
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 3- Companions. Part 1.

Oh, this clothing is really comfortable. I have never worn such comfortable clothes before. What is it made of? Well, the important thing is that it's comfortable.

... Oh, I really try, but I can't distract myself with anything else. I killed again... I killed... How should I feel about it? I feel horrible, but I know perfectly well that it's necessary. If I hesitate in my actions, it could cost me my life. If killing is the simplest, safest, and quickest option, I must do it. If I die or delay my plans, the world will be destroyed. I must act fast and safely, but I can't help but feel like a monster.

I killed... I am a murderer... But I must endure it.

Daniel, God gave you this mission, you won't go to hell... Resist, Daniel... Just resist and keep going.

"Is there a church around here, Sara?"

"Hmm... I think the nearest church is the one in the Capital. Why?"

"Just curious."

I want to talk to God again and confess my sins. I am new to churches and religion, but from what I know, I can talk to God in the church. I tried calling Him on my smartphone, but He didn't answer. I guess He can only talk to me in emergencies.

Sara and I walk together through the town. People look at me with curiosity and astonishment, possibly because I showed them something they are not used to seeing: someone defeating a demon in a single attack and possessing all types of magic... Ah... I have to get used to this... It feels strange... I don't dislike it, but I don't like it either... I feel a little uncomfortable. I feel like... No, I think saying that I feel like a phenomenon is rude of me... I simply feel out of place.

... Wait... It's true. They can't stop staring at me because I defeated the black demon, a demon that no one here was able to defeat, not even Sandro.

And now that I realize it, the black demon was strange... He seemed good, it never crossed my mind that he was evil the first time I spoke to him... Maybe Sara knows something about it.

I know nothing about demons, it would be best to start researching about them.

"Sara, were you here when the black demon arrived?"

"Yes, why?"

"When I met him, he didn't look evil, he even helped me when I arrived in town. Are they really evil? What was he doing here?"

I must not judge people by their appearance. I must investigate first to know the true intentions of the demons. Maybe the demons are good and humans are the bad ones... No, that possibility is almost null, considering that God sent me to eliminate the demons. But maybe there are good demons.

"Yes, they are evil. He came looking for a rock a week ago. When he got tired of searching, he just stayed in the town, nobody knows why."

A rock? That's strange... Was he looking for a simple rock? Could it be a magical rock? Some kind of legendary rock that holds a mystical being inside it?

Whatever it is, I can't allow the demons to find it first.

"A rock? What kind of power does that rock have?"

"We don't know what he meant. I don't even know anything about that rock. He just said he wanted the rock that we humans hide."

"A rock... Well, well..."

It's obvious that he was looking for a rock, but I think he really doesn't know what kind of rock he was looking for.

If Sara doesn't know anything about that rock, that means I will have to investigate elsewhere, possibly have to go to the King or travel to another country to search for it. I can't let them find it before me. If I find it, I will destroy it. It's dangerous to keep it... What if it contains a monster inside...? Hmm... I better think about what I will do next, for now, I'm going to focus on improving my control over my magic.

But even though I am a beginner, I managed to defeat a demon very easily.

Are demon bodies very weak? Or am I the powerful one...? No... My sword is the powerful one... I think.

Being able to easily defeat a demon without any problem... Wow... I am scared of my own sword.

"And are demons really powerful? I was disappointed to defeat him so easily."

Sara looked into my eyes, with that expression of "Are you serious?" and then sighed.

"S-sorry for sounding arrogant or rude, but I'm just being honest, I couldn't help it. I don't know demons, the black demon was the first demon I met."

"Don't worry, I still can't believe that I am standing next to someone who was disappointed to defeat a demon so easily... There are many demons, some are stronger than others. The black demon was one of the weakest, and if one of the weakest was able to match Sandro, the former strongest adventurer in the guild, you can imagine how the more powerful demons will be."

