
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 4- Reencounter. Part 1.

M-my grandmother... Is she... Is she my grandmother?

My grandmother... She was the only family I had. My mother died when I was born, and my father was murdered when I was only 5 years old. It was just the two of us.

My grandmother worked cleaning houses to pay for my education, and I worked hard studying so that she would be proud of me. I didn't want my grandmother's efforts to be in vain.

She always told me to be a good boy, that good boys are always rewarded in life, and she was right. God gave me a new chance at life in this world, and if that woman is truly my grandmother, coming to this world also gave me the chance to be with her again.

She died of a heart attack and I was left alone. Now that I supposedly have her in front of me, I don't know what to do.

Is she really my grandmother? I feel like she is my grandmother, but she looks very different.

I don't want to get my hopes up, but I'm more than sure that she is my grandmother.

My heart doesn't deceive me, she is my grandmother... My dear grandmother...

"Grandmother... A-are you really you?"- I said scared, fearing that this is just a bad joke.

I approach her with slow steps, as my body is experiencing so many different emotions right now that I can barely move.

Happiness, sadness, fear, confusion... So many emotions flood my being as I stand before her.

Please, God, let it really be her.

"D-do you recognize me? A-are you my grandmother, miss? Please, be honest with me, I beg you."

"D-Dani? Yes, you're my Dani!"

Dani, that's what my grandmother used to call me. I-it's her... That young woman is my grandmother!!

I recognize that big smile on that face, it's my grandmother! It's definitely my grandmother!


Without wasting any more time, I embrace her tightly, something I thought I would only do in my dreams.

I hug my grandmother again. I have her with me again... I have a family again.

I really missed her... She is the only person I love. The only person truly important to me. Friends are temporary and can betray me, like Sonia did by breaking my heart, but I will always be able to trust my grandmother.

The light has returned to my dark life.

Thank you, God! Thank you, King! I know you're probably useless, King, but thanks to the spells you gave me, I saw my grandmother again!

M-my grandmother is hugging me again... I'm with my grandmother again... I'm with her again.

My tears flood my eyes and my vision is blurry.

Grandmother... Grandma... I have my grandmother with me again.

"I thought I would never see you again, grandmother!"

"I missed you so much, Dani!"

I have many doubts in my mind about her new appearance, but I want to stay like this, embraced, for a longer time.

Grandmother... Ah... My mind is going blank, I just want to enjoy this moment for longer, but I know perfectly well that I must find out why my grandmother looks so young. Maybe the spell failed and she's getting younger and younger. If that happens, my grandmother's new life is in danger.

I don't want to lose her twice.

"I missed you so much, grandmother! But, why are you so young?! I didn't recognize you when I saw you!"

"Young?"- She said confused.

Hasn't she noticed her change?

She lets go of me and looks at her hands. She gets scared when she sees them, confirming that she really didn't know that she was young now.

I guess the spell really changed her appearance. Why? Was it a side effect or did the spell go wrong?

Magic is dangerous, so any possibility is possible.

"What happened to me?! Why do I look like this?!"

My grandmother looks so young. I hope the youth effect doesn't wear off. If she stays young, I'll be able to have her by my side for many years, and that will give me one more reason to motivate me to defeat the demon that will destroy this world.

If I manage to defeat it, I'll be able to live the rest of my life with my grandmother.

And if I die during the fight, at least I'll die knowing that I spent the rest of my life with my grandmother, my only family.

"I don't understand anything."

"Well, well. You look beautiful, grandmother."

"Your family's blood is really special, huh? Are they all so beautiful? I'm envious."- Sara said.

I guess so. I look just like my father, and my father was my grandmother's son. My grandmother passed on her beauty to my father, and I inherited all of my father's appearance.

Appearance doesn't matter to me at all, but right now it does. The younger my grandmother is, the more years she'll be with me.

I take a photo of her with my smartphone, for her to look at.

"Look, it's you."

I show her the photo and my grandmother looks at the screen, scared and not understanding what's happening.

Yes, I understand how you feel, grandmother. I'm scared too in this situation. I hope your youth is a good thing, but I'm afraid it might be something bad.

"Y-yes, it's me when I was young. Why do I look like this?"

Don't look at me, I don't know anything. The spell said it was meant to resurrect the dead, it didn't say anything about appearance.

But I guess it's a good thing that the spell has given you a younger appearance, grandma. You'll be able to live for much longer!

"I-I don't understand anything."

"Grandma, I know you're scared, but don't worry, everything will be fine. Trust me, please. We'll figure it out."

"Y-you brought me back? How?"

"Well, I brought you back to life, but it's more complicated than you think. In short, we're in another world."

"In another world?!"

"Another world?" said Sara.

Ahhhhhhh! I forgot they were here. Perfect memory, you failed me again...! Ah, I can't blame you for my stupidity.

"Well, in another place. I guess saying another world was an exaggeration. Grandma, we're in another country, far away from our home."

I hope Sara believes this lie.

My grandma looks at my companions.

"Who are they?! Why am I alive?!"

Y-yes, I suspected. I knew this could happen. My grandma is quite fearful, but she always acted brave when she was with me. But I suppose now fear has overwhelmed her, and I don't blame her. Who wouldn't be scared in this situation?

My grandma is too nervous and scared, I need to calm her down.

"Don't be afraid, grandma, the people in this place are kind... I suppose..."

Sara is a bit racist and looks down on the poor, I don't know the others well enough yet.

But I think they are good people... Well, at least I can say they're not villains.

"Well, well... I have a lot to explain, but in secret."

God, she's my grandma, my family. Besides, she's from my world. I can tell her about my situation.

I turn to look at my companions.

"I'm sorry, girls, but this is very secretive. It's a family matter."

"Don't worry, Daniel!" Alex said.

"I have to go with my sister to tell her about your great achievement!" Liz said.

That's right, her sister knows more about this than she does. I have to ask her personally about this spell.

But the first thing will be to calm my grandma down, I'm afraid she might have a heart attack.

Liz runs off and I take my grandma's right hand.

"Come, I'll explain everything to you outside the village. Don't get worked up, grandma, it's bad for your heart. Breathe and relax, don't be scared, as long as I'm with you, nothing bad will happen."

And if anyone dares to harm you, I'll kill them. I won't forgive those who put you in danger.

"W-what's happening, Dani?"

"Just wait, grandma."

My grandma and I leave the house. My grandma gets scared when we step outside because we're in a village with a peculiar smell and quite medieval, it doesn't look like a modern place like the city we used to live in.

It was obvious that she would be scared because neither my grandma nor I are used to this environment.

Being revived, seeing your grandson again, being young again, and being in an unknown place... Grandma, please hold on, I don't want your heart to fail again, I haven't learned any healing spells yet.

This world is wild and dangerous, but I have more than enough power to protect you from dangers.

"What is this place, Dani?!"

"Act normal, I'll explain it to you outside the village. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

My grandma nodded, but she tightens my hand, still very scared.

"Come with me."

My grandma and I start walking through the village, and she seems really terrified, trembling with fear. I thought her fear couldn't get worse, but it's getting worse, and I can see the reason for that.

Prostitutes, men fighting each other for some reason, adventurers dragging monsters through the streets... This wild atmosphere would scare anyone from my world.

I'm a little scared of this place too, but considering that none of the adventurers here were able to defeat the black demon or the dog man, my fear is gradually decreasing. If they couldn't defeat them, they definitely couldn't defeat me. I highly doubt any adventurer would dare to challenge me. Sandro is the only exception, but I'll deal with him later.

"Hey, you two, stop fighting right now!! Make peace right now!" I shouted at the men who were fighting because they were scaring my grandma.

"S-sorry!" they both said, while hugging each other.

Shouting was an exaggeration, but I don't have time to go to them and politely ask them to stop fighting.

