
Humans Against Demons - Am I really a perfect guy? I don't think so.

Daniel, a young man with limited resources, has experienced multiple adversities throughout his life. One day, a mysterious elderly person presents him with a mission of vital importance: to save the world from a demonic invasion. In order to achieve this, Daniel must venture into an unknown world, where the God of the Earth will grant him extraordinary powers and indispensable allies. However, the challenges will not be easy to overcome. Daniel will have to face formidable enemies, deal with unexpected betrayals, uncover hidden secrets, and confront moral dilemmas that will test his determination. Will Daniel be able to fulfill his destiny and protect humanity? Join Daniel in this thrilling adventure, where dangers, discoveries, and the search for his true identity intertwine. Discover if he will succeed in accomplishing his mission and become the defender that the world needs.

AngelPikas2 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - The King. Part 2.

(Pov - God)

Daniel... He has so much potential, but... Why did the Supreme God force me to send him to that world? I know Daniel has a beautiful soul... It's the most perfect soul, but... That world needed a warrior with more experience... I hope everything goes well.

"Daniel, you made a mistake by facing that demon unprepared, but everything turned out fine... You were very lucky."

If the Supreme God compelled me to send you to that world, it means that you are important for the future of all worlds... I trust you, Daniel.

"But... Why does that boy remind me so much of Kei Molfer? I must investigate further."

(Pov- Daniel.)

After leaving the village and going a little further away, we stopped a few meters from some trees. Yes, I think in this place, I won't bother anyone with my training.

"Try it. It took me five months to learn it, you must have a lot of..."

"I will try!"

I interrupted her with my words. I'm sorry, Sara, but I can't contain my excitement anymore! I must try it right now!


I-I feel something in my throat! Uwaaaah!

Huh?! A small fireball the size of a tennis ball came out of my mouth and hit a tree! T-the fireball made a hole in the tree. It's really powerful... It's powerful... It's powerful!


Sara is very surprised and I jump for joy. I can use spells without training! Thank you, God! I have the natural talent to learn spells like the cliché isekai protagonists! Well, it's not natural talent because God gave it to me, but it doesn't matter! This will make my life easier!! Thank you, God!!

"What?!" she said, scared and surprised.

"I did it!" I said, smiling and excited.

"But... How is it possible?! Did you succeed on your first try?! It's impressive!" she said, excited and surprised.

"I think I'm a prodigy. A gifted boy. Fufu," I said, smiling.

And in various ways... I'm handsome, somewhat intelligent, and well-endowed... W-well, the last one isn't important... And I'm not saying it to brag. I hate boastful people... Why did I start thinking about that? Disgusting. I think the excitement is clouding my judgment.

"Great... Wow..."

Sara smiles at me and applauds. Shit, nervousness returned to my body.

I-It feels good to be applauded by someone without sarcasm.

"You surprise me... A lot."

I lowered my gaze timidly.

"T-thank you, Sara."

Oh, the shadows are becoming less visible.

I look at the sky, it's getting dark... I guess I can rent a house with the money I have.

"It's getting dark. Do you know a place where I can sleep?"

"You can sleep at my house if you want."

Ah... W-well... Normally, I would refuse that invitation, but I don't trust the people in this place yet. Maybe they'll try to rob me while I sleep or something. I think sleeping at Sara's house would be the best option.

I'm going to sleep at a girl's house... It's a bit embarrassing, but I'll accept. I'm still afraid of this place, I don't want to sleep alone.

"T-thank you very much. I appreciate it."

"Don't thank me, anyway, we're companions, right? We should help each other," she said, smiling.

I really like her... I trust her a lot. She doesn't seem to have any ulterior motives with me.

Ah, I hope we'll always be friends and she won't try anything else with me. If she falls in love with me, our relationship would become awkward after rejecting her. I prefer to avoid that.

"Yes, we are," I said, smiling.


Huh? Is her face red...? She blushed... Ah, shit.

I turn to look away.

I sigh and close my eyes... I almost messed it up. I don't want her to fall in love with me... I don't believe in love anymore.

She's not an exception... If she falls in love with me, I will reject her without hesitation. I want to die single.

Falling in love only causes pain.

We return to her house, and I leave the bags with coins next to me.

After thinking about it for a long time, I know what I will do with the money.

I will do what I always dreamed of doing.

