
HPRP (New Chapters in fanfic section version)

A young man reborn into his favorite world. He was granted some request after his death, but the problem was that the granter had no control over how those request were to be granted. Watch as he grows from a single boy in the dark to a protector who wishes to light the path forward for the magical world one step at a time. ———— I just couldn’t read other fanfics cause this idea just kept ringing in my head. It’s my very first time writing or posting anywhere. And I obviously don’t own any of the settings, but so what? I’m doing cause I felt like it and for the fun of it.

Alexander_the_grey · Fantaisie
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121 Chs

Ch. 110 Summer all around

I wasn't the only busy one amongst my friends.

Christian told me he was spending his entire summer under the apprenticeship of Newt Scamander, continuing from last year. The man apparently knew beasts like no other alive and Christian was loving every minute of it. According to my friend, Mr. Scamander was also very experienced and creative when it comes to combat. When he learned of Christians affinity in the field, he also started pushing him further along. This was happening as the elderly man dragged my friend around the world to experience its hidden wonders, while also throwing him into some unpredictable situations along the way.

From what I could tell, Mr. Scamander was shaping my friend into something akin to a successor of his will and skills, something incredibly fortunate for Christian. I even wondered if i would see the guy with the famous suitcase soon.

James was planing on immersing himself wholly in the smithing arts. His parents were very supportive of his choices and proud of their hard working son, even if he spent less time with them. He wanted to catch up to any missed progress that occurred during the school year and then some. According to some of my goblin friends, James was monstrously talented in the field. He was going through everything they could teach him as if he was born for it. Apparently he had already become skilled enough in jewelry to start making weapons. He was supposed to have a grasp of how magic flowed into the metal to empower it, and a creativity and drive in the subject to dwarf true goblin smiths.

Even if he was a human, the masters just couldn't leave the guy be. He was hardworking, respectful and absorbed their teachings like a sponge. The only thing they would change was his kindness, but it was really growing on them, even as they kept teaching him how to fight with his body. I even heard some rumors that the king might take him as an apprentice. Meaning the best goblin smith alive might end up teaching my friend. They even gave him a goblin name out of respect for his growing skills and personality: Gentle-Gold.

Tory was focusing intensely on her medical knowledge. I actually believe that her theoretical understanding of the human body, mind and spirit, have long surpassed any healer one could find. She was using a mixture of Occlumency and custom spells to boost her abilities to learn massively, while sneaking into medical facilities and education centers to find everything she could. From there, she started theorizing an ever increasing amount of possible treatments for diseases and illnesses, as well as injuries from the muggle and magical worlds. She also did some slightly illegal things by questioning some noted professors and doctors of various expertise, after which she modified their memories to not remember their encounters with the brilliant and driven young woman.

She was the best at the mind arts amongst my friends. Her understanding of how it works allowed her to gain true skill in the fields of Occlumency and Legilimency, as well as memory charms and injuries. As a result of all of this, she became extremely proficient in stealth operations, gained a staggering amount of medical knowledge and was becoming a master of the mind and all its aspects.

The most unfortunate thing for her, was that she has confirmed that it truly wasn't a curse which caused her mother to slip into her coma. From what she told me, it was the prolonged abuse through physical and magical means, psychological torture akin to brainwashing, and most likely many potions and poisons forced on her for reasons she hasn't understood yet. The most likely suspects are her own father or his old friends. Both would have at least some degree of guilt for his actions or inactions, almost driving her to murder the bastard in cold blood. She only managed to restrain herself with some slight hopes that it wasn't the case.

I even took some time to comfort her and sent Sol to let her feel like I was there when I couldn't be. She had some surprise at mine and Sol's changes, but after a proper explanation, a few punches, then some snogging, she was able to grow fond of my new look. She was also very excited about my third maturation, feeling very proud of her man as she put it.

It was great to hear my friends and girlfriend were improving so quickly and finding their paths. Christian was turning into some kind off Beast-tamer/warrior, James was becoming a smith/tank, and Victoria was becoming a healer/assassin. That was if you would classify them in gaming classes anyway. They had skills in all areas, but these were their specializations so far.

Outside of my friends, I had gotten reports of a few developments with important people.

Remus was integrating into the werewolf communities under me splendidly. The man marveled at how the place was for his people. Proper homes, with plumbing, lighting, furniture, spaces to transform safely and nature to help others feel comfortable. Child care centers in place for young werewolves who's parents are working or whom are homeless. Proper shops run by inhabitants to sell clothes, potions, food, equipment and leisure items. A fully stocked library for any wishing to learn. And the education center he would now be working in.

