
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Island Of Wonder

With the "Galgaida" card safely stored in his binder, Yuuma felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had a long journey ahead and many challenges to overcome, but he was ready for whatever Greed Island had in store for him. The monthly tournament was the next step in his adventure, and he intended to use it to hone his skills and gather more valuable cards.

As Yuuma walked through the bustling streets of Antokiba, he couldn't help but notice the vibrant life around him. Merchants peddled their exotic wares, adventurers swapped stories of their exploits, and children played games, their laughter ringing through the air. It was a stark contrast to the intensity of Heaven's Arena, and Yuuma found it refreshing.

He arrived at the tournament grounds, a large arena bustling with activity. Fighters of all shapes and sizes were preparing for their matches, each one hoping to prove their worth and win valuable prizes. Yuuma signed up for the tournament, eager to test his abilities against the best Greed Island had to offer.

One of the first challenges Yuuma encountered was a rock-paper-scissors tournament held in Antokiba. The prize for the tournament was the Sword of Truth, a powerful and rare card ranked at B-22. Yuuma knew this would be an excellent addition to his collection and a valuable asset in his journey.

The tournament was fierce, with participants from all over the island. Each round was a test of wits and timing, and Yuuma found himself facing increasingly skilled opponents. He relied on his sharp instincts and quick reflexes to outmaneuver his opponents, each victory bringing him closer to the final round.

In the finals, Yuuma faced off against a seasoned veteran, a burly man with a confident smirk. The match was intense, with both players anticipating each other's moves. In the end, Yuuma's strategic mind prevailed, and he won the decisive round with a well-timed rock, defeating his opponent's scissors.

"Congratulations!" the announcer declared, presenting Yuuma with the Sword of Truth card. "You've earned this with your skill and determination."

Yuuma accepted the card, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He added it to his binder, knowing it would be a valuable tool in his quest.

As Yuuma left the tournament grounds, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. His senses heightened, he scanned the crowd, looking for any signs of danger. Suddenly, the man who had used "Trace" on him earlier reappeared, a sly grin on his face.

"So we meet again," the man sneered, holding up a spell card. "This time, you won't escape so easily. Thief on Yuuma!"

Yuuma felt a surge of aura as the spell card activated, aiming to steal a card from his binder. Reacting quickly, he summoned his Orbital Orbs ability, creating an attack to deflect the spell card from the opponent's hand.

The man's grin faltered as he realized his spell had failed. Yuuma took advantage of the moment, launching a series of rapid orbs at his attacker. The man tried to dodge, but Yuuma's precision was too much for him. The orbs struck him with force, knocking him out cold.

Breathing heavily, Yuuma stood over the unconscious man, his mind racing. "So that's how spell cards work," he muttered to himself. "They need to be activated before they can take effect. I'll need to remember that."

With the threat neutralized, Yuuma continued his journey, more cautious than ever. He knew that Greed Island was filled with players who would stop at nothing to gain an advantage. But he was determined to succeed, no matter the obstacles.

Before he left the city, he got a lead on the direction of Massadora, the Magic City. He knew going there would help protect himself from other players' cards.

On his way to Massadora, he met a man, skinny with thick bifocals, holding a map.

As Yuuma got closer to the man, he turned around, surprised to see Yuuma approaching. "Now you stay away," said the man. "This here map is mine. And you will not take it from me."

"I wasn't going to take it from you. I don't even know what the map is for. If you don't mind, what is the map for?"

The man hesitated before responding, "This is the map to the secret treasure hidden by a mad wizard. His name was Drew the Hated. He was known to be hated throughout the lands of Greed Island. But the hatred caused him to go mad and create a staff that put judgment on others as they put judgment on him. The staff was known to be so powerful that once he was captured and put into the dungeon, the staff was hidden, only known to the few who dug the hole. I just happened to find this map from one of the people who dug the hole hiding the Staff of Judgment."

"So you're telling me this? Why? I'm a little confused. You didn't want me to get the map, but you tell me that the map leads to a powerful staff that attacks someone with a judgment spell? And you don't want me to steal the map from you?"

