
Hunk In My Life

Palden transferred to a new school craving for peace and a newly fresh start but who knew that her life would get more messier and chaotic in the new school.....

Syhad_Shades · Sports, voyage et activités
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1 Chs

1. First day at school was so embarrassing......

I hope I have a good memory in my new school. The previous school that I went to wasnt good I mean it was good but I didn't fit in well. I want to make a good memory again with the new faces with new environment so it is going to be a fresh start. Thinking of it I wore the attire of my new school I tied my wavy black-brown hair not too high not too low and it reached below my waist, the hair infront of my faced reaches my mouth so I tugged it behind my ear unevenly dividing the front hair. I am happy that I look great in my new school attire and I feel extraordinarily fresh maybe because I am too excited. Well I have to try my best to keep my mouth shut and my talk minimal infront of everyone so they wont take me for granted because I am very talkative and outgoing, I feel like most people doesn't take me seriously because of that friendly attribute that is present within me.

I sometimes feel sad and unfortunate to have such a loads of feelings and emotions within me. I got the potential to cry even reading the least sad story. I even cry when I read a sad part of a story and again cry if a person be very nice to the narrator at the crucial period of his or her life. I always gets inside the shoe of that person whether I am reading a novel or whether I am watching a movie I always land up being deeply absorbed in it. Sometimes I even be somber the whole day just because the narrator and the female or male lead is sad and has been through a lot. Maybe because I pity people who have gone through a lot of hardship I am most of the time attracted by that kind of person. I fancy people who have gone through a lot and who haven't gave up. More than the bright side of a person the dark side of a person apeals me the most. That's how I am. Talking about my intense abhorrence towards having immense emotions inside me I have also disclosed my ideal type of a boy. Actually not really my type but I find them attractive. Halt that topic.

I went to the school feeling energized with a determination that I am going to be a quiet girl and ofcourse a serious one no joke no fun making. The bell for the second period rang. I knocked on the door of alloted classroom which was 12 Com C I was nervous and then the door was opened by a beautiful Teacher. She had a really beautiful black hair reaching her waist, the bangs on her forehead made her cute. She welcomed me with her inviting smile. It somehow alleviated my tensed nerves I felt good. She asked me to introduce myself infront of everyone because I wasnt nervous anymore I started my introduction with a warm smile. 'Hello everyone I am Pelden Wangmo. I hope that we all get along well together' after my introduction everybody was silent. Maybe my introduction was really brief. That miss gave me a smile and asked me to sit at the last bench. I guess someone is absent or maybe it's just a vacant seat which was next to me. 'Pelden you have missed 10 days so do copy the notes from others. Keep it updated and right now take out one of your rough book and write  the notes that I am going to dictate alright?' Miss said in a soothing tone. I noded my head. I took out a rough book from my bag and got myself ready to write. By the sentence which Miss was dictating I deduced that it was commerce period. She was neither slow nor fast rather she was dictating in an apposite speed. The class ended with the sound of a bell the Commerce teacher headed outside. I feel like I have got lots of work piled up within this ten days. It's not like I am someone who has her work always updated but because it's a fresh start so I got the urge to start it rather than procrastinating. I looked around the classroom half of my mates went out of the class as it was a break. Wandering my eyes around the class I thought for a couple of minutes from whom should I ask for a book so that I can copy the given note while i wasnt present but I wasnt comfortable, well it is so unlike me because I am usually very talkative maybe because they are all new to me.

I stood on my given seat looking like a small baby who have lost his or her favorite toy. Before I could even notice someone placed a couple of notebooks infront of me 'Write it when you are free or else it will be hard for you to update it if you keep on procrastinating.' I raised my head instantly I was stunned for a moment. Then I thanked him awkwardly and he went to his designated seat carrying on with his own business. He was tall, his eyes were beautiful like it was sculpted, he had a manly look with a bit of cuteness well I cant put it into word but yes his face got a unique charm that no women can resist. He was thoughtful for reading my mind and lending me his book. Oh wait I forgot to ask his name. Wasnt I rude for not even asking the name of a person who was just kind to me? Oh gosh this thinking problem of me is driving me crazy. Should I ask right now? No no definitely not because it may seem like I am interested in him. With a closed eyes I just bang my head on the table with no sound so I wont grab any attention I sighed and then opened my eyes just to see how stupid I was. Really I was so stupid a while ago that I am embarrassed infront of my own self. He gave me his book and there is his name clearly written on the cover and I was so fool to think that I should ask him. I am glad that no one got to witnessed this idiotic side of me. He is Tashi Tobgay. I started writing the note fortunately they haven't wrote much. The bell rang for third period but still I kept on with the writing. I finished writing both english and maths( that he gave) still no teacher came by our class. So I walked towards the third row two rows ahead of me to give the note book back. I was nervous because he was deep into solving a math question so to gain his attention I pointed my index finger on the back of his shoulder then he instantly looked back opssss I can feel my heart going back and forth. I gave him the book. 'So you are done with it?' He asked and I said yes and he asked if I have the energy or will to write more I answered him yes and again he handed me two notebook with a smile and I headed back to my seat forgetting how to walk, my leg was sort of unbalanced and it felt usually long and thin but actually it is the opposite. My legs are short and with a good amount of flesh I would rather say its chubby but not too much and not too less. I kept on with my business ofcourse writing notes. First day of the school got my leg unbalanced, embarrassed infront of my own self and my lovely hand tired. Ufff....