
Humans and Gods

This is story about Michikatsu Kamado, descendant of Tanjiro Kamado, a man who killed Demon King Muzan, but in different reality where worlds of Highschool DxD and Kimetsu no Yaiba cross each other. After tragedy 14 years ago, Michikatsu's friend contact him and request him to do some job. Michikatsu stopped hesitating when his friend said he has information about the culprits of his family's death. This is how one of the strongest Demons Slayers become teacher in school and bodyguard of certain heiress. _____________________________ I know what you think "Another fic of DxD, meh", but don't be surprised. Dxd world have amazing background and potential for writers, you can place any character there and it will fit anyway. Besides I think Demon Slayers will fit perfectly xD. And yes, MC will stick with Rias group. I see that majority of fics decide to avoid them, so I want to write something opposite. I hope that someone will like it. I don't own Highschool DxD, Kimetsu no Yaiba and cover (it's from Pinterest). And yes, I know it's Yoriichi on the cover, not the Michikatsu, I just like both brothers so I mixed them ;P I'm still a student so I only know English this much that they teach me at School and sometimes I have to use Google Translator, so please be lenient with me and I'm sorry if your eyes will bleed. And please write in comment if I have to correct or change something to make this fan-fic better. It was long time ago when I last watched DxD so minor events may not be chronological and I advice to think of it as a parallel world and don't compare it to the original. Just think of it as a completely different story. I don't know if it will be Harem or Romance, it depends on how the story goes, but for Harem is Max 4 girls, more is just too much to handle. I will add one girl for sure but if it turn out to be harem story, then it's for you to decide about 3 other girls.

Ice_Pillar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

"Huh? Akeno?"

Michikatsu was surprised seeing her here. It has been 7, maybe 8 years since they saw each other. At first he couldn't recognize her, but after a moment he saw similarities between the past and the current Akeno. Her violet eyes couldn't be mistaken.

"Eeh? They know each other?"

"You heard that?? They are on the first name basis!!"

"I-Is it a forbidden relationship?!"

"Student-teacher romance?! Kyaaa~"

"Maybe that's why she turned down every confession from the boys!!"

"You see his tattoo?? He has to be a former member of the mafia!! Maybe he's a former Yakuza?! How cool!"

The whispers spread through the classroom, well the 5 boys were surprised, but they didn't think much about it, but girls...they were too excited.

"Akeno, sit down. Who is he?" said Rias after pulling her by her sleeve.

Akeno flinched and looked around. Seeing the commotion she caused, she apologized with her trademark, elegant smile and sat down, but her eyes were glued to the frozen Michikatsu. From her gaze, he understood one clear message, 'We need to talk'. He blinked a few times and started asking himself.

'What is she doing here? If she is here then auntie is also here? But why?? Shouldn't they be with Himejima clansmens?'

He didn't realize it, but he was also starring at Akeno, making eye contact for some time. The surrounding girls get hyped even more when they see that. Rias on the other hand, frowned slightly. She didn't know that guy, she didn't know they knew each other, Akeno never even mentioned that she knew someone like him. She didn't like it.

"Rias, we will talk later." Said Akeno, without even glancing at Rias. The latter was surprised. She never saw Akeno like that. She was staring at him like she wanted to drill a hole in him or was afraid that he would disappear.

Sona was observing everything silently, having her own thoughts to herself. But even she found herself a little bit interested in the matter. Michikatsu faked a cough and clasped his hand, gathering everyone's attention.

"Okay, please calm down everyone!" when whispers died out, he started his introduction again. "So, as I was saying earlier, my name is Michikatsu Kamado, your new Japanese teacher. You can call me Kamado-sensei or simply Sensei. I will be in your care from now on." He bowed slightly and sent them a warm smile, which made few girls blush.

