
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Escape Death

As the group of examinees entered the Milsy Wetlands, also known as the Swindler's Swamp, the atmosphere grew even more foreboding. The mist thickened, and the eerie calls of unseen creatures echoed through the air.

"Welcome to the Milsy Wetlands, the next leg of the first phase of the Hunter Exam," Satotz, the examiner, announced as he led us further into the swamp. "Please note that there are many crafty and dangerous creatures native to these wetlands. They can deceive you in the blink of an eye. If you are deceived, you will die. Follow me and stay focused."

As he spoke, fewer and fewer applicants were exiting the underground pathway. Suddenly, a loud slam echoed as the exit closed, trapping the remaining participants in the swamp.

"Well, it seems like that's all of you," Satotz continued. "Allow me to reiterate: the creatures here are wily, and their tricks are endless and deadly. This is not a whim, but the basis of the entire ecosystem here. That's why it's called Swindler's Swamp. Follow me closely and stay focused if you don't want to get lost."

From behind us, a voice rang out, "That's a lie! He's lying to you guys. That man right there is an impostor. He's not the real examiner."

The crowd of examinees began to murmur and second-guess their surroundings. The voice continued, "I'll show you. You see this thing in my hand? It's one of the creatures of this swamp, the Men Face Ape. These creatures lust after human flesh but can't capture their prey on their own. They disguise themselves and lead humans to their lairs, where they capture them alive. This one was planning to capture the entire applicant pool."

Just as I remembered from the stories, Hisoka threw playing cards with deadly precision, slicing through the impostor examiner's skin like butter. Meanwhile, the real examiner effortlessly caught the cards.

Hisoka laughed. "As you can see, this must be the real examiner. And this one," he gestured to the fake, "is a has-been."

The monkey beside the fake examiner, realizing the ruse was up, tried to flee, but Hisoka swiftly dispatched it.

"Now we know he's the real deal," Hisoka declared. "Examiners are hunters who do this for a living. They have no trouble dodging my attacks."

The real examiner, Satotz, responded, "We should take that as a compliment, but next time, attacking me for any reason will be grounds for disqualification. Understood?"

"Sure thing, mustache man," Hisoka replied with a smirk.

Satotz continued, "As you see, losing isn't pretty." A swarm of vulture-like birds swooped down, devouring the bodies of the fake examiner and the Men Face Ape, causing many examinees to shudder in fear.

Satotz resumed his explanation, "These creatures aim to confuse and mislead examinees into their clutches. This sort of life-or-death deception is what makes this swamp fascinating. I'm sure many of you started having doubts about me. Well, so much for that. Let's move on to the next phase."

As the fog thickened, I focused intently on Satotz, using Gyo to maintain clarity and guide Nicholas through the treacherous terrain. Many examinees were lost to the fog and traps, their screams echoing through the swamp.

Ahead of us, a group of examinees had stopped abruptly. Hisoka was on the move again, taking out many examinees with quick, ferocious strikes. Only a few of us remained: me, Nicholas, Leorio, Kurapika, and Gon.

"Huh. These examinees failed. You did not pass my test, so you will go no further," Hisoka declared.

He began to monologue, "You know, I told myself to stay calm during the first round, but this has been too easy for me. So I decided to give the jury a helping hand. It's my turn to be the judge."

An examinee retorted, "You're not even an examiner. You have no right!"

Hisoka replied with a sinister smile, "An ordinary examiner? Please. Behave yourselves, or you'll meet your end in the afterlife."

Another examinee challenged him, "There's no way a murderer like you can pass for a hunter. We won't let you get away with this!"

"Is that so?" Hisoka said, his eyes glinting dangerously. "One card will be enough to take care of all you peasants."

In a swift motion, he used a single card to shred through the opposition. All those who attacked him were now lying on the ground, defeated. Amid the chaos, Hisoka's cold, methodical laughter echoed.

"I see another bunch has failed," Hisoka said, now turning his gaze towards Kurapika, Leorio, the martial artist #76, Nicholas, and me.

Being close to the group, I could hear their whispers as they planned to scatter in all directions, knowing that Hisoka couldn't follow all of them at once. It was a smart plan, one I hadn't thought of in the heat of the moment. The martial artist signaled for everyone to move.

"Run for your lives!" he shouted. "Nothing's worth this!"

"Oh, I like this game," Hisoka grinned. "I'll give you a 10-second head start. One, two, nine, ten. Okay, who will be my first playmate?"

He scanned the fleeing examinees. "The kid with the green hair looks interesting. The blonde one, the big guy who should have died early but is still here. The martial artist seems strong. I'll pass on him. I think I'll go after the one with the suit pants."

As Nicholas and I ran for our lives, we heard a scream. "That's it! I've lost my temper. I'm tired of this guy!"

