
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 4- Reencounter. Part 3.

(Pov- Daniel.)

I'm back in town and I enter the house we bought.

"I'm back."

"Dani, look at the clothes I bought!" my grandmother said excitedly, showing me a pretty blue dress.

Well, well. She looks like a real teenager... How uncomfortable and cute at the same time.

"You look like a young girl, calm down."

"What are you saying? I am a young girl! Fufu," she proudly said, puffing up her chest.

"It's getting to your head. I know why you became young. It's a simple explanation."


"People who are resurrected with the spell and are over 50 years old will revive and have a body of a 20-year-old."

"So incredible and convenient!"

Yes, too convenient... Thank you, destiny, for giving me that spell on my path!


Sara approached me.

"We need to talk."

Well, well. She seems worried. What happened? Is she scared of me? No, I sense it's something else.

My grandmother is fine, so I don't think it's about her... Or is she scared of my grandmother? Look at her, Sara, she's looking at her new clothes with a smile on her face. How can someone so pure and innocent like my grandmother make you afraid?

"What's wrong? Did something bad happen? Are you feeling sick?"

"It's about Sandro, he saw us with your grandmother and started... bothering her."

... No one bothers my grandmother... And from Sara's tone of voice, that idiot did something really bad.

Sandro, I may allow you to insult me, but no one bothers my grandmother and gets away with it.

I'm not in school anymore, I'm not afraid to defend my grandmother's honor with violence.

If you bother my grandmother, you'll get a beating.

"Grandma, did he do something bad to you? Please, don't hide anything from me."

"Nothing really bad, don't worry. He just touched my breasts and told me to join his team. Don't worry, I slapped him and kicked him in the groin," my grandmother calmly said.




He just... touched... your... breasts?!


"Don't worry, it's nothing. I already hit him and I will report him to the guild master later, after I put away my clothes."

Sandro groped my grandmother.

Sandro sexually harassed my grandmother.

Sandro, the son of a bitch who sleeps with any woman he wants, laid his eyes on my grandmother.

Sandro... Sandro...

"He... touched... your... breasts... He touched my grandmother's breasts... That son of a bitch touched my grandmother's breasts..."

"Dani, don't use swear words!"

"Sandro... Sandro... Idiot!!!" I shouted angrily.

I leave the house and everyone follows me.

He will regret making me angry!! He will regret sexually harassing my grandmother!! I will make him suffer!!

"What will you do?" my grandmother asked, worried.

"Are you going to hit him?" Sara asked.

"Are you going to kill him?" Alex asked.

"I don't know!" I said angrily, filled with rage.

Just imagining what he did makes my blood boil.

He dared to bother my grandmother... He dared to harass her...

I promised to protect my grandmother, and I will defend her from anyone who bothers her, no matter who they are.

I don't care about age, gender, or race. Anyone who bothers her will face punishment.

"Dani, please stop! The guild master will give him a fine or whatever they give him! Don't take justice into your own hands! It's not worth it!"

"He needs to learn his lesson."

"Are you... are you going to kill him? Daniel, Sandro is the most powerful adventurer in the guild, and one of the strongest in the country. It's not a good idea to confront him without preparing!" Sara said.

"I don't care."

But one thing I'm sure of, Sandro will regret making me angry.

Rarely have I been so angry... And people who make me angry always regret it.

I always avoided trouble at school, not to worry my grandmother, but when someone crossed the line and insulted my grandmother, I always hit them.

I can endure humiliation towards myself, but I will never allow anyone to disrespect my grandmother. No one messes with my grandmother and gets away with it!

"Dani, please stop!"

I'm sorry for disobeying you, grandmother, but I have endured enough foolishness from Sandro. And I'm tired of it!

There's the guild. Sandro must be there. And if he's not, I'll look for him. He won't escape the beating.

I enter the guild and see Sandro surrounded by girls.


"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"I challenge you to a fight right now!"

"Do you want to fight me? Well, well, well."

He starts laughing and draws his sword.

"I accept!" he said, smiling.

I'll wipe that smile off your face, you idiot.

"A fight between Daniel and Sandro?!"

"Who do you think will win?!"

"I bet on Daniel!"

"I bet on Sandro!"

The adventurers got excited, and Sandro approached me.

"Well? Move your ass."

"Tsk. You're dead."

"Fufu. We'll see."

Sandro left the guild.

"D-Dani, don't do it," my grandmother said, her eyes teary.

"I'm sorry, but this time I won't obey you."

I started following Sandro.

If I keep allowing Sandro to behave however he wants, I'll never be at peace, because he could attack, even rape my grandmother.