"I wanted to apologize again, I'm new in town and also the train was late. I hope you will forgive me." Boys nodded indifferently, but girls did that so vigorously, that you may think their heads will fall off. Michikatsu glanced at the clock hanging above the blackboard. "We have 30 minutes left, so maybe you could introduce yourself, so I can familiarize with you? We will start from left to right, from the first rank."

First was a short girl with twin tails. She stood up vigorously and said aloud in a cheery voice.

"My name is Ayako Mikumi! Nice to meet you, Kamado-sensei!"

Michikatsu nodded at her with a smile. 'What an energetic girl.'

"My name is Isuzu Hitogami. Pleasure to meet you, Sensei."

Girl with long and straight black hair said with serious expression.

'Oh, the serious one.'

The introductions continued till it was turn for the three Devil girls. First one was Akeno. She stood up and smiled towards him. Of course boys, and even girls, were charmed by her smile. She was the perfect girl in high school. Intelligent, humble, helpful, responsible and beautiful.

"As you may know already, my name is Akeno Himejima. SENSEI."

For Michikatsu, that smile wasn't charming. It was disturbing. It was that kind of smile that wasn't a smile. Nonsense? Yes, but there are people that will understand what that means. Trouble. Also the way she called him 'sensei' was clearly mocking. He sighed and sent her a wry smile.

'Fuck... What's wrong with her?'

Next was red-haired beauty, Rias. She silently pushed back her chair and bowed in graceful manner. She had a calm smile on her face and closed eyes.

"My name is Rias Gremory. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kamado-sensei."

Michikatsu looked at her for a moment and sighed secretly.

'Huh, so it's her, that bastard's sister. From the way she carries herself, she is probably prideful, stubborn and has high self esteem... probably. Well, I can be wrong. I will have some time to find out anyway.'

Next was Sona. She stood up and pushed her glasses back on her nose.

"My name is Souna Shitori, I'm also student council president. Pleasure to meet you."

'Hmmm, she is probably Serafall's younger sister, Sona or something like that.' He glanced at her desk and noticed a small book on it. He recognized it by the title and it wasn't an "easy" book. 'Oh, the smart type. Probably a cold person that follows logic rather than emotions. She looks like a reasonable girl.'

Michikatsu have many talents, one of them was high observation ability, connecting clues to get a complete picture of someone/something. He wasn't always right, but usually in 95%.

It went like that for the next few minutes till everyone introduced themselves.

"Ok, we have some time left, anyone want to ask me for something?"

Immediately the forest of hands raised. He looked at his class a little surprised, he thought that they wouldn't care about something like that. He pointed at one of the boys giving him permission to speak.

"Your tattoo. Is it real or something like washable ink?"

Michikatsu felt like everyone's gazes landed on his face, staring at him intensely. He chuckled and pointed at his flame mark.

"This? No, no, it's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark, I've got it since I came to this world. It's nothing rare in our family, it appears in every generation." It looked like they believed him, but few weren't convinced, thinking that it was just an excuse. Well, he didn't care, people are free to believe in what they want and he didn't feel like making them believe in what he said.

Next was Mikumi, she was throwing her hand in the air while jumping in her seat, trying to get his attention. It sure worked. 'She will hurt herself.'

"What was that with Himejima-san?? Do you know each other??? A-Are you, perhaps, I mean... W-were you a couple in the past?" Her cheeks reddened slightly. She asked what most of them wanted to ask, making half of the students lower their hands.

He couldn't help but glance briefly at Akeno. She was looking at him the whole time, arms crossed beneath her chest. She was tapping her index finger against her arm, showing how impatient she was to talk with him in private. But after hearing the question, a mischievous smile adorned her face.

Akeno lowered her head, so that no one could clearly see her face. "*sniff* I can't believe... H-how could you disappear back then?? You promised you wouldn't leave me, but... *sniff* you left without a word..." Her voice broke from time to time as she spoke, wiping her nonexistent tears. The class was speechless, including Rias and of course course Michikatsu.