I turned around to see Leorio charging at Hisoka with a stick. Just as Hisoka was about to strike, Gon intervened with a swift strike from his fishing pole.

Seeing that everything was playing out as it was supposed to, I decided to push ahead with Nicholas.

"Come on, we need to keep moving," I urged, pulling Nicholas along.

With the chaos behind us, we pressed forward, determined to survive the Swindler's Swamp and reach the next phase of the Hunter Exam.

 As we entered deeper into Swindler's Swamp, the air grew thick and heavy with an eerie mist that clung to everything it touched. The swamp was alive with the sounds of unseen creatures, their calls echoing through the dense foliage. The light was dim, filtered through the thick canopy above, casting everything in a perpetual twilight. The murky waters and twisted roots created a labyrinthine path that was difficult to navigate.

It didn't take long for the effects of the swamp to become apparent. The hallucinogenic plants and creatures began to work their magic on us.

"Stay close," I advised Nicholas, keeping my voice steady to calm him. "This place is designed to mess with your head."

Using Gyo, I focused my aura into my eyes, allowing me to see through the illusions. It was a skill I had practiced diligently, knowing it would be invaluable in situations like this. The world around me shifted, and the true nature of the swamp became clearer. I could see the faint glow of aura emanating from the plants and creatures responsible for the illusions.

Nicholas, still looking shaken, followed closely. "Yuuma, this place… it's like a nightmare."

"Don't trust what you see," I replied, guiding him through a particularly thick patch of fog. "Focus on your senses and stay close to me."

Ahead, I noticed a group of examinees struggling. They were being led astray by the illusions, heading deeper into the swamp where the dangers increased. Among them, I recognized the Amori Brothers, their confident expressions replaced by confusion and fear.

"They're in trouble," Nicholas said, his voice filled with concern.

"We can't help everyone," I said, though it pained me to leave them behind. "Our priority is to get through this ourselves." I lived at the Armory Brothers. They really have a big.Affording part in the story.So there were no consequences To leaving them to their own devices. 

We pressed on, carefully navigating the treacherous terrain. I used Gyo intermittently, conserving my energy while ensuring we stayed on the right path. The illusions grew more intense as we went deeper, but I remained focused, guiding Nicholas and myself through the deceptive landscape.

At one point, we encountered a massive creature, a swamp beast shrouded in illusions. To the untrained eye, it appeared as a friendly guide, beckoning examinees deeper into the swamp's deadly embrace. Using Gyo, I saw through its disguise and led us around it, avoiding what could have been a fatal encounter.

As we moved forward, we came across more examinees caught in the throes of the illusions. Some were fighting each other, driven mad by their hallucinations. Others were hopelessly lost, wandering in circles. I knew we couldn't save them all, but I did my best to steer clear of conflicts and keep us on the right track.

Eventually, we reached a clearing where the mist was thinner, and the illusions less potent. I could see the edge of the swamp in the distance, the light beyond promising safety and the end of this phase. We quickened our pace, determination fueling our steps.

Just as we were about to exit the swamp, we encountered a final obstacle—a group of examinees, including the Amori Brothers, blocking our path. They looked wild-eyed, clearly affected by the swamp's hallucinogens.

"Out of our way," I said firmly, my hand on my short sword.

One of the brothers sneered, though his eyes betrayed his fear. "You think you can just waltz through? We've been stuck here because of this cursed place. No one's getting past us."

I sighed, knowing a fight was inevitable. "Nicholas, stay back."

Activating my aura, I prepared for a confrontation. The swamp had taken its toll on all of us, but I couldn't let this final challenge stop us from reaching our goal.

The fight was quick and brutal. Using my enhanced perception, I dodged their wild attacks, countering with precise strikes. Nicholas stayed back, watching with wide eyes as I disarmed the brothers and incapacitated them without causing permanent harm.

"We don't have time for this," I muttered, pulling Nicholas along as we made a break for the swamp's edge.

Finally, we emerged from Swindler's Swamp, the dense mist giving way to clear skies and fresh air. The sounds of the swamp faded behind us, replaced by the murmurs of other examinees who had made it through.

"We did it," Nicholas said, relief evident in his voice.

I nodded, scanning the crowd for familiar faces. We had survived the illusions of Swindler's Swamp, but the Hunter Exam was far from over. The next phase awaited, and with it, new challenges and opportunities.

"Stay close," I reminded Nicholas. "We're not done yet."

As Nicholas and I made our way out of the swamp, we followed the trail that led to the next phase of the exam. Soon, we encountered a large gate, wide open, seemingly inviting us in with open arms. We continued along the path until we reached the site of the second exam—a building nestled in the center of a dense forest.

Several applicants had already gathered there, including familiar faces like Tonpa, Illumi, Killua, and Hanzo. There were also many others whom I didn't recognize, but they had made it this far, so they must have been formidable.