I have to put an end to this problem before it's too late.

That's why I won't obey you, grandma. The right decisions are not always easy to make, grandma, and I'm choosing the right decision, even if you don't like it.

We left the village, and most adventurers are watching us.

The more witnesses, the better, so they realize it's a bad idea to anger me and they'll learn to never bother my grandmother or my friends.

They're even placing bets. I'll wait until they finish betting to start, since Alex gathered all her savings and Sara's to bet on me.

From what I could hear, most adventurers bet on Sandro's victory, and I don't blame them. I defeated the black demon easily because it got too confident, and Sandro has much more experience than I do.

But I will win. I will definitely win.

"Dani, don't do something foolish!" my scared grandmother said.

"Sandro is an expert in close combat, be careful," Sara said.

"Come on, Daniel, you can do it!" Alex said, holding her betting tickets in her hands.

"You have to stay away from me!" I said angrily, because the anger won't disappear from my body until I teach Sandro a lesson.

Sandro laughs at me.

"Did you get angry because I touched your woman? How sensitive you are, dwarf."

"Shut up!"

"That woman has very soft breasts."

I try not to vomit and approach him.

I won't allow you to keep talking about my grandmother like that! I'll go all out!

"Muslar asio! Sword Dex!"

I take the sword in my hands, feeling lighter and more powerful, allowing me to run faster.

"You'll regret it," Sandro said, smiling.

Sandro approaches me running, and I approach him running too.

"Vels!" Sandro says.

He increases his speed. A spell that increases speed, huh? Thanks, one more spell in my inventory.


I increase my speed too.

"Give me a good fight!" Sandro says.

"I'll give it to you!"

He tries to hit me with his sword, but thanks to the spell "Muslar asio," I can see his attack in slow motion and dodge it, but just barely.

Unfortunately, he managed to graze my forehead.

Sandro is incredibly fast, even when I use a spell that allows me to see the attacks in slow motion, I couldn't completely dodge that attack.

I have to admit that he really deserves the S rank, but I'm not afraid at all!

I gather momentum and try to attack him with my sword.

And unlike me, he perfectly dodges my attack and escapes.

Tsk. He has incredible reflexes.

I tried to attack him again, propelling myself and running towards him, but he dodged my attack again and attacked me.

And this time, he managed to cut me a little on my right shoulder.

D-damn it, it hurts a lot, but I can't let the pain show on my face.

I tried to attack him again, and when he dodged it, I took the opportunity to move away from him.

The spell allows me to see the movements in slow motion, but moving to dodge the attacks is exhausting.

I need to catch my breath.

We kept our distance, while I try to catch my breath.

D-damn it, he doesn't look tired. Experience is surpassing power, huh? Sandro, you may be a shitty person, but I respect you as an adventurer.

"You're good, but not good enough, dwarf!"

My forehead is bleeding, just like my shoulder, but I can endure it.

"Dani, stop!"

... Sara prevents my grandmother from running towards me. She's crying... I'm sorry, grandma, but I won't stop. I already came up with an idea.

Sandro can barely dodge my attacks when I run, but there's a way to surpass that speed and cut him.

And Sandro is laughing at me, he's so confident, and that confidence could cost him his life... Literally.

"Come on, Sandro!"

"Defeat that pretty face!"

"You can do it, Daniel!"

"Kya! Even with your face covered in blood, you still look handsome!"

"Daniel, you look so sexy with blood on your face!"

"Give me a child!"

... Ah... I don't have time to be nervous.

The men support Sandro, and the women are supporting me.

"Well, well. You're more popular with women than I am. I feel jealous," Sandro says, still smiling.

"I'll wipe that smile off your face! Solar arrow!"

My sword disappears, and a bow appears.

I start shooting arrows at him, which Sandro easily dodges.

The adventurers behind Sandro move away to avoid being hit by the arrows.

"Hehehe. Desperate, huh?"

I don't worry about hurting innocent people, because the arrows are very easy to dodge, even for novice adventurers. Sara warned me that this spell only works against big and slow targets due to its speed, but it's more than enough to make Sandro even more confident and get closer to me.

"D-damn it!" I said, pretending to be desperate.

"Hahahahahaha! You're pathetic!"

Sandro runs towards me while dodging the arrows.

Just a little more... A little more... Now!

I released the bow.

"Sword Dex!"

When he saw my sword appear in my hand in front of me, he tried to escape, pushing himself back, thinking that I would attack him.

I will attack him, but not running or standing.

As Sandro moves away, he tries to attack me, but I ducked and managed to perfectly dodge the attack, as the sudden appearance of my sword surprised him, at least a little, causing his attack to slow down.

