
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Aiai City

As Yuuma stepped through the grand gates of Aiai, he was immediately struck by the city's vibrant energy. The streets were alive with color and sound, vendors calling out their wares, musicians playing cheerful tunes, and children laughing as they played. It was a stark contrast to the rugged wilderness he had traversed to get here.

Yuuma made his way through the bustling marketplace, his eyes scanning the various stalls for anything of interest. As he walked, he couldn't help but notice the number of rare and exotic items on display. From intricate jewelry to powerful talismans, Aiai seemed to be a treasure trove of valuable goods.

Suddenly, a commotion near the center of the market caught his attention. A group of thugs had cornered a young woman, their intentions clear from their menacing expressions. The woman, although visibly frightened, held her ground, clutching a small satchel to her chest.

"Hand over the bag, girl," one of the thugs sneered, stepping closer. "We don't want to hurt you."

Yuuma felt a surge of anger. He couldn't stand by and let this happen. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, his presence immediately drawing the attention of the thugs.

"Leave her alone," Yuuma said, his voice calm but firm. "If you know what's good for you, you'll walk away now."

The thugs turned to face him, their expressions shifting from surprise to amusement. "And who are you supposed to be?" one of them jeered. "This ain't your business, kid."

Yuuma didn't respond. Instead, he focused his aura, his Nen flaring around him as he prepared for a fight. The thugs, sensing the shift in power, hesitated.

One of them lunged at Yuuma, but he was ready. He then countered with a powerful kick, sending the thug crashing into a nearby stall.

The other thugs, seeing their companion easily taken down, decided to charge at Yuuma together. He leaped onto one of his floating platforms, using it to launch himself into the air. From this elevated position, he directed a kick to their domes taking out the remaining thugs, each hit precise.

In a matter of moments, the thugs were on the ground, groaning in pain. Yuuma landed gracefully, turning to the young woman who was still clutching her satchel tightly.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice gentle.

The woman nodded, her eyes wide with gratitude. "Thank you," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "You saved me."

Yuuma smiled. "I'm glad I could help. What's in the satchel that they wanted so badly?"

The woman hesitated for a moment before opening the satchel to reveal a collection of rare and valuable herbs. "These are for my grandmother," she explained. "She's very ill, and these herbs are the only thing that can help her."

Yuuma's expression softened. "Let's get you home," he said. "I'll make sure you get there safely."

As they walked through the city, the woman introduced herself as Hana. She explained that she had come to Aiai to find the herbs needed for her grandmother's medicine but had been targeted by the thugs who wanted to sell the valuable plants for a profit.

When they reached Hana's home, an old, modest house on the outskirts of the city, she invited Yuuma inside to meet her grandmother. The elderly woman, frail but kind, thanked Yuuma profusely for saving her granddaughter.

"You have a kind heart, young man," she said, her voice weak but sincere. "Thank you for bringing Hana back safely."

"It was my pleasure," Yuuma replied. "I'm glad I could help."

As Yuuma prepared to leave, Hana stopped him at the door. "Wait," she said, her cheeks slightly flushed. "I know it's not much, but please take this." She handed him a small pendant, intricately crafted and glowing faintly with Nen.

"This pendant has been in our family for generations," Hana explained. "It's said to bring good luck and protection. I want you to have it, as a thank you for saving me."

Yuuma accepted the pendant, touched by the gesture. "Thank you, Hana," he said, placing it around his neck. "I'll cherish it."

With a final farewell, Yuuma left Hana's home and continued his exploration of Aiai, the pendant resting against his chest as a reminder of the connection he had made. He knew his journey was far from over, but with allies and moments of kindness like these, he felt more prepared than ever for the challenges ahead.

The next day, as Yuuma left the inn where he had been staying, he encountered an old lady sitting by the entrance. Her presence was calm and mysterious, with a kind but knowing smile that seemed to see right through him.

"Good morning, young man," she greeted, her voice gentle yet filled with an air of wisdom. "Would you like to have your fortune told?"

Yuuma, curious about the encounter, nodded and took a seat opposite her. The old lady shuffled her deck of cards and began to lay them out in a pattern that Yuuma didn't recognize.

