
Humane Demons and Demonic Humans?

P.S First time author so any lovely criticism is welcome and by the way I am mostly doing cuz I’m bored Tales place in a world. This world is special cuz the roles are reverse. The Humans are demonic like beings while the demons are more Humane but can be very savage. The Humans have nearly destroyed the demonic empire and the surviving factions into hiding. The MC is the sole survivor and a VERY NORMAL DEMON. He saw his parents killed and his sweet little sister burned to death. Will he become a true demon and kill all of these savage monkeys? Btw not my pic for the cover

CRUsADe · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter I

* NOTE: I forgot to mention that Demons have good physical abilities but have a harder time than Humans to advance to the next lvl of the Magic system. Humans are basically the opposite, so weak physical abilities but have better control of mana . This means Demons can easily advance in the Body Cultivation system than the Magic system and Humans are vice versa. Now on to the story. *

Klein Dracula, a normal vampire has mutated into the King Dracula Bloodline which is surprising. This is because most King Vampire Bloodlines were known to be extinct. He found out after achieving PM Tempering realm and this is because only the mana system can let you find out your Bloodline. Also you can find out at the peak of the body cultivation system. This happened a decade ago.

15th June 2000 of the Luther era.

In the middle of the forest, there is a small clearing and there lies a small village of Demon Nomads. Klein Dracula is the strongest person here and is at the peak of the warrior realm and just reach the magic solidification realm.

'We have to move and there is a chance that there is more bandits finding us' said the leader of the guard.

'Agreed, but it will take a few days to leave'

A day later....

How the hell did they come so fast. We have shitty luck , 'shouts one of the guards. Then, his body gets cut in half in seconds after by the elite 'Priests' of the 'Holy Church'. Blood sprays across the ground.

' Satan's children get purified by our Light!' As the elite 'Priests' try to cast Light magic Holy Purification for to 'purify' them. As they were casting, Klein Dracula uses his most powerful move since he was chanting at the start of the battle.

'SEA OF BLOOD!' Shouts Klein as waves of fresh or dried Human or demon blood floats across the air turning into different weapons like spears, halberds,swords,sabres.They get launched at the 'Priests' killing some of them and heavily injuring most of them.

'More of these bastards. How did you monkeys find us! ' Exclaimed Klein.

'Fine I will tell you since you are all Dead Demons. We found the survivors of that bandit group. Then we set up an ambush on you filth. Now I can become an Arch-Bishop after this and taste the SOME GOOD RUM FOR GOOD SAKE!Says the leader while laughing demonically and drinking some plain old rum. Then the 'Priests' start chanting 'FOR GOOD RUM. RUM.RUM.RUM!'

'I knew you Monkeys were crazy but this whole ano-'As a huge bright flame appears above them and descending onto them. Utterly disintegrating most of them.

Meanwhile the defending Demons were fighting the Humans.

The women, young children and some guards at the peak of Mana Tempering And Peak Life and death tempering realm. Also some of the women are at Peak Foundation.

'Mia do you get the books?'Says Vesto

'Yes now let's get the out of here with the children before they catch up.'

Vesto says' Alright ladies, be careful we have children so go a bit slowly and I will be at the back so let's move'

10 minutes later..

Vesto whispers ' stop there is a wild beast fighting ahead. We need to move quietly and quickly children so don't make a sound'

Ze Children: ' Fine..' then they pull the middle finger towards vesto

Vesto thinking " What in the Devil's name, are these kids doing. Wait a m-"gets interrupted mid thought.

Large BOOM sound is heard and Vesto gets launched towards the children and another loud sound is heard but it is a screech.

A huge gigantic flaming red bird goes swooping In towards a … snapping turtle?