
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 4- Reencounter. Part 2.

During the journey back, I told her the rest of what happened to me in this world, as well as my magical power and my theory of why the demons haven't attacked humans with all their power yet.

She seems fascinated with magic, so I will teach her everything I know about it.

I think in her youth, fantasy novels were very popular, so it makes sense that she's so excited. I find that side of hers quite adorable.

But there's something that makes me a little uncomfortable, and it's her appearance. It's good news that she has such a young body, as she will live longer, but I'm still not used to her appearance.

Plus, my grandmother is very beautiful. Men can't stop looking at her! I'll hit anyone who dares to sexually harass her!

I-I better calm down. I doubt any idiot would dare to bother her, because if they do, they would be messing with me. I don't think they're that stupid.

After returning to the village, we arrived at the clothing store where I bought mine. While I was buying my clothes, I looked at the clothes they were selling, and they looked very nice. I think my grandmother would like them.

Upon entering, the owner greeted us with a smile and approached us.

"Welcome! What can I help you with? Are you looking for something specific?" said the store owner.

"Good afternoon, miss. I want to buy clothes for my... friend."

I-I can't call her grandmother in public.

My grandmother looks at me confused. I-I'm sorry, but this would be best.


I lean close to her ear and whisper.

"It would be strange to call you grandmother when you look so young. I don't want to draw too much attention, they would suspect me."

I prefer to avoid answering strange questions. Besides, I don't want them to find out that I come from another world. I don't want them to investigate us too much.

... Ah... I just realized that it's an unnecessary action, they're probably already investigating me, after all, I killed a demon.

Ah, I must find a way to prevent them from discovering that I come from another world.

But I won't call her grandmother in public, I don't want them to see her as strange. My grandmother looks young, so I want her to be treated as if she really were young.

"I understand."

"Miss, what kind of clothes do you want? May I suggest something?" said the store owner.

"Of course. Thank you. I would appreciate it," said my grandmother.

The girl takes some clothes. N-no, t-that clothes...

"I recommend this outfit. It would look perfect on you."

I-it's a too short mini-skirt and a blouse that obviously would only cover her breasts.

"Eh?" I said confused by such a clothing suggestion.

And, for some reason, I imagine her wearing it in my mind and almost vomit.

Ahhhhhhh! I don't want to see my grandmother wearing such indecent clothes! My eyes!

I know it's rude of me, but I can't help it! I don't want to see my grandmother wearing clothes that show so much skin!

"Why did I imagine it?!"

Uwaaaah! How disgusting! Get rid of that image from my mind, brain!


My grandmother laughed.

"Don't you have a bigger blouse and a less short skirt?"

"Oh, I understand. I have something perfect for you."

The girl hands her other clothes. W-well, those look more decent.

"Come on, the changing room is over here."

My grandmother enters the changing room and I wait patiently, hoping she looks decent and doesn't show too much skin.

"Please, let it be decent, let it be something decent."

My grandmother has every right to wear whatever she wants and feels comfortable in, I know, but my grandmother is supposed to be an elderly woman! Seeing her in young girl's clothes makes me feel so weird! F-first, I have to get used to her new appearance.

After a few minutes, my grandmother finished changing clothes.

My grandmother comes out dressed in a black knee-length skirt, a pink blouse that covers everything, white stockings, and black shoes.

Yes, she looks so decent! She looks quite good. She looks stylish and decent. The perfect combination!

"And?" said my grandmother, seeking my approval.

"You look decent, I think it's fine. It suits you very well."

My grandmother looks at herself in a mirror.

"It's fine, it's cute. Although I feel strange wearing such youthful clothes."

"How much is it?" I said to the store owner, to prevent her from suspecting my grandmother for saying that last part.

"It would be 50 gold coins," said the store owner.

Considering the value of food, I think one gold coin is worth 10 dollars... No, maybe not that much... Mmm... Maybe 5... The clothes are expensive, but I can't complain.

After paying, I look around, searching for things for myself.

"Do you have men's shoes, socks, and underwear?"

"Of course we do."

"I want five pairs of shoes, five pairs of socks, and five sets of underwear, please."

I don't have that much money, but I'll buy more for her later.

