
Humanity's Last Hero

After reading an infinite number of novels of different genres ,a completely normal Teenager gets reborn in a world of Angels, Devils and Gods. Follow him as he tries to change the system and restore Humanity's Position in the hierarchy of the supernatural world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.: My first language is not English, so sorry if my grammar is wrong somewhere.

_Lazy_Guy · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


"Russia's martial operation in Ukraine continues to move slowly with Poland and US not changing their stance to continue supporting Ukraine both civilly and militarily. Ukrainian President Zelensky has been reported to continue to oppose Russia, he is also reported to have applied for NATO membership for Ukraine, a historic change if true. Meanwhile, President Putin warns of Nuclear Armageddon if Ukraine joins NATO as Ukraine's admission into NATO will jeopardize Russia's sovereignty and territorial integration. Joining us is on-ground reporter Mishka Veniamin reporting from Dombass..."

Changing the news channel, I thought about how much the world has transformed in just one year. Just a few months ago, the entire world was in heavy lockdown; people were locked up in their homes; the panic for daily necessities, online education, etc, and just within three months, most if not all businesses were back open, people moving anywhere in the country without any worry.

"World truly can transform in a blink of an eye," I muttered getting up from my now warm seat and walking towards my desk table. I picked up my mobile and scoured for a contact.


Although he had a silly name, he was a good fella. He was a friend I made on Instagram, one day while I was searching for my daily dose of memes. One of his posts attracted my attention and I send him a friend request, which he surprisingly accepted. Over the days we chattered and soon became pals.

[You]: You online?

[JigglePhysicsProfessor]: Yeah, why?

[You]: Nothing just wanted to see how it is going.

[JigglePhysicsProfessor] : Uhm?...I am fine..., By the way

What are you doing now?

[You]: Nothing, just seeing news about 'that'; you know.

[JigglePhysicsProfessor]: Again? Bro; you need to slow down; I know you like geopolitics but; we have our Engineering Entrance Exam in about two months, so you need to prepare for that, okay?

[You]: Yeah, Yeah... I know Mother.

[JigglePhysicsProfessor]: Sigh, you are always like this. Sometimes I wonder how you got into this stream, like Bro! you know more about history, literature, and politics than all teachers in this academy.

[You]: Yeah, I know. Getting into this area was a mistake. But well, no can do, huh?

[JigglePhysicsProfessor]: You know Bro; I think you should change streams; it is not too late. You can become an Attorney, a civil servant, a-

[You]: Just...Leave it alone.

[JigglePhysicsProfessor] :.....But; just why? I know how much you like these areas, I have seen you talk for hours about them. Buddy! I am telling you. You should change your choice. Also if you use that God-like Ability of yours-

[You]: Just stop it! okay? I have some difficulties! Don't talk about things you have no idea about!

[JigglePhysicsProfessor]: I..Uhm...Sorry; I should not have pocked my hands in your personal affairs...

[You]: It's just....I will talk to you later, okay?

[JigglePhysicsProfessor]: Yeah. Yeah. It's okay, bye.

[You]: Yeah, bye.

Closing the chat, I sighed. I had overreacted talking to him. I knew he wanted the best for me. We had been friends for a long after all. The only reason I got mad at him was that it was a personal reason. It was a stupid reason, one that even I sometimes laugh at, but the present circumstances do not allow me to have my own choice. I put down my phone and pondered about my life.

I am 20 years old this year, and I still had not been able to get admission to a decent college. I was what people call 'A False Genius' I had aced my scores till my second year of high school though after trying to enter the engineering field I had failed. I who was interested in political science, history, and literature, was dragged into a field of vast difference without my own choice.

I was a failure. I had failed to move forward. I had disappointed my family. I had disappointed my parents. I had disappointed everyone who had held their hopes in me. I was still thinking of myself as a genius while in reality what I was, was just an average dude trying to do better. Maybe in an alternate reality, I would have been successful. Maybe I could be a CEO in a company or maybe a famous Superstar, maybe a person who could just....be happy.

Before I knew it, I had stopped smiling, even though I kept a smile on the outside, I had already forgotten about the last time I had genuinely smiled. The last time I had Laughed at a joke, telling it was funny. Last time my friends did not look at me like trash lying on the road. Last time....Last time my parents did not tell me I was a disappointment...