"Sara, are there poor people in the village?"

"No, everyone here is an adventurer, so there's always work. There are only a few beggars, but they are expelled when they're discovered."

... They expel beggars from the village? Yes, this world is really strange and dangerous.

"W-well, well... Is there any poor area you know of?"

"Next to the King's castle, there's a village, and most of the inhabitants are very poor. Why?"

Oh, a castle and a King, huh? Ah, monarchy... It disgusts me. But I'm a guest in this world, I shouldn't criticize it. They have their own way of thinking.

But that doesn't mean I won't do anything to make this world a better place. Whenever I have the opportunity, I will do everything in my power to improve this world.

"I will give them all my money."

"A-all?!" she said, surprised.

Her reaction is very normal. I'm sure she's thinking I'm crazy or something like that... I don't need that much money... And I want to repay God for this new chance at life. How do I repay Him? By being a good person as always.

Besides, it's too much money, I don't even need that much. And with my power and Sara's intelligence, I'll be able to easily make a lot of money, so I don't have to worry about it.

... Not worrying about money... Easy money... Ah, I never imagined the day would come when I wouldn't have to worry about money.

Definitely, my life has changed forever.

"I only really need about 100 gold coins, I don't need much."

"Oh... Wow... Well, well... Anyone with that money would spend it on useless things, but you're going to give it to the poor. You have my respect."

I was always poor... I know what it feels like to be hungry... That's why I want to help.

I've always lived in scarcity, and I want to help other people not suffer like I did.

But just because I experienced scarcity doesn't mean I hated my life. My grandmother always made an effort to give me food and clothes. Even though we were very poor, I never complained because my grandmother did everything she could. It wasn't fair for her to see me sad or angry about my economic situation.

"Thank you. I appreciate it... Well, I'm very sleepy."

I lie down on the floor... I'm used to sleeping uncomfortably, so sleeping on the floor won't bother me.

"Goodnight," I said as I settle in.

"Goodnight," Sara said.

I close my eyes... Ah, my first night in this world... Grandma, your favorite grandson did a great job today. I achieved a lot in just one day. Would you be proud of me?

I hope so.

(Pov- Sara.)

(One hour later.)

This guy is stranger than I imagined. He looks so manly, but he acts very shy and nervous... What kind of life has this guy had?

Besides, he's crying.

I watch Daniel sleep... He's crying... He cries while he sleeps.

Why is someone as powerful as him so sensitive and shy? It doesn't make logical sense.

"Daniel is very good... He's different from the others... And he cries at night... What kind of life has he had? Why does he seem ignorant? It's truly mysterious."

And mysterious things are more attractive... Ah, it's a shame he doesn't want to have a girlfriend, and it's forbidden to date other team members. I'm attracted to guys like Daniel, powerful and not at all evil. I fell in love with Sandro because of his strength, but I stopped liking him when I realized his rude and lustful personality. Men like him disgust me. But Daniel is the complete opposite of Sandro, and I like that. Unfortunately, I can't develop anything more than friendship with Daniel. He must have his own personal reasons for not wanting a girlfriend, and I think it has to do with his ex-girlfriend.

It's a shame, I thought Daniel could help me with my dream of creating a warrior family, but I guess I'll have to find... No... I don't think that's necessary. I can simply ask him to give me his semen and allow me to have his children, without the need for sex or a romantic relationship. The only thing that interests me is that my children are powerful, so that option is fine by me. I just need to convince Daniel. I'll wait one or two years, when our friendship strengthens, and then I'll ask him. I don't think he'll refuse.

But... Why is Daniel crying in his sleep?

Maybe... he's alone? Maybe he doesn't have friends or family... Loneliness can make people suffer.

A boy without anyone in his life... Poor thing.

I lie down next to him... Maybe some body warmth will calm him down... Huh?! D-Daniel hugged me... Is he awake?! I don't want to lose my virginity because of rape! Why did I trust him?!


Huh? Grandma?

"Grandma... I miss you..."

... He's still asleep... He's dreaming... I misunderstood.


I see... Daniel is suffering because he misses his grandmother... His hug is because he misses hugging his grandmother.

... Daniel is not a pervert... He's a good guy... He's not trying to appear that way, he is a good guy... I can trust him.

He's very different from Sandro the harasser.

