
Chapter: The Final Plan

Zane landed on the roof of a skyscraper with Hades, Shemarie, Keanu, and Serenity beside him. Slowly, he then allowed himself to revert to human form— the brains of Kronos and Minerva still clasped between his hands.

"So what if this doesn't work? Do you have a Plan-B just in case?" Asked Shemarie.

"It has to work. I'm certain of it..." Responded Zane calmly.

Zane then first brought up Minerva's brain to his mouth. It would be the first brain he consumed. Slowly, Zane then opened his mouth and swallowed Minerva's brain in almost one bite.

Following this, Zane's body became hot as if he was sitting next to a large fire. His bones slightly ached and his muscles felt stiff. Fortunately, the sensation didn't last very long.

"That was slightly uncomfortable... I wonder what will happen once I intake Kronos' brain as well..." Mumbled Zane.