We did have Lycanthropes capable of teaching others, but it wasn't nearly enough and many lacked proper foundations like Remus had. They never experienced a systematized education, hence the man actually being a very important addition. After some time, I was planing on making him the equivalent of the Headmaster there if he was willing.

I received a letter from the man saying that he was incredibly impressed by the place and that it felt like a paradise for those suffering under the same curse as himself. And why wouldn't he? It was literally an entire town built for werewolves to inhabit in peace. If it wasn't for the Ministry's and general populace's opinion on werewolves, it would have probably become the second purely magical town in Britain, only with a more modern look.

Sirius on the other hand had been cleared from St. Mungo's, having physically recovered enough of his strength and rested enough to be able to think properly. His trial was a mixed affair. Some were unwilling to admit a past mistake of the ministry, while others didn't like the man and tried to make life difficult for him. Unfortunately for them, we had eye witnesses involving the Minister of Magic, the Head of the DMLE, the current Chief Warlock, The-Boy-Who-Lived, the New Lord Bones, Hogwarts Faculty, 5 Aurors and other students, combined with evidence and the true culprits own recorded admission of guilt, there was not much they could do. In the end Sirius Black was cleared of all charges and awarded 4000 galleons for every year he was imprisoned, which although kind off pathetic, the man himself didn't care because of the inheritance his uncle Alphard Black.

He was now attempting to see if he could gain access to the Black family properties due to being the last member of the direct line, even if he was disowned. He also put in an application to become an Auror, which Amelia was torn about. On one hand, the man was a brilliant wizard, with grades and abilities to back up his attitude in life, but on the other he was a die-hard supporter of Dumbledore. But there was one problem with her ability to make the final call, one article.


Yes, the Herald got an interview with the man and his story spread like wildfire. Now those who spat and feared his name sent him letters of condolences and declarations of undying belief. And Fudge being the glory hound he was, ordered his acceptance into the department. So within the month Sirius was cleared of his charges and found a job. Now all he had to do was get a proper place to live and Harry would be able to live with the man. Lupin had already agreed to help take care of the kid too, since his 'illness' was now completely managed with my help, and it would serve has his home as well in all likelihood.

I have already figured out how to turn Protego Sanctum into a proper defensive spell on a house, my own already having it. I created the spell, so turning it into my rune language and setting it up as a Ward was just a matter of working out the differences. The only tricky bit was to let Harry be protected by it, since he did have a piece of one of the darkest existences in the world stuck to him. I basically had to bind his bloodline to the ward of the house he will live in, letting the barrier protect him no matter what. I just brought the barrier down at my house when he visited because I don't want to leave such a loophole for later.

During this time however, Sirius was always making time to visit and talk with Harry. He wanted to make up for all the time he wasn't able to be there, which although an admirable sentiment, it had to be a gradual process.

What did help though, was the World Cup.

The two were avid lovers of the sport. Sirius because it reminded him of his school days, James' own time as a player, and Harry because it was part of his freedom, it also brought him closer to his father and let him fit in more in the magical world. And although Sirius was a bit jealous I could get them better seats for some contrived reason, the two of them very much enjoyed the best view in the stadium due to my sponsoring of the Cup this year.

Our seats were on the opposite side of the commentators box, in an exclusive box capable of holding about twenty other people. Luckily for us, no one else could come, hence we could do as we pleased during the whole event. Sirius bought a few souvenirs from each game, whilst Harry was awed by the level of skill involved at the professional level. Unfortunately, England almost suffered the biggest defeat in a long time against Transylvania, losing 350-40, even with the Bolt series they had. It actually insulted my ego as the maker of one of them that they were used so poorly.

I couldn't really care all that much when Scotland and Wales lost as well, since they only had one Blackbolt each, but I was happy to see Ireland do them justice as they steamrolled their opponents.

All in all, it's been an eventful summer all around for me and those I know.

Big move is tomorrow, so i doubt I’ll be able to post anything. After that is settling in and then getting used to the new uni. So I expect a drop in chapter numbers overall.

I’ll still try to pump at least one out, but I’ll have to see.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy what most characters are up to during the summer. I am excited to have fun with the tournament and soon Voldy himself.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts