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The days of propaganda and subliminal messaging were doing their job, and the first few attacks by the drones when they turned on the civilians were enough to convince most of the resistance forces that were still active to surrender to the mercy of their fellows.

In the end, only the one group of Grax that they had found within the mobile city had survived the initial assaults, and from what Max could tell, they weren't talking, but they were trying to influence his troops.

Like the Vampires and the Illithid, they had some mental manipulation ability, but theirs wasn't evolutionary. The scans by his Pilots indicated that it was actually an implanted device in their brains that was used specifically to target the humans and convince them to worship the Grax.

After a somewhat inelegant disassembly procedure, a sample of the device was sent back up to Terminus so that Nico and the technicians could examine it and counteract the effects.