In addition, I plan for Sara and Alex to go shopping with my grandmother, so they can get to know each other while I sort out my doubts about my grandmother's new appearance.

After a few minutes, the girl hands me my things.

"It would be 250 gold coins, please."

Ah, goodbye savings. I'll have to do another guild mission.

After paying her, we leave.

"Thank you very much."

"Thank you, come again!" said the store owner, richer than before.

We leave the store, and I have two bags in my hands.

... Ah, it's very expensive. My past self would be crying if he saw me. "Why didn't you buy food?! With that money, we could have had a month's worth of food! Maybe even more!"

To be honest, I discovered that I can earn a lot of money thanks to the guild. And if necessary, I can write books and sell them. I have read many books in my life. I can steal those stories and pass myself off as the author. I don't think I'll be sued for copyright. Fufu.

It's quite wicked of me, but necessary if I want easy money. I will do very good things with that money, so my sins will be forgiven.

"I needed more clothes."

"And what about me?"

I'm sorry, Grandma, but I want you to buy your own clothes. I want Sara and Alex to get to know you, as they will be with us for a year.

"R-right... I'm sorry, I was selfish... I'm still not used to having you by my side again. We'll go back later, and I'll buy you more clothes. Or it would be better if Sara and Alex accompany you so they can get to know you better. I have something to do."

"Don't worry, Dani... By the way, gold isn't as valuable in this world, Dani. I almost fainted when I heard the price, but I realized that the currency isn't worth as much as in our world."

"Yes, I know, it's very valuable in our world. We would be millionaires with all the gold I've earned since I arrived."

With all the gold I've earned, I could buy a huge mansion and live a luxurious life in the other world... But I've already given away almost all my money.

I don't care because I don't regret what I did.

We arrive at the house, and Alex greets us as cheerful as always... Well, I say "as always" because she has been smiling since I met her.

"Hello, Daniel!"

"Hello, I'm back."

I put my things on the floor and sigh... Ah, so many surprises in one day. I feel tired.

"I have to go to the guild, I'll be back later."

"We'll accompany you," said Sara.

"Has Liz not returned?"

"No. I don't think she'll be back all day."

"That's fine. Let's go."

I'm going to see Liz's sister, I need answers.

We all arrive at the guild, and my grandmother looks around, amazed. She really likes the fantasy theme, huh? I like getting to know a new side of my grandmother that I didn't know before.


My grandmother looks at all the adventurers and is surprised by the outfits they wear.

Yes, they look cool, I know. I wonder if I should get myself some armor.

"The female adventurers here really like to show some skin."

Most of the female adventurers wear miniskirts that are too short, some wear bras instead of blouses.

Are they doing it for fashion? I highly doubt those outfits serve as armor.

"Yes, what a good view," I clearly said jokingly.

My grandmother understood the joke and laughed, but someone else didn't get it.

Sara elbows me in the stomach with her left elbow.

H-how aggressive. I guess she's worried about me becoming someone like Sandro.

D-don't worry, Sara, it was just a joke.

"I-it was a joke."

"Although the adventurers do look cool with their armor and swords," my grandmother said.

My grandmother looked at me from head to toe.

"Hmm... Your outfit looks nice. I like it."

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

We arrive at Grey's.

Please, God, let there be powerful magic.

"Good afternoon, Grey. She wants to register."

"Sure, no problem."

She looks at my grandmother intently, maybe analyzing her or something.

"What kind of magic do you have?"

I wonder if that question is necessary after all, the cards confirm the type of magic we have. Is it necessary to ask? I suppose it's obligatory to ask.

"I don't know, but I think I have two types of magic," my grandmother said.

"Two? That's wonderful. Put your hand on the sphere."

My grandmother doesn't hesitate and puts her right hand on the sphere.

"Great, a crystal sphere," my grandmother said, smiling happily.

How lovely.

A minute passes, and out of nowhere, a card appears.

Please, let it be powerful magic. Powerful magic, please!

"Cristina. Age, 20 years old. Types of magic... Angel and Light?! Are you an angel?" she said, surprised and excited.

Angel magic?! Thank you, God!!

