldn't help but readying himself.

That was until the lady's dazzling smile returned.

"Sorry!" she giggled, "sorry, you were just too solemn that I couldn't help but to tease!"

Lee's nerves softened, and realized then how tense he had been. He let out a sigh. "Miss, you shouldn't play with people heart like that, I could have had an attack!"

"Aren't you going a little overboard? I have no knowledge of anyone dying of a little prank and you are, in fact, fine."

"No, I'm not. My mind is in shambles! I have been wounded emotionally and I… demand compensations."

"Oh?" the lass's smile widened. " What do you have in mind?"

"Nothing. Remember? My mind is in shambles. But," The teen came closer and leaned on the counter. "I know a date will heal me up."

The lovely secretary leaned too. "What kind of date" she asked in a whisper.

Lee met her flirtatious gaze and answered. "The kind that want us to be alone."


"Alone." He smiled. "Just the two of us... away from prying eyes." His voice was low and thick with something that didn't let the lady indifferent if the way she nibbled her lip was any indication.

Or... she was just being playfull.

"Why for?" went on Lee, voicing the unasked question.

"Why for?" said the blue haired woman, after her guest abrupt silence.

She saw him lean closer, "So I can love you, all, night, long."

Beretta was first stunned— by the cliche, then assaulted— by a crooked grin, and ended up in a fit of laughter, her delicate hand failing to suppress the echo of her sing-song voice. She took hold herself when gazes turned their way.

"Oh you! Aren't you too young to be saying things like this?"

"Age is but a number, so what do you say?"

She hummed, "I say, the good sirs behind have waited long enough. Let's proceed with the registration please."

Lee turned around and met a row of irritated people. He gave them an amiable smile.

"I believe you have registered on the electronic platform." Beretta said, taping on the keyboard of a 90's Macintosh lookalike. " If not, I'm sorry but you will have to come next year."

"I have followed the instructions on the website, I should be registered. And, was that hum a yes?"

"Maybe? Or not? Can you give me your name please?"

"Lee, Chang-Lee. Can I have yours?"

"Beretta." She said sweetly and entered Lee's name in the platform's database. "Chang… Chang… Chang… There you are! Chang-Lee. Hmm, Let's see… male… sixteen years old… From Zhongguo (Region north of Kukan'yu Kingdom)… And a first-Timer. I have it right?"

Lee nodded.

"I know age is but a number," He heard her say over the beeping sound of the printing machine next to her, " But, don't you think sixteen is a bit early? The Hunter Exam is… It is… not just— your usual physical or psycho-technical assessment. Danger is always near and Death, hiding at every turn. You may not come back, Lee."

He groaned. All these warnings were beginning to grow on him, but he didn't have a choice. The Longing, too, was gnawing at him and it bit harder.

"Then pray for me, Beretta." He boldened and held her hand. "Pray so we can have this date."

Giggled resounded again. "I will pray for you."

"So we are good on the date?"

"Maybe? Or not?" She retrieved her hand and handed him the printed paper. "Please sign here and put your address there."

"My address? What for?"

Her pretty lips widened into a smile, a very macabre smile. "So, we know where to send your corpse if you were to lose your Life. That's, if there's something left of you."

The hand holding the pen stilled. He now realized— The paper was a liability waiver, a blood red 'Death' on it. "H-Here." He swallowed. "Anything else?"

"All is good, we are finished." Beretta pointed to the lounge, many participants already seated. " You can wait there or, if you prefer, in the bar until your name is called. See those five doors? You will be asked to go through one of them and then, the exam will truly begin."

Lee peered at the doors located at the end of the hall. There were numbered 1 to 5 and stayed there, with an unassuming look about them. He nodded at the blue haired receptionist and got a charming wink before leaving. "Good luck, examinee Lee! I'm sure you will make it and remember; There is no hopeless situation, only people who have grown hopeless about them!"

He took these words gratefully and went to sat himself.