"You're right. Why did I tell you that? No matter. If you come any closer, your life will be forfeited."

"OK. I understand your disposition. But how about we come to an agreement? If I help you search for the Staff of Judgment, I will let you use it first. And then after you use it for whatever your purpose may be, I get to keep the staff afterward."

"Yeah, that's not gonna work. So this is why I want to tell you. Turn around, walk away, and there won't be any problems."

"OK. I was just trying to be nice but all things fair in war, and I'm looking to try to get this game done with as fast as possible before new systems make an appearance. So get ready for a knuckle sandwich."

With the man now knocked out and unconscious, Yuuma took the map and searched for the treasure. Seeing that the X was close to his immediate area, he headed in the direction of the X, using En as he walked around the area to sense any discrepancy of treasure on the ground. He soon came to a hill that seemed like it buried something recently.

As he approached, he detected that there was a chest under that recently dug hill. But as he got closer, a creature appeared, something similar to a guardian protecting the treasure.

The monster was a big blue slime creature. The creature had a big silver chest in the middle of its body. Seeing it coming his way, Yuuma decided to try his hand at a little bit of close combat. Seeing this was his first time fighting a slime monster, he put a protective barrier around him just in case.

As he struck the slime, his physical attacks seemed to not have worked against it, which was surprising. As the slime was getting struck by his attacks, it slowly started to try to devour him.

Seeing this, Yuuma dodged, jumping back. He decided to take a different approach and analyzed the creature with Gyo.

He was able to see that the slime was like any other slime he knew and any other fantasy he had read, with a catalyst allowing it to maneuver—a membrane to be exact.

The very surprising part was that the membrane was in the silver chest. This meant he would have to hit the creature with enough force to knock the chest out of its body, which would cause it to dissipate.

Understanding where he stood against the creature, Yuuma decided to just get it over with and use one of his strongest attacks, Orbital Cannon.

The energy built up to his index finger, and then he released it, instantaneously striking directly at the chest itself.

The chest went flying, and the slime creature soon lost its form and became a slime puddle.

As Yuuma approached the chest, it was unscratched, and it seemed to require a key to unlock.

Not feeling like waiting to talk to the guy he knocked out before to look for the key, Yuuma decided to use his orbs to change their shape to fit the keyhole of the chest.

Soon the chest opened to show the card number 82: Staff of Judgment, ranked A-15. As he read the description, it stated, "Raise this staff in the air while calling out the name of someone you want to punish, and calamity will befall the one of you who has committed more bad deeds, the target or yourself."

"Sweet. This card will definitely come in handy if I ever need to use it. But since I'm here just to collect all the cards before going after Killua, Hisoka, or even the bombers make their appearance, I have to work fast. Or as fast as possible. But with this card out of the way, I can go to Massadora knowing that I have a restricted card at my disposal."

As he was thinking of his next move, the man with the thick glasses reappeared. "You, you stole my treasure. You're gonna pay for that one. I brought some friends with me this time. They're looking for that exact card as well. So, seeing that you're outnumbered, how about you just give us the card, and there won't be an issue?"

"I can see that you think you are smart, but getting a group of people to come here? But you do realize it's only one card. So either you're going to get the card or someone in that group is going to get the card. So if I give you this card, you're just going to fight against each other, which then leads to no one really winning, right?"

"Forget the card. The only thing I really care about is getting back at you. You should've thought about that before stealing from me."

"I mean, did I really steal from you? Or did you give it up willingly? Because you shouldn't have given up the information if that was the case. You could have just told me to walk on and not explain yourself like you did. So you're really the problem here, not me. All things fair in Greed Island, you should remember that. So I'll give you a warning. If you walk away now, there won't be an issue between me and you. And I won't have to hurt you and your friends."

"You're just a snot-nosed kid. You don't look like you even made it to 18. Give up the card, or we won't have to hurt you. Simple as that. You're outnumbered. You are mad. And you're surely outgunned. So be sensible."

"OK, enough of this. I've played with you guys long enough. You're wasting my time. Just go to sleep for now."