"Well, I'm 20 years old, and now it turns out I'm an angel. Amazing!! Dani, we must celebrate!" my grandmother said, smiling, very happy.

Sara and Alex are very surprised and excitedly observe us. Ahhhhhh! We're drawing even more attention! The demons probably have spies and they'll be keeping an eye on me! I should have thought this through better! I'm such an idiot!

"Your grandmother is an angel?!" Sara exclaimed, excited.

"Incredible! No wonder you're so powerful!" Alex said, excited.

Ahhhhhhh! Idiot, Sara! I'm sorry for insulting you, but you just called my grandmother, well, my grandmother! It's supposed to be a secret!

A-all the adventurers are looking at us in awe. W-we should probably leave.

"I-I guess the registration is done," I said nervously.

I leave the registration money on the desk.

"Thank you. I appreciate it. Goodbye!"

I take my grandmother's hand and we quickly exit the guild. I hope no one heard Sara!

"Dani, I'm an angel!" my grandmother said, excited.

"No, you're not... Or maybe you are, I don't know. Ahhhhhhhh! I don't understand anything anymore!"

"Your family is incredible!" Alex said, with sparkling eyes.

Is that incredible? Hehe. My grandmother was able to feed me and educate me all by herself. That's the most incredible thing about her!

"Now I understand why you have all types of magic, your family is incredible," Sara said.

"L-let's not talk about that.".

I give my money to my grandmother.

"Please buy decent clothes, buy everything you need, underwear, shoes, socks, even makeup if you want. And if you run out of money, tell the stall owners that I'll pay them later."

Getting money is easy for me, so I think they will let me pay them later.

"Of course. Thank you very much, Dani."

"I'm going to the castle, I need to talk to someone."

"Sure, okay... A castle?! Are you going to see the King?!"

"No, I'm going with someone else. Do you want to come with me?"

"Maybe later. First, I want to explore this town."

"Okay. Girls, take care of my grandmother, and please, don't tell anyone she's my grandmother. Keep it a secret."

"Of course, you can trust us," Sara said.

And she's the one who called my grandmother "grandmother" in public... Ah, I should give her another chance.

"See you later. Arches Nexus!"

I fly away from there.

After Daniel flew away, the girls take his grandmother by the arms.

"Come on, we'll buy you some nice clothes," Sara said, smiling.

"Great, my Dani can fly! Magic is incredible! I wonder if I could fly too."

And while Daniel's grandmother was fascinated watching her grandson fly, a certain person observed her from a distance... Sandro.

"Wow. That girl is really beautiful. Is she a new companion of that idiot...? Hehe. Interesting," he said, as he finished eating a skewer of rat that he was eating.

"Sandro, did you buy rat skewers from those children again?!"

"It's disgusting!"

His harem was complaining, but Sandro didn't pay any attention to their complaints.

"Ah, well. I'll be back soon. I have something to do."

Sandro walked away from them and rubbed his stomach.

"Ah... I'll never like rat meat."

(Pov- Grandmother.)

I died from a heart attack... And I didn't have the chance to say goodbye to my Dani.

Why did I have to die? I felt so good... Ah... Death is truly unexpected.

My Dani, my only and handsome grandson, is my pride... He looks just like his father, but at the same time, they're so different.

My son was immature, ashamed of his family for being poor... But after meeting Nadia, his wife, he started to mature and became a better person.

Before meeting Nadia, he had impregnated his girlfriend... Unfortunately, the baby and his girlfriend died during childbirth... The baby was stillborn... Before that, my son was very immature and rude... But after the death of his first baby and girlfriend, he became serious and expressionless.

When he met Nadia, he became happier... That woman seemed like such a good person, but... After Nadia's death, we found out that the police were looking for her for murder... She was a killer... And she didn't kill out of revenge. According to what my son told me, Nadia was a virgin, she lost her virginity to my son. She wasn't raped, so she didn't kill those men out of revenge... I'll never know the truth behind those murders... But they weren't the only ones. She was the main suspect in over 30 murders, and the number kept increasing... But we found out about it after her death, so it was already too late.

Dani was born healthy, but Nadia died during childbirth.

