
Humans and demons

Being kidnapped is one thing and being kidnapped by beautiful demons queen is another thing and mean while when they are your enemies

Vk_Lol · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

chapter 4

" Is everything alright?" lorin stares innocently as if he wasn't even a bit aware of what's happening.

" Yes ! Indeed! Yes!" Princess nervously replied and looked into lorin deep eyes as she has came to senses .

"Why are you standing like that"queen used her powers hurriedly summon a large which was enough to cover whole lorin." Take this , and cover your self " angrily looked at him.

Princess grin at seeing whole lorin in whole towel being covered it should be better if we say it was blanket .

"Were you all the time in shower" queen looked at lorin.

"I need to cover this all or else she may be suspicious of me "lorin murmur in his mouth.

"Yes I was singing and rubbing my self all the time, should I take less time to wash."lorin giving the queen confusing look and step forward.

" I didn't mean that, it's just...." Queen looked at princess at step backwards the sword squeal on ground.

"Aunt was just a little suspicious,she thinks here might be some assassin" princess move forward and replied happily.

" Are you being suspicious of me , queen "as he moved forward he tripped over the queen mess in the room on one of the pillow and he bent over and was about to fall and princess move forward to help" be careful" while queen used her powers and was able to stop lorin in the middle of the fall he was looking like a statue , princess retreat.

" I didn't mean that,it was just I found you missing so " the towel covered lorin falls of and lorin chest was visible and queen let lorin go and dhraam he falls on the ground.

" Ouch" lorin sit back and rub his hand and tidy his clothes.

"Are you ok?"princess innocently looked at him ,she was sitting to help him but she found it not a good idea Infront of queen.

"It's late tonight, let's all go to bed , tomorrow is a big day to go ." Moved away from lorin towards the door all move out of the room and lorin winked at princess on being successful escape and she smiles back in reply .

Next morning

Lorin was sleeping soundly but some one was pricking his ear with a peak cock fur and he slaps his face for three times already as he thought it was somekind of bug ." Can't you Let me sleep, little bug" and tilt his face another side of bed.princess grinning and trying to stop herself from laughing.

But was being continuously pricking his ear he realized,"I caught you little bug, ha!" and slaps the princess hand ,and pinched it .

"Ahh" lorin stand up in excitement as if he killed a bug in his sleep and find princess besides her and his hand on her while still pinching her.

Oh, sorry...did I hurt you? Started to rub her hand princess was silent as lorin looked upward their eyes meet they both started to laugh .

" Here your go,hah"princess pinched lorin back " I got my revege"and move away and tried to escape from his back move towards the corner of th bed.

" Where are you trying to go ?"Lorin started to move towards her .

"Ok,ok stop,it ,I am here for an important business "princess said that with a smirk.

" Oh ,yeah by pricking my ear ,ha ha" lorin replied while standing still.

" I am serious dummy "anoxiosly looking at him.

"Ok ! Let's get to business" they both move towards the sitting side and princess looked towards lorin and started telling him all situation.

" First of all , you know today is the day for the trials to be starting." lorin tilt his head down ward " well"

" Don't tell me, you don't know ? Angrily looked at lorin and stands up.

Lorin laughed " I know ,I know,sit down calm down will you burn me with your that demonic eyes"

" I wish could "and rolled her eyes and sits on chair ," look lorin I have set my all hopes on you "

" Oh you called me lorin for the first time in your life I thought you would call me husky next time."lorin teasing her and smiling.

" If you don't stop I will call you human next "princess replied.

"Why not "lorin gazed at her

" Infront of queen "

Lorin gazed turn into seriousness when he heard the princess.

"I can't waste this opportunity so don't be ridiculous." Looked deep into his eyes.

"Ok ! Ok ! Chill I was just trying to calm you, let's talk about business now."put his leg over another leg and waiting for her reply.

" That's a good boy, well I was thinking about the plan how to make you the ruler." Princess tap on the desk to make Lorin concentrate.

"Oh ,so did you think about something ."lorin looked at her and take a berry from the basket besides the table and put it in the mouth.

" It's not that easy,as you think lorin"

"Hmm,then"still eating berries.

" Am I only one gonna be helping here , what would you do without me ,were you still clueless before." Anoxiosly and heated at him by seeing him not being serious.

Throws a berry over his forehead" I am talking to you,hey mister."

As lorin was about to tell her anything someone knocked on the door.

Lorin hurriedly spoked " don't come in ,I am changing my clothes."

Servant: "ok! Royal assitors,the ceremony for the trials are going to start later on ,the queen wants you to properly dressed up."

Meanwhile lorin took the princess to the corner " Go out through window,! Hurry up!"

"But what about...."the princess was talking that ,

lorin put a berry in her mouth to shut her up and whisper in her ears,

" Just,go with the flow " lorin whisper and pushed her towards the window.

As princess fell onto the ground as she jumped from the window stands up looked here and there if someone was watching or not tidy her clothes " what does he mean by go with flow ,was he all this time just chilling and going with flow" mimic his words and rolled her eyes and move towards her mansion sneakingly.

Servant: royal assistor can I come in to help you,and queen send you dress to wear ,I would help you wear it.

"Ok, come in" the servant came in and bring a white shinning dress full of decent lining perfect for nobility to wear.

"Are you sure , this is it" lorin looked at the dress.

"Yes"servant replied.

"Ok"lorin took the dress from her hands

"Should I help you " servant said.

" No need, you may leave now "servant leave the room.

" Well ,now how am I going wear this ,now these demons are just to extravegant ,just wear it the way I learnt , anyway who cares"

He wore it and move towards the hall room after the past 12 and as he move to the courtyard people( servants) laughed as they saw him but as he tilt all started to continue their work he did the same multiple times then ignore them and saw princess from a far with a line of servamts and bow to her in respect.

As she came near she throws a napkin he picked it for her and she whispered in his ear" dummy, you wore the dress the other way, your front is on the back."she laughed and step forward to avoid suspiciousness .

" What kind of awkward dresses are these,"lorin sighed and moved to the side room to correct it.

After that he was already late for the ceremony as he struggles to wear the dress and didn't get a chance to check the time .

As he entered the side hall the enunch call him" Queen is waiting for you"

As he moved forward other assistor talking to each other "it's the first time queen waits for some one "and they looked at lorin suspiciously.

Queen: here you go ,now starts the ceremony.( Drums Started to beat and loud noise by a Royal guard:" here we start the first trial .

All princes were present except the second prince,

Trial number: 1

The caverns of shadows

" The princes has to navigate treacherous maze of tunnels and chambers where they have to face , illusions ,traps and terrifying creatures .

The first prince to reach the exit will earn the favor of the Shadow King 👑 ,a powerful demon who will grant them a valuable blessing."

Everyone was exited for the trials that meanwhile second prince came in with a sword in his hand towards the hall with a bunch of people besides him...

"Is he going to rebel.....