
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 3- Companions. Part 3.

(Pov- Daniel.)

After taking the mission, the three of us left the guild.

Well, according to the information we gathered, it is not known why they are disappearing, although the main suspicion is that it is some kind of Rank A or higher monster.

And the person who requested adventurers for this mission is anonymous. That's quite strange, and it only increases my suspicions about this mission. I will be very careful with my movements.

"Where is the cave?"

"It's next to Iris Village."

Iris Village... Sounds like a woman's name.

I take out my smartphone and open the map application.

"Iris Village? It's a rather ugly name."

Iris. Viris. Virus... It sounds weird.


Alex observes my smartphone curiously. Ah, my phone stands out too much.

"What is that?"

"It's a smartphone, I'll explain what it's for later."

I don't have time to explain now, it will take more time and we can't waste time.

I search on the map and find it... Well, well. It's too far away. It will take us hours to travel on foot, or maybe we can go on a horse or something. Does this world have public transportation?

"It's a bit far."

Wait... That's right, I can fly!

I remember how fast I was when I flew. I am incredibly fast when flying. It will be faster if I go flying.

Plus, I can also be strong using a spell, I can carry them on my back and arms without any problem.

I think I'll arrive in a couple of minutes if I fly.

"But if I fly, we'll get there quickly. Yes, it's decided, we'll go flying."

Alex is surprised when she hears what I said and starts shaking me. Wow, wow, wow. Her excitement is contagious. It's cute, but I'm getting dizzy.


"Are you sure?" Sara said, worried about my suggestion.

I guess she has never flown before. I hope she is not afraid of heights.

"Of course, no problem. Muslar asio!"

Perfect, I feel strong.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course!"

"Yes... I guess," Sara said, not at all sure of what she's saying.

Don't worry, Sara, nothing will happen to you.

"Well, well... Okay... Back or arms?"

"The back!" Alex immediately said.

"Ah, I guess I'll take the arms."

"With your permission."

I carry Sara in my arms and she blushes. That blush on her face is cute, but I hope she's not misinterpreting my actions.

"Alex, get on my back."

"Right away!"

Alex jumps and gets on my back.

"This is embarrassing," Sara said, blushing.

It really is... Just a little... But it's necessary.

"I-I feel the same," I said nervously.

Carrying a girl in my arms and another on my back is very uncomfortable, although it's not the first time I've carried a girl. Sonia always jumped on my back to surprise me and I also carried her in my arms to make her feel like the princess she was to me... Ahhhhhh! Why did she cheat on me...?! Ah... No, Daniel, don't think about her. Forget the past... Forget the past.

"Well, well... Ah... Well, according to the map, we'll reach the village if I fly straight. You have to hold on tight to me if you don't want to fall. Are you ready?"

"I'm ready!"

"J-just don't go too fast."

All the adventurers look at us strangely. Yes, yes, I know, it looks like we're playing, but they'll be surprised soon.

They'll see an adventurer flying... Although I still don't know if that's extremely rare or if there are adventurers who have learned to fly.

"Arches Nexus!"

I fly away from the village. Great, this speed makes me feel like I'm driving a sports car! I feel like I'm riding a motorcycle, and I say that from personal experience, as I tried to be a pizza delivery guy, but I quit when they tried to take advantage of me again... What luck.

Putting the past aside, this feels incredible!

I feel like a superhero!

I'm so excited, but I think only Alex and I share the same excitement. I wish I could say the same about Sara, but...

"Ahhhhhhh!" Sara screams in fear, digging her nails into my arm and chest.

I-it hurts quite a bit, but I won't complain, I don't want to make Sara feel bad. It's quite understandable that Sara is so scared, as this is not something that happens every day.

"Incredible!" Alex shouts, excited.

Yes, Alex, I share your excitement. This feels great... Flying is incredible! Thank you, God, for giving me such a useful and incredible spell! It will save me a lot of time when traveling!

"Next stop, Iris Village," I said with a smile.

I just hope everything goes well.

And as Daniel made his way to his destination, in King Freis's castle, he was occupied, humbling himself.