Well, well... I was very lucky... Or maybe it wasn't luck... I was too confident when I faced him... Maybe God helped me... I think... Or maybe I was just lucky to fight against a demon who was overconfident... Nah, I don't have that much luck in life, God definitely helped me. Thank you very much, God.

... Wait... One of the weakest?!

One of the weakest demons tied with the most powerful adventurer in this guild... One of the most powerful adventurers in the country...

Why haven't they conquered this country?! If I were an ultra mega powerful demon, I would go castle by castle killing the Kings and conquering countries. Why haven't the most powerful demons done that yet? What are they waiting for?

... Hmm... Maybe something is stopping them from doing it? Ah, I have so much to investigate.

But I have two theories.

Number 1: There is a being that protects this world, and if they cause too much harm, they could awaken it. That's why they are taking their time, to plan how to eliminate that being and after eliminating it, they will conquer this world. Possibly the world will be destroyed because of the fight between the Demon King and that being.

Number 2: God doesn't allow them. If they sent me when they haven't even caused that much harm yet, considering that the people around me still seem to live normal lives, I believe that God will send much more experienced and powerful warriors if they decide to show humans what they are capable of.

Well, well. I like theory number 2 more. Either way, I think I will be safe from attacks by much more powerful demons, at least for a while.

"Well, well... Do you know the strongest demon...? Or have you at least met stronger demons?"

"I met one who easily defeated Sandro, but didn't kill him, I don't know why. I suppose he believed that humiliating him and leaving him alive would be more satisfying than killing him."

"W-well, well. I-I see."

I guess he was very powerful... What do you mean, I guess?! That demon was very powerful!!

Leaving Sandro alive and not killing him. Do you know what that means, Daniel?

Yes. He doesn't even see one of the most powerful adventurers in the country as a threat and he left him alive to send a message: "no matter what you do, you will never be able to defeat us."

Ah, I have to be careful... What mess did I get myself into? Right now, I would be in paradise with my grandmother and my parents, and not here, fighting against demons... Well, even though I think suicide is a sin... I think I would be in hell... Oh...

Well, even if I had been given the chance to choose, I think I would have still chosen to come to this world. If my grandmother had found out that I rejected the opportunity to save a world, she would have had a heart attack again.

Besides, if I manage to fulfill my mission, I will save millions of lives... But if I fail, at least I will die knowing that I did everything possible to fulfill my mission.

Regardless of the outcome, I will die happy.

"Ah... Let's not talk about demons anymore. It's a pretty depressing topic to listen to."

"And what do you want to talk about, Daniel?"

"I don't know..."

Hmm... What do I want to know...? Oh, about Sandro. Sara and Sandro are complete opposites. Why was Sara on his team? If I were a woman, I wouldn't be able to stand being on a team with someone like him.

"By the way, what were you doing on Sandro's team? He seems like a conceited and annoying guy."

"Despite his attitude, he is very powerful, that's why I joined his team, even though his constant harassment bothered me."

Tsk. Damn... I hate sexual harassment... I hate people like Sandro. I definitely shouldn't associate with people like him.

"Well, well... I see..."

Huh? W-what?

I see an adventurer embracing and kissing two girls. Seeing that surprised me too much, especially considering that everyone around doesn't pay any importance to it, as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

Is that normal? This world is weird, maybe it's normal.

"Is that normal?"

"What thing?"

"That an adventurer has more than one partner... I don't think I explained myself well... I mean, is it normal for a man to be with two women at the same time?"

"Huh? That's quite normal. Men can have more than two women. Women can also have more than two men. Didn't you know?"

Well, well... Is that serious?! Why?! It sounds pretty weird. I wouldn't marry a woman who already has a husband... And I wouldn't marry multiple women either. I prefer... Well, I used to prefer marrying just one woman... But, to be honest, I don't want to love again... I don't believe in love anymore.

I will die alone, but I don't care.

"Is it really normal?" I said, confused by such a sight before my eyes.

"Yes. Didn't you know? Isn't it normal in your country or hometown?"