"Don't worry, everyone here is good people... I think they are... And those women work in that place willingly, we must respect their decision."

Good people...? I suppose they are... I hope so.

"I don't understand anything, Dani."

"I'll explain everything to you, just be patient."

Please, my grandma's heart, hold on. Everything will be fine. I promise.

We left the town and moved as far away as possible to avoid being heard by anyone. I don't want to take the risk of being discovered.

We stopped under the shade of a tree, and I sighed.

Well... I've calmed down a bit now, my heart is beating more normally.

The feeling of seeing my grandmother in front of me again is simply indescribable. Happiness, fear, nervousness, confusion... But what I am sure of, is that what I feel the most at this very moment is happiness.

All my depression, sadness, and pain... All the negativity I felt is disappearing from my body.

I saw my grandmother again. My lovely grandmother is with me once more. This is what I truly dreamed of, seeing her again. And not only did I see her again, but I have her by my side once more.

Thank you very much for allowing me to be happy again, God. I will always be grateful to you.

"It's safe here, I'll tell you everything... Ah... Well, well... It's hard to explain, but... Ah... Wait, please, grandma, I have to do something first."

My grandmother is important to me, but I can't disobey God. He forbade me from telling anyone about my mission, I have to ask for permission first.

I take out my smartphone and check my calls. God is the only one who has called me, so I must have his call in the history.

Mmm... This simple number must be his.

"This number must be his."


"God's," I said without hesitation, because I can't lie to my grandmother.

I call him, and he answers immediately. Well, well. Is he spying on me?

"I know what's going on, you're allowed to tell everything to your grandmother, but only to her."

Yes, he is spying on me. It doesn't bother me, because it's God.

"Thank you! I appreciate it with all my heart!"

"And, Daniel, don't revive any more people from other worlds, this time I allowed it because it's your grandmother. You caused a disturbance in the soul registry."

"I-I'm sorry. And thank you very much, God! I'm grateful!"

"And I will give your grandmother two types of magic to protect herself. That world is very dangerous. Goodbye, and good luck."

Two types of magic?! Will my grandmother have magic?! Th-that's so strange, but it's also excellent news! My grandmother will be able to defend herself in emergencies! The chances of survival increase! Although I don't plan on taking her on my guild missions. I don't want to put her in danger.

God hangs up the call, and a white glow surrounds my grandmother. Great! I wonder what kind of magic she'll have.

But, obviously, my grandmother gets scared again, because anyone would be scared if their body started glowing out of nowhere.

"Eh?! W-what is this, D-Dani?" she said, scared and nervous.

"Don't worry, grandma, it's nothing bad."

The glow disappears... Perfect, there was no change in her.

God didn't warn me about her appearance, so I don't think being young can be a bad thing anymore. But just in case, I'll ask Liz's sister about this situation. Better safe than sorry.

"Well, well. How do you feel, grandma? Are you dizzy?"

My grandmother took my right hand with both of hers and looked into my eyes, full of fear and quite confused, because she doesn't know what happened to her.

"Tell me what's happening, Dani, please!" my grandmother said, scared and desperate.

I stroked her head to calm her down.

"Grandma, take a deep breath and stop worrying," I said, smiling.

First, I'm going to calm her down, because the information she's going to receive will be much more shocking.

"Grandma, I'm your Dani, your favorite grandson, even though I'm the only one you have. Trust me, there's no need to be scared."

"Dani... Dani, where am I? What are we doing here? I'm supposed to be dead. Why did I come back to life? Why am I so young? I'm scared."

"Grandma, please, just breathe and relax. Don't be afraid, please... Listen. God sent me to this world to save it."

Upon hearing the word 'God,' my grandmother's eyes widened, and her fear decreased, but the confusion she felt increased.

Yes, grandma, I know, it's hard to believe what I'm saying.


"Yes, this world is World 1, the world of magic and adventurers. Our world was World 15, the world of technology. That's why this place is so different from our home, because we're in a completely different world."