The King kneels before a woman who is seated on his throne. The woman is quite tall, with long white hair and large breasts that stand out due to the tight dress she wears, a dress as red as blood itself.

She is a very beautiful woman, but everyone who knows her doesn't even dare to look at her in a lustful way, out of simple fear.

They are in a library, and she is writing in a small notebook while the King sweats profusely out of fear and nervousness from being so close to her.

His heart is racing so fast that it wouldn't be surprising if he had a heart attack, but the woman doesn't care at all about what happens to him, she just keeps writing.

"And well? Did he accept?" said that woman, whose voice only provokes chills and deep terror in the King.

"I-I'm sorry, the adventurer capable of using all types of magic rejected my offer. And as you ordered, I didn't insist or bother him. I ordered the guild master to make sure not to disturb him and let him do whatever Daniel wants to do."

"It was obvious, someone like him doesn't want to spend all his time protecting someone. He wants excitement, and I will give it to him. Fufu. That boy is quite interesting."

"S-she laughed?" thought the King, unable to believe what he heard.

The woman stands up and extends a pair of pink wings from her back.

"I think it's time to meet him," she said, smiling.

"Miss Rose, are you going alone?"

"Yes. I don't want him to think I'm trying to attack him. I don't want to become enemies with someone as special as that Daniel."

"I want to go!" a girl shouted.

A girl opens the door with a lot of energy and approaches them running, quite excited.

A girl who doesn't provoke fear, on the contrary, she looks quite feminine, pure and innocent, unlike Rose, who only instills fear with her presence.

"I'll go with you, sister!"

The girl is almost identical to Rose, except she is smaller and flatter, and she doesn't have wings. They can also be differentiated because she wears a pink dress and a red flower as a headband.

"Eavesdropping on conversations again? You're hopeless... Well, you can come with me, but I don't want you to bother him. I still don't know how to deal with him."

"Thank you!"

"Let's go, the sooner I meet him, the better."

"Alright, sister!"

The two are about to leave the place, but Rose stops before leaving.

"And, Freis..."

"Yes?" said Freis, who hasn't moved from his place, still kneeling.

Rose turns to look at Freis.

"Execute the two chicken men who are still alive, we don't need them anymore."

"Of course!"

And yes, it was all a test conducted by Rose, although Daniel was sure it was just a test.

The sisters left the place, and Rose looked at the notes in her notebook.

"Daniel, a human with all types of magic, including demonic, angelic, and fairy magic... A human with all types of magic... 'When the demons appear, three legendary adventurers will appear, one on each continent'... Is one of the predictions really coming true?" Rose thought, seriously, as she continued writing notes in her notebook.

(Pov- Daniel.)

The Iris Village. Well, well. What a beautiful place.

I land in a small village, and everyone is looking at us with fear... Well, anyone would if they saw a boy arriving in a village flying.

Hmm... They're scared, but they don't run away or anything like that. The same thing happened with the black demon, people stayed in the village and ignored it. Do demons kill people who escape first? That would make sense as to why people don't try to escape.

Well, it's not worth thinking about that.

"That was terrifying," Sara said.

Sara is trembling. Did it really scare her that much?

Well, it was her first time flying, I don't blame her for being scared.

Actually, it's common sense to be scared, Alex is an exception.

"That was fun! On the way back, I want to be in your arms!"

Alex gets off my back... Both of them have different personalities... I like that. Having friends with similar personalities would be quite boring.

"Well, well. Alright, let's go to the cave."

I look around, the villagers still look at us with fear, even though we really look like people and not demons.

I feel uncomfortable.

"Were they scared to see me fly?"

"Demons, fairies, and angels can fly. They think you're a demon," Sara said.

Do I really look like a demon? Are there demons that look like humans? That's a big and important piece of information. I have to be careful with the people around me.

"Don't be afraid!"

Alex starts shouting. Huh? What is she planning to do?

"He's not a demon, he's an adventurer!"

Oh, she's trying to help me. Thanks, Alex, I appreciate the support.

After hearing Alex's shout, everyone starts murmuring... They have a lot of distrust towards us, huh? Ah, I wish I could prove them wrong, but they have plenty of reasons to fear me.

"An adventurer who can fly? That's impossible."

