
hunter x hunter reborn

Adam was a 17 year old casual anime watcher until one day he got hit by truck-kun and reincarnated to the hunter x hunter world He was given nothing but a new body to challenge the world Will he be able to survive?

Hunter931 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

chapter 15-surprise

'I could risk attacking while he is eating but the snakes would probably be on the lookout and attack me as soon as I enter. I could hide inside the carcass of an animal and let the snakes drag me inside and strike when he is least expecting it although it would be disgusting and it's a terrible idea. It just might work'

Adam then left his hiding spot and walked off to find an animal big enough for himself to fit inside.

Finding a plump boar not too far from the cave Adam launched a sneak attack on the boar while it had its back turned. Adam sent it to the underworld with a single punch.

He then stuck his hand through the underbelly and ripped a long seam across its skin.

Adam then began to scoop out the insides until it was mostly empty and started to walk back in the direction of the cave allowing the blood to drip out of the boar.

'Hopefully, the snakes find this blood trail and the body'

When he was somewhat close to the cave, Adam began to crawl inside the boar's body.

'It's a tight fit, I hope this works'

After restlessly waiting in discomfort, Adam heard some noises approaching the boar's body.

Then he felt the boar's body being moved.

When the body came to a halt, Adam pushed his way out of the boar's body and quickly scanned around him.

To his surprise he found himself surrounded by snakes, while the snake charmer was looking at him as if he was stupid.

"Did you think that you wouldn't be noticed inside a boars body hahaha, at least you made me laugh"

The snakes then began to move towards Adam.

Looking back to see if he can jump out of the cave again, he noticed that the snakes entangled themselves to make a net at the entrance of the cave.

'Damn I guess it's do or die now'

Adam this time focused his Nen into his fist and struck down onto the ground of the cave creating a cloud of smoke and dust filling up everyone's vision.

Adam then activated Zetsu dulling his presence and sensing the aura of the snake charmer.

He then cancelled Zetsu after finding the location of the snake charmer and activated Ren and jumped towards the snake charmer.

Ignoring the snakes falling from the ceiling on top of him and the pain of being bitten, Adam tackled the snake charmer to the ground. He grabbed his throat and spoke in a hurried tone.

"Call off your snakes now or I'll snap your neck"

The snake charmer quickly whistled and the snakes near Adam's legs stopped just before they bit him.

"Give me the antidote to the snake's venom, then your badge and open a path to the entrance," Adam said not sparing any time for the snake charmer to think.

The snake charmer put his hands into his shirt and grabbed a box of vials with various liquids as well as his badge with the number 103 and gave it to Adam.

Adam quickly chugged the antidote and took the badge while keeping his hold on the snake charmer and made his way out of the cave with the snakes backing away from him whenever he went close.

Once outside, Adam threw the snake charmer back into the cave and dashed away leaving behind the venomous snakes and the snake charmer, but still not out of danger yet as a new enemy began to appear.

(Thanks for reading, If anyone feels like buying me a coffee: Ko-fi.com/hunter931)