
Hunted by My Villainous Disciples

Pain. It's too painful. Deluk lowered his head, only to see a sword tip brutally piercing his chest. "Master, you didn't expect this, did you?" "Once the invincible being looked down upon the world, would also have a day where your path ends in death?" Behind him, a trembling female voice came. She seemed to be suppressing the joy in her words, trying not to laugh out loud. Ten years of hiding her anger, her great revenge was finally fulfilled. "Thirty years ago, you killed my parents, slaughtered my village, did you ever think of this day?" Seeing the man in front of her remain silent, Noel couldn't help but speak again. 'Dad, Mom...' The faces of her late parents had become somewhat blurred, but those happy childhood memories were still vivid. Again... and again, replaying in her mind. Noel released the long sword in her hand and knelt on the ground. The woman trembled all over, her shoulders twitching from time to time, and her mouth uttered fine whimpers, like crying and complaining. Suddenly, she crawled to Deluk, embracing him in her arms. "Speak, why won't you speak!" "Why are you silent..." Noel's expression suddenly changed, becoming extremely frightened. "No, no, Master..." "Noel is here, Noel will save you..." She frantically spoke, clumsily trying to treat the horrific wound. The wound had pierced through the heart, and the internal organs were shattered by the sword's energy. "Sob* sob*... Ha, Hahaha..." The woman's mixed cries and laughter echoed softly throughout the cave. No one could understand her feelings at this moment, having just killed the master who raised her for twenty-five years. That was an emotion too complex to express. After a long time, Noel finally dared to raise her head and face this man. Her master. Who had taken care of her since childhood, taught her, and even tolerated her unreasonable demands with a smile. But today, she drew her sword against this man, who was once revered as a god. And with one sword, she cut off his spiritual platform, completely cutting off all his paths of life. Even with heavenly means, there was no remedy left. Noel stared at Deluk. She thought she would see pain, the anger of betrayal, or the helplessness of resignation. But there was nothing. The man's face was as calm as ever. Even as life rapidly left him, his profound eyes showed no hint of emotion. "It's over..." In the last moment of his breath, Deluk opened his mouth, whispering softly. Noel hugged his body, somewhat dazed. The blood trickling down, over her bare feet. 'It's over...' 'Yes, it's all over...' The cave that held her countless memories, collapsed with a rumble. Noel sat there, lifeless. The next second, the clear sky suddenly filled with dark clouds, thunder rolling. She held up the man, looking towards the sky with a numb expression. Having conquered her inner demons, she had broken through her cultivation limits. Noel was now facing her tribulation. .... When Deluk opened his eyes again, he was stunned. Instead of the familiar stone walls of the cave, he was greeted by a vast blue sky, he was again in his original world. After nine lifetimes in nine different worlds, looking back, it all seemed like a drop in the ocean, a dreamlike illusion. [Congratulations host] [The perfect cultivation of the ninth world's Villainess is complete, fulfilling the heavenly paths of nine worlds. Now, you can enjoy your own comfortable life] [Immortality: active]

Milly_Tuna · Urbain
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22 Chs

Chapter 13: Why Not Just Give It a Try


In the afternoon, the playground basked in a warm glow. People lay scattered around, bathing lazily in the comfortable sunlight. Among them, Deluk wasn't the only one lounging; groups of students dotted the area, chatting idly.


Suddenly, something seemed to catch their attention, and they all looked in one direction. Deluk felt a shadow cast over him, blocking the sun.


"What's the matter? Ignoring me again?" a girlish, playful voice chided.


Deluk was puzzled. "Don't you have anything better to do? You've sought me out three times today."


"I did not come looking for you!" Lisa quickly denied, then sat down beside him. "I just came out to enjoy the sun and happened to see you here."


Deluk was confused. "Then why aren't you focusing on your cultivation? I've heard of 'the early bird gets the worm,' but never of 'the early bird sunbathing...'"


His words were swiftly cut off by the girl.


"Wait a minute, who are you calling an early bird?!" Lisa Demergus stared at Deluk intently. "Let me repeat, I am a genius!"


She huffed, "It's mainly because I can't cultivate right now, or else I would be on Greenfield Mountain."


Deluk turned to her. "Why can't you cultivate?"


"I'm missing the essential introductory technique," she explained, propping herself up on the grass and gazing skyward. "A year ago, when I first came to Ronaki, my family had arranged for me to join the Greenfield Mountain sect. But we later found out that everyone's abilities seemed to manifest mysteriously, with no clear method for introducing energy into the body."


She said this with a smile. "But no need to worry. I heard the officials are collaborating with top sects to develop a method suitable for us to introduce energy into our bodies." (introduce she means to make the qi energy more familiar to the body)


"After the college entrance exams, they'll select those eligible for cultivation and teach us all uniformly."


"Then, we'll all enter the official Immortal Cultivation University together."


Lisa said this, glancing at Deluk, who looked utterly astonished, and couldn't help but giggle.


"What, does it sound magical to you? Learning something new, huh?"


Deluk nodded, impressed. "You guys are quite progressive."


"Of course," Lisa replied, as if she had been holding back a lot and finally found someone to talk to. She had a lot to share.