"He must be a disguised demon."

"Or an evil fairy in disguise."

What? Are fairies bad in this world? That's disappointing. I was hoping to meet friendly fairies.

I'd better stay away, I don't want them to be afraid of me.

I ignore them and walk away. I don't want to get involved in unnecessary problems.

"He's the only adventurer capable of using all types of magic!"

That would only raise suspicions about me, Alex!

Everyone is surprised and says the same thing: "All types of magic?!"

Ahhhhhhhh! I don't want them to be even more afraid of me! I don't want them to mistrust me!

Sara takes Alex by the right ear and we keep walking. It's best to ignore the people in this town and leave immediately for the cave. I only came to this town to explore it, but I think it's best to stay away from this place.

"I think I don't have to use the flight spell so often, they might mistake me for someone else. I don't want to be attacked by mistake."

I have to get used to being treated this way, after all, I accept that I'm a rare existence in this world.

While Daniel tried to maintain his composure and not get more nervous, two people watched him from a distance. They were wearing black hoods that hid their faces. Do they want to hide their identity? No, rather, they just want to look cool.

"He's a demon, sister."

"We must kill him, brother."

Two young people who don't know what they're getting into.

In short, two idiots without common sense.

(Pov- Daniel.)

We leave the town and see the cave in the distance.

Wow, it's really huge... Great. Although I suppose what we should explore are the underground paths beneath the cave.

"Alright, we've arrived."

Mmm... Let's see... Escaping will be quite complicated if we get lost, but thanks to my great memory, I'll be able to memorize the way back without any problem. Carrying Sara in my arms and Alex on my back was no problem, so I'll be able to escape with them easily.

Now, knowing how to escape doesn't guarantee that I will escape. I have to try to fight or at least distract my future enemy to buy time to escape.

I need to know more spells. I must protect myself from dangers. Before entering the cave, I'll look at the spells and memorize them. I haven't had time to memorize them because of what happened with the King and the matter of finding companions... Well, although I admit that I wasted a lot of time eating instead of memorizing the spells. That part was very irresponsible of me, I admit.

I take out my smartphone and open the spell app.

Wow, it really worked, the King didn't deceive me.

"There are many new spells."

Sara looks at my smartphone as if she's trying to decipher what it says.

"Do you understand that writing?"

The letters on my smartphone are in my language, that's why she doesn't understand.

Well, it's... Ah. There's no need to explain my language.

"Your writing is different from mine, that's why you don't understand it."

"You can speak the language, but you don't know its writing?"

That's true. I admit that even I don't understand that part of myself.

I can understand their language... I think God helped me with that.

Well, it's more than obvious that He gave me that extra ability, mainly to save time. If I didn't have that ability, it would have taken me a long time to learn the language and speak it. That ability saved me a lot of time.

"I know, I don't understand it either."- A little lie, so they won't keep asking me.

I'm sorry, but I can't tell them anything about it. I'm sorry.

Oh, well, well.

I realize that the spells can be sorted by type of magic power.

That makes things easier for me. I'll be able to distinguish the most powerful spells from the basic ones.

"Well, well... That could be useful."

I sort them and realize that I have spells of many types, except for angel and demon. Ah, I wanted to have those types of spells, it's a shame.

And I have two summoning spells... What can I summon? Maybe I can summon monsters or something similar. I just hope those summoning spells have nothing to do with any woman, it would be too cliché and uncomfortable.

"I have two summoning spells. I wonder what kind of monsters I can summon."

"That type of magic is very rare!" - Sara said, holding my arm while looking at my smartphone.

"Summon something!" - Alex said, imitating Sara.

I-I feel uncomfortable, but I must understand them. It's very possible that it's the first time they can witness someone using a summoning spell.

Both seem excited... I guess that's good. I'm glad to see them so excited, especially Sara, who seemed quite cold and expressionless, but she's already opening up her heart to me and I've seen many emotions reflected on her face.

Fufu. I want to see them even more surprised. I'll use one of the spells.

I read one of the spells and I'm intrigued by its name, which includes the word "divine".

"This one looks interesting... Divine horse, come to me! Please."

That last "please" is not included, but I find it rude to tell him to come with me without asking him please.

