
Humanity's Last Hero

After reading an infinite number of novels of different genres ,a completely normal Teenager gets reborn in a world of Angels, Devils and Gods. Follow him as he tries to change the system and restore Humanity's Position in the hierarchy of the supernatural world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.: My first language is not English, so sorry if my grammar is wrong somewhere.

_Lazy_Guy · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
8 Chs

Armada-The Place Where Everything Begins And Ends.

[Adler Wordsworth POV]

In a tall building with designs that portrayed only the word 'future', a meeting was taking place that had significance only understood by a select few.

Walking down the corridor, I could feel sweat trickling down my forehead. The only thought in my head was to search for ways to keep me alive. The last time this meeting had taken place, a few dozen heads had found their places rolling in the ground.

Pushing open the tall metallic door in front of me I was greeted with the view of a round table with all but a few seats preoccupied. I could feel the gazes of the beings upon me. They ordered me to bow, and so I did.

"I bow before her and his eminence."

Seeing my bow, the beings eased their pressure giving me room to breathe.

There was a figure wearing a black suit and rimmed glasses with silky black hair and a smile that could only be described as slick.

"If it isn't Alder- our messenger, notify us, why convene Armada?"


This was a conference where only the 'elites'- the rulers of Planet Earth and the beings who had authority were allowed. They had immense power which could wipe out cities in a blink of an eye.

But this was not the most terrifying thing about them. It was the people under them.

Loyal, Faithful, Reliable Pawns.

I was once one of them. One of those who saw them as sources of leadership and power. I pursued strength, trying to manipulate mana like a newborn child, only to fail. It was the same until...

"We say we dispose of him, we hate his face."

A feminine voice called the attention of the meeting. She was about 4 feet tall, with blue hair and blue eyes.

Miss. Veera Romanoff.

"I am terribly sorry, her eminence but I have only been given orders to make sure that everyone attends this meeting. I have neither convened nor am given the privilege to attend this meeting."

In my speech, I tried to sound confident. I know it, one wrong move and I am dead, but orders are orders. I know what happened to those who didn't. Just thinking about it gives me the chills.

Sir Winston -

The man who asked me about the meeting got a weird glow in his purple eyes when he heard this sentence of mine.

"Oooh, it seems Mr. Alder has the wrong assumption."

He said eyeing me up and down.


I messed up.

My vision turned black and I felt sharp pain in my back.

It was only then that I knew what had happened. I was pinned to the ground with mana.

Don't yell. Don't yell. Don't yell. Don't yell.

I told myself, the organization does not welcome cowards.

Is this Sir Winston's strength?

Just one look and I was defeated?

I was not even allowed to resist.

It was like a master commanding his slave.

"It is not that you were sent here to see who attended this meeting. Armada is what we command, not some filthy grassroots like you. It is not you who commands the Armada. It is us. Only 'they' have the right to order us. Did you understand?"

Sir Winston spoke while flashing his iconic smile.

Even though I was lying on the ground, I did my darndest to nod my head.

Seeing my action, all participants across the roundtable could be heard snickering and laughing. But I did not care.

It was our fate, the fate of the weak to listen to their masters.


That was the response Sir Winston gave me, and soon I could feel the bone-crushing pressure on my back disappearing.


After throwing a green liquid-like veil on me, I could feel my injuries healing. I knew what it was, it was an 'elixir'. How could he waste a resource that we fight so desperately for, just like that?

"How to say, why should we leave you alive?"

Sir Winston asked pressing his fingers together on the table in front of him.

I bit my lips and thought of possible reasons but could not think of one. After all, what was I supposed to say? Anything I said would be used against me so I just bowed and spoke.

"I ask for the Council's forgiveness."

Bolsters of laughter were the common answer in the hall. I knew why they were laughing. They were twisted beings. They only desired destruction. They were the result of the most terrible combination of insanity and intellect.

"If we are the sole reason for poking fun at an 'accursed' then perhaps we could go home. We don't have time to waste as you all."

Miss Veera commanded using her usual tone of referring to herself as 'we'.

I could see a nod of approval around the Armada. This was not good news. If they are allowed to leave...

"P-Please wait!"

I tried to stop them by shouting only to realize what a mistake it was.

"How dare an accursed raise his voice in the Armada. We are the 'blooded' for Satan's sake!"

The first to raise her voice was Miss Klavdia- A lady of fair complexion and hair shining more fiercely than the sun. Fury was her face. She was one of the many who took pride in her strength as a rare blooded in this supernatural world.

The echoes of approval could be heard throughout the meeting room.

"Now, Now, Hold on, gentleman and gentlewoman of the Council, shouldn't we ask the defendant why he spoke?"

Sir Epimetheus.

A voice that belonged to a blindfolded boy spoke this. He resembled the male version of the justice lady presiding over courts throughout the world. He had white hair. He held a pair of Prudencia perfectly balanced on the scales.