"W-World 1? Dani, what are we doing here? Why would God send you to this place? Why you?"

... I have to tell her the truth.

I can't lie to my grandmother. I will always tell her the truth, I won't hide anything from her.

The truth could make her feel bad or even make her angry with me, but I must tell her the reason why I was chosen for this mission.

"... Listen, when you died, I was left alone and sold all the valuable things I had to pay for your funeral. I did it because I wanted you to have a dignified grave, befitting the great person you were, grandma. I know you'll say it was stupid of me to do it, but I don't regret anything. You deserved a beautiful grave... I tried to move forward on my own, but I didn't achieve anything. I couldn't find a job. Without money, I couldn't survive... I was alone, hungry, depressed... I didn't feel like living..."

"Daniel... What did you do?" my grandmother said with a sad tone.

You know me perfectly, grandma. Even without telling you, you know exactly what I'm trying to say.

I sigh and look her in the eyes... I have a sad expression on my face, and my tears confirm my mood... I am disappointed in myself.

"I'm sorry, grandma, I really tried, but I couldn't bear it anymore."

"Dani, you...?"

"I tried to commit suicide."


My grandmother started shaking me, while tears filled her eyes.

I'm sorry, grandma, please forgive me. But it wasn't your fault, I just... I just didn't want to live anymore.

"Why did you do something so stupid, Dani?!"

"I know, I have a weak mind, I couldn't bear my situation anymore and I tried to commit suicide. But... I'm sorry, I really couldn't bear it... I was alone, sad... I didn't know what to do with my life... Besides, Sonia, the girl I loved, was having sex with another guy while she was with me."

"W-what? Sonia? Your girlfriend?"

"Yes, my ex-girlfriend now... Cris told me about it and then I... Well... I couldn't bear the pain, the sadness, the hunger anymore... I couldn't bear living anymore. I went home and tried to hang myself. Please, forgive me, grandma... I'm sorry."

I lower my head so my grandmother doesn't see me cry.

"Dani... I..."

"But now I have a mission."

I don't want my grandmother to keep crying. I want her to realize that my life has improved a lot. I have new friends, magic, I can earn a lot of money easily, I helped the poor... I have a new life that I've been enjoying a lot, and there's still so much for me to discover.

I am happy again, and now that I have her with me again, I am much happier.

I lift my head and smile happily at my grandmother.

"When I was about to commit suicide, God appeared before me and gave me a purpose in life. He sent me to this world, gave me the power to use magic, and asked me to defeat the demons in this world. A very powerful demon will appear in about three or four years and will destroy the world. If this world disappears, the others will disappear too. My mission is to prevent that demon from succeeding. My mission is to save this world, grandma!"

My grandmother hugged me tightly.

"Incredible, Dani! I'm so proud of you! Even God knows what a great person you are!"

"Thank you very much, grandma."

God, thank you for choosing me. I won't disappoint you. I will save this world, even if it costs me my life.

If I die, at least I want my grandmother to keep living. Now that she's young, she has a lot of life ahead of her.

I am destined to die, and it's a fate I have already accepted.

"That happened yesterday... Many interesting things have happened to me since I came to this world, but today was incredible."

I hug her even tighter.

"I learned a resurrection spell and brought you back to life... Although I don't know why you're so young. I suppose it's a side effect of the spell."

"I appreciate it... Although I would have liked to say goodbye to your father."


I let go of her and move away from her a little confused. Did she really say what I heard?

"About my father?! My father, father, father?! Is paradise real?! How is my father?! Did you tell him about me?!"

"When I died, I appeared in a big house, and in the house were your father and my parents. We hugged and talked. It was a beautiful reunion. Then, a woman with wings, a true angel, entered the house and told me that the dead are given the opportunity to reincarnate whenever they want."