Five men were swiftly knocked out as Yuuma continued on to Massadora. On his way, he came across a giant tree where a man stood. The man beckoned him over.

"Hey, you! Do you mind helping me for a second? I'm trying to get this rare bug."

Seeing that the man might be an NPC, Yuuma decided to approach him.

"Thank you for coming over. I really appreciate it. I've asked many others to help me with this task, but none were able to get the stag beetle I'm looking for. Would you mind helping me with this quest of a lifetime?"

"Sure, why not? What do I need to do to get this stag beetle of yours?" Yuuma asked.

"It's pretty simple. All you have to do is hit this tree with all your strength, and then we can retrieve a stag beetle that's coated in silver."

"That sounds simple enough," Yuuma replied. Even though he wasn't an Enhancer, his aura still packed a punch. He collected a few of his orbs, just enough to strike the tree without destroying it, and hit it with full force. The tree shook violently, causing various species of bugs to fall from it. Using Gyo, Yuuma identified three silver stag beetles falling from different directions. He collected them with his orbs, shaping them into small open bowls and closing them to seal the bugs within. He brought them closer, three stag beetles floating around his hand.

"Here's the bug you're looking for, right?" Yuuma asked.

"That's truly amazing. You must be some kind of magician or something, right? I've never seen any technique like this before."

"I'm no magician, but I do have a skill or two. So, does this satisfy the requirement for your quest?" Yuuma asked.

"Oh yes, it surely does. I really appreciate your help. I've been working on this for months, trying to get these stag beetles. My punches just weren't enough. So actually being able to get one and bring it back home is perfect. Since you helped me out, here's your reward. This card can help you protect yourself from anyone who lies and gives you fake things. This card is called Paladin's Necklace. It helps good people like yourself be protected at all times."

Yuuma grabbed the card, realizing this was the same item Gon had in the series. He was happy to gain it in such an unexpected way.

Continuing on his way, Yuuma headed in the direction the man had pointed to reach Massadora. He had to go through unexplored canyons where many different types of creatures lay. With his knowledge of the story and how the creatures worked, Yuuma knew he could handle anything they threw at him.

As he was exploring the canyons leading to Massadora, Yuuma encountered a creature called the Bubble Horse. He remembered that some of its attacks didn't actually hit, while the red bubbles physically affected the target. This made him think about his own techniques and his Orbital Orbs ability. The Bubble Horse used emission to execute its attacks, mixing in feints with physical strikes, similar to a martial artist. This gave Yuuma the idea to use a similar technique to feint his opponents, making them second-guess whether his orbs would hit or not.

Yuuma also realized that he should probably focus more on manipulation to unlock his ability's true potential. He pondered on creating a technique similar to Illumi's ability to control people, a basic technique known to most manipulators in the Hunter world.

As Yuuma walked through the canyon, he continued to think about these two techniques and how to incorporate them into his abilities. He knew that implementing them with proper limitations and vows would bring out their full potential.

Despite his thoughts, Yuuma remained focused on the present. He encountered many different types of beasts along the way to Massadora, each with different attributes and abilities, some mirroring the various Nen categories. Each fight against these creatures gave him a better understanding of how his abilities could work. He was reminded that Ging created this place as a training ground for hunters or maybe for himself. Whatever the case, it was the best place to train in Nen.

After a week of journeying through wildernesses, canyons, and hordes of monsters, Yuuma finally made it to the city. He was greeted with fantastical sights of bubbles floating in the air and NPCs creating fire and other elements from their hands and wands. It was a sight to behold, something he would never see back in his world. It reminded him of how great it was to see another world compared to his own.

With his life here in this world being better than his old world, the limitations that were placed upon him were less restrictive here, especially as a hunter. The world was his oyster, and that was the centerpiece of the cake.

As Yuuma explored the city, he found the place he needed to go: the trade shop. It was the best place to buy all types of spells and a good place to trade spell cards as well.

He was met by a dark-skinned man with a thick beard and a buzz cut.

"Welcome to the Trade Shop. What might you be looking for? We hold a great amount of spells. Of course, no restriction cards are available here, but everything else is up for grabs, if you have money, that is."