"Akeno, what are you... Oh." Rias was startled, she only saw her cry a few times since they met and she didn't see her like that for a few years now. But when she leaned towards her, Rias noticed a smirk on Akeno's face.

Back to our poor Japanese teacher, he was standing there with mouth slightly open. He blinked two times and laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"Hahaha ha! Nice joke Akeno, you've got them all. I'm sure your mom will be crying from laughter when she hears about it, haha hahaha. Now with jokes aside, we have known each other since I was ten and she was six, I believe. Her parents and my father were acquaintances from work, so we were seeing each other quite frequently." Said Michikatsu without batting an eye.

*Ring! Ring! *

" Oh, looks like we're done for today. It was nice to meet you all, see you tomorrow. " The moment he heard the bell, he was already holding his backpack and holster with a katana. Akeno stood up and she wanted to say something, but he was already gone.

"Hey, wait!!" She shouted as she took her belongings and ran out on the hallway to look after him.

Everyone left in the classroom, excluding Sona, couldn't believe their eyes. Akeno was always calm, patient and elegant, but now? It was the first time for everyone to hear her shout like that and chase someone.

Rias blinked a few times and started massaging her temple. "What on earth happened to her... And who really is that man?" Wondered Rias aloud.

"Hmmm, who knows. But I'm sure you noticed it as well. He's not an ordinary human, also the way he measured us with his eyes, almost like he was analyzing us." Responded Sona with closed eyes as she was clearing her glasses with a handkerchief.

"I know. I have to tell my servants to keep an eye on him." Both parted their ways on the hallway, Rias went right to look for Akeno and Sona to the left, heading to SCR (Student Council Room).


Michikatsu was wandering around the school, looking left and right, trying to familiarize himself with facility layout. He made sure to memorize the most important places like the Principal Office, Teacher's Room, Secretary, the classrooms where he will teach and most importantly, the bathrooms.

Because the whole first year was on the trip he didn't have to teach any other class today. Michikatsu decided to go and wait for the sole reason he arrived here. He asked a few students on his way to the place called ORC (Occult Research Club).

When he arrived at the place he was quite surprised seeing that only one club had a whole separate building for its activities. He shrugged and decided to walk in.

"Sorry for intruding." He closed the door rather loudly to give a sign that someone walked in. But no one responded even after he called if someone was in.

"Guess I have to wait. They should have something like an office or whatsoever."

Walking through the building Michikatsu noticed typical for Devils Victorian decorations. After sometime he found a room resembling an office, with a desk and armchair next to big window, coffee table along with sofas and few bookcases near the walls.

" Hello? I will rob this house? Huh, no one here too." Sighed Michikatsu looking around the room. "I have to wait then. According to her timetable she has classes until 1pm, that means four hours of waiting for me."

He sat on the sofa with his backpack on the floor and his katana next to him. Taking out his phone, he wanted to pass some time surfing the internet, but a painful notification displayed on the screen, "Battery low". He sighed and took a charger from his backpack, looking for an electric socket, but sadly for him, there was none near the sofa, he found one next to the desk.

Without anything to do, he decided to just take a nap. Of course he didn't forget to set an alarm to not oversleep.


"I can't believe he disappeared like that again. But he has to come sooner or later, if he's a teacher for real here. But why did he run away?? That idiot...." Akeno was mumbling to herself as she was walking towards her club's office. She has a dissatisfied expression whenever she recalls what happened a few hours ago.

She was already after her 4th lesson, but due to some matters, the classes were canceled today and instead they had club activities for two hours before they could go home. After she promised Rias to explain what happened in the morning, Rias told her to prepare tea and snacks as Sona and her peerage members will come over for the meeting.

Just as she was about to open the door towards the office, she detected that someone was on the other side of the doors. Preparing herself in case of the sudden attack she pushed the door gently.

Akeno looked around the room and then she spotted someone on the one of the sofas, sleeping. She was about to speak, but then she realized who it was. She quietly closed the door and started walking towards the sleeping Michikatsu with a smile she had in the morning.