Wow. It's working!

A white circle appears on the ground in front of us, and a magnificent unicorn appears out of nowhere.

The unicorn is so white and its horn is red... Wow... Amazing!

Although it's not a horse, it's a unicorn.

"Amazing, it worked! Hello, my name is...!"

"How lovely!" the two of them exclaimed.

They didn't let me introduce myself, and they immediately approached the unicorn to pet it.

That was rude, but I'll forgive them because they're very excited to see a real unicorn. They're girls, after all. I understand that women are the ones who get most excited about this kind of thing.

Both of them stroke and hug it. I didn't expect Sara to also hug it. How lovely.

Although I'm not sure if it's safe to approach, we still don't know if I can control it or if I need to earn its affection first.

"Who summoned me?"

... Huh? The unicorn spoke...!! Ah, who am I trying to fool? I was already expecting this to happen, so I'm not that surprised.

But just because I'm not scared doesn't mean they react the same way as me.

Both of them got scared and hid behind me.

Yes, I have to admit it's scary, but I summoned it, and I'm sure I have control over it. I highly doubt it will harm me.

Setting aside the fact that it can speak, it's just amazing. A real unicorn that can talk... Wow. I really like this world... I've already gotten used to this world a bit, so these kinds of situations don't impress me as much anymore.

"I-it spoke?" they said, scared.

I've seen giant chickens wearing pants, nothing surprises me anymore.

"It was me who summoned you," I said as I approached him.

I stood in front of him, and we looked at each other.

Don't show fear, Daniel. You summoned it, don't be afraid. If you're afraid, you won't be able to control it. You have control, Daniel, you have it.

"I see... It's been a long time since someone summoned me. What do you want?"

"I'm sorry, I was just testing the spell. I apologize if it caused you any inconvenience."

"If you don't need me, I'll leave."

"Take care."

"Yes, of course. Likewise."

The circle appears again, and the unicorn disappears.

Well, it seemed like a kind and civilized being. I highly doubt I'll have any problems with it in the future.

"We have to ride that unicorn back!" Alex said, excited.

I guess the fear disappeared when she realized that the unicorn wasn't evil.

"I prefer that over flying again," Sara said.

I look at her and smile.

"You're very timid. That side of you reminds me of my grandmother."

Sara blushes... Damn, I have to smile less.

"To your grandmother? Why?" Alex asked.

"Yes, she was a woman who seemed strong but was quite fearful."

She acted tough to not worry me when we had financial problems or something similar. I knew we had problems, but she always smiled at me and acted as if nothing bad was happening, so I wouldn't worry. That's why I admired her with all my heart.

My grandmother...

Ah. I sighed somewhat melancholic and sad. I miss my grandmother. It hurts to remember her.

I sigh again and take a deep breath. I have to move forward. Don't think about the past, Daniel. Keep going!

"There's no time, we have to go inside."

I see the inside of the cave, it's quite dark. We need some light to see anything.

"We need a flashlight. Do you have a flashlight in your all-purpose skirt, Sara?"

"No. Ah, we forgot to prepare better before coming."

"Oh well, don't worry, I've already thought of a solution. Let's go."

"We're not going back for a flashlight?" Alex asked.

"It won't be necessary. Trust me."

Plus, I'm pretty sure their candle flashlights won't be as bright.

We enter the cave, and I can barely see anything. It's one of the few times I've been in such a dark place. It's scary, but it makes me feel like a true adventurer.

"It's okay. Stay alert."

I turn on the flashlight on my smartphone, and the girls watch me in awe. Another thing that surprises them, huh? They would be amazed if they knew everything my smartphone can do.

"Amazing, that thing can do everything!" Sara said.

It's a basic function of phones, but it surprises them. I truly come from the world of technology. I wonder if my world is the only one with technology, or if there are others with less advanced technology.

We start walking, and we hear some strange noises. They're small animals, but I won't let my guard down.

I better prepare to fight.

"Muslar asio!"

W-well, well. I started trembling, I'm very scared because mysterious noises scare me. The noises are like furniture creaking. I thought they were animals, but these noises are something else.