They are given the opportunity to reincarnate at any time? So, when I die, can I live for hundreds of years with my parents and my grandmother? Well, well. My fear of death is decreasing. It won't be so bad to die for this world, as long as I can be with my family in paradise.

But, wasn't my mother with my father? Did they separate while they were in paradise? It's a possibility.

"And my mother wasn't with my father? Did she say anything about me? What did she ask you?"

My grandmother looked me in the eyes for a few seconds and then looked down.

What's wrong? Why does she look so worried? Did my mother decide to reincarnate and not wait for me...?! W-well, I can't blame her, surely waiting would be difficult for her. I can't judge her. S-she must have had her reasons.

"She reincarnated, didn't she? What did my father tell you? Did they fight or something like that?"

"Dani... I'm sorry. She... She did very bad things when she was alive and became a demon."




"Ah... This..."

"Daniel, I know it's hard to believe, but..."

"My mother... Ah... My mother..."

"Daniel, listen to me."

"My mother..."

Y-yes, I heard perfectly... My mother... A demon... She's a demon... Demon...

Ah... Yes... A demon... Well, well.

"Well, well. Well, well. Well, well... A demon... Well, well..."

"Daniel, please, react."

"A demon... A demon..."

My grandmother would never lie to me, she speaks the truth.

"Well, well. Well, well... A demon?! My mother is a demon?!"

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Your father told me and an angel confirmed it."

"M-my mother... a demon?"

Why? What bad things did she do when she was alive?

My mother... I... I don't know what to think about it.

Mother, why were you like that?

"My mother..."

"Daniel, it's best not to think about it anymore, it's not worth it."

"Yes... Yes, you're right... I can't change the situation... And what did you do when you arrived in paradise?"

Mother, I love you, but I won't think about you for now. It hurts that you became a demon, and I don't want the pain to ruin my reunion with my grandmother, the woman who raised me like a son.


Did my grandmother... wipe away my tears? Am I crying? Yes, I am crying.

My mother is a demon... I will never get to know her... I always dreamed of meeting her, but I have to say goodbye to that dream.

"Don't worry, grandma, I'll be fine. Please, keep telling me about what you did in paradise."

"Yes... After I had all the conversations I needed to have with my parents, they said goodbye to me and made the decision to be reincarnated."

I guess they stayed in paradise just to say goodbye to their daughter. What good parents.

Paradise sounds like such a beautiful place.

"And my father?"

"Your father and I decided to wait until you die to be reincarnated... Well, until a circle appeared under my feet and brought me to this world."

I'm sorry, father, for taking my grandmother without your permission. I know she's your mother, but I also consider her my mother. I'm sorry for being selfish, but I'll keep her. Please wait a few more years.

"My father must be sad there alone. God forbade me from reincarnating more people from another world, so I can't bring him back to life."

I clasped my hands to pray.

"God, tell my father to forgive me for what I did, it was a selfish act on my part, but I don't regret it. Tell him to..."

Tell him to wait for me a couple of years, please.

"Thank you."

I hope God delivers my message to him.

"My father is alone now. I hope he doesn't despair and decides to reincarnate."

"He's not alone, we could leave our house, there were many houses around us, we were never alone... It was like a big city."

Wow. Well, well. There is a real life after death, huh? Wow... Death doesn't sound so bad anymore.

"It sounds like a great place."

"It was. It's quite beautiful, and the people were nice."

I guess my grandmother was very comfortable in that place.

... I'm selfish. I brought her back to life without thinking that my grandmother was happy in paradise, with my father by her side.

I'm selfish, but what's done is done, there's no going back.

"Grandma, forgive me, I brought you back to life and never thought about whether you were happy and comfortable with my father. Please forgive me, I only thought about myself and..."


My grandmother caressed my cheeks with her soft hands.

"I'm happy to be back with you, Dani. There's nothing to forgive. Thank you for bringing me back to life and giving me the opportunity to be with you again."

Grandma... You're always so gentle with me.

"Thank you, grandma."