"Hmm," she hummed, studying the cards carefully. "I see many women in your future, each one with a love that will shape your destiny in different ways."

Yuuma blinked, slightly taken aback. "Many women?" he repeated, unsure what to make of the prediction.

"Yes," the old lady confirmed with a knowing smile. "Their love for you will be strong and will bring you great joy, but also great challenges. Remember, young man, love is a powerful force that can guide you in unexpected directions."

Intrigued, Yuuma listened closely as the old lady continued. "I also see an opportunity for you in the near future. Here, take this," she said, handing him a small piece of paper with a password written on it. "Go to the shop located at the end of Rose Street. Give this password to the shopkeeper, and you will receive something special."

Yuuma accepted the paper, thanking the old lady for her insight. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation about what lay ahead.

Following the directions given by the old lady, Yuuma made his way through the bustling streets of Aiai to Rose Street. It was a quiet, narrow alleyway lined with quaint shops and cafes. At the very end, he found a small, unassuming shop with a sign that read "Heart's Desire."

Yuuma pushed open the door and stepped inside. The shop was filled with an array of items, from delicate jewelry to intricate trinkets, all seemingly tied to themes of love and affection. The air was thick with the scent of roses and lavender, creating a calming and enchanting atmosphere.

"Welcome," said a soft voice from behind the counter. Yuuma turned to see a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a gentle smile. "How can I help you today?"

"I was given this password," Yuuma replied, handing her the piece of paper. "I'm not exactly sure what it's for, but I was told to come here."

The shopkeeper's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ah, I see," she said, taking the paper and reading the password. "Follow me."

She led Yuuma to a back room filled with even more unique and rare items. She reached for a small, ornate box on a high shelf and opened it to reveal a card. The card was beautifully crafted, with intricate designs and a soft, glowing aura.

"This is the card you seek," the shopkeeper said, handing it to Yuuma. "It's called the 'Lover's Charm.' It's a rare item that can enhance the bonds of love and friendship. Use it wisely."

Yuuma examined the card, feeling its power resonate in his hands. He thanked the shopkeeper and placed the card in his binder, feeling a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the old lady's guidance.

As he left the shop, Yuuma couldn't help but think about the fortune he had been given. The prediction of many women loving him seemed far-fetched, but in the world of Greed Island, anything was possible. With the Lover's Charm in his possession, he felt more prepared for the challenges ahead and more curious than ever about what his future held.

Curious about the power of the Lover's Charm, Yuuma decided to test its effect immediately. As he walked through the vibrant streets of Aiai, he activated the card, feeling a subtle yet profound change in the air around him. It was as if an invisible aura radiated from him, drawing people in and making them more receptive to his presence.

Lover's Charm: only works on Npc's that are within Aiai city.

He decided to put it to the test by interacting with various NPCs around the city. His first stop was a bustling market, where vendors shouted out their wares. He approached a stall selling exotic fruits, greeted by a friendly merchant.

"Hello there!" Yuuma said, smiling warmly. "Your fruits look amazing. Do you have any recommendations?"

The merchant, a burly man with a grizzled beard, beamed at him. "Ah, young man! You've got a good eye. Try these golden apples. They're rare and sweet. Just like you, it seems."

Yuuma chuckled, realizing the charm's effect. "Thank you! By the way, have you heard any rumors about restricted cards? I'm looking to collect them."

The merchant leaned in, his eyes twinkling with intrigue. "Ah, restricted cards, eh? I've heard whispers about a card hidden in the old fountain at the city square. They say it's guarded by a creature that only appears at night."

Intrigued, Yuuma thanked the merchant and made a mental note to check out the fountain later. He continued to wander the market, striking up conversations with various NPCs. Each interaction confirmed the Lover's Charm's effectiveness. People were more open, more willing to share secrets and tips that they might have otherwise kept to themselves.

At a small cafe, he met an elderly woman who seemed delighted to chat with him. "You remind me of my grandson," she said, patting his hand. "So full of life and adventure. If you're looking for rare items, try visiting the old library. There's a hidden chamber there, accessible only by solving a riddle."

