
Hunter x Hunter: Gen's Adventure! [ HxH ]

Gen is a smart boy that always liked novels.Gen's dream is to become the strongest with his brother Gon. It only means that great adventure is coming. Gen will get an amazing gold finger. Prepare for the upcoming chapters! Op Gen/ All the Respect For Yoshihiro Togashi For Writing This Awesome Story. Everything expect Gen and couple others is owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. Anime name Hunter x Hunter Normal 2-4 Chapters a week. If not I may Be sick Or something. I will try hit Fanfic N.1, so please support me during this journey. There will be improvised arc's.

chefs4 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

The Gold Finger

"Aah. My head hurts." Gen said while holding his head.

"What happened?" Gon asked.

"Nothing serious i think." Gen answered.

"Lets go home Gon some food might do good." Gen said.

"Yeah!" Gon answered.


In the evening.


'Now lets try out this new system!'

'What can you do system?'

[Hello This Is The system.]

[Do you want to imprint all the information to your mind.]


After few moments of pain

'Oh, Now I understand.'

'In order to activate this system I have to learn Nen.'

'But the system said that I should wait until the Hunter Exams are done. I don't know why'

'Oh I almost forgot even before learning Nen I can see my power level if I say "System" In my mind. I can also analyze others if I say "Analyze".'


[Name Gen]

[Power level]

[90/ Unlimited] [With out The sight Of violet.]





[The sight of violet]


180 IQ

[Points- 0 ] [Unlocks when host learns Nen]

[Shop] [Unlocks when Host learns Nen.]

'Wow my power level is already 90.'

'Wait Potential Unknown.' Gen thought.

'Do I have the potential to become what ever I like.' Gen thought.

'What is this the sight of violet?' Gen thought.

[It is ability to predict and create any item from the air. Your eyes will become violet, so remember to use contact lenses.]

'That's really cool.' Gen thought.

'How does this analyze work?' Gen thought.

'Does the person I analyze feel something if I do it?' Gen thought.

[Answer is negative]

'Okay Then Analyze.' Gen thought.

[Name: Gon]

[Power level]


[Potential analysis]

[God level potential]








90 IQ


(Author here)

(Potential is calculated No potential, bad potential,Mid-Potential ,Good potential , High potential, Extraordinary potential, God Level potential and Unknown Potential.)

(Dread is calculated No dread , Little dread, Mid-dread, Big dread, High dread, God level dread.)

(Friendship levels are Never met, Hateful , Angry ,Normal, Okay, Good, Amazing, Family ( Do not need to be related)


'Wow Gon is pretty talented and powerful.' Gen thought.

'But I'm more terrified by my own potential.' Gen thought.

'But one thing is certain.' Gen thought.

'I will become the strongest in this town. No I will become the strongest in this world!' Gen thought.

"Gen Gen wake up!" Gon yelled.

"Gon i'm awake i'm awake." Gen said.

"Good Gen look at the calendar there is only 10 months left before the hunter exams and aunt Mito promised, if we catch the Lord Of The Lake, we can go to the Hunter Exams." Gon said exited.

"Oh really! Then we have to prepare and catch The Lord of The lake." Gen said.

"Osu!" Gon yelled.


9 Months later


'I have been training with the eyes.' Gen thought.

'I can predict everything when I have these eyes on.' Gen thought to himself.

'There is one bad thing about these eyes.' Gen thought.

'It will strain a lot of mental energy.' Gen thought.

'The bigger the item I summon the faster it strained the energy." Gen thought.

'But today we will have other things to worry!' Gen thought.

"Today we will catch The Lord Of The lake." Gon said.

"Yeah we totally will!" Gen added.

"Lets go and find a good spot." Gon said.

Lord of the lake or other name Master Of The Swamp is a Giant fish. The fish is several times larger then Gen. Master Of The Swamp is colorful. Its main colors are aqua and blue.

Gon and Gen started to fish at different spots.

Hours and hours passed.

"Its so boring, but we have to do it to find our dad Ging and become the strongest." Gon said.

"Yeah, it may take days, but we will do it together." Gen said.

Couple hours passed by

Gon was standing easily, but then something started to pull Gon.

"Gen it is here! Come and help me!" Gon yelled.

"I'm coming I'm coming." Gen yelled.

Gen took hold of Gon's fishing rod.

They pulled and pulled until it seemed to grow weaker.

They put their all might to the last pull.

Trough all hardships they finally cached it.

"Yattaaa! We Finally did it!" They both yelled in victory.

They brought it back to the town

Every villager came and congratulated them.

"Aunt Mito! Aunt Mito!" They both yelled.

"What is it?" Mito asked in motherly voice.

"We caught it! We caught it!" They both said in unison.

"Oh really. Can you show it to me?" Aunt Mito asked.

"Yeah Yeah! Just follow us!" They said.

Couple minutes of walking later.

"Oh! That's so big when did you too get so strong?" Aunt Mito asked.

"Aunt Mito we trained so hard!" They almost yelled.

"Ohhoh, I promised you too something if you caught it. Do you remember?" Mito asked.

"Yeah you promised to nominate us to the Hunter Exams." They said in unison.

"Oh, You certainly do remember well." Mito said.

"Can I ask you one question why do you want to become a hunter?" Mito asked.

"To find Ging and become the strongest being alive!" Both yelled like they both had the same mind.

"Oh, you both certainly remind me on Ging." Mito said.

"I will go and nominate you. The Hunter Exam will start in 3 days so remember to sleep well." Aunt Mito said.


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