... Well, I was cheated on. It's frowned upon, but some people date two people at the same time... Although they do it secretly... Disgusting infidelity.

"Not really... So, can a man have 10 wives?"


"And can a woman have 10 husbands?"

"Of course. My mother has three."

"... Well, well... How strange."

Definitely, it's weird... Shit, I just realized something... I'm handsome, I have great magical power, and God sent me to this world... I'm a cliché isekai protagonist! Shit, shit, shit, shit. If I'm right, I'll only get female companions... And they're going to fall in love with me... No! I have to avoid that... If I get companions, and if they fall in love with me, they'll ask me out... If that happens, I'll reject them immediately... I'm sorry, but I prefer to stay alone.

I must make them respect the team rules. I won't fall in love with anyone. I won't have sex. I won't kiss anyone.

I'll die alone, it's decided, and nothing will change my mind!

After leaving my clothes at Sara's house, we headed to the guild for breakfast.

Uffff. I'm starving. I wonder if they have desserts. I'm craving scrambled eggs with beans... Ah... That's right. Will there be beans or eggs in this world? Yesterday I only ate meat... Well, I'll order whatever, I don't want to raise suspicions by ordering something they don't know.

"Tsk. Stupid King." A woman walking beside me said.

I totally agree with you, miss. He used his own daughter and sacrificed men like chickens just to test me, but at least it seems like he cares about his daughter.

As we walk, two adventurers walk beside us and I overhear them talking. Sorry for eavesdropping, but since you mentioned the King, I must listen. Any information would be useful to me.

"Has King Finder not accepted yet?"

His name is Finder? Haha. Finder. How strange.

"No, and apparently, the other Kings are planning something against him."

The Kings of other countries want to fight with this country while we're at war with the demons? How stupid.

"I wish the Kings of Grenfor were united. Those monsters would already be dead."

I suppose they're referring to the demons... Wait, the Kings of this country?

I'm curious about what they're saying... Kings? Are there more than one King ruling this country? That's weird.

Why are there more than one King? Did the family split in the past and the territories divided? Well, I don't care about the history, I only care if it teaches me something useful.

"I thought there was only one King. How many Kings are there in the country?" I asked Sara.

"There are four kingdoms around the country. We are ruled by King Freis."

... Freis? And we continue with the strange names.

Thank you for the help, Sara.

"Well, well... I see."

Four Kings... Ah, that sounds like trouble.

I took out my smartphone and looked at the map... Mmm... The country has the shape of Africa, just narrower and a bit longer. This Kingdom is located in the center, just a little more to the north.

Mmm... I see... Interesting... I have a lot more to investigate and see.

Well, Daniel, it's only your second day, don't rush and take it easy. Anyway, if our theory is correct, the powerful demons won't attack us for a while, I think in about two or three months.

I won't let my guard down, but I won't worry either. I'll take things calmly. My grandmother told me that studying with stress wouldn't benefit me, I suppose the same goes for this. If I stress out, I won't achieve good results. I'll take things calmly, at least in the beginning.

"Hey, handsome."


A woman with huge breasts and in underwear is hugging me?! Ahhhhhhhh! Indecent! Noooooo! I don't want them to think I'm a pervert!

"I have an offer just for you. I'll give you my services completely for free."

"I absolutely refuse!"

I ran away like the coward I am.

How embarrassing! Everyone was looking at me! Why would that person offer me those things when they don't even know me?! You should only have sex with the person you love! I won't have sex before marriage! I won't disappoint my grandmother! She told me that sex should only happen after marriage, I won't have it before!

After calming down and Sara catching up with me, we entered the guild and the adventurers are watching us. It embarrasses me to be seen so much and I blushed in that situation.

"I feel a little embarrassed."

"And you get too nervous with a simple hug. Are you sure you're a man?"

"I'd rather not talk about that."

And it wasn't just a simple hug, that woman was offering me her sexual services! Anyone would get nervous!

Ignoring the topic of my nervousness, we sat at a table and a waitress approached us.