Before I knew it, I had stopped all contact with the outside world engrossed myself with subjects like Physics which I never liked from the beginning, and trying my best to prove all...all those who doubted me otherwise. I failed. I again failed. At the age of 18, in my first attempt in clearing the Engineering Exam, I failed.

Perhaps this was the time my parents truly gave up on me, telling me to grow up and mature. I was told to move to a place that was completely study-oriented, where only grades and grades mattered. Soon I found myself in this cobweb of depression and anxiety. No one realized it and those who did ignored it.

I still remember when I just looked in the mirror and asked myself why was I here. Why was I suffering? Why did it hurt when no one stabbed me? Why was I in a field where I never wanted to be in? How my parents, my very own family, and this...this dystopian society forced me to choose by saying things like 'painters are a thing of the past', 'writers only get paid enough for one meal of a day', 'Historian? Nah, kid, they are just tour guides.' , 'Liberal studies will get you nowhere.'

"Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner.","Become an enginner."

This was all that was forced down on me, it felt suffocating. It was the only thought contentedly pushed down my brain. All I could do was accept. I had no choice.

I tried therapy just when I turned 19, this was perchance the worst decision in my life. I still remember how I tried to talk about my problems to her and you know what response I got?

"There are people more miserable than you."

That sentence broke me. It was as if I was pushed into the abyss. I who was clutching onto the last straws of justice and hope in the world suddenly found out that. There was no straw to begin it. It was all an illusion I had built up.

"There were people who were born deaf, blind, some even both. There are people with no family. There are people with deformed faces. Some people have lost their limbs in an accident. You are not special. Don't think all the world's suffering is upon you. You who had a loving family had far more than they can imagine. It's your fault for disappointing your parents, don't blame your circumstances."

Ah. So it is. I see. This is what I had. Feelings. Why did I have them? I was not a failure because I was wrong. No, it was because I cared. I cared whether I could do well. I should thank this doctor for helping me.

But what awaited me was her horror-stricken face, I was confused. Did she not help me, then why was she like this? It was only when I looked at myself in the mirror afterward that I found out the reason.

I had empty eyes, devoid of any feelings or emotions. I had no smile on my face; even the usual fake smile I gave was gone and what replaced it was something that could bring horror to the observer. It was a face that looked calm, not calm like a person at work. No, it looked like a face that would disregard even the importance of life. Combined with my unkept beard and short black hair. It looked like a scene out of a horror film.

I was ashamed, was this who I am? A person with nothing left? That day I was adamant about just hanging myself and being done with it, after all, what's the use of a life not worth living? I was thrown out by my parents. I was unable to get to work at 20. I could not even get into college. I was a failure. A bitter disappointment. Let's end everything. Just get it over with.

Just as I was having such thoughts, my eyes flashed to one of the billboards it said 'Last Episode of Naruto out on 22/05/15, don't miss it!', I gazed at it and understood what it, after all, I had heard a lot about animes. It was something that had just recently started getting famous in our country.

After I reached home that day, for the first time in my life I watched anime. Watching it left me like I was walking down a rabbit hole, something from which I could never come out once I had fallen into the hole. But I got the feeling that it would be worth it. That maybe this would change my life.

That night I watched only 5 episodes but in my entire life after my second year of high school. I laughed. I laughed so hard. It was like...like..like...,sorry, I can't explain it but the feeling that feeling it was something...something good.

Soon it appeared that I had gotten engrossed in this. From animes to writing novels, from light novels to web novels, there was not a single genre that I had not read. I had fun. It was watching these characters that brought back the youth left in me.

After six months, for the first time, I opened up my laptop, not for studies or anime. No. To watch and compile every subject and knowledge that I had an interest in.

Soon I found myself understanding why I liked them. These anime and novels kept me away from reality. They let me escape into a fantasy land where everything was true. Magic was true. Anything. You name it. Flying castles.Flying cars. Swords of fire. People living in harmony. It was peaceful.

It made me realize that people can change. That even a loser with nothing in life can one day write his fate.

It was an exalting feeling.

I threw away my physics and maths books. To hell with them!

For the first time in my life I worked not for grades but knowledge, I did what I always wanted to do. I studied subjects that I liked.

I published papers. Papers on economics, politics, history, and the importance of education. The fault of adults trying to make their children do things they could not do.

One of my papers that had gotten famous was the report that I had written. it was published in the newspaper as an anomalous sender.

The report was headlined "How Ignorance will destroy America."

