
Hugs And Headpats

Dissociative Identity Disorder—also known as Split Personality Disorder—is a mental disorder that makes you "switch" with alternate personalities. Our protagonist, Yuuji Akamatsu, is diagnosed with this disorder, and his alter was later nicknamed as "Ryuuji." Because of the words of Yuuji's mother, Ryuuji had stopped appearing, and now lives as a normal high school student. However, despite those changes, some other ones arise. In order to keep these problems from spreading, he'd still need to live a normal high school life. But the question is: is that even possible?

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35 Chs

Night In The Akiyama Household 0.2

"…Nee-chan, why are you sleeping with a guy?"

That was the sound that woke me up. I opened my eyes and saw a girl that looked like Miku, but with black hair and a little less shorter than her.

She was wearing hooded pajamas that depicted a panda, had a petite body, and a small face. She really did resemble Miku in a way.

"Five more minutes…," Miku said on a somewhat unbefitting matter of her.

Actually, taking a closer look, it seemed like Miku fell asleep. Of course, it's not that unusual since we're human beings who needs rest, bui the problem was where she was sleeping. That answer for that was literally just beside me. She must've crawled out of her bed and forced her way into the futon I was sleeping on.

The girl must've noticed me wide awake now, so she directed her look towards me and started speaking.

"Who are you?" she asked in a rather uninterested way.

"You should introduce yourself before asking for someone's name," I rebutted.

She looked at me emptily before sighing and speaking.

"Minako Akiyama. I'm Miku-nee-san's little sister. Now yours?"

"Yuuji Akamatsu. I'm Miku's friend, I guess."

"Akamatsu…? You related with Yuumi Akamatsu?"

"Yeah, she's my little sister, the one who's sleeping in your sister's bed. You know about her?"

"There's not a single person in Taka Junior High that doesn't know about her name."

That one was pretty obvious, to be honest.

Yuumi is somewhat of an otaku, having read hundreds of books ranging from manga to light novels, as well as an insane anime watcher. The books piled in our house is immeasurable when it comes to Yuumi.

Because of that fact, in the whole Akamatsu Family, she's the smartest of us all. She's not just the smartest in our family, but also in her school, Taka Junior High. That was the previous school I attended to, and Yuumi's current school.

Yuumi is the top student not just in her class or year, but even in the entire school. I'm not sure about this, but she's probably the first student to ever top an exam with no mistakes in that school.

"I see," I said. "How's life treating her in school?"

"No idea. Despite her being my classmate, I'm not the type of person that messes with other people's lives."

"That sounds lonely."

After our short exchange, Yuumi suddenly rose up from her slumber and stretched her arms. It's been a while since I last saw Yuumi wake up. Last time was last week, but I didn't get a good look at her face. Even now, she still looked cute.

"Yuu-nii…? What time is it…?" Yuumi asked as she wiped her eyes.

"It's time to wake up. We still need to go home."

Last night's rain had finally stopped, and the roads were soaked to the brim with water. Even without the window opened, since it's early morning, it felt really cold. I can tolerate with it, at least.

I grabbed Miku by the shoulder and started swaying her.

"Hey, Miku. Aren't you gonna head us off?"

"Good night, Yuuji, Yuumi-chan~"

That was not the response I expected.

I've only realized this recently from her actions, but it seems like when she's either asleep or half-asleep, her personality changes into a goofy one which is cute, meanwhile when she's not, her personality is just calm and composed.

I planned on swaying her a bit more, but her little sister, Minako, interrupted me.

"I'll send both of you off. When Nee-chan's knocked out, she's completely knocked out. You can't wake her up no matter what you do."

"Well, I'll take you up on that offer then."

I directed my gaze to Yuumi, and it seems like she's still half-asleep with how she bobs her head up and down with her eyes closed. I thought of taking a picture with how cute it was, but I decided to refrain.

Miku and Yuumi are pretty much just the same. Even though Yuumi always wakes up early in the morning, the truth is that she wakes up in the middle of the night. I'm not sure what causes it because even she doesn't know, but she at least goes back to sleep and wake up early.

From the looks of it, it doesn't seem like Yuumi is going to rise up anytime soon. I picked her light body up and leaned her in my back, giving her a piggyback ride. She didn't complain, and instead just leaned on me, enjoying her sleep.

"You two sure look like you're getting along," Miku's little sister commented.

"You don't need to add the part when we look like it. We do get along."

"Which is surprising, to say the least. I've never seen Akamatsu-san interact with anybody, let alone get along with them. She just sits in the classroom either reading a book, or just straight up asleep."

I can Yuumi both reading alone or just asleep. Like me, whenever I don't have anything to do in my free time in school, I always doze off to sleep, so Yuumi and I aren't that much different. As for the books, I'm pretty sure Yuumi is just reading a manga or a light novel.

"By the way," Miku's little sister said. "What are you going to do with those clothes of yours? I'm pretty sure both of you aren't planning on going home with just those."

Now that she mentioned it, she was right. Yuumi was wearing Miku's old pajamas, while I was wearing her Dad's. I could change mine in their changing room, but I don't know about Yuumi, since she's still asleep.

Miku's little sister must've seen the confusion in my face, so she suggested something.

"Why don't I change her clothes for you? The only options here are Nee-chan being the one to do the change, or you. Since Nee-chan's still asleep, that's out of the options, and I can imagine you don't want to change her clothes. You're a guy, after all."

I was actually thinking about just me changing her clothes. We're both siblings, so it should be fine. But what she said was true. I don't want to change her clothes for obvious reasons.

"…Thanks in advance."

After a layed Yuumi back down, I got my stuff and headed for the changing room.

After I changed into my clothes, I headed back to the room. Yuumi was now fully dressed with her clothes from yesterday, and the pajamas was neatly folded in Miku's desk.

After I got both my stuff and Yuumi's, Miku's little sister led us out of the house. There was no people around the house and everything felt silent. It seemed like me and Miku's little sister were the first ones to wake up.

When she opened the door, what greeted me was the cold from last night's rain, and darkness. I can understand the cold, but the darkness was the one that's confusing me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"3:36. If you're wondering why it's this early, then it's probably because of Nee-chan."

"What about her?"

"I heard a thump coming from her room, and when I went ahead to check, I found her sleeping beside you, so I assumed that she must've fell."

"You weren't wondering about why I was there?"

"I can sort of understand why you were there. Nee-chan said that she'd be visiting someone from the hospital. I assumed she must've at least had some friends with her, which in this case, the both of you, so when the rain struck, she invited you both to stay for a bit. But when the rain didn't stop, so she instead insisted on sleeping over instead."

"I'm surprised you got everything spot on."

She's just like Yuumi. She got that much information with little observation. Probably has something to do with genes. Miku is smart too, after all.

"…Well, we'll be going now."

"I'm probably not supposed to say this to someone I don't know, but considering you're Nee-chan's friend, I'll make an exception. You can come back anytime."

"You didn't need to add that first part…"

And so, Yuumi and I departed from the Akiyama Household.