My son became depressed, but he managed to overcome his depression because he had to take care of Dani... He was an excellent father... He became a perfect son... But they murdered him... They found him dead along with other bodies from a criminal group or something similar... My son was not a criminal, I don't know why they killed him... Even when I saw him again, he didn't want to tell me anything about it and only said, "I had to take care of some unfinished business so that Daniel and you would be safe." He never wanted to tell me more details about it.

Daniel, my grandson, was always a kind and polite boy. He was never ashamed of me... I heard sometimes when his classmates made fun of him for being poor or because his grandmother, me, was a servant.

But Dani never got angry or embarrassed about me. He always defended me and said that he was proud of me... He was my pride... The perfect grandson every grandmother would wish for.

Excellent grades. Excellent behavior... I was proud of him... Even God considered him suitable for a very important mission.

Dani, you are my pride.

In the castle.

The King is nervously walking through the castle halls, as he has just learned news that he never expected to hear in his life.

"How is that possible? It's impossible!"

A few hours earlier.

"What?!," said the King, nervous and surprised by the news he heard.

"As you heard, Daniel was able to use the special summoning spell of the Royal family."

"I knew it was a bad idea to show him the spellbook of your family, Your Majesty," said Cristal.

"Shut up, Cristal, I know! But it's impossible, no one who is not from my family can use them. Why was he able to use it?! It doesn't make sense!"

"That boy is special, very special."

Rose savored her lips, seeming excited as she remembered Daniel.

"I must make him join our army, with his help, we will defeat the filthy Demihumans. We will take over the rock! We will finally be invincible!"

"He won't accept, I didn't sense any evil in his heart, I don't think he will agree to participate. He seems too kind-hearted."

"So... What do we do about it, Rose?"

"Maybe he will help us later. We just have to be patient. We can't force him."

"I guess we have to wait."


Rose and Liz leave a room and the King quickly approaches them to confirm if what he heard is true or false.

"Is it true? Did he manage to use the resurrection spell?"

"My sister told me what happened, he can use it. He revived his own grandmother using the spell."

"Why?! It doesn't make sense...! It-it doesn't... My family hasn't been able to use it for a long time, but he can? Why could he?!"

"As I told you, there's something strange about him."

A guard approaches them.

"Your Majesty, the adventurer Daniel wants to see Miss Rose."

"Is he here?"

"He is searching for her, shouting like crazy through the streets of the noble town."

"I invited him to visit me, but I didn't think he would come so soon," said Rose.

"I told him that you know more about the spells of the Royal family than I do, sister," said Liz.

"Well done, sister. Let's go."

(Pov- Daniel.)

"Hey, fairy, come out, please!"

Yes, I'm shouting through the streets, and I don't care if people look at me strangely! This is the fastest way to get the fairy's attention.

Please, Fairy, come out, my throat hurts!

"Fairy, I need your help! Come, please!"

All the nobles are looking at me strangely, and I realize that the thing about the outfits is true. Hehe. At least they don't wear ridiculous wigs or makeup like the old nobles in Europe.

Why did they wear that? I never knew.

"Well, well. It's true, almost everyone is wearing suits. I wonder if it's a tradition or something like that."

How strange... Well, everyone is strange, I have to get used to it.

I see some girls. The girls are wearing long dresses... They're very different from adventurers.

Ah, every day I spend in this world, the less I understand it.

"Well, well. The women are wearing long dresses... They're different from the adventurers. I suppose they do that to differentiate themselves from them."

I keep walking and shouting.

"Fairy! Liz! Any fairy I don't know! I'll even settle for the useless King!"

Upon hearing that last part, some guards tried to approach me, possibly to arrest me, but with a simple glance, I stopped them.

"What? Do you have a problem with what I said?"

They all quickly shook their heads and moved away from me.

Hehe. It's not entirely bad to be intimidating. It has its advantages.

My fame spreads... Ah... Ahhhhhhhh! I have to watch my back, the demons might attack me!


Oh, I recognize that voice. It's Liz.

I looked up to see them flying... Ah... Ahhhhhhhh!

I covered my eyes. You can see their underwear! Why do they wear dresses instead of pants if they're going to fly?! There are so many perverts in the world!

Liz and her sister fly and land in front of me.

"Hello again," Rose said.

"Why are you covering your eyes?"