"Besides, being here allowed me to see a side of you that I've never seen before. A Dani who commands respect. Fufu. Seeing the reaction of those men, I realized that they fear you. I would be worried, but knowing you, I am more than sure that you would never abuse the power that God gave you."

"Thank you... Well, well. So, do you want to stay with me or go back? This world is dangerous, and maybe there's a way to undo the spell. Don't you want to go back to my father?"

I would like her to stay by my side, but that decision is not up to me, it's up to my grandmother. She should decide what to do with her life.

"I will stay with you, this place looks interesting, I always wanted to travel and have adventures in the world. Besides, I would like to see you grow up and become a man, Dani."

My grandmother always wanted to travel the world? Don't worry, grandma, I'll make sure you fulfill your dream in this world! It won't be the same as fulfilling it in our original world, but a journey is a journey.

"Although these adventures are dangerous, and we could die. But don't worry, grandma, I'm very powerful, I'll protect you."

"You have a very important mission, if God entrusted you with this mission, you must fulfill it. Don't let my presence distract you from your main objective. Do your best, Dani."

"I will!" I said, smiling.

With her by my side, it's all I need to keep moving forward.

Thanks to you, grandmother, my life has become colorful and happier. Thank you for being with me.

"There's still a lot to tell you. You'll see..."

I told my grandmother about the types of magic and about the guild. Being an adventurer is my job now, so I want to explain to her how the guild works and the types of magic I have.

I don't want her to worry too much about me. I've already confirmed that the only ones who can defeat me are the demons, and they will attack me in a year or more, or at least that's what I think. I'll be optimistic about it and told her they will attack me in about a year.

I'm powerful enough to defeat Class A monsters, even S-ranked ones, so I told her not to worry about me. Plus, with the money from missions, we'll be able to travel the world and improve people's quality of life.

My grandmother worried, but I begged her not to worry about me. She should only worry when I fight against demons, but there's no need to worry when I fight against normal monsters.

"And I'm rank A, although I still don't fully understand the ranks. I don't know what my obligations or benefits are, but I suppose it's something good, considering it's a rank before reaching rank S."

Getting the rank A so easily surprised me, but I didn't give it much importance, considering how weak adventurers are in this world.

Ah... I definitely have to defeat the demons without help. It would only cause unnecessary deaths if I had people helping me.

"Do I also have a type of magic?"

"According to God, He gave you two types of magic to protect yourself."

"Two... Wow... Great."

I hope they are powerful magics, otherwise, I'll have to train you to become stronger and be able to defend yourself. I will protect you even with my life, but life is unpredictable. It's better to be safe than sorry.

"I'm sure I will like this place. The air smells quite good."

"Although I still have something to find out... Why are you so young?"

"I suppose it's part of that resurrection spell you used."

"I suppose... Well, grandma, the ones who were with me are my companions, don't tell anyone what I told you, understand? God forbids it."

"Trust me, I won't tell anyone."

Of course, I trust you, grandma, but it was necessary to tell you.

"Let's go to the village. We have a lot to do. Buy you new clothes, among other things you want or need."

"Let's go, I want to register at the guild."

"Let's... What?"

... Did I hear correctly? Do you want to register at the adventurer's guild?! Why?! No, no, no, no! I absolutely refuse for you to become an adventurer! I don't want you to go on dangerous missions! You have already worked your whole life, I want you to spend the rest of your life resting! I will give you all the money you need, you don't need to work!

"Eh?! No, you won't! I don't want you to be an adventurer!"

"Eh? Why not?"

"Grandma, if you die again, you won't be able to revive. Please, enjoy your new life and rest. You have worked your whole life, I want you to rest. I will take care of getting money. If you want to do something on your own, I can give you money to open a business. Wouldn't you be interested in opening a Mexican, Japanese, or any country or culture restaurant? I think tacos would become popular in this world."

That's right, I can create restaurants and thus provide jobs for people in need.

Restaurants, flower shops... Mmm... Well, I'll think of more businesses later.