Yuuma thanked her, feeling a surge of excitement. The Lover's Charm was proving to be an invaluable tool, leading him to potential locations of restricted cards.

As dusk approached, he decided to follow the merchant's tip and head to the city square. The old fountain was a grand structure, intricately carved and surrounded by lush greenery. As night fell, the area took on an almost mystical quality, the moonlight casting eerie shadows.

Yuuma waited patiently, his senses on high alert. Suddenly, he noticed a ripple in the water, followed by a low growl. Emerging from the fountain was a creature made of water, its form constantly shifting and swirling.

Recalling the tips he had gathered, Yuuma prepared himself for a battle. The creature lunged at him, but he deftly dodged, using his Nen abilities to create floating platforms with his Orbital Orbs, allowing him to maneuver around the beast. He used the orbs to strike the creature, each hit disrupting its form.

The battle was intense, but Yuuma's strategy and agility gave him the upper hand. With a final, well-placed strike, he managed to dissipate the creature entirely. As the water settled, a card floated to the surface. Yuuma grabbed it, grinning as he read the name: "Moonlight Reflection, card number 48, B-5."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Yuuma stored the card in his binder.

After his success with the Lover's Charm and securing the Moonlight Reflection card, Yuuma's confidence grew. He heard whispers around Aiai about a mansion outside the city where a girl was being held hostage. The rumors claimed she could produce gold dust, a unique ability that made her a target for greedy individuals. Yuuma quickly deduced that she was likely the restricted card, Gold Dust Girl.

Determined to rescue her and add the card to his collection, Yuuma decided to put his newly devised technique to the test: Orbital Camouflage. This technique allowed him to shroud himself with a barrier that reflected light, rendering him nearly invisible while also canceling out any sound he made. It was a perfect strategy for a stealth mission.

Under the cover of night, Yuuma made his way to the outskirts of the city, following the directions he had gathered from the friendly NPCs. The mansion was an imposing structure, its high walls and guarded gates a testament to the value of what—or who—was inside. He activated Orbital Camouflage, feeling the familiar sensation of his Nen wrapping around him, bending light and muting sound.

Approaching the mansion's perimeter, Yuuma carefully avoided the guards patrolling the grounds. Their conversations were hushed, and they seemed tense, aware of the importance of their duty. Moving with silent precision, Yuuma reached the main building and slipped inside through a side door left slightly ajar.

Inside, the mansion was dark and eerily quiet. He navigated the hallways, avoiding the occasional servant or guard. His Nen technique held strong, allowing him to move unseen and unheard. Following his intuition, he made his way to the basement, where he suspected the girl was being held.

The basement was cold and damp, a stark contrast to the opulence of the mansion above. As he descended the creaky wooden stairs, Yuuma heard faint sobbing. His heart quickened, knowing he was close. At the bottom of the stairs, he found a heavy wooden door slightly ajar. Peering inside, he saw a dimly lit room with a young girl chained to the wall. Her delicate features were streaked with dirt and tears, and her golden hair shimmered in the faint light.

Yuuma's heart ached for her. He stepped inside, still cloaked in his camouflage. Carefully, he approached the girl, making sure not to startle her. Once he was close enough, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder, and she gasped in surprise.

"Shh, it's okay," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm here to help you."

The girl looked around, her eyes wide with fear and confusion. "Who... who are you?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"My name is Yuuma," he replied softly. "I'm here to get you out of here. But we need to be very quiet and very careful."

She nodded, her trust in him evident despite the circumstances. Yuuma used his Nen to shroud her with the same camouflage technique, making them both invisible and silent. He carefully broke the chains that bound her, using his orbs to cut through the metal with minimal noise.

"Stay close to me," he instructed. "We'll get out of here together."

They moved stealthily through the basement and back up the stairs. The mansion was still quiet, the guards unaware of their presence. Yuuma led the girl through the same side door he had entered, guiding her past the perimeter guards and into the safety of the forest beyond the mansion grounds.

Once they were a safe distance away, Yuuma deactivated his camouflage technique. The girl looked at him with a mixture of awe and gratitude.

"Thank you," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "I don't know how to repay you."