In the report, I stated how ignorance and indifference are on the rise throughout the world. One of the worst affected countries is the United States of America. In the US, over 60% of students don't even know the location of their own country on the world map(Source: The Guardian), also of how over 85% of students don't know what basic political terms like communism means. This puts the US in a state of risk in a world where geopolitics are shifting every day. In a world where both extremes of political Left and Right are on a rise, American liberals are at a standpoint where they are unable to decide what to do. The most worrisome factor is if a new political ideology emerged. If an ideology that can combine both Fascism and Communism in perfect proportion existed. It could easily gain the support of the masses and when Democracy has threatened the very people who were supposed to defend it would turn out ignorant and could be swayed by a few words. In such an event, the US could become the first country where this ideology emerged victorious and could easily do things unimaginable in Human history.

Although these were just the key points, such an article was praised by the Liberals and even some conservatives who were seeing their power decreasing every day.

As it was the only paper where I was praised it quickly became my favorite. It was then that I came across a meme that used my article and this lead me to meet <JigglePhysicsProffessor>

While I was just finishing the monologue of my past, I got up and checked my fridge on discovering that I was out of groceries I started walking down to the store a block away from my home. While I was walking on the road I, heard the voice of a notification. On checking it I found it to be from my pal. I had some time to cool down so my mood is fine now.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Hey...pal...I just wanted to apologize again. It's just... Sigh.

[You]: Bro, I am not mad at you, for all I know, what you said is true.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Wait, what?

[You]: Anyway, what's up with you?

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Well, I was just watching this anime called 'Eminence in Shadows', like Bro the lit! The anime gave the best shot to adapt the manga.

[You]: You sure, you were not watching for just the fanservice?

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Of course! I am a man of culture after all!

[You]: No wonder, you have a such name.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Hey, Hey. Insult me, I don't mind but don't you ever question my dedication to Jiggle Physics. New laws are added each day in this field.

[You]: Laws seeing which Newton would kill you and then kill himself in the nuts. You would die of getting shot in the nuts. Huh? just imagining it brings me so much satisfaction.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Hey! I take offense to that!

We casually talked for a few minutes while I bought groceries from the shop.

"It's a 100."

I gave the clerk the note while thinking of the back-breaking inflation of our country.

I again got a notification from my pal.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Bro! Bro!

[You]: What?

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: If you were ever reincarnated in another world, which one would it be?

[You]: Slice of life, you know it's safe and also there are better Waifus there.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Really?

[You]: Nah, It's fantasy after all who does not wish to do magic once in their life? It's a dream of a lifetime. Also, it's much better than this monotonous life, isn't it?

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Yeah, I guess you are right.

[You]: I am always correct, by the way, why were you asking me this all of a sudden, don't tell me you decided to isekai yourself.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Bah! That's not it. Just how off the mark can you be? I was asked to answer a survey I got while I was watching an anime.

Outside the screen, I was frowning when a distinct memory hit me. Hmm, I guess I got a similar survey just a few days ago. To confirm my question I asked him.

[You]: Was it from Gaix.com?

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Yeah, how did you know? Did you get it too?

[You]: Yeah, a few days back when I was searching for hen- Ahem cultured content, I came across it.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Cultured content huh?

[You]: Yeah, the survey had questions like how you like your life? Do you like magic? And some creepy ones like if I ever reincarnated whether I would like to be a Human or not.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Hmm, Spooky? Professor likes.

[JigglePhysicsProffessor]: Anyway, it seems like I have similar questions, let me answer them, and then we will talk, okay? Bye bye.

I put on my phone and started walking back to my home. Home, Huh, It's been a time since I visited my parents, although they despise me more as I got into a completely unknown area, they were, after all the people who took care for so many years.

"The day is so bright."

I muttered looking at the sky, just a year ago, my situation was so alarming that I was thinking of even ending it all but now things were starting to take a turn for the better. Although I am still unknown in any kind of political and economic circle, I at least had hope. I was not rotting in a field entirely unliked by me.

"Mom! Mom! Let's take that ice cream! Please! Please!"

"Okay. Okay. I will buy it, don't drag me."

"Crap, I will be late."

"F**K how did they lose they were in lead by 2 goals."

"Pal, Pal, look at her, she's hot."

"Hey! That's my mother."

"No wonder."

I heard the buzz of people conversing, laughing, and shouting around me. A child was dragging her mother to an ice cream cart. A man was running towards a Taxi. One was shouting in frustration at the loss of his favorite team. The day was a sunny one. The sky was turquoise blue. Staffs of slim light spilled from the sky. Clouds shaped like tufty pillows glided slowly across the sky.

