
Hunted by My Villainous Disciples

Pain. It's too painful. Deluk lowered his head, only to see a sword tip brutally piercing his chest. "Master, you didn't expect this, did you?" "Once the invincible being looked down upon the world, would also have a day where your path ends in death?" Behind him, a trembling female voice came. She seemed to be suppressing the joy in her words, trying not to laugh out loud. Ten years of hiding her anger, her great revenge was finally fulfilled. "Thirty years ago, you killed my parents, slaughtered my village, did you ever think of this day?" Seeing the man in front of her remain silent, Noel couldn't help but speak again. 'Dad, Mom...' The faces of her late parents had become somewhat blurred, but those happy childhood memories were still vivid. Again... and again, replaying in her mind. Noel released the long sword in her hand and knelt on the ground. The woman trembled all over, her shoulders twitching from time to time, and her mouth uttered fine whimpers, like crying and complaining. Suddenly, she crawled to Deluk, embracing him in her arms. "Speak, why won't you speak!" "Why are you silent..." Noel's expression suddenly changed, becoming extremely frightened. "No, no, Master..." "Noel is here, Noel will save you..." She frantically spoke, clumsily trying to treat the horrific wound. The wound had pierced through the heart, and the internal organs were shattered by the sword's energy. "Sob* sob*... Ha, Hahaha..." The woman's mixed cries and laughter echoed softly throughout the cave. No one could understand her feelings at this moment, having just killed the master who raised her for twenty-five years. That was an emotion too complex to express. After a long time, Noel finally dared to raise her head and face this man. Her master. Who had taken care of her since childhood, taught her, and even tolerated her unreasonable demands with a smile. But today, she drew her sword against this man, who was once revered as a god. And with one sword, she cut off his spiritual platform, completely cutting off all his paths of life. Even with heavenly means, there was no remedy left. Noel stared at Deluk. She thought she would see pain, the anger of betrayal, or the helplessness of resignation. But there was nothing. The man's face was as calm as ever. Even as life rapidly left him, his profound eyes showed no hint of emotion. "It's over..." In the last moment of his breath, Deluk opened his mouth, whispering softly. Noel hugged his body, somewhat dazed. The blood trickling down, over her bare feet. 'It's over...' 'Yes, it's all over...' The cave that held her countless memories, collapsed with a rumble. Noel sat there, lifeless. The next second, the clear sky suddenly filled with dark clouds, thunder rolling. She held up the man, looking towards the sky with a numb expression. Having conquered her inner demons, she had broken through her cultivation limits. Noel was now facing her tribulation. .... When Deluk opened his eyes again, he was stunned. Instead of the familiar stone walls of the cave, he was greeted by a vast blue sky, he was again in his original world. After nine lifetimes in nine different worlds, looking back, it all seemed like a drop in the ocean, a dreamlike illusion. [Congratulations host] [The perfect cultivation of the ninth world's Villainess is complete, fulfilling the heavenly paths of nine worlds. Now, you can enjoy your own comfortable life] [Immortality: active]

Milly_Tuna · Urbain
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22 Chs

Chapter 22: Noel's Lesson


Hearing her master's words, Noel felt reassured.


She continued to munch away, even raising the big flatbread in her hand, "Delicious! Crunchy!"


The master and disciple duo ignored the deadly silence of the hall.


In this eerie scene, suddenly someone let out a sneer.


"Where did these smelly beggars come from, dressed up like human beings!"


"That's right, how does City Lord Ji manage his servants? What kind of riffraff are they letting in?"


The barely audible mocking comments reached Noel's ears, and she immediately became indignant. She put her hands on her hips and glared angrily at the crowd in the hall, her little face, already showing signs of beauty, fearless.


This was the confidence her master had given her!


"Noel, ahh."


Deluk continued to feed her, unfazed by the death stares.


Looking at the candied fruit in front of her, Noel bit into it fiercely.


"Master, these bad guys, they're so hateful. They don't eat themselves and can't stand to see others eat."


Deluk chuckled, seemingly unaffected.


"Noel, this is the first lesson your master is going to teach you."


Hearing this, Noel looked up curiously, "What lesson?"


Deluk continued his actions, another chopstick of food to his disciple's mouth. After she ate, he slowly said, "The first lesson is about human nature."


"The ugliness of human nature lies in finding faults in the powerless, insignificant, and kind people and finding merits in the powerful, influential, and unscrupulous."


"For example, just now, from the moment they saw us, they began to weigh pros and cons, to judge our value."


"If there's no value, if we're not of their kind, prejudice, discrimination, and even inexplicable hatred inevitably arise."


Noel listened and shook her head in confusion.


But she still looked up at her master with sparkling eyes, hands clasped in front of her chest, and said admiringly, "Although Noel doesn't understand, it sounds very powerful!"


The conversation between master and disciple was not deliberately suppressed, so naturally, everyone in the hall could hear it.


Some people sneered disdainfully, unwilling to argue.


Others, as if stung, blushed and scolded, "What nonsense! Claiming to be a teacher, nothing but a loser comforting himself, and yet he has the audacity to speak so boldly here!"


"Hey, Brother Wang, calm down, calm down. Don't stoop to the level of these people, it will only lower our status."


The scene became noisy again, but everyone, considering their esteemed status, did not personally intervene to drive them out.


