
Hunter X Hunter: Road to Hell

A law-abiding citizen who was carried away by real estate, as well as a retired government-hired killer, was reborn in a new world where only the strongest have the right to speak. Will he survive and conquer new unknown lands?

Hellish_Rabbit · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs


Someone approached. Although Leo was asleep, the dream was light and he immediately felt the intruder and opened his eyes. A tall man of about thirty went to him.

"Hello, are you Leo? We were looking for you, the ship stopped long ago and you are not visible. I am a friend of Gon, my name is Leorio, nice to meet you. " - he held out his hand to me.

"Leo" - he simply answered him.

Coming out of the cabin, stretching his arms and legs, he saw Gon jumping on the dock and waving at him and the blonde who was examining Leo. With a wave of his hand, he went down from the ship.

"I already thought you left without us. Meet Kurapika and Leorio, they are good people. " - Gon laughed

Kurapika and Leorio blushed and turned away from each other.

"Hi, I'm Leo," he nodded to them.

Heading to where the rest of the crowd was waiting for the bus, Gon stopped everyone.

"The captain told me that I need to go to the highest cedar."

"To which cedar, you don't see on the bus it says that he goes to Zaban. Yes, and the invitation says that the exam is in the city of Zaban. " Leorio objected.

"But the captain clearly said that the cedar must do." - Gon insisted on his own.

"It's clear now fore me, that's how it is," Kurapika nodded as if he understood something

Leo knew everything from the very beginning waving with his hand told everyone:

"Okay, Buy guys, I went to the cedar, good luck who will go to the bus. I heard that everyone who gets on the bus disappears forever "- and ran away laughing.

If he turned around, he saw Leoriro's face turn pale from such news. Seeing that Gon and Kurapika went to catch up with Leo, he decided to go to the bus. How suddenly he heard out of the corner of his ear.

"Heh heh heh these are fools. After all, not a single bus has ever reached Zaban. "

Leorio, turning pale even more, ran to catch up with the others. Meanwhile, Leo had a problem. Waking up after a few hours of sleep, he realized that Nen had become stronger and denser. As if the body was digesting the taken away life force of animals while it slept. He also realized that all he has is a scythe that helps him become stronger and not to die. But she had no special fighting skills. Lost in thought, he went on looking at the streets on the way to the cedar.

Gon and the others caught up with him quickly and went on discussing the exam. Leo knew everything about the exam so he didn't worry anymore. The only thing he thought was harvesting in a deceptive forest. The beasts are stronger and from them he will be able to make new power.

What he did not know is that power in the eyes of others does not work that way and in order to create new rules you need to master Nen, Hatsu, Ren and Ten. But since he believed in himself and in what he did, it was his special strength.

After a little more, he stopped.

"What are you Leo?" - Gon turned around when he realized that I had stopped.

"There is someone in front." - Looking somewhere at the door Leo narrowed his eyes. Some Nen users sense others. And now, from behind the door, there was a feeling that there was also a strong man there.

"Are you sure the front and not the back." - looked at Leo Kurapik.

Leo shook his head. "I'm not talking about him. I mean those who are behind that door. " - and pointed with his finger.

The door opened and under strange sounds a piece of wood drove out on which stood people in wigs and masks with tools.


The old woman in the middle looked at Leo: "And you were quite talented once you could sense us. And so it's time for the quiz! "

Kar! Bam! Tuts! Made people behind her.

"One question. 2 answers. Answer incorrectly you will be removed from the exam. Who is responsible? "

Leo, sensing that the one who followed them wanted to go out immediately spoke out.

"I will go."

Bam! Kar!

"Question!!! The villains have kidnapped your mother and beloved women. Who will you save? The answer is one - the mother The answer is two - the beloved. Who will you save. "

Leo was presented with a button for quizzes and Leo pressed it instantly.

"Oh, you already know the answer," the old woman narrowed her eyes. - "I will note that you are responsible for everyone. If you fail, they will fail. "

"What the hell is the old woman with your questions !!! How can he answer this question !? " - shouted Leorio realizing that he could fail because of Leo.

The old woman hastened Leo - "Come on, tell me the answer."

Leo looked at her and grinned without saying anything. A couple of seconds passed and Leorio, muttering under his breath, already wanted to go take a stick to beat everyone on the way for such questions as they hit the drum and the old woman jumped up screaming.