Suddenly everything was still. All the people were still in their positions. It was like time had stopped.


What is happening?

I tried to move only to realize I cannot. Any effort of me to move my body was met with an immovable wall. What is happening? Is it the end of the world? Did the daybreak? Is it the day of Judgement? Has a science Experiment gone wrong?


I thought when I came to a terrible conclusion.

Ever since I was young, I had a heightened power of observation but that was not the only thing I was gifted with. I could in my head using these observations conclude what I called different [endings], Well at least I dubbed them [ending]. I did not know how I had that power or why, but it was a major reason I was interested in politics and history.

History gave me good observations and after looking at the present situations I could arrive at different [endings] and many of these were proved correct, in a matter of time, this made me feel powerful, like a...like a God, making me more and more interested in that field.

So when I observed something, I found something unusual.

I could move my eyes.

No, not my body but only my eyes when I looked at a mirror just ahead of me, I found out that the movement of my eyes was possible but if it was just that much it would not freak me out much but...

I found out that only I could move my eyes, no one other than me could do the same. This....This means..... it was when I pieced all my observations together and saw a [ending] that I was terrified.

"Oh? A quick one, I presume?"

Suddenly I heard a voice out of nowhere.

"No need to try to speak, you cannot anyway."

I did not try. The [ending] and an [possiblity] of what was happening was that this...time freeze....whatever you call it was done by a higher being....a God...or perhaps someone even higher than Him. And his target was me...But why?

"Mortal, you can rest easy I am no God."

Despite what he said I did not lower my guard, Afterall will a sane person believes a person who could literary stop time!

"So who would you believe then?"

Okay, he can read my mind. Should have expected that. But I don't want him to read my mind.

What to do? What to do?



"Stop. Stop. Stop. I would not read your mind. Happy?"

Well to be honest, No. It was a gamble if you got annoyed you could have swatted me like a fly and killed me!

"Sigh, well 'you' better appreciate my help, after all this soul will be 'your ' responsibility once he crosses this world. His personality and every answer in the survey match 'your' preference. Anyway, you will No:5685."

Wait, What?

Wait, what survey?

Is this the same one I am thinking of?

Listening to this voice which was echoing everywhere I had a thought that he was not talking to me but to someone else 'What are you talking abo-'

Before I could ask anything something started to happen.

I could feel a pain in my chest.

It was starting to sting.

Is it a heart attack?


How so suddenly?

Am I dying?

I could feel the greyness of the world returning. As soon as it did, I felt I could move again. But before I could do anything. The pain intensified and I fell into the middle of the road clenching the left side of my chest.

"Are you alright young man?" asked an elderly lady with worry in her eyes, 'She must have seen me clenching my chest,' I thought.

"Gasp.Ambu-.Gasp.Ambula-. AH!" I tried to inform her about my sudden heart attack when the pain intensified making me scream in my sentence before I could inform her about it.

Suddenly I felt myself losing control of my body.


Why can't I move my hands?

"Ambulance! Ambulance. This man had had a heart attack. Somebody call an ambulance." I could hear shouts of help and yelps around me but I could feel my eyes closing.

'Is this the end of me? Is this how I die? Because of a higher being? Oh Gods I hate you! I hate you all so much! I just started to smell the sweet smell of success in my life when you...you all decide to take it away from me. What did you call me No: 5857 or something? What is it you wanted from me that you decided to kill me? I was just an ordinary man. F**k! Listen, you Gods if... I say if there is a life beyond this one, remember this! I will find you! I will find you and kill you because you stopped me when success was just a foot away from me!'

I then heard a mechanical voice but it was just too late, I could not comprehend what it was saying and I left consciousness.

That day, one man died, but the world still moved forward.

A new event was written by someone and another one's fate changed.

The gears of fate instead of starting to move have now been completely replaced.

What will be the new fate of the world?

Will it be this world or the new world that suffers?

Will it be the birth of a Hero or the Harbinger of Death and Destruction?

<Congralulations you have been selected by $&$%#@*%#>

<Initializing system... Initialization complete>

<Syncronizing .....10%.....29%.....79%.....>

<Personality check.....Personality ....== ...." Chaotic Neutral ">

<Transfering soul..... complete>

<Enjoy Your New Life>

<Gaia welcomes You>

<Humanity's Last Hope>