"They even said they want to maintain fairness, ensuring everyone starts on an equal footing."


Deluk shook his head. "That's unrealistic."


The young girl chuckled lightly, "Of course, it's unrealistic. Just considering myself, even though I lack the specific methods to step into Qi cultivation, the breathing techniques Master taught me are key to laying a solid foundation."


"Once we start school, people like me will definitely be miles ahead of the others."


Lisa sighed, "It's a pity our sect forbids sharing these techniques with outsiders."


Hearing this, Deluk smiled.


Her sigh was obviously because of Deluk, unable to pass on the techniques to him.


'But if we're talking about breathing techniques, I knew dozens of the very best ones. Why would I care about these?'


Something crossed his mind, and he curiously asked, "Then how do they judge whether someone has the aptitude for cultivation? Just by looking?"


"How could that be?"


Lisa explained, "Greenfield Mountain has several inherited spirit stones. It's said that just by holding them, you can sense a person's aptitude. It's not very precise, but it's sufficient."


Deluk nodded.


So earth still being in the most primitive stage of cultivation, where methods to nurture disciples were quite rudimentary.


Take the use of spirit stones to measure aptitude, for example. In the ninth era, that was a method used by ancient cultivators.


Holding a spirit stone, if it emits a faint light, it indicates the presence of a spirit root, making one eligible for cultivation.


The brighter the light from the spirit stone, the better the aptitude.


But in Deluk's era of cultivation, they had specific techniques to check one's spiritual root, needing just a glance to know one's aptitude.


For instance, with Lisa Demergus right in front of him, a single glance from Deluk was enough to know the ultimate height she could reach in her cultivation.


Her aptitude was decent, probably up to the golden core stage.


But due to the sparse spiritual energy on earth, this needed to be taken with a grain of salt.


However, these weren't absolutes.


A person's spiritual root could often be altered through various means.


"You seem quite confident about me. What if I lack aptitude?" Deluk asked.


Lisa waved her hand, a smile curling on her lips.


"As I said, you have no idea what saving me means. Even if you really lack aptitude, I can still help you take a shortcut."


"As long as the will is strong, solutions outnumber problems."


In the sunlight, her smile was particularly dazzling.


Deluk watched her quietly for a moment before shifting his gaze.


"Do you want to cultivate Qi?"


Faced with this somewhat bizarre question, Lisa rolled her eyes at him.

"Stop beating around the bush. I'm eagerly awaiting the Qi cultivation techniques," Lisa said impatiently.


"Do you really want it?" Deluk asked with a hint of mischief.


"I do..." Lisa started to reply instinctively, then abruptly stopped herself. Turning to Deluk, her gaze intense and unblinking, she said with a skeptical frown, "Are you just messing with me? The authorities and those top sects have been researching for ages. Do you really have a method for Qi intake?"


Deluk replied calmly, "You must realize that this world of cultivation is new to you, only about half a day old, right?"


Lisa's tone had been mocking at first, but seeing Deluk's serene demeanor, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of uncertainty.


"You can't possibly have a real method, can you?"


Lisa was anxious. She didn't actually believe Deluk had a legitimate technique, but a possibility crossed her mind. She recalled her senior mentioning that although the method for Qi intake hadn't been officially developed, some people had taken unconventional paths, often dark ones.


Like those malevolent cultivators, who obtained methods through questionable means - some from the antiques market, others unearthed from unknown places. But invariably, these methods of Qi intake involved a heinous price – consuming flesh and blood.


Initially, it would just be ordinary birds, but as the practice progressed, the need for blood and flesh grew - from one or two to a whole flock. Eventually, even human flesh, the flesh of fellow cultivators, was required. Breaking through barriers was equally brutal and simple.


Cannibalism, an ultimate evil.


Such paths were never righteous and never ended well. One would either become a monstrous entity, neither human nor ghost, or lose control over the wild and tumultuous spiritual energy within, leading to a catastrophic implosion.


Lisa feared Deluk had stumbled upon such a method and mistakenly thought it beneficial.


Seeing her concern, Deluk smiled and said, "Want to give it a try? It's completely natural and harmless."


Lisa, stunned, repeated, "Natural and harmless...?"


She had never heard such descriptions for a cultivation method before.


Deluk nodded, "Shall we try?"


After a moment of thought and a firm bite of her lip, Lisa decided, reasoning that if anything seemed off, she could simply stop. There was nothing to lose. She was curious to hear what his method was.


"Let's try it then," she said, slightly lifting her chin to meet Deluk's clear, distinct eyes.


"What should I do?"


Deluk, still lying down, stretched lazily and said, "Just meditate as usual."


Though puzzled, Lisa did as instructed. She sat cross-legged on the grass of the playground, beginning her meditation.


Her posture might have seemed odd to onlookers, but no one bothered to ask.


One minute... Ten minutes... Until an hour later, the bell for class rang.


Lisa slowly opened her eyes, only to find Deluk's figure gone.


She felt a sinking in her heart and took a moment to sense any changes in her body. Indeed, there was no change, absolutely none.




Biting her lip, Lisa clenched her hand into a fist at her side.