It's my turn.

"Arches Nexus!" - I said as fast as I could.

I jumped forward, and thanks to the great speed I achieve when using the flight spell, I managed to cut Sandro in half, without giving him enough time to dodge the attack.

I am incredibly fast when flying, much faster than running.

Sandro never expected this sudden change in speed, which allowed me to catch him off guard and attack him. It was just a matter of tightly gripping the sword as I flew towards him.

And as a result, my victory.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" - Sandro screamed in pain.

I split Sandro in half... I killed him.

"Flying is faster. Didn't you know?" - I said, smiling.

"D-did he... win? He won!!"

"Daniel won!!"

"Nooooooo, my money!!"

"Ahhhhhhh!! Sandro, why did you let your guard down?!"

"Daniel, that was incredible, daddy!! I couldn't even see that sudden change in speed!!"

"Better make me two children!!"

All the adventurers cheer for my victory, while others complain because they lost their money. That's what happens when they don't bet on me.

"Yes!! We multiplied our money, Daniel!! You're amazing!!" - Alex shouted, running towards me, along with my grandma and Sara.

... My grandmother approaches me... And she looks scared and disturbed.

I'm sorry, grandma, but someone had to teach Sandro a lesson.

I showed my grandmother something very disgusting.

"... I'm sorry."

"Dani, it wasn't necessary to kill him!" - My grandmother said, shaking my shoulders.

Don't worry, grandma, don't forget my new spell.

"Calm down, I had to teach him a lesson so he wouldn't come near you. He'll be back soon."

I approach his corpse and extend my right hand.

"Just because I know you're important to this country, I'm doing it. Resurrection espiris!"

A circle appears, and Sandro appears naked and confused.

Why did he appear naked?

"Eh?! I came back to life?! But I was sure that I...! W-what?"

Sandro looks at his own body split in half.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" - He screamed, disturbed and scared.

Yes, anyone would be terrified to see their own corpse.

"Be grateful that I revived you. You're welcome."

The adventurers look at me amazed, as I showed them something they are not used to seeing, and I highly doubt they have ever seen it before.

"He knows a spell to revive people!"


"Who is he really?!"

I'm just a human.

Sara and Alex approach me.

"Great fight!" - Sara said.

"You're incredible, Daniel, you took advantage of the speed you get from flying to surprise Sandro!" - Alex said.

Sandro remains frozen as he looks at his corpse.

"Yes, it's one of the most disgusting things you've seen, but it's what you get for being who you are."

Sandro looks me in the eyes.

"Remember this, no more sexual harassment, understood?"

"Y-yes." - Sandro said, scared.

"And I want you to apologize to all the women you've bothered."

"I-I will."

Sandro looks at me in fear, and I walk away from him.


I walk away while looking at the ground.


Tears start to flow from my eyes.

I'm sorry, but nobody touches my grandmother!

I did something horrible to you, but you deserved it... I hate harassers. I hate them.

I wipe away the tears and lift my head.

"I'm sorry."

Near the village of Iris.

One of the children wakes up.

"Are we alive? We're alive!"

The child tries to wake up his sister.

"Sister, we're still alive!"

The girl wakes up and yawns.

"The demon didn't kill us?"

"No, I think it wasn't really a demon."

"We were wrong."

"Should we apologize?"

"I don't think we'll see him again, let's go back to the village."


(Hours later, at the guild.)

It's nighttime, and the four of us are having dinner at the guild.

I ruined my grandmother's welcome by killing Sandro, but she forgave me because I brought Sandro back to life.

Plus, I told her why I did it and my fear that he would do something bad to her. Understanding my concern, she hugged me and forgave me.

That was all I was worried about, but now that it's resolved, I can say with certainty that today...

"It was a great day!" - I said, smiling.

And my wounds were healed with some healing potions. Magical medicine is really cool.

"People stare at you, you're already known as the most powerful adventurer in the guild, even in the country!" Sara said.

"And it's only my second day here."

"What do you think if we explore tomorrow?" my grandmother said.


"I want to get to know the place."

"Speaking of getting to know, Sara, how many guilds are there?"

"There is one guild per kingdom," Sara said.

"So there are four guilds. I want to get to know them, maybe I'll meet powerful people."

I can't forget my mission.

I have three main objectives.

1: Learn powerful and useful spells.

2: Find powerful companions. (Temporary objective, while I become more powerful.)

3: Learn more about demons, their strengths, weaknesses, their history, etc.

I must be prepared for anything.

"I'm sorry."

That voice...

I see Sandro apologizing to some girls.

"Sandro keeps apologizing to women. Did he really sexually harass so many?"