Ah... Relax, Daniel, fear will only steal your focus. Just ignore the noises and keep going.

We kept walking, but the two of them got too close to me, I could even feel their breath.

S-shit, it's uncomfortable being with two women in such a dark place. It makes me feel like a pervert.

"D-don't get so close to me, it embarrasses me," I said blushing, as I felt my face getting hot.

"If Sandro or another adventurer were here, they wouldn't hesitate to touch our breasts, taking advantage of the darkness. Now I respect you more," Sara said.

I'm not a sexual harasser... And I'm not interested in sex either.

I'm a virgin... I've had several opportunities to lose my virginity, but I haven't because I want to lose it after getting married.

That's something my grandmother taught me... Well, she said I should only have sex with the person I love with all my heart... I decided to lose my virginity after getting married for two reasons.

1: If I marry a girl, it means I love her with all my heart.

2: I'm poor. I don't want to ruin my life even more by being horny. Sonia offered her body to me many times, but I always rejected her.




NTR... Sex... Oh... I see.

She cheated on me because I didn't want to have sex with her... Surely "he" gave her what she wanted.

So it's true what they say, sex is important in a relationship.


"Wait, I have to do something."

I sat on the floor and sighed.

Sonia... Why didn't you tell me you were horny?! If you had told me that, I would have accepted your body because I loved you!! Now another guy is defiling you!! Damn it, I'm an idiot!! I'm so pathetic!! I'm a disgrace!! I don't deserve to be loved!! Ahhhhhhhh!!

"Daniel is... crying?"


The person I love, cheated on me.

The person I love, sleeps with another man.

... Communication is important in a relationship, Sonia!! Why didn't you say anything?!

... Ah... That's why I'll be a bachelor until the day I die.

"I'm calm now... Let's go."

The person I love? No. The person I loved.

I don't feel anything for her anymore... Nothing.

"What happened, Daniel? Do you have problems with something?" Alex asked.

"Problems from the past. Personal and private problems. I'm sorry."

Sonia, I don't wish you any harm or anything, I just hope you reflect on your actions.

At the guild.

While Alex and Sara were worried about Daniel, Rose and her sister entered the guild and headed towards Grey to ask about Daniel's whereabouts, as they want to talk to him.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Daniel, the adventurer who has all types of magic."

Grey is surprised to see Rose's wings. It's not common to see fairies in a guild, let alone walking without protection, indicating how powerful they are.

Fairies are very valuable in that world, so they are always targeted by hunters and powerful nobles.

"H-he went on a mission, he's not here."

"I see... Could you tell me where he went?"

"H-he went to the cave next to Iris Village."

"Thank you very much."

Rose and her sister left the guild, and a small laugh came from her little sister.

"Hehe. It's clear they're not used to seeing fairies."

"This village is of no importance to us, so it's really strange for them that we're here. Let's go quickly to that village. If we help him on his mission, maybe we can earn his trust much faster."

"Let's go!"

(Pov- Daniel.)

(In the cave.)

We kept searching the cave, but there's nothing strange, just some small insignificant animals for our mission... Although it smells like death.

The cave is scary, but that's it, there's nothing strange. I wanted to see undead or vampires, but there's nothing. It just smells like death, that's all.

How strange. It's supposed to be an A-rank mission. Why haven't we seen anything dangerous?

"There are no corpses, there's nothing," Alex said.

It's too quiet... That means something bad is going to happen. This is a cliché.

"This is strange, I have a bad feeling. Don't let your guard down," I said with a serious expression.

We kept searching for over 20 minutes until we found a man with a dog's head, eating a human arm. The guy is naked.

... Yes, definitely that must be what we're looking for. Why do I say that? Because a wall of earth appeared behind us, preventing our escape! We fell into his trap!

We have no other choice, we must fight, no matter what.

That monster is too strange... And it's too scary.

It's definitely another world.

"Is that normal?" I said confused, looking at that monster.

A man with a dog's head... What kind of monster is that?

"How strange, it's a dog-man... What is he doing in this place?" Sara said.

"First chicken men, and now dog men?"

What kind of world is this...? Oh, oh. He saw us.

The dog man sees us and his human part disappears. He turned into a giant dog.