"Thanks. Yes, I'm looking for some spells to help me on my journey," Yuuma replied, ready to see what the trade shop had in store for him.

Yuuma turned back towards the trade shop, a sense of cautious curiosity settling over him. The sudden contact from a player named Nazim was unexpected, and Yuuma knew that the players on Greed Island were often unpredictable and dangerous. But the prospect of a beneficial trade was too tempting to ignore.

As he walked back, Yuuma took a moment to check his binder, noting the cards he had already collected. The Paladin's Necklace, the Island Map, and the Staff of Judgment were all significant finds, but there were still many more cards he needed to complete the game. He couldn't afford to pass up any opportunity to acquire more valuable cards.

Back at the trade shop, Yuuma scanned the area, looking for any signs of Nazim. The shop was busy with players and NPCs, all engaged in their own trades and transactions. The familiar dark-skinned man with the thick beard and buzz cut was still behind the counter, assisting customers with their purchases.

Suddenly, a tall, lean figure in a dark cloak approached Yuuma. The man's face was partially hidden by the hood, but his sharp eyes glinted with intelligence and determination. He had an air of confidence about him, as if he knew exactly what he was doing and why.

"Yuuma, I presume?" the man said, his voice smooth and composed. "I'm Nazim. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

Yuuma nodded, his gaze steady. "Nazim. Let's see these cards you mentioned."

Nazim reached into his cloak and pulled out his binder, flipping it open to reveal an impressive collection of cards. Yuuma's eyes widened slightly as he saw several high-ranking cards, including some rare restricted cards that he hadn't seen before.

"I have a few cards that might interest you," Nazim said, pointing to a specific card in his binder. "This one, for example, is the Heavenly Pearl, a C-10 card. It's a rare item that can greatly enhance your Attire for a short period. And this one," he pointed to another card, "is the Phoenix Feather, a B-25 card that can rejuvenate all returning there stamina to Full continuously for 24 hours."

Yuuma's interest was piqued. Both cards were valuable and could be incredibly useful in his journey through Greed Island. "Impressive. What do you want in return?"

Nazim smiled. "I'm looking for a few specific cards to complete my own collection. The Staff of Judgment, for one. And the Paladin's Necklace. I've been searching for those for quite some time."

Yuuma's expression hardened slightly. He knew the value of the cards Nazim wanted, and he wasn't about to give them up without a fair exchange. "Those are valuable cards. You'll need to offer more than just the Heavenly Pearl and the Phoenix Feather."

Nazim nodded, clearly prepared for negotiation. "Of course. I also have the Shield of Faith, an S-15 card that providesThe spells "Relegate," "Return," "Drift," and "Collision" will be rendered ineffective within a radius of 20 M of the player armed with this shield.. And the Clairvoyant Snake, an A-12, by Feed it a card Rank C or above, and it will spit up a "Clairvoyance."."

Yuuma considered the offer carefully. The Shield of faith and the Clairvoyant Snake were powerful cards that could provide significant advantages in battle. After a moment of thought, he nodded. "Alright, you've got a deal for the staff of judgment only."

"Fine I'll take the deal Said Nazim."

They exchanged cards, each carefully placing the new additions into their binders. As they finished the trade, Nazim extended a hand. "Pleasure doing business with you, Yuuma. I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other again."

Yuuma shook his hand, his grip firm. "Likewise, Nazim. Good luck out there."

As Nazim left the trade shop, Yuuma felt a sense of satisfaction. The trade had been beneficial, and he now had several powerful new cards to aid him in his journey. With his binder securely in hand, he turned back towards the path to Aiai, ready to continue his adventure.

The journey to Aiai was filled with encounters and challenges, but Yuuma pressed on, determined to reach the city and uncover its secrets. Along the way, he practiced using his new cards, familiarizing himself with their effects and capabilities. 

Finally, after several days of travel, Yuuma arrived at the gates of Aiai. The city was bustling with life, its streets filled with people and its buildings adorned with vibrant decorations. It was a place of beauty and mystery, and Yuuma couldn't wait to explore it further.