"I-I could see your underwear while you were landing! Be careful!"



Both of them fell silent for a few seconds, and Liz started laughing.

"Hahahahahaha! That's ridiculous!"

"You shouldn't laugh, Liz. Daniel is a respectful man, he's just concerned for us."

"C-changing the subject... Hi, Rose, Liz told me that you know a lot about the spells of the Royal Family. Can you tell me why my grandmother turned into a 20-year-old girl? It's so strange! Don't get me wrong, I like that she's young, she'll have more years of life, but it's so strange to see my grandmother so young! I just want to confirm if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

"Of course, no problem, follow me, we can't talk here."

Oh, it's a secret matter, huh? Well, well.

Fufu. I feel like a spy or a secret agent. Awesome!


We say the flight spell and head to the castle.

Can fairies not fly without saying the spell? And what are their wings for? Hmm... Oh, wait, now that I think about it, Rose didn't say the spell, only Liz and I did. I see. Well, well. I guess it has something to do with not having wings.

Better not ask about it.

After arriving at the castle, we started walking through the corridors... Ah, I'm disgusted by seeing so many paintings and sculptures.

First of all, why have these kinds of things? Is it worth spending so much money on unnecessary things? I like art, but it seems foolish to spend so much money on these things instead of using the money to improve the country or create new businesses so more people can have jobs.

Ah... I don't understand people with money.

"So... will you tell me what I want to know?"

"Of course, the resurrection spell hasn't been used in over 200 years, so being able to use it is simply incredible. The spell was used by the Royal Family when one of their members died, either by murder or old age. Something strange about the spell is that when someone over 50 years old is resurrected, they come back to life as a 20-year-old."

Oh, I see. Well, well. It's part of the spell. Thanks, spell!

"It's a powerful spell. I was very lucky to acquire it!"

"Is that all you want to know?"

"To be honest, yes. I have to go."

"Do you want to stay a little longer? I'm interested in talking to you."

I looked at my grandmother again, I don't want to leave her just yet! I want to make up for the time we haven't spent together!

"I have a small matter to attend to now, I can come tomorrow if you want."

"Sure, no problem."

She extends her right hand.

"My name is Rose, I'm one of the most powerful sorceresses in the country, so you can ask me for help whenever you want, whether you need information or my magical power. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I shake her hand. Wow, such a soft hand, as one would expect from a fantasy creature like a fairy. I wonder if she has a small form or not.

"I'm Daniel, nice to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Rose. Likewise, if you need my help, just ask. I only ask that you only ask for help in cases of monster or demon attacks, I don't want to get involved in wars or human conflicts."

"I like you, Daniel. You're quite pure and innocent. I have a feeling we'll be great friends."

She comes too close to me. Well, well. She smells really good. Is it perfume or is it her natural scent?

"Or lovers."

I think it's a scent of flowers and... Wait... What did she say?!

"Eh?!" I said nervously.

I quickly move away from her, while my heart beats too fast from the surprise. Did she say it seriously or was it a joke?!

Ahhhhhhh! The clichés are gathering! Nooooooo! I absolutely refuse this cliché! I'll die alone, I've decided! Fate, stop sending me women and send me male friends instead! I want male friends!

"Sister!" Liz said, angry.

"Come on, it's just a joke."

Ah, it's a joke. Phew. Thank goodness. Although I have a feeling she's lying!

I better go, the less time I spend with her, the better. I'll only talk to her when I need a favor or information.

"I-I have to go. Goodbye."

"See you tomorrow."

I run away from there. I'm sorry, but I won't allow any romantic advances. I know this cliché and I reject it.

I'll die alone, it's decided. Please, don't make advances towards me, it will hurt to reject them. I want true female friends, not women pretending to be my friends in the hopes of becoming my girlfriends.

Is it so difficult to be my friend without falling in love with me?

Liz gives her sister a furious look, as she has just made her new friend and adventurous companion uncomfortable.


"Don't look at me like that, I said it as a joke."

"You're always like this with powerful adventurers you meet! I still haven't forgotten what you did with Sandro!"

"Daniel is the most powerful adventurer I have ever met. With his power and mine, our children would be very powerful, don't you think?"