Choosing Daniel was a good decision. I don't regret this decision.

(Pov- Daniel.)

... Again the same dream.

I enjoy this dream a lot, but it also pains me to dream it.

"Do you want some more, Daniel?"

"No, thank you, grandma. I appreciate it. I'm very full."

I dream that I'm eating with my grandmother again... I know it's a dream, and it hurts to dream it because it reminds me that I will never eat with her again.

But I also enjoy dreaming this because it allows me to remember my grandmother and her voice.

I miss my grandmother, but I have to move on with my life for the sake of my mission. I shouldn't get depressed. God is counting on me, I don't want to disappoint him... I don't want to disappoint anyone.


Huh? Sara's voice...? Ah... Everything fades away...

I slowly open my eyes, and the first thing I see when I wake up is Sara, and unlike her cold expression yesterday, today she looks very scared and nervous. Has something happened? I don't feel fear from her, it's more like simple nervousness.

"Good morning, Sara. I hope you woke up well. Do you need help? You seem very nervous."

"Daniel, they're looking for you!"

Huh...? Oh, I'm still dreaming.

I yawn and scratch my cheek. It's very early, I want to sleep a little longer. I need energy to investigate all day, but I suppose everyone here wakes up at 5 in the morning... I think it's 5, I usually wake up at 6 in the morning, that's why I feel sleepy.

"Huh? What's going on?" I said confused, in this strange situation.

"They're looking for you!"

Who could be looking for me? The police?! Ahhhhhhh! Oh right, I won a lot of money, they'll probably charge me taxes and ask for my official documents! What do I do? I'm an illegal in this country. I hope my excuses work and they don't put me in jail.

"M-me? Who is looking for me?"

"It's a servant of the King!"

... Oh, I see... A servant...

A servant... To be honest, I want to sleep a little longer... I'm a bit lazy, I inherited that from my father... Or so my grandmother told me once.

Besides, not to offend, but it's just a servant of the King, I don't think it's so important to put aside the start of my investigation.

But... a King... That sounds like trouble.

"Is it important?"

"Of course!"

She seems very nervous... I have to go. I don't want to cause problems for Sara.


Okay, I'm up now. I stretch my arms... Ah... I want water.

"Let's go."

I hope that servant doesn't mean trouble for me.

I leave the house and see the servant shouting. I expected him to be a little more elegant, considering that the King sent him.

Although he dresses elegantly, unlike the people in the town who dress a little more... Hmm... Strange? Well, most of them are adventurers, so they wear armor and more strange and extravagant clothes.

I compare the clothes of the people with those of the servant... Hmm... Black clothes... That fabric looks shiny... The clothes of some adventurers are made of gold and silver, but the servant's clothes are black and also shiny in some parts, as if they don't absorb light... How strange.

I would say that the adventurers' clothes are more expensive, but knowing that gold is not so valuable in this world, I'm doubting that quite a bit.

... Ah... Wow, that woman is huge. She's over two meters tall. Awesome! She's the tallest woman I've ever seen in my life. And she looks great in that full armor. What would she look like without that armor? Does she have scars all over her body? Would she look tough? Although her breasts, considering how her armor is made, her breasts are huge, I would say they are three times bigger than my head... Ahhhhhhh! Daniel, don't stare at her, that's harassment! Don't look directly at her, that's scary!

Although her white armor is very pretty. I wonder if it's necessary to get my own armor.

"I'm looking for the adventurer who is capable of using all types of magic!"

Ah... Yes, they're definitely looking for me, unless God has sent someone else besides me.

"How bothersome. Should I go?" I said with a tone of tiredness.

I have a lot to do today, I don't want to have problems with the King.

What if I escape while I can? The King only means trouble for me. Maybe he's a kind King who wants to help me defeat the demons, but there's also the possibility that he's a tyrant. I don't trust people with too much power. I hate rich people.

"Of course!" Sara said nervously.

"Well, well... Alright. By the way, do you want to have breakfast at the guild or shall we cook at your house?"

"L-let's think about that later."

Mmm... If cold Sara is nervous, it means that the King is powerful or has very powerful people under his control. Ah, this smells like trouble.

"Yes, you're right."

I head towards him and stretch my arms to get his attention.

"Hey, it's me!! Good morning, by the way."

The servant turns to look at me.