Seeing everyone turning silent, he turned towards me and spoke with a smile symbolizing justice and equality and said:

"Now. Will the defender defend his actions on this sacred ground?"

He was the most twisted one here, in my opinion. He tried to appear just and upright but everyone knew that once he caught the attention of someone the individual would suffer a fate even uglier than death.

I nodded and spoke trying not to stutter "I- I was given information that something-something huge was going to be announced here. A-And I have-have to make-make sure every-everyone is pre-present."

"So this 'information' you speak of, who provided it to you? How do we trust you? "Why should we trust impure bloods like you, accursed?" Sir Winston demanded.

I was sweating hard but still replied " it is confidential, I am sorry Sir Winston, but I cannot disclose the information."

"Confidential you say? Is confidentiality enough to say- cost your life?"

The moment the words left his mouth, black skeletons appeared all around me, they all pointing their swords toward my neck. They released pressure that could make me wet my pants.

I could feel my death approaching. It was as if a grim reaper had placed his scythe close to my neck. Tears were forming at the end of my eyes thinking that this is my end.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

No one around the roundtable was willing to help me. I had seen their faces. It was faces of amusement, ignorance, and arrogance. Why is it like this? Were you all at once like me? Were we not all Humans once? Did we not think the same way? Eat the same food and complain about the same problems?

"Y-Yes. To obey orders before life. This is the slogan of the accursed, I shall obey it."

I prepared for my death after speaking these words. I had shut my eyes. But before the guillotine of death could reach my neck. A voice rescued me.

"Is this the honor of the prestigious Armada? Sentencing a mere messenger of the higher beings to death just because he followed the orders? If so, no wonder you guys could never become full Pure Devils."

I slowly opened my eyes and turned to the speaker, wishing that whoever this guy is, he is strong. Strong enough to save me and honorable enough to try to defend me in the process. When I saw the figure, excitement and happiness at living another day blossomed in my heart.

Sir Alexei

A man touted as 'The Balancer' in the underworld. He had a medium build. His blonde hair long enough to reach his back was in the form of braids. His green eyes glowed. It was as if he could see the soul of the observer.

"Sir Alexei, we never expected you to grace us with your presence."

The first to react was Miss Veera followed by Sir Winston, and soon all those present in the room.

"Yes. Yes. Enough with the formalities. Let me start the meeting. Alder, pay attention, this will impact all of us here."

Seeing all others nod. Sir Alexei continued: "I have gathered all 6 members of the Hexagon on orders of the Ruler of the underworld- The Demon King himself. Preceding the meeting, I wish to inform you all that any information given here is of the utmost importance and any whistleblower will be given capital punishment according to the Laws of the Underworld."

Sir Alexei glanced around the meeting and saw everyone nod.

"Good. Unfortunately, 2 members are busy. But we must continue the meeting. This meeting was conducted in accordance with Article 6 Section VI of the Constitution, which granted me, Alexei Und Hower, the Knight of Duke Sallos, the right to speak. Now we have two agendas for the meeting. Let's start with the first and the most critical one."

Suddenly, Miss Klavdia frowned and asked, "Is this accursed person trustworthy?" She asked referring to me.

This did not sit well with Sir Alexei who while maintaining a calm smile replied "Miss Klavdia, Alder is a man trusted by me and someone who I see as a potential replacement if someone here suffered an 'unfortunate' accident. Now he isn't strong enough to succeed any of you yet, but don't force me to make him a member before the estimated time."

Sir Alexei spoke with his eyes scanning Miss Klavdia for her response and determining if she is truly loyal to the organization or not. Miss Klavdia could be seen gulping and nodding. Sir Alexei, seeing this, said:

"Good. First, the motion states that Order 'Purity' has been approved by both the Gods and the Angels."

As soon as this was announced, Miss Veera slammed the table in front of her and began to speak excitedly

"Is this true? Is this finally happening? Did The Gods agree? Will this batshit status quo finally end?"

"Now, Lady Veera, we must let the speaker finish. After all unfinished motions have often times led to conflict." Spoke Sir Epimetheus. Although anyone could see the excitement hidden in his voice.

I on the other hand was confused. Just what was Order Purity? And why was it a big deal?

"Ah, Yes, My apologies Alder, you don't know Order Purity, do you?" Sir Alexei spoke as if knowing my doubt.

Seeing me nod, he replied: "Order Purity- It's a project proposed by the Underworld in the Year 1980 A.D. The Project has one simple and single goal-Total annihilation of the Human Species."

Hearing this my eyes grew wide, my body started trembling. Annihilation of the entire Human race?

"Yes, you heard it correctly. It is expected that the Bill will become reality in less than 20 years, although it has just passed through the Angelic Parliament and Valhalla. That means in less than 20 years, we will remove these leeches called Humans from our planet."