In the crowd, Wang Shaoze frowned deeply and signaled Er Gou with his eyes to have the freeloading Taoist beaten and thrown out first.


Er Gou understood and immediately stepped back, circling around the crowd, then headed towards the corner where the master and disciple were.


As he walked, a cruel smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

For people of the young master's status, naturally, it's not appropriate to personally deal with such trash.


Otherwise, as the young master said earlier, regardless of whether they fight or not, it would be beneath their dignity and would even be ridiculed by others in their hearts.


It could even become a joke in the future, the proverbial "mud in the pants, whether it's feces or not."


So, the saying goes, "Raise a dog for a thousand days, use it in one."


Er Gou, having followed the young master for so long, had done countless dirty deeds for Wang Shaoze in secret.


Including, but not limited to, abducting women, forcing good people into prostitution, and keeping watch at night for Wang Shaoze outside some lady's door, among many others.


This is the life of the big families in this era.


They disregard the law and treat human life as worthless.


And now, it was time for Er Gou to perform.


Thinking thus, Er Gou slowly approached.


It was only when he got closer that he realized the little Taoist and the girl with him were both strikingly good-looking.


Look at those white, tender cheeks and delicate features, a perfect little beauty in the making!


And that little Taoist, with a slender figure and natural grace, was also extremely appealing.


Er Gou rubbed his hands together, secretly changing his mind.


He originally intended to simply drive the Taoist and the little girl out.


But seeing how charmingly innocent the little girl was, he couldn't help but have some crooked thoughts.


Such a tender and delicate girl would certainly interest young master.


And that little Taoist, the young master once casually mentioned his interest in pederasty, so why not send the Taoist to serve young master as a catamite?


Er Gou sighed in his heart, truly, he was the king of dogs!


A qualified dog must not only know how to bite but also how to read the master's mind and make appropriate adjustments. This is the true way of being a dog!


As Er Gou thought this, he suddenly realized he was already standing in front of them, yet saw the Taoist still nonchalantly picking up food with chopsticks.


And looking at the little girl, with her mouth open, waiting to be fed, Er Gou felt a burst of frustration.


You two are at death's door and still have the mood to eat?''


He spoke coldly: "You stinky Taoist, are you stupid? Don't you kneel when you see your master?"


Er Gou crossed his arms, showing off his burly and muscular arms, veins bulging fiercely, as if ready to strike at any moment, looking truly terrifying.


Even the onlookers joked, "Young Master Wang, your servant is quite interesting. How about you give him to me?"


Wang Shaoze, feeling proud inside, still maintained his elegant demeanor. He lightly shook his feather fan and laughed, "Although he's just a dog, he's a useful one. I think Master Qi should kindly look elsewhere for his pleasures."

The audience clapped and laughed.


"That Taoist is really foolish, still not running away. Just standing there pretending."


"Hey, wait till the fist hits him. He'll soon understand the pain, haha."


"Exactly, I think he's just looking for a chance to kneel and beg for mercy. And you know, this Taoist does look quite decent..."


Someone stroked their chin, "Later, I'm willing to pay gold to buy him, take him back to my mansion, and train him well. How does that sound, Young Master Wang?"


Upon hearing this, Wang Shaoze waved his hand, "If you want the Taoist, after Er Gou catches him and ties him up, I can have him delivered right to your doorstep."


"But as for the little girl by his side..."


Wang Shaoze said, narrowing his eyes, "You guys better not compete with me for her."


They conversed happily, sentencing the master and disciple duo to death in a few words.


There were older people present, but they just frowned slightly, not speaking up to intervene.


It's just abducting two people, who didn't have their wild times when they were young?


In the corner.


Er Gou muttered to himself, finding it strange.


This pair of master and disciple were really peculiar, in such a situation yet acting as if nothing was happening.


But Er Gou had completely lost his patience. He rolled up his sleeves, his gaze fierce, and threw a punch at the Taoist.


The fist was huge, creating a fierce wind.


If this punch hit the Taoist's slender frame, he'd probably kneel on the spot.


Thinking this, a cruel smile appeared on Er Gou's lips.


But the expected scream did not come.


'Did I miss?'


Er Gou was momentarily stunned, but quickly adjusted himself, throwing another heavy punch.


Yet, it still didn't affect the Taoist who was feeding the little girl.




'What's going on?'


Er Gou's pupils contracted, feeling a chill down his spine, sensing something very eerie about the scene.


"Er Gou, stop playing around, hurry up."


Behind him, his master's voice urged.


Probably thinking he was toying with them.


But only Er Gou knew that those punches, one after another, were not intentionally missed...


Damn it, it's like seeing a ghost...


While Er Gou was questioning his life, Deluk was still teaching Noel.


"Master, what's wrong with this man? So strange, is he performing a dance for us?"


Noel looked at the man flailing his arms in front of her, frowning, "So ugly!"


Deluk glanced over.


"This is the content of the second lesson."


"The difference between immortals and mortals, 'you don't need to care'"


Noel pouted, "But I'm not an immortal!"


"You will be."




The little girl's eyes brightened, "Then are you an immortal, Master?"


Seeing Deluk shake his head, Noel felt somewhat deflated, "Even you Master, so powerful, are not an immortal, then how can I, so silly, become one?"


Deluk quietly looked at her.


'Because this is your destiny'