"How can I help you? If it's about the tax matter, there was no need to charge me in public. How much do I have to pay? 15%?"

"Are you the adventurer I'm looking for?" he said, hesitating.

Doesn't he think it's me? Is it because I'm young? Well, it would make sense for powerful adventurers to be older adults with more experience.

"Kya! Yes, it's him! So cool!"

... Did the tall adventurer say that?! It sounded very feminine! Wow, I didn't expect that.

"That's Daniel! So handsome!"

"Go out with me!"


"I want to have your child!"

Huh?! That adventurer...?! Uwaaaah! That older woman is showing me her breasts! Sorry for being rude, but I'm not attracted to women the age of my grandmother! Ahhhhhhh! This world is so weird!

Huh?! Many women are showing me their breasts...! Ahhhhhhh! I immediately cover my eyes. That girl is underage, very much so! Girl, don't imitate what the women around you are doing! Ahhhhhhh! God, this place is so weird!

"Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!"

... W-well, well... Leaving aside the perverted women, it feels good to be supported.

Everyone starts supporting me... Well, all the women... Most of the people supporting me are girls. I hope I don't earn the hatred of men.

"He is, he is our hero!"

"He is very powerful!"

Oh... I feel very nervous.

Well, well... They support me... Thank you... They even called me a "hero"... It feels good.

I am considered useful... It feels really good to be considered useful.

Even the servant was amazed that all of them are supporting me. Was the black demon really that powerful? Ah... I'm afraid of my future enemies.

"Incredible. The rumors turned out to be true... The King wants to meet you, you must come with us."

Us? I suppose he's coming with someone else.

A King, huh? This could have two possible outcomes. I benefit from visiting the King, or I suffer. If the King is good, I come out winning, but if the King is evil, I come out losing, no matter what he gives me or offers me. I have to be careful with that King.

If he is powerful, he could kill me, but if he is weak, it means he is in that position because of some special ability his family has or something like that. Either reason results in a difficult enemy to defeat. Ah, that's why I didn't want to meet a King so soon, I haven't had time to investigate this country and the world in general more deeply.

Ah... Well, this is something I had planned to say. I want to check something.

"Forced? Is the King forcing me to go without caring if I have important matters?"

"Yes, it's an order from the King."

I suspected... Tyranny. If the King were a good person, he would ask me if I wanted to go see him, but since he's forcing me, it means he's a selfish person who only thinks about himself.

That's why I hate the wealthy, always thinking they're more important than others.

"Then I won't go. Goodbye."


... Huh? Did everyone start murmuring? From what I can hear, they're worried about me and nervous, possibly because they didn't expect me to reject it.

Are they afraid of the King or is it because it's strange for someone to refuse to visit him?

Everyone freezes with my response... This is worrying me. I have to think carefully about what I'll do next.

The servant looks at me confused and nervous, he even tries to speak but the words don't come out of his mouth.

After a few seconds, he finally spoke.

"W-w-what did you say?"

"I can't be forced to go. I'll only go if the King says, 'Please, can you come?' Understood?"

I'll know what I'll do based on what he says next.

"The King would never say that!"

Never, huh... I had hoped to meet a good and kind King... But I'm sure he'll be a fat and spoiled King. The typical person who thinks they're superior to others, just because they belong to an important family or because they're rich.

I hate people like that, and I prefer to avoid getting involved with that kind of person.

This decision will cause me problems, I know, but I won't escape, I'll stay to see what he'll do, and if he tries to kill me, I'll fight and escape. A risky plan, but the best one, as it prevents the King from taking advantage of me.

"That's the problem with people like him, they're very proud."

"I'm sorry, but you must come with us."

"I don't want to. This is a free country... I think..."

And I hope it is.

"Lady Cristal, help me!"

Lady Cristal?

The servant is looking up, and I do the same because he shouted at something in the sky.

Ah... Well, well.

A woman is flying, spinning around us, landing, and standing in front of me. The woman is tall, wearing a white dress, with long white hair. Quite elegant and mature. Well, well. An important woman in the country? I think so, because everyone kneeled before her, even Sara.

Hmm... No, I won't kneel. I don't care how important she is in the country, I won't kneel before anyone. We are all equally important to me, regardless of social status.

"As the head of the sorcerers, I order you to come with us, or I will have to take you by force."

Putting aside her arrogant behavior, she can fly!