"Do you expect me to stay at your house while you go on an adventure? No, I will accompany you. If you have all types of magic, I shouldn't worry, you will protect me."

"... Do you really want to accompany me?"

"Of course. I would love to see you fighting against monsters, Dani!"

... Ahhhhhh! My grandmother looks so excited, I can't bring myself to say no!

W-well, I'm powerful, and if I train her, she will also become powerful. A-as long as they are not too dangerous missions, I think it will be fine for her to accompany me.

"O-okay, grandma, but only on A-ranked missions and below. I'll accompany you to register and buy you new clothes."

"Thank you very much, Dani. I appreciate it."

"And, grandma, there are very different things in this world, some are scary, so be mentally prepared. I'm powerful, but I just arrived in this world yesterday, I still don't know it well. Be careful and don't trust anything. I even suspect that plants here eat people."

"I'll be fine, don't worry, we have God on our side. I doubt He won't warn us about the dangers of the world."

... Ah, that's right, I had forgotten. My grandmother is religious. Grandma, I would love to tell you that yes, God will protect us, but I can't lie to you.

"Speaking of that, God gave us magic and other things, but from now on, He won't help us anymore."

"Huh?! Why?"

"God has the job of observing and not intervening. He only helps a little in emergency cases like this. He is forbidden from helping more or anything like that."

"It's a shame, but don't worry, Dani, I can take care of myself. I won't be a burden to you."

"You would never be a burden to me, Grandma! I just ask that you be careful, this world is too wild and dangerous. I've only been in this world for two days and I've already seen many disturbing things."

Prostitutes offering me their services for free, I killed a demon, chicken men, and a dog man, and there are also the strange animals that exist here.

So many strange things in two days, and I'm sure there are many more waiting for me to discover.

"Come on, there's a lot I want to teach you. You might hear some disturbing things about me, but I just ask you to understand my situation. What I did and will do in the future is necessary to save this world, please don't be afraid of me."

"You mean killing monsters and demons, right?"

"... Yes... Yes... I killed a demon on the first day, and today I killed chicken men and a dog man... Those monsters could speak the human language, and the demon I killed looked like a human in armor... I killed, Grandma, I'm a murderer... And I... I... I don't know exactly how to feel about it."

My grandmother smiled at me and took my hand as she started walking towards the village.

"Dani, you are the kindest, most polite, and good person I have ever known. I know that everything you do will always be right. Not everyone understands with words, Dani. It would be too optimistic to think that dialogue solves everything in life. Doing the right thing doesn't always feel good. We have been taught that killing is bad and that no one has the right to take a life, but if you hadn't killed those monsters, possibly more lives would have been lost. Taking one life, but saving two. A difficult decision, but necessary."

My grandmother stopped and stroked my head.

"You did the right thing, Dani."


That's all I wanted to hear... I... I'm just doing what's necessary to achieve my goal. I'm just doing what's necessary. I shouldn't feel guilty.

I was scared that my grandmother would scold me or be afraid of me, but I'm even crying with joy knowing that my grandmother still loves me.

"Thank you for being with me, Grandma. I will always be grateful to you."

"I'm your grandmother, Dani, I will always be with you, through good times and bad. Come on, I want you to show me the village."

"Let's go... B-by the way, some prostitutes approach me to offer their services for free, but I always refuse! I don't want you to misunderstand!"

"Fufu. Yes, I could see that the women in the village are looking at you. Even in this world, you are considered handsome, huh? Your father would have loved this world."

Y-yes, I heard that my father was quite a womanizer in the past, that's why my grandmother taught me to respect women, to avoid becoming like my father, someone who took advantage of his attractive appearance, although he later learned his lesson and became someone respectable.

"Let's go."

"Let's go, Grandma."

We head to the village.

... My grandmother came back with me... The only person who matters to me, came back with me... Goodbye, depression. Hello, happiness, old friend. Please stay with me for a long time.