This world is scary!

"That's a werewolf!" I said, scared.

Both of them scream, they are very scared... Scared?! Are they kidding?

"Ahhhhhhh!!" They scream in fear... Why are they screaming? Don't they have experience fighting monsters like this? Or is this just as weird for them?

Either way, I must not hesitate! It's just a demonic giant dog, I can defeat it! Don't be a coward!


A fireball comes out of my mouth and hits him in the body. Oh... I planned to distract him to buy time and think of a better strategy, but I ended up hitting him and causing a lot of damage. I'm lucky!

"Solar arrow!"

A red bow appears in Sara's right hand.

Sara shoots arrows into his body, dealing fatal damage to that dog man, and the dog man tries to escape after realizing how powerful we are. Wow, I have to admit I didn't expect that reaction.

What a disappointment, but it's also great for us! An A-rank monster is afraid of us! That's excellent news!

"My turn!" Alex said, excited.

Oh, well, well. The fear was temporary to lower that dog's guard, huh? Quite an intelligent strategy. They should have told me! I was scared, I thought you were really scared!

Alex puts her hands on the ground.

"Earth trap!"

A wall of earth rises from the ground in front of the dog man, preventing him from escaping.

Things didn't go as you expected, huh, dog? You thought you had us trapped, but now you're the one trapped.

"Well done, Alex."

"I give up!" said the dog man.

He even speaks?!

"He spoke?!" I said, scared and nervous, because I thought that monster was wild.

"He's practically a human, so he can speak," Sara said.

"Well, well. I suppose that makes sense."

The dog man turns into a man, but still keeps the dog's head. Huh? His wounds disappeared. Did he regenerate?

"I was hungry, and this is my only way to get food, you must understand."

"Your only way? If you're an intelligent monster, get a job and buy your food, or also..."

"Boring!" he said angrily.

Tsk. How rude... It reminded me of a beggar who tried to rob me once when I didn't want to give him money, although that beggar received a good kick in the groin and I ran away.

The man is turning back into his dog form. He's determined to kill us! I'm sorry, but now I will fight with my secret weapon!

"Sword Dex!"

It will hurt to do it, but it's necessary. I wanted to avoid killing him this way because it's too grotesque, but he left me no choice.

My sword appears in my right hand. I'm so sorry, it will hurt to kill a dog like this, but it's your life or mine. I'm sorry.

The dog man jumps at me, but I hit him with my sword right on his head, splitting the dog man in half.

I love dogs, so it hurts me to do this. The dog is my favorite animal... No, Daniel, this wasn't a normal dog, it was a monster. It wasn't a dog, it was a monster... A monster... Ah, I need to eat something, I don't want to get anxious again.

I killed a dog-shaped monster, it still hurts as if I had killed a real dog... Huh? Disgusting!

Some of its blood splattered on my face and mouth!

"Yuck! I hope AIDS doesn't exist in this...! In this place."

I almost ruined it. Better not say anything else.

"Well, we solved this. Let's go," Sara said.

... Ah, I can't help but feel so disappointed by this weird outcome. Was it really an A-rank monster? Well, my fireball left a pretty big wound on his body, and Sara pierced his body with arrows. I guess he didn't think we were that powerful.

The good thing is that everything turned out well and we are the winners.

"Should we take his corpse with us?"

"No, the guild employee will know we completed this mission by looking at our cards."


Phew. That's good. I didn't want to take his corpse... How disgusting.

I looked at his corpse before leaving. I split it in half. His intestines and brain are very visible... I killed a talking monster... I killed again.

I am a killer... Ah, my life will never be the same again.

I took a breath and sighed.

"God... Ah... Why?"

"Why?" - Sara said.

"It's nothing... Ah, let's go."

Why is it so difficult not to feel like shit? What I'm doing is necessary, I have to kill, dialogue won't work, I can't take this lightly.

I can't go through life thinking I can change my enemies. There will always be enemies who will never understand with words, and if I hesitate to kill them, it could cost me my life.

I have to kill to survive. Kill to win. A disgusting and evil thought, but necessary.

I have to get used to this feeling... I have to get used to killing.

"I have to do it."