
Hunter X Hunter: Road to Hell

A law-abiding citizen who was carried away by real estate, as well as a retired government-hired killer, was reborn in a new world where only the strongest have the right to speak. Will he survive and conquer new unknown lands?

Hellish_Rabbit · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

The beginning of the path of life

All night Leo chased deer, wild boars and wolves through the forest. The body returned to its ideal state after the first abductions of life force from animals. But the more he absorbed, the faster he approached the limit. At one point, cutting off the head of a deer, Leo noticed that the scythe began to absorb life and transmit everything to the ground, air, trees. The scythe seemed to be pouring over the edges. Deciding that this was enough, he decided to return home. Nen was now seething like a river around him and more chaotic. It was difficult to control. Despite the time that he hunted, he spent nen on improving the scythe in huge quantities, he only now realized that he did not know where all those taken lives were stored in it. Deciding to create a new skill later, but this had to be thought about.

Twisting the handle around the wrist, he unrolled the scythe without raising the wind. A dark red blade circle danced through the air. The scythe has turned into a small version of itself, an adornment on a black thin chain. Having put on an object from the nen that could not disappear because of one of the rules, he went to Mito on the way, remembering everything he did with the scythe and how he called it.

Reaper's scythe.

1 Harvest festival. When killing with a scythe, the victim gives their life energy, present, and future at the cost of the soul of the loser, to the winner. The scythe can store a part of energy and as long as there is life force in it, it cannot be withdrawn from physical form to astral form.

2 Owner. The scythe cannot be taken from the owner without killing him.

3 Owner transfer. If you kill the owner, under the condition that he does not have a second life, and take his scythe, then the winner is the new owner of Reaper's scythe.

4 The Reaper's Trust. The accumulated lives can be transferred to someone at the request of the owner, thereby heal or extend the life of the target, but it is necessary that the target knows all the previous rules.

5 Ashes of the Phoenix: At the death of the owner, all accumulated lives in the scythe will be automatically exchanged for the additional life of the owner, and the scythe will lose its physical form for a week and cannot be summoned for a week. Can be used once a year from the date of use.

6 Amulet. Outside of combat, the scythe will be in the shape of a keychain. At the request of the owner, it will take the true shape or the shape of a keychain.

Also, it took more than one life to create such rules. Fortunately, the first rule provided with some resources for the rest. The only problem is that all those killed are turning to nothing after being killed. Like Thanos snapped his fingers. From them, only dust remains and ash. If there is something on the victim, then it will turn to ash also. But the rules that he created gave the very effect he expected. The scythe constantly feeds on the nen unless it is filled with the lives of other creatures when summoned. Now it just hangs around his neck. But if a person with blocked nen takes it in his hands, he dies - the scythe will suck his life.

But all those minuses that he came up with really did not please him. Suddenly if someone decides to get his immortality. It scared the hell out of him. If he trusts the wrong person, the whole world will know and he will become the number one target. He knew that he still needed to repeat the rules every day. The more he thought about them, the more they became a reality.

When he finally reached the house, he realized that he did not want to sleep at all. All those lives that he took, all that energy that seethed will not let him fall asleep.

"It turns out that now I will not sleep and I have 24 hours a day?" - thought Leo.

Entering the house, he saw Mito that rushed to hug him crying. It was only now that he realized how truly sorry he was for making her worry. Even though he had known her for a day, Leo was not an insensitive bastard and could also feel love, care, and other feelings.

"Mito-san I'm sorry, I took a walk in the forest and forgot how to return. I remembered a little about myself, call me Leo. I'm from a family that taught me martial arts so don't worry about me. " - he apologized and lied a little.

Mito wiped away her tears: "I'm already used to the fact that Gon can disappear for a week, but he is incredibly strong and not stupid so that he will not disappear. But when you disappeared after I returned ... You said that you know where your parents are? " - Mito was delighted.

Shaking my head, I replied - "No, I don't remember them, but I can say that it is very, very far away. But don't worry, I'll sail in two weeks on the ship and find them. "

At first, Mito was glad that I will find my parents, but then she frowned that Gon also said that he would sail for the exam in two weeks when he will caught a fish.

A smile appeared on her face that looked very strange on her face.

"And you happen to be talking about the ship that takes everyone to the Hunter exam for free?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Yeah, this the one. I'll pass the exam and get my license right on the way. " Leo replied.

BAM !!!

Leo sat down holding his head on which a bump jumped up. "" WHAT IS THAT A Lump. I'm in the real world, why does anime logic work here !!! What am I in an anime that is watched !? "" Leo shouted to himself, feeling the furuncle on his head. He didn't expect Mito to go crazy over his words. What did he say, he wondered?

He completely forgot that he was looking at it from his own point of view. Having opened nen, having received the peak shape of his childish body of assassin, with an indestructible sharp scythe that takes other people's lives, with the reflexes of the killer and the experience of a past life, he did not see this as a problem. But Mito?

She saw a stupid little child who was lured into the wrong company.