"You don't have to," Yuuma replied with a smile. "But I need to ask you something. Are you the Gold Dust Girl?"

She nodded, her expression turning serious. "Yes, that's what they called me. I can produce gold dust, and they kept me captive because of it." After her explanation she turned into a card

Yuuma nodded, satisfied. 

He pulled out his binder and placed the Gold Dust Girl card inside, feeling a sense of accomplishment. With another restricted card in his possession, Yuuma knew he was one step closer to mastering Greed Island. 

As Yuuma wandered through the bustling streets of Aiai, he was on the lookout for potential leads on more restricted cards. His senses were sharp, and his mind was focused. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out to him.

"Yuuma! There you are!" Hana approached him, her face beaming with excitement. "I've been looking for you. Do you want to hang out for a bit?"

Yuuma smiled, glad to see a friendly face. "Sure, Hana. What do you have in mind?"

She grinned mischievously. "There's this amazing cookie shop I know. It's a bit hidden, but it's got the best cookies in town. Come on, I'll show you!"

Yuuma's instincts tingled with suspicion. The last time he had let his guard down, he had been tricked and robbed. However, Hana's genuine enthusiasm and the possibility of uncovering another event led him to follow her.

They made their way through the winding streets, eventually descending a narrow staircase into a basement. The shop was indeed hidden, with no storefront or sign to indicate its presence. Despite his wariness, Yuuma continued, his curiosity piqued.

Inside, the shop was cozy and filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies. Hana led him to a small table in the corner and ordered a variety of cookies. As they chatted and laughed, Hana picked up a cookie and held it out to Yuuma.

"Here, try this one. It's my favorite," she said, her eyes sparkling.

The gesture reminded Yuuma of the girl who had kissed him before, leading to his previous misadventure. His guard went up, and he gently declined. "Thanks, Hana, but I'm not really in the mood for sweets right now."

Hana seemed unfazed, simply nodding and continuing to eat her cookies. They spent the rest of the day exploring the city, enjoying each other's company until nightfall. As the stars began to twinkle above, Yuuma walked Hana back to her home.

"Thanks for today, Yuuma," Hana said, giving him a warm hug before heading inside.

Yuuma smiled and turned to leave, but as he walked away, he felt something in his pocket. Reaching in, he pulled out a small note. It read: "Help me."

His heart skipped a beat, and he turned back toward Hana's house. As he approached, the door creaked open, revealing not Hana, but an old hag dressed in her clothes. Her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Yuuma.

"What are you doing here?" she snarled, her voice cracking with age.

Yuuma's eyes narrowed as he took a step back. The old hag seemed to flicker, shifting between her elderly form and Hana's youthful appearance. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The hag cackled, her form stabilizing into her elderly self. "You're a persistent one, aren't you? I should have known better than to underestimate you little girl."

Before Yuuma could react, she raised a necklace she wore, using it as a catalyst to restrain him with a powerful binding spell. Yuuma struggled against the invisible bonds, but they held firm.

"You've ruined my plan," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "Hana, that foolish girl, managed to reach out for help. But it doesn't matter. With you captured, I'll take your body for my own. These hormone cookies will change your gender, making it easier for me to take over your body."

Yuuma's mind was clear. As the hag monologues, he focused his aura, channeling his strength into breaking free. With a burst of energy, he shattered the restraints, catching the hag off guard.

"No! How did you—?" she screeched, but it was too late.

Yuuma moved swiftly, capturing the old lady with a quick strike and immobilizing her. He grabbed the hormone cookies from her, feeling their power as they transformed into a card. It was one of the restricted cards he had been searching for.

Card #33: Hormone Cookies - Transforms the consumer's gender temporarily or permanently, depending on the dosage.

The hag, now helpless, glared at him with a mixture of anger and fear. "You think you've won? This is far from over!"

Yuuma secured her, ensuring she couldn't cause any more trouble. "I'll make sure you're taken care of. And as for these cookies, they'll stay with me."

With the old hag subdued and another restricted card in his possession, Yuuma felt a sense of accomplishment. He had not only thwarted a malicious plot but also saved Hana from a dire fate. As he left the scene, he knew that his journey on Greed Island was far from over.