
Hunter x Hunter - Unlimited Abilities

A young man named Leonard awakens in the world of Hunter x Hunter, learning that he is a open prison named Black Island that is controlled by Kakin Empire, he will need to get out and take his freedom and understand what is happening to himself and why he is transmigrated into the world of Hunter x Hunter

Berat_Demirci · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Awakening - Nen - Shock

Alie sighs, dropping her guard slightly as she leans against the cracked wall of the shack. "Name's Alie, by the way," she says, glancing at Leonard. "Figured you'd need someone to fill you in before this place eats you alive."

"Leonard," he replies, offering a quick nod. They sit down on the worn-out floor, the air between them heavy with unspoken tension.

"Black Island..." Alie starts, her voice low, almost conspiratorial.

"Everyone here is a prisoner, one way or another. The Kakin Empire doesn't kill us outright. No, they send people here to rot. They hold us on this rock, no escape. You either make it or you don't."

She shrugs, as if used to the bleak reality. "Most of us are here because the Empire didn't want to deal with us anymore."

Leonard listens, absorbing her words. His mind races, but one question sticks out. "What's Nen?" he asks, recalling her earlier question.

Alie's eyes narrow, suspicion creeping back into her gaze. "You're telling me you don't know what Nen is?. I can understand you cannot use it, as it is rare for people to know how to use it, but the fact that you do not know it is suspicious."

Leonard shakes his head. "No idea. I just woke up here. I never even heard of it until you mentioned it."

She frowns, clearly not convinced. "Nen is what keeps you alive here. It's power, strength... survival." Her eyes lock onto his. "You better figure it out fast."

Leonard feels the weight of her words, but before he can respond, something strange happens. His vision blurs for a second, and then—like a flicker—something appears before his eyes. A panel. Bright, almost surreal, it hovers in the air, and only he can see it.


Name: Leonard

Level: 1

HP: 100/100

MP: 50/50

Strength: 10

Agility: 12

Endurance: 8

Nen Ability: Locked


Basic Awareness Survival Instinct (Passive)

Experience to next level: 0/100

Leonard stares at the glowing text, his heart pounding, but outwardly, he manages to keep his face calm. A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips, invisible to Alie. He doesn't understand it fully yet, but this is something. Some kind of system. Something that could help him survive.

"Yeah," he says, leaning back casually. "I guess I'll have to figure it out."

Alie eyes Leonard with a curious intensity. "You're calm, surprisingly," she says, watching him closely.

Leonard doesn't answer and just thinks.

"Of course, I am calm."

"I just lied to you that I don't know what "Nen" is despite knowing what it is."

On the outside, he just offers a slight shrug, letting the silence hang between them.

After a moment, he speaks. "So, will you teach me, Nen? Or zap me into that awakening thing?"

Alie raises an eyebrow, a grin creeping onto her face. "Zap you, huh? Bold of you to ask. But what do I get out of it?" Her gaze sharpens as she leans in slightly, clearly testing him.

"He knows the basics but not much." She thinks but does not care.

Leonard meets her eyes. "Name something," he says simply, keeping his voice steady.

Alie doesn't hesitate. "Join my group," she says. "Me and a few others have been planning to leave this place for a while. We need more people if we're going to have any shot at making it off this cursed island." Her smile fades, replaced by a serious expression. "If you agree to join us, I'll teach you. I'll even awaken your Nen, but it's risky. You could die in the process."

Leonard goes quiet, considering her offer.

"If this invitation of her is a condition of nen ability, I may be cooked if I accept it."

"If I do not, she may kill me here without any question asked."

"She told me that they want to escape the island; it is not great for her to keep me alive, as I may tell it to others."

Leonard decides and then answers.

"I'll join your group," he says finally, "but you'll need to teach me Nen and awaken me. I can handle the risk."

Alie looks at him, her eyes narrowing for a moment as if gauging his resolve. Then she nods.

"Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you. Once we start, there's no turning back. If you can't handle it, well." She trails off with a shrug, but the implication is clear. "Let's hope you don't end up dead."

Leonard nods again, fully aware of the danger. "I'm ready."

"Good," Alie says, standing up and dusting off her pants. "We'll start tonight."