"YOU have passed !!!"

Congratulating everyone, she pointed to the door and let four of them pass. Some guy wanted to go after them, but he was not allowed by asking another question. When the door closed and went down the tunnel Leoriro started laughing stupidly and saying what an obvious question and he knew this answer at the very beginning.

No one even Gon believed it.

But Kurapika looked at Leo and asked: "How did you quickly realize that the answer is silence?"

"This question is rather difficult, but once I already heard it and knew in advance that there was no right answer."

Kurapika nodded, believing and everyone went on. Walking as if endlessly, at last everyone got tired to some house on the mountain.

Suddenly there was a woman scream in the house. Everyone rushed into the house except Leo, as if they had received new strength.

Leo knew what awaited them and walked around the house looking for other shape-shifting creatures. A fox jumped out of the window carrying the girl, and Gon and Kurapika ran after her. Another shadow flashed through the trees, and Leo decided to follow. He wondered how much this fox will give vitality.

Tearing off the chain and throwing up a small scythe, which with a crackle expanded and began to glow crimson, Leo grinned and caught it.

Jumping up the tree trunks, he found himself behind the fox and, waving his scythe, drew a red line through the fox. Alas, the fox even managed to jump back in panic, but the tree was cut smoothly and slowly fell. Continuing to mow trees like grass, Leo chased the fox, which constantly dodged at the last second. The fox yelled asking to stop, but Leo saw once the shape-shifter yells, so there is strength in it. Enveloping his scythe with the help of nen, Leo imagined how the blade ceases to exist. The fox was surprised when the blade on the scythe disappeared and was already delighted as in each on a black pole on both sides of one end dark red blades crawled out as if from blood. They were transparent and thin. They looked more dangerous especially in the eyes of a fox who knew what nen was and realizing that Leo was one of the users.

Leaping forward, Leo, placing his scythe horizontally in front of him, turned around himself, sending multiple blows from the blade, like ranged attacks, towards the fox. Dodging the sudden deadly rain of the blades fox stopped. Suddenly the fox changed. He finally took Leo seriously. The bestial aura rose. The fur stood on end, his eyes reddened.

Growling like a primal beast, he jumped at high speed at Leo. The battle was for survival, it has long ceased to be an exam. Leo was too happy with the battle and tried like mad to kill the fox. The fox decides that if he does not kill the boy, he will not survive. Both sides received wounds, on the skin of the fox there were already deep wounds. Leo had small cuts. Chopping and breaking trees into salad and spoiling the beautiful view, they crushed like red and yellow lightning and destroyed the forest trying to kill each other. However, suddenly jumping forward and attacking, the fox stumbled on a branch and rolled back. The red line of light, seeing this mistake, rushed mercilessly to take his life. The fox realized that this end relaxed, expecting a blow and cutting off half of the body.He had time to say goodbye to his son and daughter and wife silently. Life flashed in front of him and with a satisfied smile with his eyes closed, he began to fall to the ground, accepting his fate.

But the blow of red scythe did not follow and the fox took a blow from the height of a tall tree on the ground. Jumping up on shaky legs, he looked up. The boy seemed to have just not fought to the death with healed wounds and not tired, but with a damaged T-shirt, he sat and looked at him from a branch. The scythe was nowhere to be found.

Looking around the foxe did not find a scythe.

Leo was pleased with the battle, although he wanted to kill him from the very beginning, but seeing him as living creature and not animal, he realized that they were really human in spite of their appearance. And the way he smiled at the end, relaxing expecting death...

"You will never know what you really are, until the second you die. What were you thinking when you closed your eyes? " - Leo looked at the fox with black eyes.

The fox, seeing this look, could not match it with his childish appearance. It was as if some old man who had lived a long life was looking at him.

Deciding to answer honestly, he briefly replied: "I remembered my family and the days that we lived together on this mountain."

"So you are examiners who will admit us to the exam or expel us? And did I pass? "

The fox nodded answering both questions without taking his narrow eyes from Leo. He could not help but pass such a monster for the exam. He had already said goodbye to his family once and did not want to do it again.

"Well then let's go see how my friends did." - smiled a childish smile and bright eyes Leo, and jumping from the tree ran towards the house, not looking at the chaos that he had created. The fox, on the other hand, looked at those trees that he had been growing for so long for generations, sighed, thinking how much strength it will take to clean all this.