"Do you want to order?"

Ah... The place smells delicious... I'm very hungry. I'll eat until I'm satisfied. I would say I would eat as much as I could, but eating until I'm satisfied is more than enough for me.

"I want a plate of your best food and some water, please. Thank you very much, miss."

"Hehe. In addition to being handsome and powerful, you're polite," she said, winking.

S-shit... Sorry for the bad word, grandma, but I couldn't help it.

I'm used to those kinds of comments, but combined with the fact that everyone is watching me, I can't help but feel extremely nervous.

I lower my gaze and play with my fingers. I can't look her in the eyes.

"I want some fire-type beef and beer," Sara said.

Huh? Beer? Well, well.

Fire-type beef? Is it a cow made of fire or something similar? It sounds interesting.

We pay her and the waitress leaves.

"Fire-type?" I say, confused.

"They're cows that live in the red zone. Their meat is expensive, but it's delicious. It's worth the price."

"Red zone? What is that?"

"... It's an area where everything is surrounded by fire and lava. It's difficult to be there."

Sounds cool but dangerous... When I feel ready, I'll go.

I need to become strong.

"I have to visit it someday."

"By the way, Daniel, are you afraid of women?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"You get too nervous with women who flirt with you."

"W-well... Well, well... I'm sorry, I'm a bit shy, that's all."

"Shy...? Ah..."

Sara sighed and crossed her arms.

"You're handsome, Daniel, and also powerful. You must have grown up hearing that all the time. Why do you still get nervous and shy? You're not acting, you're really getting nervous. Why?"

"I don't know, that's just how I am. How do you expect me to act? Like Sandro?"

"No, I just..."

"Sara, my grandma raised me to be a polite and respectful guy to everyone, I would never look at women as objects, that's why I don't take advantage of my appearance to go out with every girl who's attracted to me. And the reason I get nervous and shy is... Well... Because that's just how I am."

"But it's not normal for you to get so nervous. Could it be related to some past trauma?"

"... I don't want to talk about that. Never. Understand?"


"Please, I beg you... Understand?"

"Yes... Okay."

I don't want to remember that.

A minute later, the waitress returns with our food.

My plate has meat and vegetables. Basic, but delicious. Sara's plate has juicy meat, and next to it, the waitress leaves a large glass of beer.

I find the beer disgusting, but that juicy meat looks delicious. Mental note: buy that meat during lunchtime. With love, Daniel.

"Thank you," we both say.

I gave her 5 coins as a tip. I would give more, but for now, I need to have more money for myself.

The waitress leaves, and we start eating.

Mmm... Well, well. Quite basic, but very delicious. And cheap too. The food in this world is definitely worth it, although there are still many dishes I have yet to try.

I see Sara starting to drink her beer... Is that normal too? Is Sara of legal drinking age? She doesn't look like it.

"Aren't you a little young to be drinking beer? How old are you, young lady?"

"I'm 15 years old."

... Minors can drink?! There are laws missing in this world!

"Y-yes, you're very young."

We continue eating. The meat in this world is very delicious, but Sara's meat looks even more delicious. I want to try all the food in this world! During my journey, I will make sure to eat the typical dishes of every city or town I visit.

"The meat in this place is delicious... So, how will we find companions?"

For now, I do need adventure companions. Later on, I will have to leave them behind.

I'm a novice at the moment, I'll need a lot of help to defeat my enemies, but in the future, I'll be powerful because I'll have gained experience. When I become more powerful, my enemies will be too. When that happens, my companions won't be useful to me anymore, and I'll leave them behind. It's cruel, but it's for the best. I don't want them to die because of me.

"We'll put up a recruitment notice. With your magical power, you'll attract very powerful adventurers in no time, so don't worry. I'm pretty sure that by the end of the day, we'll have at least two or three capable companions to follow us."

"I see..."

Sometimes, the strongest ones are the most arrogant and annoying. I want to have good and kind companions, as I have to endure them for at least a year. I won't be able to stand the company of rude or arrogant adventurers.