"I think, from now on, Sandro will be a better person," Sara said.

... I don't want to talk about him. Just remembering what I did to him disgusts me... Why did I have to kill him? I reacted without thinking twice.

... I have to change the subject.

"Where can I bathe? I haven't bathed in two days."

I-I think it's been more days, but I won't say it.

"There are some baths in the village, I'll take you if you want," Sara said.

My grandmother approaches Sara.

"Excuse me, don't you have a bathroom at your house?"

"Bathroom at my house? I don't have a bathroom at my house."

"You don't have a bathroom?"


My grandmother approaches me and whispers.

"We are really in a strange world."

"I know."

But we must get used to it.

After eating, we head to the baths. I'm surprised they don't have bathrooms, but considering the lack of technology, it was obvious.

We are in front of a store with a big sign. I wonder what it says.

"Here they are, the village baths."

My grandmother tries to understand what the sign says. Oh, don't bother, grandma, it doesn't make sense to find logic in the writing of this country.

"I really don't understand their handwriting."

"It says: 'Mixed baths'," Sara said.

... What?! They don't have separate bathrooms?! Ahhhhhhh! Everyone here is a pervert!


"It means that men and women can bathe together," Alex said.

"I already know that! Aren't there any other baths?"

"No," Sara said.

"Fine, fine, Dani, it's not a big deal."

My grandmother pats my head.

"Come on, don't be embarrassed, just pretend no one is there."

"I'd rather go another day without bathing."

"No, you'll go in and take a bath. You stink. If my presence bothers you, you can bathe first and I'll go after."

"Sara, isn't there a river around here? I refuse to bathe with other people!"

"There's one nearby, you can bathe there," Sara said.

I prefer to bathe in a river, even if the water is cold.

"I'll go. See you."

Alex jumps on my back and hugs my stomach with her legs and my chest with her arms.

"I want to go with you!"

"If you don't mind, I'll go too," Sara said.

"I'm your grandmother, I'll go too."

... No!! I know that cliché. And I don't want to live it! Unnecessary ecchi! I don't want it! Especially not with my grandmother present!

"I want to bathe alone, all by myself!"

"Will you let your grandmother bathe with strangers?" my grandmother said, her words piercing my heart like an arrow.

"What a good grandson," Sara said.

"You're the best grandson," Alex said.

Stop hurting my fragile heart! It hasn't recovered from Sonia's betrayal yet.

I sigh... I really wanted to bathe alone, but I can't let my grandmother bathe with strangers either.

Hmm... I could enter the bath and threaten those who are there to leave... No, Daniel, don't let power turn you evil! You already killed Sandro, don't become evil!

I-I must control my emotions better.

"Okay... okay. Let's go."

"Yes!" Alex said, excited.

"Grandma, I'll carry you in my arms. Alex... You're fine like that. Muslar asio!"

I carry my grandmother in my arms and the two of them settle on me. Well, well. They really feel very light. Great.

"Divine horse, come to me!"

A circle appears and the unicorn appears.

"What do you want now?" the unicorn said.

"Take Sara somewhere, she'll tell you where, please. I would appreciate it."


Sara gets on the unicorn.

"A-a-a-a-a-a u-u-u-unicorn?" my grandmother said, excited and surprised.

"It's another spell I learned, grandma."


"Arches Nexus!"

I fly away from there and my grandma digs her nails into my chest.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" - My grandma screams and hugs me tightly.

"Awesome!!" - Alex shouts excitedly.

Sorry for scaring you, grandma, I didn't measure the speed well.

"Where is the river?"

Alex points to a place.

"It's nearby, can't you see it?"

I concentrate and see the river. The river is in the middle of a forest... How convenient.

"I see it."

I head towards the river.

"Dani, can I learn to fly too?"

Well, well. She got over her anger quickly.

"It's a fairy spell, you don't have that kind of magic, but maybe there's a flying spell that requires angelic magic. Well, after all, angels can fly too."

"I see."

We arrive at the river and I land on the ground.

"It looks clean."

Alex gets off my back and helps my grandma down.

"Now let's wait for Sara."

I just hope it's not too cold.

A few minutes later, Sara arrives with some towels. Oh, right, I forgot the clothes and towels... Well, I'll just wear the same clothes.

"You forgot these."

Sara gets off the unicorn.

"See you." - The unicorn says.

I quickly approach him because I want to know more about him.

"Wait, I have a question."

"Tell me."

"Can you also fight or are you only summoned to transport people?"

"I am a great warrior, I can use earth and light magic. I'm not just a means of transportation, kid."

"That could be useful, thanks."

"See you later."