Sir Alexei finished with a smile.

"You might ask the reason for this radical choice but the reason is quite obvious. Humans are losing their values. They cannot use magic, and artifacts are a thing of the past. They grow like cockroaches and leave nothing but waste. We- the Devils were against the Race from the beginning but the Angels and Gods always protected them but now..."

Sir Alexei's smile turned to a grin.

"Now they too see the darkness of Human nature. The Angels and the Gods have seen what has happened to Earth in the last 200 years. Seas are filled with plastic and waste. CO2 levels are at an all-time high. Forests are cut down and resources are stolen. They fight among themselves and bring nothing but war and destruction. They have fought 2 World Wars and are gearing up for another. They just destroy."

Even though I wanted to defend my race and say that we do not deserve such harsh punishment. It was all true... We...really did all this...

But total elimination? Is this the only solution?

"And this leads to our second Agenda and another quite significant one at that."

Sir Alexei spoke calming the atmosphere of excitement among the Hexagon members.

"Over the past five years we have discovered mana fluctuations in these regions. 10370-U.S.,7570-Russia, 28,908-Hindustan, 48,760-Ming Republic, and 5000+ in other regions throughout the world. The mysterious thing about this event is that it only happened five years ago, of course at different times without a fixed pattern when they did happen."

Sir Alexei finished.

"Sir-If I may?"

Sir Winston raised his hand. Sir Alexei nodded.

"According to me- I think Gods and even Angels may be involved in this event. Even though the mana fluctuations were minor, so minor that many supernaturals chose to ignore them, the fact that it happened on a giant scale must not be ignored."

Sir Alexei placed a hand on his chin, nodded, and spoke:

"You are indeed correct Winston and so we launched a probe into it but unsuccessfully we have found enough evidence to suggest that it was not orchestrated by them."

He sighed and continued:

"Due to this delays in Order Purity are expected and-"

"NO! Whatever happens, happens! But Order Purity must not be delayed! Those Humans must be purged! WE SHALL NOT ACCEPT IT!" Lady Veera was the first person to lose her cool on the topic. She kept on slamming the desk with a furious and frustrated expression on her head.

Sir Alexei, perhaps anticipating her outburst, replied, "We realize it, and so we came here to Armada- The organization through which we maintain total control of Earth from the shadows."

All members' eyes glowed as if anticipating what Sir Alexei was going to say next.

"And so, we have decided to set up a Rapid Investigation Force for Terrestrial Affairs or RIFT short. This meeting is to decide who is slated to lead the organization. The Goal of RIFT is simple. To identify the mysterious phenomena which shall now be branded as 'The catalyst' and eliminate threats if present."

Sir Alexei finished.

Sir Winston raised his glasses and asked: "restrictions?"

"None, as long as we don't kill a member of a church without authorization."

"Interesting." Sir Winston smiled.

Sir Alexei concluded his speech by saying, "This mission will bring honor and merit enough for you all to become Pure Bloods, so I hope you will succeed."

Pure Blood, Pure Blood...

It was a title only given to Devils born and raised in noble households. It was a title that would elevate our status in the underworld by a huge margin. For us commoners to be given the opportunity...

"I volunteer." Lady Veera spoke first.

"Dwarf, don't get ahead of yourself, this mission requires experience which you don't have." Lady Klavdia laughed mockingly.

Lady Veera frowned and wanted to respond, but was stopped by Sir Epimetheus.

"According to me, Democracy is the way to go. If we fight any longer, we will be spitting on the honors of Justice."

"Fine by me." "Fine." "Very well."

Seeing everyone agreeing, Sir Epimetheus nodded and spoke:

"In that case let's vote for Lady Veera first."

The voting ended with Lady Veera being the only one supporting herself and the same thing happened to Lady Klavdia and Sir Winston.

"Now as all candidates have lost, the speaker has the right to appoint the Leader on his own, so may we have the pleasure of asking Sir Alexei's opinion?"

Sir Alexei smiled and made his decision.

"Sir Epimetheus."

"Yes?" He bowed.

"Make sure you succeed."

"Definitely, may Satan watch over all of us."

"May Satan watch over all of us"

Thus, the most twisted individual was appointed as the leader of the organization RIFT, with the sole objective of investigating the mysterious phenomena 5 years ago.

"As your helper, I think Alder will suffice, will he not?" asked Sir Alexei.

"He will surely, my Lord." Sir Epimetheus nodded and bowed.

Seeing Sir Epimetheus's calm and yet maniac-like smile at the moment I shuddered at the thought of him catching the perpetrator.

Thus, I became the secretary of RIFT.

May those who stand against us be strong.

There is no hope for you even if the Gods intervene.

Don't Expect mercy from Sir Epimetheus.


He is coming for you.

Whoever you are, wherever you are.