"Now that we're out of the swamp, I realize I never properly introduced myself," Nicholas said, looking relieved. "What's your name again?"

"It's Yuuma Ikeda. My mom calls me Yu-Yu if that's easier to remember," I replied.

"Got it. Sorry about earlier, I was a bit stressed out. I never really had the chance to remember your name," Nicholas admitted. "As I mentioned before, my name is Nicholas. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting me this far."

"No problem," I said. "To be honest, I thought I was better than everyone here. I've always been good with technology, connecting with people from a distance. But you helped me see that I need real friends. So, Yuuma, will you be my friend?"

"I don't mind becoming your friend or even allies, but our deal was that you would give me information on the other applicants," I reminded him.

"I don't know much about all the applicants," Nicholas confessed. "I've just been collecting data on them for future reference. I'm a rookie like you, but I'll make sure I contribute to the group. I promise to start collecting data now."

"Alright, keep an eye on Hanzo, Hisoka, and that weird guy with the Mohawk," I instructed.

Nicholas nodded and walked off into the crowd with his laptop, ready to gather information. I thought to myself, this is harder than I expected, but it's also fun and a little scary. Without Nen, I would've been in big trouble back there.

Determined to survive and not change the timeline too much, I settled on a tree to wait for Nicholas's return. As I watched, Kurupika and Gon finally made their appearance, running straight to Leorio, who was sitting under a tree with a swollen face. I was glad that nothing seemed to have changed.

Or so I thought. To my left, I noticed Hisoka gazing at me with intense eyes, like a lion eyeing its prey. I made the mistake of staring back at him without fear. This seemed to entice him to come over.

"Hello, #15. I didn't catch your name before you ran away like a scared rabbit. How about we introduce ourselves?" Hisoka's voice was as sinister as I had imagined. "I'm Hisoka the magician. And you are?"

"I'm Yuuma," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Good. I'll be watching you," Hisoka said, walking away with a final remark. "I hope next time we meet, it'll be a lot more fun than you running away."

That was scary as hell, I thought. Hisoka was even creepier in person. But at least he didn't want to kill me. That would have been trouble.

Satotz stood before the group of examinees and congratulated us. "Well, that looks like all of you. Congratulations to those who managed to pass and get out of the swamp alive and well. You are now in the Biska Woods. This is where the second phase of your exam will take place. On that note, I wish you the best of luck in the next part of your trials."

Nicholas soon returned with information. "The next phase of the exam begins at 12:00. We have another hour. Do you want the data I collected on the others?"

"Is there anything noteworthy about them in particular?" I asked.

"To be honest, I wasn't able to ask many questions, but just analyzing their movements and body language, the ones you told me to watch—Hanzo, Hisoka, and the guy with the Mohawk—they don't seem nervous at all. In fact, they look confident and give off an eerie aura," Nicholas reported.

"Good observation. Keep watching them," I said.

"Yes, boss. I'll keep an eye on them," Nicholas responded, eager to help.

"Wait, did you just call me boss?" I asked.

"Of course. You saved my life and helped me get to the second round of the exams. There's no way I'll just call you by your name. You're my boss now," Nicholas said earnestly. "I'll follow you for the rest of my life."

I thought to myself, this guy is geekier than I am. But if I've learned anything, it's best to accept help when it's offered. "Sure, you can be my lackey for now," I said.

"Thank you, boss. I won't let you down," Nicholas replied enthusiastically.

"Alright, lackey, watch over me. I'm going to get some rest," I said.

"You got it, boss. I'll watch over you day and night," Nicholas assured me.

After a quick hour nap, it was time for the second exam. The doors to a barn-like facility opened, revealing a giant man and a beautiful woman sitting on a cushion chair.

"I'm so hungry. Man, I'm starving," the giant man said, his stomach growling loudly.

"You don't have to wait any longer," the woman said. "It's time we put these pipsqueaks to the test. Therefore, the theme of the second trial will be cooking."

"We are both gourmet cooks," the woman continued. "Your mission is to satisfy our palates by cooking us a meal."

The applicants were stunned. "Cooking?" they exclaimed in unison.

"Yes, cooking," the giant man said. "Start cooking the plates I ask for. Those who qualify will satisfy my hunger."

"And those who pass my satisfaction will qualify for the third round of the exams," the woman added. "The test will be over when we're no longer hungry. Everyone will have the chance to prepare something. But enough of that, let's get started. We're quite hungry."

"Can I start?" the giant man asked.

"Go ahead, you big lug," the woman replied sarcastically.

"Alright then. The first meal of the day—I want roasted pork. That's what I like the best," the giant man said. "I'm not picky, so I don't care what kind of pork it is, as long as it's caught in the Biska Woods."

"With that out of the way, let the second round begin," the woman announced.

With the first phase behind us and calculations from Nicholas showing that only 152 applicants remained, I felt a step closer to becoming a true hunter.