The unicorn disappears. He seems like a friendly person.

"Well, well... Alright... You can go ahead and take a bath, I'll be over there studying spells."

I point to some trees.

"Don't you want to bathe with us?" - Sara asks.


I try not to vomit. Ahhhhhhhh! I don't want to bathe with a younger version of my grandma! It's so weird!

"I can't bathe with my grandma!"

"You're so sensitive." - Sara says.

"It's common sense!"

I quickly leave and sit under a tree.

Ah... The common sense in this world makes no sense.

"I need to build a bathroom in the house, it's not a good idea to bathe in a river every day."

I take out my smartphone and open the spell app. I need to study.

During my fight against Sandro, I realized that I still have a lot to learn. I need to memorize all the spells. Alright, now I can study without interruptions! Let's study, Daniel!

Alright... First, I'll count the spells.

"2 summoning spells."

I open the fairy spells.

"13 fairy spells."

I open the light spells.

"20 light spells."

I open the dark spells.

"20 dark spells."

I open the water spells.

"32 water spells."

I open the fire spells.

"27 fire spells."

I open the earth spells.

"36 earth spells."

I open the wind spells.

"Only 4 wind spells?"

I start thinking about the total number of spells I have. I have too many spells, and I got them in a short time... Well, well.

"I have 154 spells, I did really well in 2 days. I hope this streak continues."

Mmm... But I don't want to stay here for too long, it's uncomfortable to study in this place. I think I'll take a bath first and then study.

Oh, but I don't want them to see me bathing. I'll wait.

"How boring..."

La... La la... Ah... Oh, right, I still need to research the other Realms. Are they far away?

I close the spell app and open the map app. Huh? Well, well. I'm surprised by the name of the river, it's quite strange.

"River of the Ghost? What a weird name."

"Yeah, I don't like the name either."


Who spoke?

I turn around and see a floating girl. The girl has short green hair and green eyes. She is transparent, almost invisible. She wears a black dress, which is also almost invisible. Wow. What race could she be? The humans in this world are so strange.

I would say she is a ghost, but I have my doubts about that. Is she really a ghost? She looks like one, but I thought they would be scarier. And why can I see her? Ghosts are completely invisible. Are they visible in this world? Interesting.

"You heard a voice and don't know where it came from, right? Booooo."

Is she trying to scare me?

The girl gets too close to me.

"You're scared, aren't you?"

It's uncomfortable. Does she really think I can't see her? I think she's just joking with me.

"Can you stop doing that? It's annoying."


"Do you also know flying spells? How are you floating?"


The girl moves away from me, surprised. Huh? Did she really think I couldn't see her?

Am I the only one who can see her?

"Can you see me?!"

"Yes. Why?"

"But I'm a ghost!"

"Ghost? That's why the river has that name. How original."

"But it's impossible, nobody can see ghosts!"

Well, well... It's true... How strange... From personal experience, I already knew that ghosts existed, that's why seeing one doesn't surprise me... Well, after seeing fairies and chicken men, nothing surprises me anymore in this world.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either... Do you want me to revive you?"

She seems like a good girl, so I can do that for her.

"Can you?!"

"Of course. I don't feel like you're bad."

She doesn't seem bad, so I'll do it.

Besides, bringing her back to life will make me feel a little better. I killed Sandro out of anger, so I want to do something good for someone to feel like a human being and not a monster.

"Yes, please!" she said without hesitation.

I extend my right hand.

"Resurrection espiris!"

A circle appears and the same girl appears, but she stops floating and is no longer transparent. Well, well. Why did Sandro appear naked and this girl didn't? Now that I think about it, my grandmother also appeared with clothes... Why?

"Am I alive?"

She touches my face with both hands, while tears fill her eyes.

"I-I can touch you... I'm alive!"

"You're welcome. Enjoy your life."

I keep looking at my smartphone. Ah, studying is boring in this silent environment, but I better start studying. No more excuses, Daniel, study!


I turn to look at her.

"What's wrong? I don't have food, but I can give you money to buy some."

"As a thank you, I'll be your slave!"

"Eh? No, thanks. I don't like slavery, it disgusts me."


... It's true, she was a ghost... Most likely she doesn't have a home.

"You have nowhere to go, right?"

The girl lowers her head.

"No. I've been dead for many years, so I have no one and nowhere to go."

"I understand... You can stay at my house if you want, but you won't be my slave. Just temporarily, until you find a job and save some money."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

The girl starts touching her breasts. They're a bit big... Damn. Don't look at her, Daniel!

"I missed them!"

I got nervous, so I better kept studying.

Why are people in this world so perverted?