

Finishing the Astronomy class after looking at the various stars and constellations, Loki along with the remaining sleepy students trotted off to their rooms with Loki bidding Dominic a quick good night.

The next day Loki woke up lazily only after Dominic knocked on his door, yet he was happy and excited for the day since his first class was Charms and his second one was a class he was excited to attend, Transfiguration.

Charms class was not too exciting however, since students only practiced the Lumos and Nox charms while Loki spent his time reading a book on arithmancy which Professor Flitwick had handed over to him so that he could experiment safely with his spells.

'This is a little complicated.'

[Arithmancy is a branch of spell work that depends on Mathematics to predict the result or the outcome of a particular ritual or a spell.

This book on Arithmancy ignores the aspects of ritualistic magic and is prepared for experimenting with spell work.]

Loki read a little more and soon he was lost in the world of numbers and their significance in magic.

For example, the number one was associated with sanctity and purity while the number zero was associated with darkness and secrecy.

This single piece of information had confused Loki quite a bit because he remembered using A hundred drops of Rose Oil and a hundred drops of pure distilled water in the Sleepless potion that Sunny had taken.

'Was it a hundred because the number is made up of ones and zeros, or is it unrelated?'

The symbolism matched up since one was something divine while zero was darkness but Loki was left a little confused if his extrapolations were right since he couldn't just ask Professor Flitwick about his doubts.

Slowly as Loki read through the book, he found himself at a point where he understood how his Spotlight spell worked.

Making only half a circle with his wand was a representation of the fraction ½ which meant that the ritual that originally had one full circle that represented sanctity and purity before was now divided by two which represented two-faced ness or polarity, meaning the spell was literally acting in two ways, one side had light and the other side didn't.

This combined with the imagery that Loki was projecting using his intent allowed the spotlight spell to be successfully executed.

The charms classroom had ended and Loki had to unwillingly part with the book which Professor Flitwick promised to hand over to Loki if he kept attending his classes in spite of how boring they might be.

"Oh please Professor Flitwick, how could your classes ever be boring! And aren't I a model student who listens to everything you teach?! So come on, don't worry about it! I will be here! Especially for that book!"

"Haha~ That's great, I was worried you'd end up leaving my class like you did with Professor Quirrell's."

Loki ducked in embarrassment and after bidding a short goodbye he marched towards the Transfiguration class.

Upon entering the class, Loki spotted a black tabby cat sitting orderly on the bench, it had shiny fur and smelt good so he went to pet it.

Loki moved slowly so as to not startle the cat that he found was looking at him intelligently.

'Is the cat smirking? Nah, how can a cat smirk.'

Walking upto the cat, Loki tried to pet it but the cat enjoyed smacking his hand away if its swinging tail was any indication.

"Awww…who's a goood kitty. Aren't you a good kitty!?" Loki cooed and much to the amusement of everyone present in the class as he tried to get the cat to allow him to pet it.

Students soon gathered around Loki and the cat since they all wanted to pet her, including Hermione who was standing the closest to him.

"Loki! You shouldn't touch other people's pets!" Hermione chided in barely above a whisper. 

"But look at her! She's such a cute kitty cat! I'm in love with her! Shame on her owner to let her get lost in the classes. How could anyone leave such a cute cat alone!" Loki whispered back.

The bell rang, and Loki found himself reluctantly moving back to his seat when the cat that was on the professor's desk didn't want to come to his desk with him, he tried his best but the cat seemed to not want to move anywhere else since it swatted away his hand when he tried.

Sitting in their seats, everyone patiently waited for Professor McGonagall who seemed to be running late.

Suddenly there was a slight disturbance in the room and the door to the class opened with Ron and Harry walking into the class.

"Oh! Good for us! Professor McGonagall is not here." Ron exclaimed.

"Quickly let's get to our seats.", Harry said pulling Ron along.

Just as the students began to talk to each other after Ron and Harry's disturbance, the cat on the table jumped.

And under the stunned gazes of all the students, especially Loki who was flabbergasted, they found the cat transformed into a human being, specifically, it transformed into Professor McGonagall.

"You are late, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps if I turn one of you into a pocked watch you will remember to be on time."

"Professor we got lost-"

"Go to your seats now, or do you need me to transform one of you into a map to find them?" McGonagall interrupted Ron.

Once Harry and Ron were seated, McGonagall turned toward everyone and spoke in a strict manner, completely different from how she was as a cat. But Loki could swear he could see a little smirk at the end of her lips.

"Good Afternoon, I am Minerva McGonagall and I will be your professor for Transfiguration for the next year and if you are good enough for the remaining six years as well."

"Transfiguration is a strict branch of magic that delves deeply into the complexities of what is and what is not. It is the only branch of magic that allows you to change things directly into your imagination."

"Hence given that our imaginations have no bounds, experimenting in and out off class will not be appreciated. And anyone caught experimenting without any supervision of either me or any other teacher, will be kicked out of this class."

"Believe me when I say you will be kicked out, because you will, you can ask your seniors if you think this is a joke."

"Any questions?" McGonagall asked but everyone was still recovering from their embarrassment of treating the black tabby cat from before so kindly. Yet one hand shot up in the air amidst all the embarrassment.

"Yes Mr. Loki?" McGonagall asked with a smirk on her face.

"Professor! What was that!? How did you become that cute kitty cat! Are you a cat girl!?" Loki asked shamelessly.

'How can I not ask such a question! Perhaps there is the rare race of Cat girls on an island far away just waiting to be pet!'

'I can't help but imagine such a scene!'

"No, Mr. Loki, I'm not a cat girl, though I would love to become a girl because my old bones sometimes trouble me. What I just did was employ one of the advanced forms of Human Transfiguration called an Animagus."

"Animagus?" Loki asked with confusion.

"Yes, it is a ritual that allows a human to take the form of their contracted spirit creature, in my case a black cat."

"Can anyone do it!?"

"Yes, anyone can do it but it is not recommended you try until you are sure you've attained some mastery over transfiguration and also in potion making.", McGonagall explained.

'This involves potions? Then is it something to do with the Beyonder world? Perhaps it is a modified potion from a different sequence that allows Beyonders to shift their body into different creatures?'

"Does that answer your question Mr. Loki?" McGonagall asked with a soft smile.

"Yes, mam." Loki nodded but before he could sit down, Mcgonagall sought to embarrass him further. "Maybe you won't leave my class if I allow you to pet me once you are successful in classwork Mr. Loki?"

"...." Loki went red but ignored McGonagall's comment and sat down in his seat silently under the judging stares of everyone in class.

'Are all the teachers working to embarrass me to attend Professor Quirrell's classes!?'

'Well, it's working alright!'