"First Gon is now you! Cannt you understand the exam is not just an exam? its where the best warriors and the smartest peoples are going. People are dying there! " - propping up her waist, she began to swear.

"Oh, oh my head ... Mito-san don't worry, I won't be lost, I'm really strong, look I have all the wounds healed." Leo said and held out his muscular arms. He also lifted a T-shirt under which thin but strong muscles were hidden and showed a stomach without a wound, where he cut out an overgrown worm on the shore.

Mito looked at him from head to toe in disbelief, and only then was she convinced.

"Another crazy one," she muttered.

"Really?" Leo asked after hearing her quiet muttering.

"Alright then. If you and Gon catch a fish, I'll let you go. But if not, I will die but I will not let you into this exam, obviously for you? " - She again rested on her hips and looked at me seriously.

"Okay," Leo smiled and, laughing cheerfully and waving his hand, ran outside to look for Gon to help.

He knew that Mito had said that, thinking that we would never catch this fish. But he knew what was going to happen. Just in case, he decided to help Gon catch you never know. He didn't want to run away from the island and leave an unpleasant residue in his heart.

Finding the right lake, which was quite small, he jumped noiselessly onto a tree and landed from it gently to Gon. Gon shuddered and almost let go of the rod and looked at me with displeasure, slowly raising his finger to his mouth, indicating to observe silence. An hour has passed. Two passed. Leo and Gon still sat silently staring into the water watching any movement. With their eyes wide open, they both watched the slightest movement in the water. Leo pondered how he could help. The scythe cannot be used. The fish will turn to nothing and there will be no evidence for Mito.

10 hours passed.

It took 2 days.

On the second day, Gon quietly and slowly took something from a backpack not far from him and put it in his mouth to satisfy his hunger. And he continued to watch the water. During all this time, the rod did not even flinch in his hands. Leo didn't need food after all that vital energy he collected.

It took 8 days. The wind fluttered Leo's hair like in a shampoo ad. Gon and Leo were still sitting in the same place. A couple of times Gon offered a lump of food, but Leo refused. Suddenly ripples ran across the lake.

It was as if something in the lake had awakened and began to stretch. Everything froze. Leo and Gon froze in anticipation. Huge bait from an unknown source was still on the surface. A couple of minutes later, another wave appeared around her, but already more. Suddenly the bait was seized and dragged down. Gon jumped up and began to drag her towards him. Leo didn't know how to help, just watched, waiting for the right moment. Stretching out his fingers, he tensed his muscles and came out with sharp nails. Having strengthened his hand with nen and choosing the right position, he settled down waiting for the moment when he could attack. The muscles screamed after a long period of inactivity and wanted to move. The whole body was on fire for this moment. Gon, concentrating on the fish, suddenly almost flew away and Leo's heart almost sank when Gon almost missed it, but Gon growled like an animal and pulled the line jumped around the tree and began to push off from the tree. Sparks flew from the line and friction against the tree. Leo wondered.

And where to buy such a fishing rod? The sturdy one withstood the heavy fish and the tree withstood it all.

Meanwhile, a giant shadow appeared under the water. And she began to float above the surface of the water, trying to remove the annoying line. Gon, from what I saw, was ready to break his arms but get the fish.

This why Leo decided to help him. The eyes went dark. The target is visible. Choosing the right angle, he jumped like a bullet. Chips flew from under his feet and, as if by butter, he plunged his hand into the fish's head up to the elbow. Not wanting to stop, he thrust just a couple more times at different angles. The fish became weak and died. Blood began to flow from the wounds on head and gently jumping off the body, I returned to Gon.

It became easier for the Gon, and after stretching out the fish that did not resist, we threw it ashore.

"Hahahahaha, we got it !!!" - Laughed joyfully Gon jumping with a fishing rod in his hands.

Seated nearby, Leo also smiled relaxing. Gon jumped from the tree and ran to the prey crunching leaves underfoot. Leo followed him silently.

"Thank you friend!" - Gon suddenly turned and bowed with a serious expression on his face. "Thanks to your help, now Mito-san will let me go to the exam!"

"Well, actually I'm going too. Mito-san said that if we catch a fish, then I can go. Actually, I wanted to take the exam and find my family after. By the way my name is Leo." - Leo said. He was really interested in who his family was.

"Hurray, we will hand over together on examen!" - Gon was delighted. - "Let's take the fish to Mito-san. Now she works near the sea, let's go there! "

Taking a closer look at the fish, Leo noticed that it was not a canon fish. This is something bigger and scarier than in manga or anime.

Having picked up a gigantic green-black fish, the two children carried their whistling song to the bazaar near the port. Any observer would not understand who the monsters are. These two children or that monster that they are carrying are a mixture of cancer, shrimp, and fish. They got there without any problems, and as soon as they entered they were distributed by cheers and claps. Since the island was small, everyone knew each other. And when Mito gave them the task of catching fish, everyone immediately found out and waited for the result. Throwing the fish on the ground, which shuddered the ground, Leo, his eyes found Mito who stood with her back to them and, as if not noticing them, was doing something with the boxes.