The wait was peaceful and quiet. The participants kept to themselves, making sure to be at a chair length of each other. Lee sat amidst that idle silence, broken occasionally by the calls of a soft synthetized female voice. Whenever she did so, five men – and sometimes with women mixed in – would raise from their seats and disappear behind the silent gates, but not before spying the others of the quintuplet.

To distract himself from the returning nervousness, he focused on the aesthetic of the building— Murals, marble columns, lights, Beretta and portraits. He spotted Netero's and if not for the Heavy mood, he would have rushed to it and get himself some selfies. (with a camera he bought during his journey.) The man was after all a legend and at the same time, the first character he 'met' since his transmigration.

There was only so much to see, and time was moving at an excruciatingly slow pace. Lee found something else to occupy his mind, measuring the strength of his competitors. He did so by feeling the flow and 'liveness' of their aura.

One didn't know to be an adept or even in the know to aid their physical aptitudes with aura. Killua was a perfect example. His abilities before his Nen training — claws, silent gaits and Rhythm Echo— couldn't have been done without the use of his leaking life force. Even Kurapika, with his far-above-average agility and strength had, to some extent, an unconscious control over his aura.

Lee closed his eyes and stilled the life force rolling on his skin. He didn't use Ten— No, it would have expose himself as an adept to any concealed Nen user. He didn't Zetsu— Not for the same reason. He just couldn't. The curse forced his aura paths into a set Leaking state. No bigger amount of life force could be brought out and the leakage couldn't be brought in.

What he did, was turning the turbulent flow of his leakage into a laminar one— It could reveal his secret, but it wasn't as obvious as the accumulation of aura with Ten. The trick wasn't as sensible as Zetsu but with enough concentration he could make satisfactory measurements.

Lee saw in his mind eyes, numerous sources of light, which seemed to pour, upward, into nothingness. There were glows brighter than others and flows less turbulent than others. For a better estimate, he devised a chart with five levels, each of them defined by a reference.

Good was for Leorio's strength.

Great for Kurapika's

Super for Gon's

Excellent for Killua's

And Perfect for him, Chang-Lee.

Gon had the same one in ten million potential as Killua but pitted against the zoldyck in the final phase of the test, the latter would have won by a wide margin. The green-haired boy was inexperienced, and if not for that monstrous talent, he would have been placed alongside Kurapika.

With this 'guide', Lee found that most participants were worse than Leorio. There were a few greats, a dozen supers and no excellents in the room. The result surprised him as he didn't expect the dozen supers. Hanzo was, in his chart, on the super Level and the reincarnated teen didn't remember a dozen ninja-guys in the 287th exam. The same one he was going to participate in, by a bizarre coincidence, as if fate wanted it.

He let out a sigh. It was foolish to believe events would repeat themselves with him, an anomaly. It was a little ominous but Chang-Lee wasn't a worrywart and they were just supers, no real threats. The man in a teen body still believed on his success by staying far away from Hisoka, Illumi and the main quadruplet who had the clown's attention.

Lee was about to stop his sensing when he caught it. Another source, a faint source. Its light was completely overwhelmed by the others but opposite to them, it didn't pour into nothingness. A perfect bubble. A Nen user.

He knew this one was skilled, having a hard time sensing his aura despite being using Ten. Far more skilled than the Nen bandit whose aura had been radiating like a filament lamp without being projected with Ren. This was skill, the closeness between a user and his life force. It was said that masters, if they wished, could masquerade their aura as nature itself, making it nearly imperceptible even if released with En.

Lee also knew where the bubble was located and when he opened his eyes, he found himself being scrutinized by Beretta. He saw her giving him the look, saw her smiling at him and saw her returning to her task.

Nine came and his name was finally called. He got up with four others and they reached for their respective doors, mentioned during the call. He was to go through door 3.

He studied the others and was being studied by them. There was a middle-aged man wearing a Do Gi, another carrying a mean looking sword, the one at his right was just a punk and the one on the far right was a super, in his hands, a strangely shaped item whose nature was concealed by a tight-fitting cloth. His leather briefcase was pale in comparison.

The teen, like the rest, put his hand on the doorknob and stepped inside.