Great! She was flying, though she did unnecessary spins... Oh, I see. Well, well. She was trying to intimidate me... I'll have to do the same.

"Can everyone fly? You're the first person I've seen fly."

Cristal starts laughing while looking at me with disdain. I don't like that look... There's no humility in it.

Yes, she was flying to show off her supposed superiority, huh? I'll have to teach her a lesson in humility.

"Fufu. How funny you are. Of course not, only a few sorcerers in the world have learned to fly, and that includes me. Do you have a mental disability?"

"I can fly too."


Cristal starts laughing louder. She doesn't believe me, huh? Is she judging me because of my age? I'll show her.

"Yes, of course. Show me."

That's what I'll do.

"Arches Nexus!"

Hmm... I don't feel any difference... Huh? I... I don't feel the ground beneath my feet.

I look down... Ah... What?! It worked!

I start floating and slowly rising from the ground. Great! I can fly! Ahhhhhhhh! My heart will explode from so much excitement! Calm down, Daniel. Act normal and show that woman that you can fly too.

Oh, well, well. Fufu. Cristal's eyes almost popped out from how surprised she is. What? You didn't expect this?

"Did he do it?!"


Because I am surprised too!

And I'm scared too!

I get nervous because I'm getting too far from the ground. Ahhhhhhhh! Think, Daniel, think! How do I control the flight?!

"W-well, well... It's a bit difficult..."

Let's see... Let's try flying forward... Oh, it worked.

Backward...? It worked!

Up, down, left, right! It's working!

"Fufu. I think that's how it goes."

I try to control my flight with my mind, and it works. I can control my flight with my mind! I just have to visualize how I want to fly, and I fly. Awesome!

I just have to think about how I want to fly... It's simpler than it seems.

Fufu. Hahahahahaha! Now I can escape like the coward I am when necessary! Goodbye, fear of the King!

"Great! I just have to think about how I want to fly!" I shouted excitedly.

Wow, I'm hearing screams from excited people. Ahhhhhhhh! No, nervousness, go away, you can't be with me at this moment! I shouldn't act like a nervous boy in front of that woman, I must act strong so she won't think it's easy to manipulate me.

I spin in the air and land... Well, I learned to control flight... That was easy.

When I landed, I no longer felt like I could fly. I take a little jump and I no longer float. The spell deactivated.

"When I don't use it anymore, it goes away... That was incredible!" I said excitedly.

She stares at me, with a quite funny expression. Her eyes are wide open, and she keeps trembling.

I hope she learned not to judge people without knowing them.

"H-how did you do that?"

"It's a secret," I said winking.

She blushes a little and looks away. Wow... I forget that my charm works better on older women. I could use that to... No... No, Daniel, first there are the values your grandmother taught you, and then there are others. Don't use your appearance for your benefit. Don't take advantage of any woman for your benefit. I won't deceive any woman. I won't deceive any woman... I won't.

I could use my appearance to manipulate that woman and get new spells and information, but that would be too rude of me. I won't deceive that woman for my own benefit; my grandmother would be disappointed in me.

"Now that I've shown you I can fly, can I go? I have a date with the library."

"Now more than ever, you should come with us. Please, I beg you."

... Did she say the magic word?

Please? Well, that changes things.

Now that she asks in a kind way, I think I could accept.

"Oh, well, well... You said 'please'..."

I scratch my head... Well, I'm going to accept. I confirmed that I can fly, I'll escape from the King if he tries to kill me.

I'll also take the opportunity to visit the poor village Sara told me about. Making money is very easy when you have enough power, considering all the missions available in the guild, but if there's a whole village filled with poor people, it means not everyone has enough power to be an adventurer.

Most likely, the most powerful people gather in villages like that to become adventurers, gather a lot of money, and send that money to their families.

Ah, this world seems more dangerous than I thought. Surely many adventurers die every day. This profession is very dangerous. My respects to those men and women who risk their lives for their families.

"Alright, anyway, I was going to the village next to the castle."

"With all those filthy, poor commoners? What would someone like you do in a place like that?"

... Filthy?

... I hate you.

Do you think you're better than them? That disgusts me.

I won't allow you to insult people just because they haven't had the same opportunities as you. We are all equal in this life, we are all equally important, and it disgusts me that you look down on others for not having the same money or magical power that you have.