"Mito-san, I caught a fish, now can we take the exam?" Gon approached her and looked seriously at Mito.

"Well, technically, we caught her together," Leo added.

"Tehe", - Gon hit himself on the head and stretched out his tongue - "Sorry, for joy I forgot that you then jumped into the lake and pierced her head through with your hand."

The crowd gasped as did Mito, who immediately turned around and began to cry already regretting that she had given them such a dangerous task. Especially when she looked at this fish that was twenty meters long and as wide as two adults.

Slapping his hand on his face, Leo couldn't contain his facepalm. Gon only then realizing what he said, decided to convince the crowd that the fish is not dangerous.

"Come on, the fish is not so dangerous why it makes you so pale." - Gon said embarrassedly.

As if in confirmation of his words, a dead fish on reflexes clicked a jaw with sharp teeth in two rows, frightening the inhabitants of the island, who were examining her head, who had moved away from her almost into another life.

Mito's eyes rolled back at such a scene and she began to fall. Leo took a step next to her and did not let her fall. Gon, who frowned, realizing that he had frightened Mito with such a fish, felt remorse. Together we brought her to her senses by waving a fan near her pale face.

Mito regained consciousness and drank the water, that Gon had brought, with trembling hands. Calmed down, she looked around. Everyone looked at her, expecting an answer. There was silence in the bazaar. Everyone knew about the story, and those who did not know, and now also stood and waited for the continuation.

Nobody else came up to the fish, who knows, suddenly it will not only close its jaw.

"Since you caught such a monster, I see that you are strong enough boys, I cannot keep you locked up here on the island. But if you fail.. and you Leo, if you cannot find your parents, you can come back and live with us on this island, I will always wait for you two. "

"Yes, exactly," - the inhabitants gagged happily, a rather friendly island, however. Partially insulated from the outside world and that dirt. She is a big and friendly family.

But Leo was out of place here and he was not going to stay here and live. So he just nodded and smiled happily. Mito hugged both of them and took them home to spend time together talking about nonsense over tea or simply showing Gon's childhood photos and embarrassing him to death for Leo's amusement.

The week passed unnoticed and having rested both physically and mentally, Gon and Leo stood on the deck of the ship that was going to the hunter's exam. Residents saw them off shouting goodbyes.

"I will become the best hunter in the world! And when I become them I will definitely come back to you! " - shouted Gon from the deck waving both hands.

"Hehehehe" - scornful chuckles rang out from everywhere.

Leo ignored everyone and went straight to the cabin to lie down. Let him not need rest, but laziness is a terrible thing. Gon, too, as if not hearing all the words that poured on him, also went to look for a place for himself. Leo walked next to the blonde who stood near the railing and looked out at the sea. Deciding that it was early to speak with Kurapika, he went inside and took out a book about some kind of fairy tale and began to read it.

Also, having read to half, he was prevented by the rocking ship on the waves. Someone vomited and the mixture, flew as if there was no gravity, in someone's face. Leo's face darkened and he decided to leave this place filled with people and their vomit. Finding a box of apples, he choosed to get one. With a quick motion, piercing one with his finger at random, he raised it to his face and took a large bite. It was incredibly sour, but if you make a pie out of such ... And then Leo thought. Once in his childhood in a past life, his mother was a chef. He wanted to learn how to cook delicious food, but because of her death, this dream was buried. Maybe he will become a Gourman Hunter?

But not before he finds out whether he is from the Zaludik family. If so, then I'll find out why I was not in the original manga and what happened to the previous owner of the body. The storm subsided.

While he was sitting outside the cabins in the corridor, the ship's captain came on boxes. Looking at Leo, he said something to the man behind and he began to scribble in his paper. They walked through the cabins and left. After a while, the cabin boy ran up and called Leo to the captain's room. Deciding not to delay, he immediately went along the way, meeting Gon, Kurapika, Leorio and some other guy in a brown jacket with dark hair and a hat like a Don Quixote. The only thing he was missing was a sword ...

And the situation is more and more at odds with the original thought Leo. First a fish, now this ...

Entering the captain's cabin, the captain began asking names and why everyone wants to become Hunters. Gon again started talking about his father, and the blonde and Leoroio began to threaten each other. When they left and Leo's turn came, he said that he wants to become a gourmet hunter and create delicious dishes that will be honored for centuries.

Then the unexpected happened. A gigantic wave appeared and a storm reappeared. He tore off one of the hooks on the mast and swung it at the guy in the donquixoto hat that was focused so as not to spoil his image. Leo, as if in slow motion, saw how his spine buckled and he was carried overboard. The captain simply reacted by waving his hand to someone and saying.

"Take this off the list, he failed."

Further, not wanting to fly overboard, Leo ignored Leoriro and Kurapika, shouting at each other, and went back into the corridor. He didn't really want to be friends with them. Sitting down in his place, propping himself up on the beam with his foot, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Slowly letting the darkness envelop him, he fell asleep.