Going out on the lawn near the house, Leo saw Leorio, Kurapika and Gon communicating with the rest of the foxes. Seeing the friendly atmosphere, he couldn't help but smile.

Everyone turned around and Gon happily ran to greet him. But the foxes couldn't help but frown when they saw his T-shirt, obviously torn by fox claws. With their instincts, they sensed the father of the family fighting there, but trusted in his strength. And now the boy comes out of the forest all alone.

Leo was approached by a pretty girl with red eyes and a yellow jacket.

But before she had time to ask a question, fox following the Loe exited the forest. There were many critical wounds. And dried blood on his fur.

Gon frowned. "Did you fight there? But why are there wounds on the fox and you don't have any ? "

"Ahahaha," Leo scratched back and laughed like an idiot. "Well, we were bored and we decided to kill each other. Well, then we changed our minds. "

Leorio's eyes popped out of their sockets.

The fox explained that it was okay that the battle was not to the death. He knew the strength of the Leo and understood that if he did not calm his family down, they could attack. But they do not use nen and will be easy prey for the scythe.

Finally, when everyone calmed down, everyone was given a room until morning. Leo was very attracted to the girl with red eyes. He wondered how they transform?

He stared at her shamelessly, which caused her considerable inconvenience. The girl knew how strong her father was, because he had trained them since childhood. And when he returned with such wounds, there was no trace on the Leo, she immediately realized that the battle was to the death with this monster. But since her father said that everything was fine, she closed her eyes. But the way he stared at her at dinner as if at a strange beast was too unpleasant.

Having had a good night's sleep, in the morning, the son of the foxes led everyone to the place of the exam, and as if yesterday they had not tried to kill each other, everyone was talking merrily. On the way, as a guide, he told everyone about the city.

When everyone entered the noodle shop, he said the password and they were allowed into the elevator.

In parting he said: "I wish you the best of luck on the exam, but if you realize that you cannot pass, do not risk it. The exam is fatal and this is no joke. By the way, Leo, my sister asked me to tell you that she doesn't want to see you. I don't know how you annoyed her, but at the very mention of you from her father, she falls into a rage ahahahaha "- laughing he left the elevator.

"Well, even if she is in the form of a beast is not so beautiful, but the human form is pretty," Leorio grinned like a pervert.

"You just have to think about the hentai old man before examen?" - crossed his arms and looked at Leorio Kurapika.

"Who are you calling the old man !? I'm only 18 years old! " Shouted Leorio.

"Who will believe this pf"

Once again starting to argue, they switched to other topics. Meanwhile, Leo and the Gon began to play with paper scissors rock. Somehow Gon managed to win on instinct.

Which pissed off Leo and he became more and more annoyed, not wanting to accept that Gon had more victories.

Finally the elevator stopped. The doors opened and showed a standing crowd and everyone looked like hawks at them. Coming out as if a thousand people weren't looking at them, Gon and Leo walked forward. The other two, out of breath with anger, walked on opposite sides of each other. A green man like jelly came up to them and gave them numbers. Looking at his number, Leo decided to be lazy.

"Okay, gon, I'm going to rest on that pipe until the exam starts." - said this Leo jumped onto the pipe and propped his head with his hand and closed his eyes.

The pipe was high and no one tried to talk to him or interfere with his hour of laziness. Twenty minutes later, an unrealistically tall man finally came and led everyone behind him announcing the start of the exam. Leo immediately jumped up and tried to find the boy in the green jacket. But not finding him, he decided to just run forward. Running was not difficult, even pleasant, and even after two hours of running, he did not get tired. The crowd has noticeably thinned. Every minute a new and new person fell.

"AAAH! Fuck this, I'll not give up going so far! " - the echo sounded somewhere behind Leo.

Deciding that Gon was looking for Leorio there, he stopped and waited for them. Half a minute later Leo ran Past like a mad Leorio puffing like a bull with a naked torso and a shirt tied around his belt. Pretty strong will, Leo thought.

After a while, two guys Gon with spiky hair and a guy his age with white hair and a skateboard in his hands ran to him.

Killua saw Leo and with widening his eyes he stumbled on the smooth floor almost felling. Finally he jumped away from Leo and stared like a ghost.

"Yo, let's go Gon." - Leo waved his hand and ran forward. Kilua had an interesting reaction - thought Leo, but deciding to leave it for later, he ran forward.