"I don't like that tone, don't speak about people like that. Understood?" I said, looking at her with a serious expression, so she realizes I'm not joking about this matter.

Cristal looks at me in fear... Do I really look that scary? I hope so, to scare her and make her take my words seriously.

"I-I'm sorry!"

Here, there's also the typical discrimination of social classes... I hate that... Ah, now it's more likely that I'll see disgusting things I don't want to see, like sex slaves, innocent people being killed, prostitution against women... So many disgusting things that the poor suffer because they weren't born with money or enough magical power to live as adventurers.

"Alright... I'll go give them some money. Wait for me, please."

I enter the house and come out with bags.

"Let's go. I just hope they don't try anything strange, or I'll defend myself."

"Have fun, Daniel!" Sara said.


I turn to look at Sara... Why is she saying goodbye? I don't want to go alone. I refuse to go alone! I don't want to ruin it more than I always do. I need someone with common sense by my side to stop me when I'm ruining it.

"Don't you want to come, Sara?"

"The King wants to meet only you."

"But you're my companion. Come with me, please. I don't want to be alone."

Sara's eyes become bright... Well, well... She really wants to go to the castle.

Are the nobles and the Royal family really that important to this country? I hope they don't disappoint me and that they are powerful.

"Thank you, I've always wanted to visit the castle!"

"Get in the carriage, please," Cristal said.

Very well, she's polite.

I guess she already knows that if she isn't polite to us, I won't go.

A wooden carriage, huh? It looks uncomfortable.

We get into a carriage... It's a classic, elegant carriage. Oh, well, well. It feels comfortable, although the seats are made of wood. It's more comfortable than I thought. Is it special or expensive wood?

There are no cars in this world... Will it take long to get there? I hope not, I want to learn more about this country, and I don't want to talk about it in this carriage with Sara, as someone else might overhear us. I don't want anyone else to know that I know nothing about the country and the common sense they have. I can trust Sara, I'll ask her when we're alone.

"Is it far?" I asked Sara.

"Not too far, it will take us an hour to get there."

Alright, I suppose the hours are the same in this world, I won't have problems with the schedule.

I take out my smartphone to check the time... It's early... It's barely 7 in the morning, although I thought it was earlier. I guess the tiredness from yesterday made me sleep more than I usually do.

"It's only 7 in the morning. If everything goes well and we don't get into trouble, we should be back by 9:30 or 10. It all depends on the time we spend talking and distributing the money."

Sara looks at my smartphone with curiosity, as she doesn't take her eyes off my smartphone.

"Wow. Is it also a clock?"


Cristal observes my smartphone with curiosity too. Yes, yes, I know, my smartphone is precious. My first smartphone! I will treasure it forever!

"Do you mind?"


Cristal tries to take my smartphone, but I immediately put it in my pocket. That's wrong. You should say: "Can I borrow your smartphone?"

Well, even if she said that, I wouldn't lend it to her. Phones are private! And especially this one, which is a magical smartphone.

"I'm sorry, it's a secret. And it's rude to take something without permission."

"Tell me, what is it?"

Ah, it's best not to tell her anything. I can't trust her.

"As I told you, it's a secret."

I shouldn't tell her anything, she might try to steal it. I'll keep it a secret from others and only confide my secret in my friends.

The carriage is moving and I look at the people through the window... They're looking at me as if I were someone important... Shouting my name... I hate this.

"I'll wait for you on the outskirts of the village."


I get out of the carriage.

"Muslar asio!"

I run away as fast as possible. I see the people in slow motion, which allows me to run among them and avoid bumping into them.

Oh, the tall girl. I wonder if she's powerful. She caught my attention... Well, I'll investigate later.

I kept running until I left the village, where I waited for the carriage to come out.

Hmm... Ah... Hmm... There it comes.

The carriage stopped in front of me and I got back in.

"Sorry about that."

"Why did you run away? Did you buy something?" Sara said.

"No, I just felt uncomfortable being in an elegant carriage while so many people were looking at me. It made me feel... Ah, don't worry, it's nothing. Let's not talk about it."

"If you say so, it's okay."

It made me feel disgusting, as if I were more important than them. I hated that feeling, so I preferred to run than to leave the village in a carriage.

I won't allow this world to corrupt my mind and values. I won't allow it.