
Chapter 12

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkut My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker

[41 Chapters in Advance]

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Chapter 12

Title: Starting the Assassination Classes...


The next day Machi goes on outside of here to complete her assignments. 

Welp, hope she doesn't die, nothing I can do for her now so no use in concentrating on her anymore. Now I just need to train some more, I don't know why but feeling myself get stronger and stronger has become kinda addictive. I am definitely planning on going to the Dark Continent in the future to get that Nitro Rice so I can live longer. In my first life my plan was to just save up money till thirty years old and then retire, have a family and live off that saved up money while spending time with my family. I even had investment plans and all that.

But in this world, ever since I have discovered Nen, I feel excited like a child every time I advance in my training and get results so quick. It has made me experience something that I have never experienced before, I feel a certain maddening fascination with Nen. 

I am planning to start learning Shu soon, this technique allows a user of Nen to enshroud an object with their aura, allowing them to use that object as an extension of their own body. For example, one could use Shu to extend their Ten around a weapon, which would strengthen and protect it.

With that then I can start training Enhancement, I do have an 80% affinity for it after all, and I do have a certain Hatsu in mind that will definitely give me something that I am missing on my arsenal.

But anyway, I really should stop thinking about training all the time. I need to plan out some things first. In eight months I will be six years old, meaning that I can start learning assassination techniques. Well Machi has already been teaching me them, but there are techniques that even Machi couldn't learn. After all she is only ten years old and not everyone is like Killua, being able to learn so many assassination techniques at such a young age.

Machi won't be back for quite a while, her targets are all over Meteor City, plus assassination requires planning and all that so I don't think that Machi will return in time for my birthday. 


Eight months pass in the blink of an eye and the time when Machi went away seems far back in the past. During this time, I trained all of my Nen basic and advanced techniques. 

Currently I am in my dorm room lying on my bed and have a white plastic knife in my hand. Slowly I run Nen through it and it feels like it is part of my body. I sigh at this and decide to interrupt my training, I jump out of my bed with ease. While I am midair, I coordinate my body to do a perfect landing.

Honestly, I am only six years old but with my training I have achieved physical perfection that would be impossible during my first life. 

Anyway today I have the first class about learning assassination techniques. 


Anyway, I arrive at an empty and dark building, there are only around a dozen children around me. Well as I get more and more advanced, the less people I will see.

Though it's dark I can still see pretty good, the different amount of training that we as assassins do is crazy. I just need a little light and I can see pretty clearly as soon as my eyes get used to the darkness.

I stand in the front of the row, the teacher seems to not be here. It really seems like this place is… 

I lightly tap my foot on the ground and spread my Nen while closing my eyes…

<Ground Sense>

 I sense someone too heavy to be a child. But not too heavy like a male, so it seems like a female teacher hiding in the darkness. I don't say anything and act like I didn't even notice this, but I do put my guard up. Just in case she tries to attack me. 

Two minutes later and…


One of the students falls on the ground. Hmm?!?!

 I smell the air. I don't smell any poison, but it must be an odorless one then. The other kids start falling one by one, others start falling down too. I just take off my shirt and cover my mouth and nose. My poison resistance is high, but better not take my chances with this. I know that this must be some kind of test, so I will just bear through it.

Ten minutes later and only nine students are left. 

That is when the person who was hiding in the shadows comes out. 

I see that she is a teen with crazy-looking eyes, thin black eyebrows, long black hair that falls down her back and some strands that fall over her face, an ample bosom, full red lips, a toothy grin revealing her shark-like teeth and a pair of rectangular semi-rimmed glasses.

"Well hello there." She says with a shark-like smile on her face. "Only those who have a high poison resistance can get training from me."

As she says that her eyes land on me and another guy who seems to be around nine years old, he has short red hair, he is fat and his eyes seem like they are closed, but he has a small opening which he can see through. I see that due to his weight, he most likely ate a lot in the cafeteria and his poison resistance rose that way. The other children seem to almost fall down, and they are swaying around.

She nods at us and claps her hands with her shark-like smile still on her face. "Okay! Now you fight. Only three of you are getting training from me. The others are going to keep running for another year."

The other children seem a little surprised at this but I immediately take action. I go after the warklings who seem to be almost falling down. I pounch six of them in the stomach, within ten seconds, kids with years ahead of me fall on the ground. I only leave a little girl who seems the weakest and around my age here. She wouldn't have passed this if it wasn't because of me. But she will be a weak competitor if it's decided that we three winners fight against each other.

I see that the fat kid still hasn't moved at all. But the teen teacher smiles at me. "Amazing… What's your name kid?"

I look at her with nonchalant eyes and say. "My name is Sub, six years old."

Her smile gets even wider. "Well you might really be useful after all. You follow orders kid, and that is good."

I just nod. I won't be following them for long that is for sure. I am not the type of person to follow someone else if it doesn't have benefits anymore. "Of course professor."

"Ah!" I hear a strange moan come from her mouth. "I love it when people call me professor."

I just nod at this. Unwilling to talk to this strange woman anymore. 

"Anyway children come with me, we will go to the real training ground which I own." Says the teacher. "Oh, by the way you can call me Professor Azula or Miss Azula."

She starts walking out, leaving the knocked out kids behind us. I walk behind her, as does the fat red haired kid. But suddenly…


I hear a body fall on the ground. I look behind me and see that it was the girl that I didn't take out. Hmmm… what should I do with her. I look at Azula and see that she has an uncaring look on her face. So she will most likely be kicked out in the end. Unless I...

In the end I turned back and carried the girl on a piggyback, and followed Azula. She didn't say anything about this. 

Teacher Azula just gives me a side glance but doesn't say anything. But she does have a disapproving look in her eyes. 

Well it doesn't matter, I do plan to get myself some people that can help me in the future. Since this little girl is around my age, it is the best time to manipulate her. 



The MC has plans to have people who follow him… this will be explained more along the story.🤣🤣🤣

Also the MC is way above the people around the same physical age as him.