"That sounds good. I just hope we don't have annoying companions."

I want to have male companions to avoid the cliché of only having female companions... But if I only attract strong women, I will accept them because I need all the help I can get. But I will make it very clear to them that the rules cannot be broken for any reason, to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. I don't want them to think that I'm trying to conquer them with any of my actions and indirectly give them false hopes.

After a few minutes, I finished my delicious meal. I ordered two more dishes, but now I am full.

We finished eating and Sara took out a paper, a small jar with black ink, and a white feather from the pockets of her skirt.

Did she have that all along? That's also a bit strange... Why is everyone in this place so strange? No... I think I'm the strange one.

Well, she's a teacher, I suppose she's always ready to take notes on any observation or something like that... I guess.

Well, well... That side of hers seems admirable to me. And she's still too young. Surely in the future, she'll be even smarter and more powerful. I hit the jackpot with her!

Although I think she's a bit evil, but I only think that because my way of thinking is adapted to my world and not to this one. I don't have the right to judge the actions that people in this world consider normal, because I'm not from this world. It's like a Mexican telling a Japanese person how to behave, it doesn't make sense, because they are from two completely different countries. The same thing happens with this matter.

"Did you have that all along?"

"Yes, you never know when you'll need it. I also have bandages and a knife."

She's a very clever girl... I quite like that.

"How cautious... Although it seems uncomfortable. Wouldn't it be better to use a bag?"

"I prefer to use my pockets."

I suppose she has her reasons for not using a bag.

Sara starts writing... Oh, that reminds me, I have to learn to read... No, it's not necessary... Anyway, I'm going to die in a couple of years. I don't think I need to learn to read. Sara can translate for me, and when I separate from her, I'll be more than accustomed to this world, so it won't matter that I can't read. Learning to read will take me time, time that I could use to learn more about this world and train.

That's one of the reasons why I don't want to fall in love either. I will die at the end of my adventure. I will die fighting... Or if I win, I will commit suicide. I will die in either of the two outcomes.

To be honest... I want to die... If God exists, that means paradise exists. I will see my grandmother again when I die.

I will be able to see my father again.

And I will meet my mother... My mother.

... Oh, suicidal thoughts are coming back. No, go away! God needs me, I can wait!

"Wait... Hmm... Done."

She shows it to me. The letters are strange, but beautiful... Hmm... I suppose it looks good... I don't know.

"Is it okay?"

"Remember, I can't read."

Ouch. Admitting it is quite embarrassing. I think I should learn to read.

"I'm sorry. It says: 'Daniel and Sara Churs need companions. Please meet with them for an interview.' Should I add the requirements?"

"I think it's fine as it is. We won't be too demanding."

We will get powerful companions, but adding requirements would make us look like we only care about power. We will also consider the personalities and behavior history of the interested parties.

Yes, that sounds good... Wait... "Churs"?

"Churs? Is that your middle name?"

"It's my last name."


Unconsciously, a laugh escapes me. Sorry, Sara, but it's a quite funny last name.

Sara looks at me with a red face... She seems nervous and embarrassed... Damn, now I feel bad.

I know it's wrong to laugh at people, but I really couldn't help it. It's the first time I've heard that last name, and it sounds like a sneeze.

"Does my last name... make you laugh?" She said nervously and a bit angry with me.

"I sincerely apologize. It just sounds funny and I'm not used to hearing last names like yours. I'm really sorry."

Are there more unusual last names in this world?

Sara sighed.

"Oh, it's fine. I'll overlook it just this once."

"T-thank you."

Sara gets up and puts the sign on the wall.

Hmm... Now that I think about it, maybe the requirements were really necessary... Well, it's already done, there's no turning back now.

"Now we wait."

I wonder how long it will take for us to find companions. Considering my newfound popularity, plus the fame Sara already had, I must mentally prepare myself to be surrounded by people interested in joining my team. Please, one by one, don't crowd.